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Alcibiades foments a war between the Athenians and
Lacedæmonians. The Athenians attempt the reduc-
tion of Sicily. History of Syracuse, the capitul of
that island. Alcibiades condemned to death for
refusing to return home in obedience to the commands
of his countrymen. Syracuse besieged by the Athe-
nians under Nicias. Gylippus, the Lacedæmonian
general, comes to the aid of the Syracusans. Is
defeated by Nicias. Defeats that general in his turn.
Nicias receives a reinforcement from Athens under the



Alexander sets out on his expedition into Asia.


the Hellespont. Gains the battle of Granicus. His
answer to Ada, queen of Caria. Cuts the Gordian
knot. Bathes in the Cydnus. Is seized with a fever.
His magnanimity on that occasion. Defeats Darius
in the battle of Issus. Is wounded in the thigh.
Takes Darius's wife and mother prisoners. His noble
behaviour to those captives. Abdolonymus raised to
the throne of Sidon. Alexander reduces Tyre. Goes
to Jerusalem. Is met by the high-priest. Marches
into Egypt. Builds Alexandria. Defeats Darius in
the battle of Arbela. Burns the palace of Persepolis,
at the instigation of Thais. Finds the dead body of
Darius, who had been murdered by his own officers.
Sends it to his mother, Sysigambis, in order to be
interred. Dreadful fate of Bessus. Alexander's
cruelty to Parmenio, and his son Philotas. Kills
Clitus. Marries Roxana. Marches into India. Is
opposed by Porus. Defeats him. Receives him
into favour. His soldiers refuse to follow him any
further. Resolves to return into Persia. Attacks
the capital of the Oxydraci. His bravery on that
Arrives at Susa. Marries Statira. Enters


Babylon. Abandons himself to intemperance.
seized with a fever. His last words. His death and


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