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June 13, 1907.

Telegraphy: the Wireless Telegraphy Conference, Maurice
Solomon, 59; Syntonic Wireless Telegraphy, 105;
Measurement of Received Energy at Wireless Stations,
G. W. Pickard, 281; Manual of Wireless Telegraphy,
A. F. Collins, 366; Wireless Telegraphy in Longitude
Determinations, Prof. Albrecht, 544; Radio-telegraph
Installation for Signalling across the Wash, 377
Telephony Wireless Telephony Experiments, Prof. Slaby,
227; Recent Progress in Wireless Telephony, Prof.
Fessenden, 378

Telescopes: a 100-Inch Reflecting Telescope, 81; Through
the Telescope, James Baikie, 222; a New Form of
Colostat, Prof. Hale, 424

Telluric Lines in the Solar Spectrum, the, M. Stefánik, 64
Temperature of Mars, Prof. Lowell, 593

Temperature of the Moon, the, F. W. Very, 281
Temperatures, Inversion, for Air and Nitrogen, Prof. K.
Olszewski, 379

Ter-Gazarian (G.), the Density of Gaseous Hydrochloric
Acid, the Atomic Weight of Chlorine, 263
Terada (T.), Perception of Relief by Monocular Vision,

Terminology, Technical, 490; J. T. Richards, 510
Therapeutics: Influence of Radium on the Virus of Rabies,
Dr. Bongiovanni, 15; Anæsthetic and Lethal Quantity of
Chloroform in the Blood, Dr. George A. Buckmaster
and J. A. Gardner, 142; Atoxyl an Effectual Remedy
against Sleeping Sickness, Prof. Koch, 206; Early Refer-
ence to Red-light Treatment of Small-pox, Alfred Sang,
560; Anti-opium Drug, L. Wray, 613

Thermodynamics : Sechs Vorträge über das thermo-
dynamische Potential, &c., J. J. van Laar, 77; the Scien-
tific Papers of J. Willard Gibbs, 361; Thermodynamics
of the Internal-combustion Engine, Dugald Clerk, 446
Thermometry, Technical, 6

Thiele, Comet 1906g, Prof. Hartwig, 111; Dr. E. Ström-
gren, III, 159; Messrs. Aitken and Faith, 231;
Ephemeris for, Georg Dybeck, 257

Thomas (Northcote W.), Crystal Gazing, its History and
Practice, with a Discussion of the Evidence for Tele-
pathic Scrying, 125

Thomas (V.), Molecular Combinations of Metallic Halides
with Organic Compounds, 431

Thompson (Prof. Silvanus P., F.R.S.), the Manufacture
of Light, 269

Thompson-Yates and Johnston Laboratories Report, the,
Prof. R. T. Hewlett, 351

[ocr errors]

Thomson (Prof. J. A.), the " Sea-mignonette (Primnoa
reseda), 566

Thomson (Prof. J. J., F.R.S.), Conduction of Electricity
through Gases, 269

Thorpe (J. F.), Anhydride of Phenylsuccinic Acid, 118
Thorpe (Dr. T. E., C.B., F.R.S.), some Founders of the
Chemical Industry, Men to be Remembered, T. Fenwick
Allen, 100; Obituary Notice of Prof. D. I. Mendeléeff,

Threads, the Effect of Radium on the Strength of, J. L.
McKee and Prof. W. B. Morton, 224

Threlfall (R., F.R.S.), Five Years' Experience in Measur-
ing and Testing Producer Gas, 527

Thresh (Dr. John C.), Preservatives in Food and Food
Examination, 145

Thurso (John Wolf), Modern Turbine Practice and Water-
power Plants, 50

Tibet, Catalogue of the Plants of Kumaon and of the
Adjacent Portions of Garhwal and, Lieut.-General Sir
Richard Strachey, 171

Tibet, das Kloster Kumbum in, Wilhelm Filchner, Lieut.-
Colonel L. A. Waddell, 172

Ticks, the Anatomy and Histology of, Captain S. R.
Christophers, Dr. J. W. W. Stephens, 523

Tierreich, das, Crustacea, Rev. T. R. R. Stebbing, F.R.S.,

Tiffeneau (M.), Migration of the Phenyl Group, 48
Tilden (W. A.), Pinocamphylamine, 23

Tilly (Lieut.-General De), Obituary Notice of, M. P. Man-

son, 422

Time and Clocks, a Description of Ancient and Modern
Methods of Measuring Time, H. H. Cunynghame, C.B.,

