be defined as the incapacity to forget. Asuras traced below is an illustration. Ṛgveda iii.55 The story of the The refrain of the mahad devānām asuratvam ekam 1 continues changing up to the time of Patañjali 3 who draws the curtain over the Asura's last effort at exclusive existence—— te asurāḥ * * parābabhūvuḥ 3 (Patanjali, 1). But Asura memory lived on in traditional history even after Patanjali. iti Śrutih (Vā. 2,15; Mat. 35. 5; Hv. 10. 619; Råm. i. 70,30; etc.) roughly correspond to parokṣā ṛchah of Yāska., Daiv. I. i. Smṛta, anufufruma (Vā, 62,17 Bd. ii. 36, 201; Hv. 1.47; MEh. i.94, 3740; etc. approximate pratya kṣā rchah, Yāska, op. cit. It would be interesting to compare all such passages and determine their context. Śruti was older than the Vedas. cf. Vaidiki-Sruti (Vå. 30.4) as distinguished from Atharvani Śruti (Viș. vi. 5.65). Tradition as embodied in Vedic and pre-Vedic sources is referred to in purāṇam Veda-frutiSamā hitam (Br. 213,167) and Veda-Śrutau purāpe cha (Bḍ. iv. 1.30). Later these pre-Vedic and Vedic sources merged as Veda in a comprehensive sense and was contrasted with itihasa and as smaryate, Ṛv. i. 65. Manu represents this later outlook, Manu. I1. 6. 1 Macdonell, Bṛhaddevată, op. cit., H. O. S., vol. 6, p.60. ' J. B. O. R. S., 1926, p. 111. • Patañjali, Ed. Kielhorn, vol. I, p. 2. cf. the Epics and Purāņas. Jarasandha (MBb). Rāvaņa (Rām), Madhu (Par.). MISCELLANEOUS CONTRIBUTIONS I-List of the Inscriptions of the Gahadavala Rulers of Kanauj By N. C. Mehta, I.C.S., Partabgarh, and D. B. Diskalkar, Rajkot Chandradeva V. S. 1148 Chandravati plate (now Lucknow Museum), V. S. 1150 Chandravati plates (now Lucknow Museum), V. S. 1154- plate (Beng. A. S.), Ind. Ant., Vol. XVIII, V. S. 1156 Chandravati plate (now Lucknow Museum), Madanapaladeva— V. S. 1161 Basahi plate (now Lucknow Museum), Ind. V. S. 1162 Kamauli plate (now Lucknow Museum), Ep. V. S. 1163 (4) Benares plate (now Royal A. S.). Noticed Govindacha ndradeva V. S. 1171 Benares plate (now Lucknow Museum), Ep. V. S. 1171 Kamauli plate (now Lucknow Museum), Ep. V. S. 1171 Pali plate-First plate only (now Lucknow Museum). Unpublished. Cf. Kielhorn's List No. 692. V. S. 1172 Kamauli plate (now Lucknow Museum), Ep. Ind., Vol. IV, p. 104; Kiel. No. 85. V. S. 1174 Kamauli plate (now Lucknow Museum), Ep. Ind., Vol. IV, p. 105; Kiel. No. 87. V. S. 1174 Basahi plate (now Lucknow Museum). Noticed in Ind. Ant., Vol. XVIII, p. 19; Kiel. No. 88. V. S. 1175 Kamauli plate (now Lucknow Museum), Ep. Ind., Vol. IV, p. 106; Kiel. No. 89. V. S. 1176 Kamauli plate (now Lucknow Museum), Ep. V. S. 1176 Kamauli plate (now Lucknow Museum). Noticed V. S. 1177 Benares plate (now Beng. A. S.), J. A. §. B., V. S. 1177 Lucknow Museum plates. Unpublished. Cf. Arch. Surv. Rep., 1921-22, p. 115. V. S. 1178 Kamauli plate (now Lucknow Museum), Ep. Ind., Vol. IV, p. 110; Kiel. No. 95. V. S. 1180 Raiwan plate (whereabouts not known). J. A. S. B., Vol. LVI, p. 113. V. S. 1181 Benares plate (now Lucknow Museum), J. A. S. B., Vol. LVI, p. 114; Kiel. No. 96. V. S. 1182 Kamauli plate (now Lucknow Museum), Ep. Ind., Vol. IV, p. 99; Kiel. No. 97. V. S. 1182 (8) ? Plate (now Beng. A. S.), J. A. S. B., Vol. XXVII, p. 242; Kiel. No. 98. V. S. 1182 Maner plate (now ?), J. B. O, R. S., Vol. II, P. 411. 