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ural History; Gardner's Institutes of International Law; Thackeray's Lovel the Widower; Trollope's Castle Richmond, 410. Leslie's Autobiographical Recollections, 543. Lewes's Studies in Animal Life, 545. Pendleton's Science a Witness for the Bible; Benedict's Run through Europe; Rosa, the Parisian Girl, 546. Everett's Life of Washington, 695. Faraday's Forces of Matter; Miss Mulock's One Year; The Woman in White; Burton's Central Africa; Atkinson's Regions of the Amoor; Reminiscences of an Officer of the Zonaves; Auerbach's Barefooted Maiden; Mansel's Prolegomena Logica: Woolsey's Study of International Law, 696. The Cottages of the Alps, 837. Kendrick's Life and Letters of Emily C. Judson; Poems, by George P. Morris; the Household of Bouverie, 838. Tyndal's Glaciers of the Alps; Strickland's Old Mackinaw; Loss and Gain; Wheat and Tares, 839.

Harper's School and Family Readers; Milburn's Pioneers, Preachers, and People of the Mississippi Valley, 116. The Mill on the Floss; Carlyle's Critical and Miscellaneous Essays; Sheahan's Life of Douglas, 117. Savage's Representative Men; Abbott's Rainbow and Lucky; Abbott's American History; Tyler's Bible and Social Reform; Mitchell's Popular Astronomy; Memoirs of the Duchess of Orleans; Wills's Old Leaves from Household Words; Stedman's Poems; Rosa Bonheur's Horse Fair, 118. Strickland's Life of Jacob Gruber; Trollope's West Indies and the Spanish Main, 260. Fauriel's History of Provençal Poetry; Mrs. Gaskell's Right at Last; A Mother's Trials; Danesbury House; Trollope's Three Clerks; How to Enjoy Life; Smith's Smaller History of Greece; Abbott's Genghis Khan; Harper's Classical Library, 261. The Queens of Society, 409. Gibson's Year of Grace; Punshon's Sermons; Krapf's Travels in Africa; Hooker's NatLOVEL THE WIDOWER... MARTHA'S VINEYARD...... MERCHANT'S LESSON.............................. MICAH ROOD, LEGEND OF............................................ MISERABLE MAN THAT I AM............... MONTHLY RECORD OF CURRENT EVENTS.

UNITED STATES-Proceedings in Congress, 113, 258, 405, 406. The Covode Investigating Committee, 113, 406. Potter and Pryor, 113. National Conventions, 114, 258, 253, 406. The Charleston Democratic Convention, 114. The Japanese Embassy, 115, 259, 408. New York Legislature, 115. From California, 115. The Homestead Bill, 258, 406. The Constitutional Union Convention; Nomination of Bell and Everett, 258. The Republican Convention; Nomination of Lincoln and Hamlin, 259. Tornado at the West, 259. Indian Hostilities, 259. Captures of Slavers, 259, 836. Methodist General Conference, 259. Veto of the Homestead Bill, 406. Appropriation Bills, 406. The Harper's Ferry Committee, 406. Resolutions Censuring the President, 406. The Baltimore Democratic Convention; Nominations of Douglas and Johnson, of Breckinridge and Lane, 407. Movements for Fusion, 407, 692, 835. The Great Eastern, 408, 541. Rights of Naturalized Citizens, 408. Dr. Hayes's Arctic Expedition, 408. Political Speculations, 541, 691, 836. The Prince of Wales, 541, 693, 836. Presidential Candidates on the Union, 691. Elections, 692, 836. Speeches of Mr. Douglas, 692, 835. State Conventions in New York, 693. Excitement in Texas, 6.3. Loss of the Lady El

......W. M. Thackeray 99, 238


T. S. Arthur 235 477 ..Rose Terry 107

gin, 836. The Prince of Wales at Washington, 836. Execution of Walker, 836.

SOUTHERN AMERICA.-Affairs in Mexico, 115, 259, 408, 693. Miramon and Zuloaga, 259. Defeat of Uraga, 408. Defeat of Miramon, 693. European Interference, 693. Walker's Expedition to Honduras, 693. His Capture and Execution, 836.

EUROPE.-The Annexation of Savoy to France, 116. Insurrection in Sicily, 116. Peace between Spain and Morocco, 116. Garibaldi's Landing in Sicily, 260. His Capture of Palermo, 408. Conquest of Sicily, 542. Battle of Melazzo, 694. Letter to the King of Sardinia, 694. Descent upon the Main Land, and entry into Naples, 856. His policy, 836. The King of Naples, 408, 836. War Feeling in England, 542. Speech of Lord Palmerston, 542. Louis Napoleon's Reply, 693. The Papal States, 694. Sardinian Demands, 836. Sardinian Invasion, 836. Battle of Castelfidardo, $36.

THE EAST.-The Chinese and the Europeans, 408. Civil War in Syria, 408, 543, 694, 837. Massacres in Mount Lebanon, 543, 695. Massacres in Damascus, 543. Letter from Abd-El-Kader, 543. French Expedition to Syria, 695. Executions in Damascus, 837. Destitution at Beirût, 837.

