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enough awake to raise the spirit of freedom in all your streets.

One invader, whose motto was "Schism and Sedition," is already fled; another, who carries on his standard Undue Influence and Oppression, will soon follow; then shall you be restored to your ancient rank among the enlightened, the free, and honorable cities of England.


Exeter, Jan. 6, 1817.

To the Gentlemen, Clergy, Freemen & Freeholders; of the City of Exeter.


You have been canvassed by the friends of four candidates for your favor, all of whom express to you their thanks for your kind and flattering reception, and assure you of their confidence in the successful issue of the contest.

This is all fair, quite a thing of course, and would not have called forth any remark had not one of the candidates, or rather some little-wise adviser of him; gone out of his way, and gone too far not to provoke a check:

He tells you" that no arts have been spared by some anonymous adversaries, which could tend to misrepresent his situation and conduct.”

We know of no arts, but a statement of facts; and as to misrepresentation you shall judge how far that charge is valid. First, with respect to his situation. Mr. Courtenay was charged with holding a place under, and of receiving a large salary from government; to this he repeatedly answered, "I hold no place for which government pays me a salary," or "I receive no salary from government."-But he admitted (what could not be denied) that he did, and does hold a place under government, the fees of

which he receives; amounting to between 800 and 1000 pounds a year, and from which he is removable at the will of the minister!!

We presume no farther comment is necessary here. With regard to his conduct, that being so fully before the public, it was scarcely possible to misrepresent it.

He tells you, that he thought it his duty to support the measures of government against your petitions, and it is for you to judge, whether he means his duty to ministers who so handsomely pay him, or to you who chose him for your representative.

But he further tells you, "that it affords him a pleasing satisfaction to find that his general conduct met your approbation." When we first read this paragraph, we felt our indignation rise against, what seemed, an insult to our city-and even on cool reflection we might have thought this a presumption too bold for any man to publish under such circumstancès, had we not witnessed the strong, though par tial, ground on which Mr. Courtenay can found it. Our indignation therefore turned on those whose gross inconsistency of conduct gave him room for the assertion, while we recollected with what eagerness some gentlemen stood forward to propose, to second, to third, and even wrote pretty speeches to support the petition against the Corn-Bill. But look at them now, and behold them dangling at the elbow, and courting the favor of the very man who disregarded that petition and voted against its prayer, although it was signed by nine-tenths of the inhabitants of the city!!!

O! tempora, O! mores.

O Venison Pye, what virtue is in thee!

But really, gentlemen, "such conduct will not succeed in Exeter." Mr. Courtenay will find that he has been tried in the balance and found wanting; and, that once deceived, there is a majority of the electors of Exeter who have manly virtue enough tỏ

withstand not only the interested example and sophisticated persuasion, but even the tyrannical threats of his partisans.

Let his own words condemn him-he has declared that he will not vote as you may direct him, "if he does not think it right," which you may fairly interpret" if it does not please those who give me thirteen hundred pounds a year;" "for where the treasure is" there is his heart also.-His conduct has agreed with this declaration in the two only instances in which you have tried him; and yet he now tells you that a renewal of your confidence will stimulate him to deserve it, by the strictest attention to the duties attached to the high situation of your representative in parliament."

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It is your duty to tell him, that what he thinks his duties as a representative are, his conduct has already shewn; and that "such arts will not succeed in Exeter."

We have the honor to be,


The lovers of our country,
Your humble servants, and

Exeter, January 7, 1817.

To the Gentlemen, Clergy, Freemen, & Free holders of the City of Exeter.


The result of my canvass having been ascertained, I have the satisfaction of announcing, to you, that my eventual success appears to be placed beyond a doubt.

Being thus early enabled to estimate the degree of approbation with which you have received my political principles, confirmed, as I trust they have been, by my parliamentary conduct, it inspires me with that


pride and confidence which I know how to appre ciate, but am inadequate to describe.

During my canvass I fear I may have, uninten tionally, omitted to wait on many worthy and respectable electors: I have to hope that those gentle men, with whom I have not had the honor of an interview, will do me the justice to attribute such appa rent inattention to an ignorance of their residence, as I am most anxious to avail myself of every opportu nity of paying to them my personal respects.

Although the dissolution of parliament may yet be distant, I rely on a continuation of those exertions of my friends, which I have with feelings of gratitude, already experienced, and which cannot fail to secure to me the distinguished situation to which I now aspire, and which it will be my highest ambition ever to deserve.

I have the honor to be,


Your much obliged and very faithful servant,

Sandridge, Jan. 9, 1817.

To the Electors of Exeter.


The events which have occurred since we ventured to propose Mr. Northmore, as a a can didate for your suffrages, must have convinced those among you, who are actuated by British feelings, of the propriety of his claim on your support. home, the noble bulwark of our liberties has been surrendered by slavish servility, to the wanton wishes of men in power; numbers of our fellowcountrymen have been immured in dungeons, at the will of the ministers, and discharged without a trial: hired and infamous spies and informers have been sent among the credulous, the hungry, and the ignorant, to foster discontent, and fan the flame: whilst nearly two millions of our fellow-subjects are a prey to sorrow and despair, languishing out a life

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of misery on the compulsive charity of others: the pampered sons of corruption, with an effrontery, as disgusting as undisguised, have dared to insult the people by the display of a picture of the flourishing condition of the state; a picture which pride, folly, and venality, have dressed in the gayest colors to delude and deceive. Abroad, despotism has made, and is making, rapid strides, under the banners of the holy league, against the just rights of mankind : a few days only have elapsed since it was announced to the British public, that the legitimate gentleman at Vienna, has forbidden, en masse, the introduction and circulation of numerous papers which do not regard his right to tyrannize, as a right divine. To the result of the next election, every friend of England must look with eager anticipation on it, in a great degree, the fate of our country depends; on it, depends, whether the sons of Britain shall live in the enjoyment of their rights, or crawl through existence in the fetters of slaves.


Exeter, January, 1818.


To the Electors of Exeter.

Although no one is a greater friend than myself to the liberty of the press, and although, at the approach of a contemplated general election, every individual, who intends to offer himself as a candidate, is in my opinion fully justified in resorting to any honorable expedient for the purpose of ensuring success; still, when the claim of that in dividual on the support of his electors is stated solely and entirely to depend upon, what to an unprejudiced mind, is evidently a wilful misrepresentation of the measures of government, both at home and abroad, I have no hesitation in asserting, most unequivocally, my decided conviction, that the individual thus brought forward may justly consider

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