Interesting Facts About All Elements of the Periodic Table"Interesting Facts About All Elements of the Periodic Table" is an engaging and visually stunning guide that takes readers on an exciting journey through the world of chemistry. Packed with fun and fascinating facts, this book introduces the 118 elements that make up our universe, from the naturally occurring to the man-made. It is a perfect resource for young scientists, students, and curious minds of all ages. Featuring eye-catching images created specifically for this book, each element is brought to life with details like its symbol, name, atomic number, atomic mass, electronic configuration, and standard state. The book also provides in-depth insights into the discovery of each element, including the year of discovery and the scientist responsible. This vibrant encyclopaedia covers not only the physical and chemical properties of each element but also their unique uses in everyday life, technology, and more. Whether you’re a budding scientist or simply curious, this comprehensive guide is the perfect companion for exploring the building blocks of the world. |
Neodymium | 124 |
Promethium | 126 |
Samarium | 128 |
Europium | 130 |
Gadolinium | 132 |
Terbium | 134 |
Dysprosium | 136 |
Holmium | 138 |
Fluorine | 22 |
Neon | 24 |
Sodium | 26 |
Magnesium | 28 |
Aluminium | 30 |
Silicon | 32 |
Phosphorus | 34 |
Sulphur | 36 |
Chlorine | 38 |
Argon | 40 |
Potassium | 42 |
Calcium | 44 |
Scandium | 46 |
Titanium | 48 |
Vanadium | 50 |
Chromium | 52 |
Manganese | 54 |
Iron | 56 |
Cobalt | 58 |
Nickel | 60 |
Copper | 62 |
Zinc | 64 |
Gallium | 66 |
Germanium | 68 |
Arsenic | 70 |
Selenium | 72 |
Bromine | 74 |
Krypton | 76 |
Rubidium | 78 |
Strontium | 80 |
Yttrium | 82 |
Zirconium | 84 |
Niobium | 86 |
Molybdenum | 88 |
Technetium | 90 |
Ruthenium | 92 |
Rhodium | 94 |
Palladium | 96 |
Silver | 98 |
Cadmium | 100 |
Indium | 102 |
Tin | 104 |
Antimony | 106 |
Tellurium | 108 |
Iodine | 110 |
Xenon | 112 |
Cesium | 114 |
Barium | 116 |
Lanthanum | 118 |
Cerium | 120 |
Praseodymium | 122 |
Erbium | 140 |
Thulium | 142 |
Ytterbium | 144 |
Lutetium | 146 |
Hafnium | 148 |
Tantalum | 150 |
Tungsten | 152 |
Rhenium | 154 |
Osmium | 156 |
Iridium | 158 |
Platinum | 160 |
Gold | 162 |
Mercury | 164 |
Thallium | 166 |
Lead | 168 |
Bismuth | 170 |
Polonium | 172 |
Astatine | 174 |
Radon | 176 |
Francium | 178 |
Radium | 180 |
Actinium | 182 |
Thorium | 184 |
Protactinium | 186 |
Uranium | 188 |
Neptunium | 190 |
Plutonium | 192 |
Americium | 194 |
Curium | 196 |
Berkelium | 198 |
Californium | 200 |
Einsteinium | 202 |
Fermium | 204 |
Mendelevium | 206 |
Nobelium | 208 |
Lawrencium | 210 |
Rutherfordium | 212 |
Dubnium | 214 |
Seaborgium | 216 |
Bohrium | 218 |
Hassium | 220 |
Meitnerium | 222 |
Darmstadtium | 224 |
Roentgenium | 226 |
Copernicium | 228 |
Nihonium | 230 |
Flerovium | 232 |
Moscovium | 234 |
Livermorium | 236 |
Tennessine | 238 |
Oganesson | 240 |