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92. Furnace and Nail-machine.............. 162 93. Cutting and Trimming Staves.......... 163 94. Clamp and Plate...........



95. Filling the Casks......





28. Defensive Work, Butler County, Ohio. 29. Ancient Work, Hamilton County, Ohio 30. Ancient Work, Paint Creek.. 31. Group of Works, Paint Creek.. 32. Circles and Parallels......

33. Ancient Work, Pike County, Ohio... 34. Circle, Pike County, Ohio......... 35. Elliptical Work, Bourneville, Ohio..... 36. Circular Work, Miami River... 37. Rectangular Work, Randolph Co., Ind. 38. Cedar Bank Works, Ohio......... 39. Works near Cedar Bank..... 40. Square Work, Fairfield County, Ohio. 41. Hopeton Works, Ohio...... 42. High Bank Works, Ohio...... 43. Ancient Work, Liberty, Ohio............................... 44. Ancient Work, Paint Creek........


45. Ancient Work, Portsmouth, Ohio...... 46. Heliothes Americana.....

47. Boll Worm.........
48. Phalena Gossypion..
49. Worm of Phalena..
50. Tortrix Carpas....
51. Cocoon of Tortrix..
52. Phalena Gossypiella.
53. Cotton-bud Moth..
54. Rostera Cothonissa..
55. Clostera Cothonissa..
56. Egeria Carbasena...
57. Agrotis Xylina.......
58. Worm of Agrotis...


96. Great Serpent, Adam's County, Ohio 165 97. Stone Temple, Stanton Drew..... 98. Graded Way, Piketon, Ohio........ 99. Sepulchral Mounds, Chilicothe...... 30 100. Section of Sepulchral Mound... 31 101. Timber Sarcophagus...... 31 102. Section of Sacrificial Mound.. 31 103. Plan and Section of Altar... 32 104. Vase from Mound.....









32 105. Ancient Works, Washington Co., Miss. 171 33 106. Ancient Works, Lafayette Co., Miss. 171 33 107. Temple Mound, Marietta, Ohio........ 172 33 108. Animal-shaped Mounds, Wisconsin... 172 34 109. Forms of Animal-shaped Mounds..... 173 35 110. Mounds of Observation..... 174

36 111. Copper Axes, from Mounds............ 174 36 112. Copper Implements, from Mounds.... 175 37 113. Vase, from Mound... 38 114. Sculpture of Head... 39 115. Sculptured Bird........ 40 116. Beads, from Mounds.. 41 117. Copper Bracelets.... 42 118. Copper Gorget...... 43 119. Copper Disks....

[blocks in formation]


101 129. Eight-armed Cuttle-Fish, rear.......... 186 141 130. Neill's Kraken............. 141 131. Cecilia's Successor.



65. Gushing Poetess..... 66. The Great Artist...

67. Well-balanced Head..

141 132. Lovel's Mothers...

141 133. Cross Cuts.... 142 134. Cold Cuts......




59. Tinea Sata......

60. Cotton Fibres.......

61. The Lion and the Serpent.........................................

62. Bedford to the Rescue...

63. The Future President...

64. Organ of Veneration....

[blocks in formation]

143. Youth's Line.....
144. Tender Line.......
145. Lover's Line.....
146. Young Lady's Line...
147. Caroline....
148. Crinoline......
149. Artist's Line...
150. Poet's Line......
151. Fancy Man's Line..
152. Home Toilet......
153. Traveling Dress......
154. Dress Cap.........
155. Red River Train.......
156. Cascade near St. Paul.....
157. Horse-jockeying.......
158. Red River Guide.
159. Traveler's Home.....
160. Ferry over Rum River.....
161. One of our Doctors...
162. Studying Grasses........
163. The First Watch......
164. Getting out of a Slough...
165. Claim Shanty....
166. Claim Stake....
167. Taking the Vail......

168. Major Patten's Crossing.
169. Now I Lay Me Down...
170. Pelican Lake........

171. First View of Red River..

172. Fort Abercrombie.......

173. Cantonments, Fort Abercrombie.......
174. The Anson Northup...
175. The Smudge....

176. Dakotah City..

177. Japanese Artist.......

178. Island of Pappenberg

179. Japanese Ladies and Children.....
180. Group of Horses......
181. Japanese Tea-Garden...
182. Bay of Jedo.........

183. Japanese Scenery..


184. Travelers in a Snow-Storm..

185. Landing-Place at Jedo....

186. Japanese Horse-Shoe....

187. Japanese Saddle......

188. Japanese Sandal..

189. Japanese Bath..

190. Jeddo Forts.......

191. Japanese Fire-Ladder..

192. Japanese Builders.......

285 208. The Fall......

285 209. Jawing..

285 210. Help Wanted......

286 211. Cruiser's Education.....

286 212. Delights of Winter.....
286 213. Broken in.......