Timmerman (C. E.), Physics, Theoretical and Descriptive,

Tissot (C.), Utility of Resonance Phenomena in the Pro-
duction of Strong Electric Sparks, 383

Titsworth (A. A.), Elements of Mechanical Drawing, 172
Tittman (G. H.), Geodetic Operations in the United States,
1903-6, 573

Toad, Golden Carp attacked by a, Prof. Adrian J. Brown,

Todas, the, W. H. R. Rivers, A. E. Crawley, 462

Todd (F. H.), the Timber Tree Padauk in the North
Andaman Island, 422

Todd (John L.), Rapport sur l'Expédition au Congo,
1903-5, 351

Tonge (James), the Principles and Practice of Coal Mining,

Toronto, the University of, Prof. A. B. Macallum, F.R.S.,

Toxic Effects of Oysters, J. Baylac, 456
Toyama (K.), Silk-worm Culture, 255
Tram-car Brakes, the Action of, 86
Tramways: Electric Tramways, R. N. Tweedy and H.
Dudgeon, 89; Tramways and Snow, 228; Underground
Conduit System for Tramways during Snowfall, 447
Transit-circle Observations, Prof. Littell, 257
Travers (Dr. Morris W., F.R.S.), Behaviour of Certain
Substances at their Critical Temperatures, 47

Trees, Familiar, Prof. G. S. Boulger, 319
Trees, Indian, being an Account of Trees, Shrubs, Woody
Climbers, Bamboos, and Palms Indigenous or Commonly
Cultivated in the British Empire, Sir Dietrich Brandis,
K.C.I.E., F.R.S., 385

Tregarthen (J. C.), the Life Story of a Fox, 76
Trelease (Prof. W.), Agave, 542

Trigonometry: a New Trigonometry for Beginners,
R. F. D'Arcy, 74; Trigonometry for Beginners, J. W.
Mercer, 409; Trigonometry for Beginners, Rev. J. B.
Lock and J. M. Child, 409

Tropical Botany, 524

Trouton (Prof. F. T.), Rate of Recovery of Residual
Charge in Electric Condensers, 527


Trypanosoma gambiense and other Trypanosomes, Glos-
sina palpalis in its Relation to, Prof. E. A. Minchin,
A. C. H. Gray, and the late F. M. G. Tulloch, 56
Tsetse-Flies the Extirpation of the Tsetse-fly, a Correc-
tion and a Suggestion, Prof. E. A. Minchin, 30; En-
cystation in Trypanosoma grayi, Novy, with Remarks on
the Method of Infection in Trypanosomes generally, Prof.
E. A. Minchin, 214

Tswetkoff (Prof. Y. Y.), Death and Obituary Notice of,
Tuberculosis: Infection of Bovines by the Avian Tubercle
Bacillus, Prof. Mettam, 407; Second Interim Report of
the Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the
Relations of Human and Animal Tuberculosis, Part i.,
Comparative Histological and Bacteriological Investiga-
tions, Dr. Arthur Eastwood, 610

'Tuchoff (Dr. W. N.), Exploration of Shores of Kamchatka,



Tuck (W. B.), Constitution of Hydroxyazo-compounds, 477
Tulloch (the late F. M. G.), Glossina palpalis in its Rela-
tion to Trypanosoma Gambiense and other Trypanosomes,
Turbines Steam Turbines, with an Appendix on
Turbines and the Future of Heat Engines, Dr. A.
Stodola, 50; Steam Turbine Engineering, T. Stevens and
H. M. Hobart, 50; Modern Turbine Practice and Water-
power Plants, John Wolf Thurso, 50; Turbines, W. H.
Stuart Garnett, 50; Modern Steam Turbines, Vol. i., the
Schulz Steam Turbines, Max Dietrich, 50
Turkestan, Archæological Discoveries in, Dr. M. A. Stein
and Dr. von Lecoq, 248

Turner (Dr. Dawson), the Hæmo-renal Salt Index as a
Test of the Functional Efficiency of the Kidney, 334
Turner (Prof.), Man's Place in the Universe, 544; the Sun
as a Variable Star, 569

Turner (Prof. H. H., F.R.S.), Astrographic Catalogue
1900'0, Oxford Section, Dec. +24° to +32°, 331
Turtle's Flesh, Poisoning by, in Fiji, Dr. B. Glanvill