9 Res, J. V. S. 1184 Kamauli plate (now Lucknow Museum). Noticed in Ep. Ind., Vol. IV, p. 111; Kiel. No. 99. V. S. 1184 New plate (now with Mr. N. C. Mehta, Partabgarh) Unpublished. V. S. 1185 Benares plate (Beng. A. S.), J. 4. §. B., Vol. LVI, p. 119; Kiel. No. 100. V. S. 1186 (now Lucknow Museum), Ep. Ind., Vol. XIII, p. 295. V. S. 1186 Saheth-Mabeth plate (now Lucknow Museum), V, S. 1187 Benares (now Lucknow Museum), Ep. Ind., V. S. 1187 Raiwan plate (now Lucknow Museum), V. S. 1190 Kamauli plate (now Lucknow Museum), Ep. V. S. 1190 Benares plate (now Lucknow Mu^eum), Ep. Ind, Vol. VIII, p. 155. V. S. 1191 Kamauli plate of the time of (now Luck now Museum), Ep. Ind., Vol. IV, p. 131; Kiel. No. 109. V. S. 1192 Monghyr plate (now ?), Ep. Ind., Vol. VII, p. 98. V. S. 1196 Kamauli plate (now Lucknow Museum), Ep. Ind., Vol. II, p. 361; Kiel. No. 115. V. S. 1197 Kamauli plate (now Lucknow Museum). Noticed in Ep. Ind., Vol. IV, p. 113; Kiel. No. 117. V. S. 1198 Kamauli plate (now Lucknow Museum), Ep. Ind., Vol. IV, p. 113; Kiel. No. 118. V. S. 1199 Ghaghā plates (now British Museum), Ep. Ind., Vol. XIII, p. 216 (formerly noticed in I.A., Vol. XVIII, p. 20); Kiel No 119. V. S. 1200 Kamauli plate (now Lucknow Museum), Ep. Ind., Vol. IV, p. 115; Kiel. No. 122. V. S. 1201 Machhlishwar plate (now Lucknow Museum), Ep. Ind., Vol. V, p. 115. V. S. 1202 Lår plates (now Lucknow Museum), Ep. Ind., Vol. VII, p. 98. V. S. 1203 Benares plate (now Lucknow Museum), Ep. Ind., Vol. VIII, p. 156. V. S. 1207 Benares plate (now Lucknow Museum), Ep. Ind., Vol. VIII, p. 158. V. S. 1207 Hathiyadat pillar inscription of the time of Gosalladevi, wife of Unpublished. Noticed by Cunningham in Arch. Surv. Rep. of India, Vol. I, p. 96. [V. S. 1207 Śrāvaṇa vadi 4 some. A date from a MS. cf. Catalogue of MSS. in the bhandārs at Jeselmere, p. 5, Gaikwad Oriental Series.] No. XXI. V. S. 1208 Bangavän plate (now Lucknow Museum), Ep. Ind., Vol. V, p. 117; Kiel. No. 131. V. S. 1211 Kamauli plate (now Lucknow Museum), Ep. Ind., Vol. IV, p. 106; Kiel. No. 135. Date not given-Sarnath inscription of Kumaradevi, wife of Ep. Ind., Vol. IX, p. 319. Date not given-Gangaikondacholapurana incomplete inscription. Ann. Rep. for Ep., 1907-08, para. 58. Vijayachandradeva— V. S. 1224 Kamauli plate (now Lucknow Museum), Ep. Ind., Vol. IV, p. 118; Kiel. No. 148. V. S. 1225 Jaunpur pillar inscription (in situ), Arch. Sur. of India, Vol. XI, p. 125; Kiel. No. 150. |