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ftian, and take the Law of him. As nothing could provoke Adams to ftrike, but an abfolute Affault on himself or his Friend, he fmiled at the angry Look and Geftures of Trulliber; and telling him, he was forry to fee fuch Men in Orders, departed without further Ceremony.


An Adventure, the Confequence of a new Inftance which Parfon Adams gave of his Forgetfulness.


HEN he came back to the Inn, he found Jofeph and Fanny fitting together. They were fo far from thinking his Abfence long, as he had feared they would, that they never once mifs'd or thought of him. Indeed I have been often affured by both, that they spent thefe Hours in a most delightful Converfation: But as I never could prevail on either to relate it; so I cannot communicate it to the Reader.

Adams acquainted the Lovers with the ill Succefs of his Enterprize. They were all greatly confounded, none being able to propofe any Method of departing, till Jofeph at laft advised calling in the Hoftefs, and defiring her to trust them; which Fanny said she despaired of her doing, as fhe was one of the foureft-fac'd Women fhe had ever beheld.

But he was agreeably disappointed; for the Hoftefs was no fooner afked the Queftion than The readily agreed; and with a Curt'fy and Smile, wifhed them a good Journey. However, left Fanny's Skill in Phyfiognomy fhould be called in question,

queftion, we will venture to affign one Reason, which might probably incline her to this Confi→ dence and Good-humour. When Adams said he was going to vifit his Brother, he had unwittingly imposed on Jofeph and Fanny; who both believed he had meant his natural Brother, and not his Brother in Divinity; and had fo informed the Hostess on her Enquiry after him. Now Mr. Trulliber had by his Profeffions of Piety, by his. Gravity, Aufterity, Referve, and the Opinion of his great Wealth, fo great an Authority in his Parish, that they all lived in the utmoft Fear and Apprehenfion of him. It was therefore noWonder that the Hoftefs, who knew it was in his Option whether she should ever fell another Mug of Drink, did not dare to affront his fuppofed Brother by denying him Credit.

They were now juft on their Departure, when Adams recollected he had left his Great Coat and Hat at Mr. Trulliber's. As he was not defirous of renewing his Vifit, the Hoftefs herself, having no Servant at home, offered to fetch it.

This was an unfortunate Expedient: for the Hostess was soon undeceived in the Opinion fhe had entertained of Adams, whom Trulliber abused in the groffeft Terms, efpecially when he heard he had had the Affurance to pretend to be his near Relation.

At her Return therefore, fhe entirely changed her Note. She faid, Folks might be afhamed ⚫ of travelling about, and pretending to be what they were not. That Taxes were high, and for her Part, fhe was obliged to pay for what fhe had, the could not therefore poffibly, nor would fhe truft any body, no not her own Father. That Money was never fcarcer, and


she wanted to make up a Sum. That fhe expected therefore they should pay their Reckoning before they left the Houfe.'

Adams was now greatly perplexed: but as he knew that he could eafily have borrowed fuch a Sum in his own Parish, and as he knew he would have lent it himself to any Mortal in Diftrefs; fo he took frefh Courage, and fallied out all round the Parifh, but to no Purpofe; he returned as pennylefs as he went, groaning and lamenting, that it was poffible, in a Country profeffing Chriftianity, for a Wretch to starve in the midft of his Fellow-Creatures who abounded.

Whilft he was gone, the Hoftefs who stayed as a fort of Guard with Jofeph and Fanny, entertained them with the Goodness of Parfon Trulliber. And indeed he had not only a very good Character, as to other Qualities, in the Neighbourhood, but was reputed a Man of great Charity for tho' he never gave a Farthing, he had always that Word in his Mouth.

Adams was no fooner returned the fecond time, than the Storm grew exceeding high, the Hoftefs declaring among other Things, that if they offered to ftir without paying her, she would foon overtake them with a Warrant.

Plato and Ariftotle, or fomebody else hath faid, THAT WHEN THE MOST EXQUISITE CUNNING FAILS, CHANCE OFTEN HITS THE MARK, AND THAT BY MEANS THE LEAST EXPECTED. Virgil expreffes this very boldly:

Turne, quod optanti Divúm promittere nemo
Auderet, volvenda Dies, en! attulit ultro.

I would

I would quote more great Men if I could: but my Memory not permitting me, I will proceed to exemplify these Obfervations by the following Inftance.

There chanced (for Adams had not Cunning: enough to contrive it) to be at that time in the Alehouse, a Fellow, who had been formerly a Drummer in an Irish Regiment, and now travelled the Country as a Pedlar. This Man having attentively liftened to the Difcourfe of the Hoftefs, at laft took Adams afide, and afked him what the Sum was for which they were detained. As foon as he was informed, he fighed, and faid, he was forry it was fo much for that he had no more than fix Shillings and Sixpence in his Pocket, which he would lend them with all his heart.' Adams gave a Caper, and cry'd out, It would do for that he had Sixpence himself." And thus these poor People, who could not engage the Compaffion of Riches and Piety, were at length delivered out of their Distress by the Charity of a poor Pedlar.

I fhall refer it to my Reader to make what Observations he pleases on this Incident: it is fufficient for me to inform him, that after Adams and his Companions had returned him a thousand Thanks, and told him where he might call to be repaid, they all fallied out of the House without any Compliments from their Hoftefs, or indeed without paying her any; Adams declaring, he would take particular Care never to call there again, and the on her fide affuring them she wanted no fuch Guests.



A very curious Adventure, in which Mr. Adams gave a much greater Inftance of the boneft Simplicity of his Heart than of his Experience in the Ways of this World.


UR Travellers had walked about two Miles from that Inn, which they had more Reason to have miftaken for a Caftle, than Don Quixote ever had any of those in which he fojourned; feeing they had met with fuch Difficulty in escaping out of its Walls; when they came to a Parish, and beheld a Sign of Invitation hanging out.

Gentleman fat fmoaking a Pipe at the Door; of whom Adams enquired the Road, and received fo courteous and obliging an Answer, accompanied with fo fmiling a Countenance, that the good Parfon, whofe Heart was naturally difpofed to Love: and Affection, began to afk feveral other Queftions; particularly the Name of the Parish, and who was the Owner of a large House whofe Front they then had in profpect. The Gentleman anfwered as obligingly as before; and as to the Houfe, acquainted him it was his own. He then proceeded. in the following manner: • Sir, I prefume by your Habit you are a Clergyman: and as you are travelling on Foot, I fuppofe a Glafs of good • Beer will not be difagreeable to you; and I can • recommend my Landlord's within, as fome of ⚫ the best in all this County. What say you, will 6 you halt a little and let us take a Pipe together? there is no better Tobacco in the Kingdom.' This Propofal was not difpleafing to Adams, who had allayed his Thirst that Day with no better Li


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