[blocks in formation]

Ulrich (E. O.), the Copper Deposits of Missouri, 184; the
Lead, Zinc, and Fluorspar Deposits of Western Ken-
tucky, 184

Ultra-violet Fluorescence of Benzene, Dr. J. Stark, 295
Ultramicroscopes, les, A. Cotton and H. Mouton, Thomas
H. Blakesley, 505

United States United States Naval Observatory Publica-
tions, 86; United States Naval Observatory, 378; Mineral
Resources of the, 140; Higher Education in the United
States, 510; Terrestrial Physics in the United States,
573; Geodetic Operations in the United States, 1903-6,
G. H. Tittman and John F. Hayford, 573; the Geodetic
Evidence of Isostacy, with a Consideration of the Depth
and Completeness of the Isostatic Compensation and of
the Bearing of the Evidence upon some of the Greater
Problems of Geology, John F. Hayford, 573; U.S.A.
Government Irrigation Project at Yuma, Prof. Oscar
C. S. Carter, 591

Universe, Man's Place in the, Prof. Turner,_544
Universities: New Physical and Engineering Departments of
the University of Edinburgh, 20; University and Educa-
tional Intelligence, 21, 45, 69, 93, 117, 141, 164, 187,
214, 237, 261, 286, 308, 332, 356, 381, 404, 428, 453, 475,
502, 525, 548, 573, 597, 620; the University Movement
in Western Australia, 35; die physikalischen Institute
der Universität Göttingen, Dr. J. A. Harker, 55; the
Scope and Problems of Protozoology, Prof. E. A. Minchin,
Lecture at the University of London, 115; Students
in German Universities, 380; University of Toronto,
Prof. A. B. Macallum, F.R.S., 396; the Needs of the
University of Cambridge, 404; the University of the Cape
of Good Hope, 461

Untravelled England, James John Hissey, 78

Unwin (F.), Influence of Temperature on the Photo-electric
Discharge from Platinum, 623

Upheaval of the Sea Coast by Earthquakes, the, Dr.
T. J. J. See, 224; J. M., 224

Urbain (G.), the Atomic Weight of Dysprosium, 24;
Elements producing Phosphorescence in Minerals, 143
Usher (Francis L.), Behaviour of certain Substances at
their Critical Temperatures, 47

Ussher (R. J.), Excavation of "Hyæna-dens " in the Mam-

moth Cave near Doneraile, 83

Valparaiso Earthquake, August 17, 1906, R. D. Oldham,


Van der Waals's Equation, Application of, to Solutions,
Earl of Berkeley, 549

Variable Stars: Designations of Newly-discovered, 41; New
Variable Stars, Prof. Max Wolf, 137; Miss Leavitt, 159;
Prof. Pickering, 159; Two Stars with Variable Radial
Velocities, Prof. Hartmann, 137; a Peculiar Short-period
Variable (155.1906 Cassiopeia), Messrs. Müller and
Kemp, 327; a Quickly Changing Variable Star, F. H.
Seares, 350; Thirty-six New Variable Stars, Miss Leavitt,
402; Two Rapidly Changing Variable Stars, J. Baillaud,
518; a New Variable or Nova 156.1906, Prof. E. Millo-
sevich, 615; see also Astronomy

Variation: Is there Determinate Variation? Prof. Vernon
L. Kellogg, 237; Recent Progress in the Study of Vari-
ation, Heredity, and Evolution, R. H. Lock, 577
Variation of Wave-lengths in the Solar Spectrum, Dr.
Halm, 304

Varley (Dr. W. Mansergh), Influence of Temperature on
the Photo-electric Discharge from Platinum, 623

Vaschide (N.), Thermal Troubles in Cases of Absolute
Privation of Sleep, 144

Vaughton (T. A.), Growing "Alumina," 281
Veatch (A. C.), Underground Water Resources of Long
Island, New York, 183

Veley (V. H.), Affinity Constants of Aminocarboxylic and
Aminosulphonic Acids as Determined by the Aid of
Methyl-orange, 262

Venus Naked-eye Observations of, A. Benoit, 111; Ob-
servations of, Mr. Denning, 208; the Markings and
Rotation Period of, Mr. Denning, 469

Vererbung, die stofflichen Grundlagen der, im organischen
Reich, Eduard Strasburger, 98

