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Early names of Law: Teutonic. Moeso-Gothic: Witoth. Early English
laws. æ, domas, asetnissa. a. Dom. Dom-boc. Domas and θέμιστες.
Law, lagu, laga. Lagu, "Common law." Common law from folc-riht.
Modern meanings of "common law." Conclusion.

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Early names of Law: Right and Wrong. Austin's Right and Wrong.
Blackstone. Derivation of Right. Relation of Right to rex, &c.
of Wrong, &c. Right and Wrong. Summary. Droit and Tort.

Unconscious definition: Summary. Pervading idea of Law. Austin's

Right and Law.

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Grotius' Voluntary law. Grotius

compared with Hobbes and Blackstone. Law of God not law in the ordinary
Positive law, what? Sanction not remuneratory. Explanation of

the term Sanction. Conclusion.

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