286 214. Cruiser's Last Sale....
286 215. Finale of Cruiser.....
286 216. Dressing Gown.....
286 217. Boy's Costume....
286 218. Breakfast Cap..........
286 219. The Sewing Bird..
286 220. Sewing Machines...
286 221. Dry-Goods Store....
286 222. The Miners........
286 223. The Lumbermen..
286 224. The Working Girl..
287 225. Captain West......
288 226. Catching a Shark.
288 227. What a Fish!........
289 228. Black Bass, etc......
290 229. Cape Cod Pasture.....
291 230. Gay Head.......

294 234. Gay Head School..
295 235. Deacon Simon....
296 236. Jane Wormsley.
298 237. Toad Rock.....
299 238. Chilmark School..
299 239. Young Harpooner....
300 240. Returning in Tow..
301 241. Milking.

302 242. Pigs........

303 243. The Deacons....

304 244. A Pleasure Party.
305 245. Spider's Web......

306 246. Anatomy of the Spider......
307 247. Spider's Spinnerets, etc.....
308 248. Mygale Avicularia......
309 249. Mygale Floridiæ....
311 250. Lycosa Fera.........
312 251. Parts of Ichneumons..
313 252. Latrodecta Chrusos...
313 253. Web of Latrodecta...
314 254. Atypus Mikros.....
315 255. Pholcus Phalangiodes.......
315 256. Young Pholcus...
316 257. Thomisis Eremeus...
317 258. Epeira Diadema......
317 259. Parts of Epeira.........
318 260. Epeira Leucostigma..
318 261. Dryasderia Rhodii...
318 262. Web of Dryasderia..
319 263. Lycosa Tarentula....
320 264. Mygale Cementaria....
320 265. Parts of Mason Spider..

193. Lord Elgin and Japanese Ministers.... 321 266. Fife and Drum........

194. Street Scene in Jedo......
























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287. International Boundary Post....... 583 360. Humiliation of Opechancanough....... 739 288. Pembina Fort.........

289. Pembina....

290. Ball at Pembina............................................................... 585 363. Dismantled Whaler.......

291. Strawberries.....

292. St. Joseph...........

293. Pembina Mountain............................................................ 591 366. Studley...

294. Prairie Fire.......

295. Mouse River...

296. Fort Ellice.....

297. Assineboine and Qu'Appelle.. 298. Parting with the Doctor.... 299. Fording at Sand-Hills......

300. South Bend of Mouse River... 301. Golgotha........

302. Devil's Lake......

303. Return of the Hunters..
304. Newstead Abbey..
305. Gothic Fountain...
306. Hucknall Church......
307. The Steppes of Tartary.
308. Camp in the Steppes..
309. Tatar Caravan....
310. The Red Sand.....

311. Mirage in the Desert........
312. Sand Storm....
313. Mountain Gorge........
314. The Maral's Leap.........
315. Bearcoots and Wolves......
316. Kirghis Aoul.........

317. Sheitan and his Legions.....
318. Sheitan's Cavern......

319. Funeral Sacrifice.......

596 370. Towing the Whale....
597 371. Tarring Ropes.....
599 372. The Harpooner..
600 373. A Grove.....

603 374. Too Sweet.....
604 375. Village Lawyer........
605 376. Railroad President.........
607 377. Agent of Humane Society.
608 378. From Maine.........
610 379. Boston Hack-Driver.......
611 380. Poverty and Riches.....
611 381. Organ-Grinder..
612 382. On the Wharf..
613 383. Pearl-Fishing..
613 384. Pearl-Diver
614 385. Egyptian Ear-Rings.
615 386. Bishop Bitton's Ring..
616 387. Ring of Pius II........
617 388. Pearl Oyster ......
618 389. Pearl-bearing Mussel...
619 390. Japanese Miracle......
620 391. Native Pearls.......
621 392. Persian Gulf-Diver......

320. Village in the Land of the Moon...... 622 393. The Mogul's Great Pearl....

321. Burton under Way.......... 322. Members of the Caravan... 323. More Members of the Caravan.... 324. African Porters........

325. Beloch Guard......

623 394. Pearl of the Peacock Throne..... 624 395. Pear-shaped Pearl......... 625 396. The Mogul's Small Pearl.. 626 397. The Mogul's Round Pearl.. 627 398. Cleance Pearl.............. 627 399. Ear-Ring from Sakkarah.............. 628 400. Sizes of Pearls.......... 629 401. The Russian Ruby.

583 361. Smith presenting Map......... 584 362. Sorrow of Pocahontas...


[ocr errors]


586 364. A Strange Gentleman........................................................ 587 365. Mother Carey......




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329. Head-Dresses of Wanyamwezi

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330. Ivory Porter....

331. On Lake Tanganyika...........

[blocks in formation]

332. African Implements......


634 405. Banarous Ruby.


333. House-Building

[blocks in formation]

334. King's Mountain Battle Ground........ 670 407. English Heart Ruby

335. Monument on King's Mountain........ 670 408. Topaz of the Great Mogul............

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351. Portrait of John Smith................... 721 423. Pleasures of Girlhood..

352. Smith in his Retreat.....

723 424. Autumn Cloak.......

353. Smith's Fight with the Turk........... 725 | 425. Striped Mantle.....

718 418. Nothing to Wear...... 718 419. A Ferocious Beast..... 718 420. Averse to Society.






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