Very (F. W.), the Temperature of the Moon, 281
Vessiot (M. E.), Leçons de Géométrie supérieure, 603
Vesuvius, the Eruption of, in April, 1906, Prof. Lacroix,
Vigouroux (Em.), New Modes of Formation and Prepar-
ation of Titanium Tetrachloride, 479; the Alloys of
Nickel and Tin, 528; Nature of the Body Extracted from
Certain Rich Alloys of Nickel and Tin, 576
Vincent (James Edmund), Highways and Byways in Berk-
shire, 149

Virchow (Rudolf), Briefe an seine Eltern, 1839 bis 1864,
Supp. to March 14, iii

Vivanti (G.), Funzioni poliedriche e modulari, 198
Vivisection: Experiments on Animals, Stephen Paget, 121;
the Relation of the Kidneys to Metabolism, F. A. Bain-
bridge and A. P. Beddard, 357; the Transplantation of
Nerve Ganglia in the Frog, G. Marinesco and J. Minea,
456; Second Interim Report of the Royal Commission
appointed to inquire into the Relations of Human and
Animal Tuberculosis, Part i., Comparative Histological
and Bacteriological Investigations, Dr. Arthur Eastwood,
610; Functions of the Rolandic Cortex in Monkeys, Drs.
W. A. Jolly and Sutherland Simpson, 623
Volcanoes: the Eruption of Vesuvius in April, 1906, Prof.
Lacroix, 163; Fall of a Portion of the Crater of
Vesuvius, 205; the Geology of Samoa and the Erup-
tions in Savaii, H. I. Jensen, 191; Eruption of Mauna
Loa Volcano, Hawaii, 278; the Eruption of Matavanu
in Savaii, 1905-6, 351; a New Volcanic Island, Rear-
Admiral A. Mostyn Field, F.R.S., 414; a New Mud-
Völkerpsychologie, eine Untersuchung der Entwicklungs-
volcano Island, F. R. Mallet, 460
gesetze von Sprache, Mythus und Sitte, Wilhelm Wundt,

Vote, One, One Value, Dr. Francis Galton, F.R.S., 414
Vox Populi, Dr. Francis Galton, F.R.S., 450, 509
Vries (H. de), Species and Varieties, their Origin by Muta-
tion, 268

Waddell (Lieut.-Colonel L. A.), das Kloster Kumbum in
Tibet, Wilhelm Filchner, 172

Wade (Herbert T.), Outlines of the Evolution of Weights.
and Measures and the Metric System, 290
Wahl (A.), Ethyl Benzoylglyoxylate, 360

Walker (C. E.), Cytological Investigation of Cancer, 1906,

Walker (George W.), Electrical Method of Extracting Soot
from Air in Flues, 606

Wall (E. J.), the Photographic Picture Post-card, 101
Wallace (Dr. Alfred R., F.R.S.), Fertilisation of Flowers
by Insects, 320

Walter (Dr. B.), Radium and Helium, 102
Warburton (C.), Collection of Oribatidæ from British
Guiana, 95

Ward (Prof. H. B.), Influence of Parasites on their Hosts,

Ward (H. Snowden), the Photographic Picture Post-card,


Warrington (Robert, F.R.S.), Obituary Notice of, 511
Ward (John), Death and Obituary Notice of, 155
Warwick (G. R.), Influence of Spectral Colours on the
Sporulation of Various Species of Saccharomyces, 95
Washington (Dr. H. S.), Titaniferous Basalts of the
Western Mediterranean, 143; the Roman Comagmatic
Region, 379

Watanabe (Tosio), the Distillation of Alloys of Silver and
Copper, Silver and Tin, and Silver and Lead, 287
Water, Use of Sulphate of Copper for Purifying, 280
Water Plants, Notes on, Prof. Hugo Glück, 579
Waterways, British Inland, 212

Willows (Dr. R. S.), Anode Rays, 173
Wilsmore (N. T. M.), Ketene, 510

Wilson (C. T. R.), Curvature Method for Measuring Sur-
face Tension, 454

Wilson (F. R. L.), New Laboratory Method for the Pre-
paration of Hydrogen Sulphide, 262

Waterways, Caves and, E. A. Martel, Prof. Grenville A. J. (Prof. J. T.), the Foetal Dentition of the Australian

