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OUND was his claret-and his head;

Warm was his double ale-and


His partner at the whist club said That he was faultless in his dealings:

He went to church but once a week;
Yet Dr. Poundtext always found him

An upright man, who studied Greek,

And liked to see his friends around him.


SYLUMS, hospitals, and schools,

He used to swear, were made

to cozen;

All who subscribed to them were fools,-
And he subscribed to half a dozen :


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And so the beggar at his door

Had first abuse, and then-a shilling.

SOME public principles he had,

But was no flatterer, nor fretter; He rapped his box when things

were bad,

And said "I cannot make them better!"

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And much he loathed the patriot's snort,

And much he scorned the placeman's snuffle;

And cut the fiercest quarrels short

With-" Patience, gentlemen-and shuffle!”


OR full ten years his pointer Speed

Had couched beneath her

master's table;

For twice ten years his old white steed
Had fattened in his master's stable;




Old Quince averred, upon his troth,
They were the ugliest beasts in Devon;
And none knew why he fed them both,
With his own hands, six days in seven.

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