Cole, 508

Watson (Dr. B. P.), Effects of a Meat Diet on Fertility
and Lactation, 190

Watson (Dr. Chalmers), the Influence of an Excessive Meat
Diet on the Osseous System, 190; Effects of.a Meat
Diet on the Minute Structure of the Uterus, 190
Watson (E. R.), Fastness of Indigenous Dyes of Bengal
and Comparison with Typical Synthetic Dyestuffs,
Part i., Dyeing on Cotton, 504

Watson (John H.), the Viscosity of the Blood, 47
Watts (Mrs. Roger), the Fine Art of Jujutsu, 250
Wave Action in Relation to Engineering Structures, Major
D. D. Gaillard, 260

Wave-lengths in the Solar Spectrum, Variation of, Dr.
Halm, 304

Waves, Progressive, in Rivers, Dr. Vaughan Cornish, 597
Weather and the Crops, the, R. H. Hooker, 545
Weather Reports of the Meteorological Office, the, 488
Webb (Wilfred Mark), the Principles of Horticulture, a
Series of Practical Scientific Lessons, 557
Wedekind (Prof. E.), "Chemi-luminescence," 208
Weights, Measures, and Weighing Instruments,
Board of Trade Regulations with Respect to, 42
Weights and Measures, Outlines of the Evolution of, and
the Metric System, Dr. William Hallock and Herbert T.
Wade, 290


Weimann (Charles), Preparation of Acylcampholic Esters,

Weininger (Otto), Sex and Character, 481

Weiss (Dr. A.), die Biologie des Balatonsees, 79

Weiss (P.), Measurements of the Zeeman Effect on the
Blue Lines of Zinc, 335

Weiss (Prof.), Comet 1905 IV., 593

Welch (Dr. W. H.), the Scientific Study of Infectious
Diseases, Address at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical
Research, 213

Wellcome Research Laboratories at

Gordon Memorial

College, Khartoum, Second Report of the, Andrew
Balfour, Prof. R. T. Hewlett, 351

Wellman (Walter), North Pole Expedition, 540
Wells (H. G.), in the Days of the Comet, 124; the Future
in America, a Search after Realities, 265
Welsbach Mantle, a Hydraulic Analogy of Radiating
Bodies for Illustrating the Luminosity of the, Prof.
R. W. Wood, 558

Welwitschia, the Living, Prof. H. H. W. Pearson, 536
Werner (E. A.), a Black Modification of Chromium Sesqui-

oxide, 23

Westcott (W. Wynn), the Extra Pharmacopoeia of Martin-

dale and Westcott, 29

Whaling, Arctic, in 1906, T. Southwell, 542

Wheat Flour, a New Chemical Test for Strength in,
T. B. Wood, 391; Dr. E. Frankland Armstrong, 439;
A. J. Banks, 460

Whitaker (Arthur), Breeding Habits of British Bats, 495
Whitman (Prof. C. O.), the Problem of the Origin of
Species, 109

Wieland (G. R.), American Fossil Cycads, 329
Wiesner (Prof. Julius), Jan Ingen-Housz, sein Leben und
sein Wirken als Naturforscher und Arzt, 3


"Lecture at Manchester Literary and Philosophical
Society, the Structure of Metals, Dr. J. A. Ewing, F.R.S.,

Wilds, an Idler in the, T. Edwards, 176

Wiles (Rev. J. P.), the World's Calendar, 173

Duckbill or Platypus (Ornithorhynchus), 566
Wilson (R. W.), the Viscosity of Liquid Mixtures,

Winmill (T. F.), the Association of Phenols in the Liquid
Condition, 358

Winslow (C. E. A.), Statistical Study of Generic Characters
of the Coccaceæ, 39

Winterson (W. G.), Malacone, 23

Wireless Telegraphy: the Wireless Telegraphy Conference,
Maurice Solomon, 59; Syntonic Wireless Telegraphy, 105;
Measurement of Received Energy at Wireless Stations,
G. W. Pickard, 280; Manual of Wireless Telegraphy,
A. F. Collins, 366; Wireless Telegraphy in Longitude
Determinations, Prof. Albrecht, 544

Wireless Telephony Experiments, Prof. Slaby, 227
Wireless Telephony, Recent Progress in, Prof. Fessenden,

Wirtz (Dr.), the Lunar Crater Linné, 231
Witchell (C. A.), Nature's Story of the Year, 76
Witchell (C. A.), Death of, 444

Woburn Experimental Fruit Farm, Seventh Report of the,
Duke of Bedford, K.G., and Spencer U. Pickering,
F.R.S., 569

Wolf (Prof. Max), New Variable Stars, 137; a Remarkable
Nebula, 281

Wolff (J.), Inequality of the Resistance of Natural Starch
and Artificial Amylose towards Extract of Barley, 528
Wood (A.), Radio-activity of the Alkali Metals, 189
Wood (H. E.), a Brilliant Meteor, 208

Wood (J. K.), Acidic Constants of some Ureides and Uric
Acid Derivatives, 94

Wood (Prof. R. W.), Fluorescence and Magnetic Rotation
Spectra of Sodium Vapour, 230; Ionisation and Anoma-
lous Dispersion, 390, 583; Optical Intensification of Paint-
ings, 424; a Hydraulic Analogy of Radiating Bodies for
Illustrating the Luminosity of the Welsbach Mantle, 558
Wood (T. B.), a New Chemical Test for Strength in Wheat
Flour, 391

Wood's (Captain) Observations for Determining the Posi-
tion of Everest, Re-computation of, 404

Woods and o'er the Moor, I go A-walking through the, 176
Woodward (Dr. A. S.), Vertebrate Fossils of Cretaceous
Formation of Bahia (Brazil), 334; New Dinosaurian
from the Trias of Lossiemouth, Elgin, 334

Woodward (Prof. C. M.), Educational Theories, Ancient and
Woolacott (Dr. D.), Raised Beach in the Cleadon Hills, 467
Modern, 352
Woolnough (Dr. W. G.), Example of River-capture in New
South Wales, 72

Workman (W. P.), Geometry, Theoretical and Practical,


World Machine, the, the First Phase, the Cosmic Mechan-
ism, Carl Snyder, 553

World's Calendar, the, Rev. J. P. Wiles, 173
Wray (L.), Anti-opium Drug, 613

Wright (Sir A. E., F.R.S.), the Principles of Microscopy, a
Handbook to the Microscope, 386

Wright (Mr.), Minerals of the Composition MgSiO,, 596
Wright (William), Neolithic Man in North-east Surrey, 124
Wundt (Wilhelm), Völkerpsychologie, eine Untersuchung
der Entwicklungsgesetze von Sprache, Mythus und Sitte,

Wiley (Dr. H. W.), the Principles and Practice of Agri- Xerophilous Stems, Light Sense-Organs in, R. J. D.
cultural Analysis, 458

Wilkinson (R. J.), the Peninsular Malays, I., Malay Be-
liefs, 245

Williams (Stanley), the Red Spot on Jupiter, 1905-6, 327
Willis (Dr. J. C.), Rubber Cultivation in the East and the
Ceylon Rubber Exhibition, 209; the Preparation of
Rubber, 377

Willis (Dr.), Flora of Ritigala, 524

Graham, 535

Yorke (J. Paley), Applied Electricity, a Text-book of Elec-
trical Engineering for Second-year Students, 389
Young (Dr. A. P.), Serpentine Rock from the Tarnthalea
Köpfe, 405-6

Young (W. H. and G. C.), the Theory of Sets of Points,

Young (W. J.), the Organic Phosphorus Compound formed
by Yeast Juice from Soluble_Phosphates, 477; Influence
of Sodium Arsenate on the Fermentation of Glucose by
Yeast-juice, 118

Youssoufian (M.), Alcoholysis of Cocoa Butter, 143
Yule (G. Udny), Mean or Median, 534

Zambonini (F.), Crystals of Galena deposited at Eruption of
Vesuvius in April, 158; Strüverite, a New Mineral, 574
Zammarchi (Prof.), the Perseids, 1906, 111

Zander (Dr. Enoch), Filtering Apparatus attached to the
Gill-rakers of Deep-sea Fishes, 348

Zeeman (Prof. P.), Recent Progress in Magneto-optics,
Lecture at Royal Institution, 138, 160

Zeleny (John and Anthony), Temperatures obtainable by
the Use of Solid Carbon Dioxide under Different Pres-
sures, 230

Zellen, die chemische Energie der lebenden, Prof. Oscar
Loew, 508

Zinc, Céruse et Blanc de, M. G. Petit, 509
Zodiacal Light, the, Prof. Barnard, 16
Zoology Zoologischer Jahresbericht für 1905, 6; the Cam-
bridge Natural History, Vol. i., Protozoa, Prof. Marcus
Hartog, Porifera (Sponges), Igerna B. L. Sollas, Cœlen-
terata and Ctenophora, Prof. S. J. Hickson, Echinoder-
mata, Prof. E. W. MacBride, F.R.S., 31; History and
Origin of Zoological Gardens, J. von Pleyel, 62; the
Papillary Ridges and Papillary Layer of the Skin of
the Hand and Foot of Lemurs, Dr. Walter Kidd, 83;
a Pleural Cavity Lacking in the Indian Elephant, Prof.
Schmaltz, 84; Has the African Elephant a Pleural
Cavity? Alfred Giard, 407; the History of the Collec-
tions contained in the Natural History Departments of
the British Museum, 125; Indo-Malay Slow-lorises,
M. W. Lyon, 135; the Great Anteater of Central
America (Myrmecophaga centralis), M. Ward Lyon, 156;
Zoological Society, 166, 238, 359, 406, 478, 527, 574;
the Lesser Horseshoe Bat, Rhinolophus hipposiderus,
T. A. Coward, 166; Skulls of Horses from the Roman
Fort at Newstead, near Melrose, and Observations on
the Origin of Domestic Horses, Prof. J. C. Ewart, 190;
Craniometric Observations on the Skull of Equus
prejvalski and other Horses, Prof. O. Charnock Bradley,
190; Surgical Anatomy of the Horse, John T. Share-
Jones, 337; le Cheval, H. J. Gobert, 337; the Origin of
the Modern Horse, Prof. J. C. Ewart, 612; Coat Colour
in Horses, Prof. J. C. Ewart, 622; Verhandlungen der
deutschen zoologischen Gesellschaft, 1906, 246; the
Mammals of Great Britain and Ireland, J. G. Millais,
271; the North American Fresh-water Medusa of Micro-
hydra, Edward Potts, 324; the Urus or Aurochs, Prof.
A. Mertens, 349; das Tierreich, Crustacea, Rev.
T. R. R. Stebbing, F.R.S., 365; Origin of the Lateral
Horns of the Giraffe in Foetal Life, Prof. E. Ray
Lankester, 406; Rudimentary Antlers in the Okapi, Prof.
E. Ray Lankester, 406; New Amazonian Tree-frog, Hyla
resinifictrix, Dr. E. A. Goeldi, 406; Camp-fires in the
Canadian Rockies, Dr. William T. Hornaday, 410; the
Forest-pig of Central Africa, Prof. Henry H. Giglioli,
414; Scottish Tardigrada, James Murray, 455; Arctic
Tardigrada, James Murray, 455; English Domestic Cats,
R. I. Pocock, 478; Report on the Deaths among the
Mammals and Birds in the Society's Menagerie during
1906, Dr. C. G. Seligmann, 478; Marsupials or Creo-
donts? W. J. Sinclair, 498; on the Extinct Emeu of the
Small Islands off the South Coast of Australia and
Probably Tasmania, Prof. Henry H. Giglioli, 534;
Meristic Homologies in Vertebrates, J. S. Kingsley, 541;
the Zoological Record, 557; the Foetal Dentition of the
Australian Duckbill or Platypus (Ornithorhynchus),
Profs. J. T. Wilson and J. P. Hill, 566; Flat-worm
Scutariella didactyla from Montenegro, Prof. Al.
Mrázek, 590; Problems of an Island Fauna, C. B.
Moffat, 591; Habits of the Malay Tapir, H. N. Ridley,
594: the Menagerie at the Botanic Gardens, Singapore,
H. N. Ridley, 594

Zurhellen (W.), the Spectroscopic Binary o Leonis, 378


June 13, 1907.


Anatomy: das Cerebellum der Säugetiere, eine vergleichend
anatomische Untersuchung, Prof. Louis Bolk, Prof. J. S.
Macdonald, Supp. to March 14, ix

Bolk (Prof. Louis), das Cerebellum der Säugetiere, eine
vergleichend anatomische Untersuchung, Supp. to March
14, ix
Burrard (Lieut.-Colonel S. G., F.R.S.), Auxiliary Tables
to Facilitate the Calculations of the Survey of India,
Supp. to March 14, viii

Caven (Dr. R. M.), Systematic Inorganic Chemistry from
the Standpoint of the Periodic Law, Supp. to March
14, iv
Cerebellum der Säugetiere, das, eine vergleichend
anatomische Untersuchung, Prof. Louis Bolk, Prof.
J. S. Macdonald, Supp. to March 14, ix
Chemistry Introduction to General Inorganic Chemistry,
Prof. Alexander Smith, Prof. Arthur Smithells, F.R.S.,
Supp. to March 14, iv; Systematic Inorganic Chemistry
from the Standpoint of the Periodic Law, Dr. R. M.
Caven and Dr. G. D. Lander, Prof. Arthur Smithells,
F.R.S., Supp. to March 14, iv; Photography for Students
of Physics and Chemistry, Prof. Louis Derr, Supp. to
March 14, vi
Chisholm (Geo. G.), a Progressive Course of Comparative
Geography on the Concentric System, P. H. L'Estrange,
Supp. to March 14, v; Philips' Progressive Atlas of
Modern Geography, Supp. to March 14, v; Stanford's
Octavo Atlas of Modern Geography, Supp. to March

14, v

Derr (Prof. Louis), Photography for Students of Physics
and Chemistry, Supp. to March 14, vi
Differential Equations, Theory of, Dr. A. R. Forsyth,
F.R.S., Supp. to March 14, X

Fauna of the Tay Basin and Strathmore, a, J. A. Harvie-
Brown, Supp. to March 14, vii

Forsyth (Dr. A. R., F.R.S.), Theory of Differential Equa-
tions, Supp. to March 14, x

Geodesy: Auxiliary Tables to Facilitate the Calculations
of the Survey of India, Lieut.-Colonel S. G. Burrard,
F.R.S., Supp. to March 14, viii
Geography: a Progressive Course of Comparative Geo-
graphy on the Concentric System, P. H. L'Estrange,
Geo. G. Chisholm, Supp. to March 14, v; Philips' Pro-
gressive Atlas of Comparative Geography, Geo. G.
Chisholm, Supp. to March 14, v; Stanford's Octavo
Atlas of Modern Geography, Geo. G. Chisholm, Supp.
to March 14, V

Harvie-Brown (J. A.), a Fauna of the Tay Basin and
Strathmore, Supp. to March 14, vii

India: Auxiliary Tables to Facilitate the Calculations of
the Survey of India, Lieut.-Colonel S. G. Burrard,
F.R.S., Supp. to March 14, viii

L'Estrange (P. H.), a Progressive Course of Comparative
Geography on the Concentric System, Supp. to March
14, V

Lander (Dr. G. D.), Systematic Inorganic Chemistry from
the Standpoint of the Periodic Law, Supp. to March

14, iv

June 13 1907]

Macdonald (Prof. J. S.), das Cerebellum der Säugetiere,
eine vergleichend anatomische Untersuchung, Prof. Louis
Bolk, Supp. to March 14, ix

Mathematics: Theory of Differential Equations, Dr. A. R.
Forsyth, F.R.S., Supp. to March 14, x
Morphology: das Cerebellum der Säugetiere, eine vergleich-
end anatomische Untersuchung, Prof. Louis Bolk, Prof.
J. S. Macdonald, Supp. to March 14, ix

Natural History: a Fauna of the Tay Basin and Strath-
more, J. A. Harvie-Brown, Supp. to March 14, vii

Pathology Rudolf Virchow, Briefe an seine Eltern, 1839
bis 1864, Supp. to March 14, iii

Philips' Progressive Atlas of Comparative Geography, Geo.
G. Chisholm, Supp. to March 14, v

Photography for Students of Physics and Chemistry, Prof.
Louis Derr, Supp. to March 14, vi

Physics Photography for Students of Physics and Chem-
istry, Prof. Louis Derr, Supp. to March 14, vi

Smith (Prof. Alexander), Introduction to General Inorganic
Chemistry, Supp. to March 14, iv

Smithells (Prof. Arthur, F.R.S.), Introduction to General
Inorganic Chemistry, Prof. Alexander Smith, Supp. to
March 14, iv; Systematic Inorganic Chemistry from the
Standpoint of the Periodic Law, Dr. R. M. Caven and
Dr. G. D. Lander, Supp. to March 14, iv
Stanford's Octavo Atlas of Modern Geography, Geo. G.
Chisholm, Supp. to March 14, V

Surveying Auxiliary Tables to Facilitate the Calculations
of the Survey of India, Lieut.-Colonel S. G. Burrard,
F.R.S., Supp. to March 14, viii

Tay Basin and Strathmore, a Fauna of the, J. A. Harvie-
Brown, Supp. to March 14, vii

Virchow (Rudolf), Briefe an seine Eltern, 1839 bis 1864,
Supp. to March 14, iii

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