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aucthorytye (n.), authority, 6, 1 auncetors (n.), ancestors, 126, 9 auncient (adj.), ancient, 19, 31: 70, 11

auncientnes (n.), antiquity, 64, 28 aunters, in the phrase in aunters =perchance, peradventure, 50,


autour, autours (n.), author, au

thors, 119, 3: 131, 24 avaled (vb.), brought low, cf. avalanche, 147, 29 avaleth (vb.), abaseth, bringeth low, 129, 28

avaunce (vb.), advance, 109, 14: 125, 32: 129, 25: 169, 18 avaunced (part.), advanced, 6, 27: 153, 27: 154, 22 avauncement (n.), advancement, 3, 10: 167, 22

avaunt (vb.), boast, 133, 12 avaylable (adj.), efficacious, influential with, 157, 21 avayleable (adj.), profitable, advantageous, 32, 10 avoutrers (n.), adulterers, 123, 33 awaye with, away with (vb.), abide tolerate 15, 9: 168, 29

a worke, aworke, on work, to work, 30, 11:33, 29: 141, 13 ayer (n.), air, temperature, 116, 23

baase (adj.), base, 147, 21 bankettes (n.), banquets, 92, 29 barein (adj.), barren, 163, 10 basse (adj.), base, 129, 28: 135,

2, II

be (prep.), by, 56, 9: 105, 18 becke (n.), nod, beck, 47, 18 befor (adv.), before, 4, 16 begger (n.), beggar, 160, 18 begon (part.), begun, 130, 10 behated (part.), hated thoroughly, 55, 26

beholdynge (part.), beholden, 27, 13 behoufe (n.), behoof, profit, benefit, 172, 3

bende (n.), band, troop, 139, 33 bene (part. of be), been, 166, 23

bernes (n.), barns, granaries, 88, 4: 160, 16 bethinkinge (part.), recollecting, 66, 16

betraied (part.), betrayed, 134, 23 better (adj.), larger, greater, 102, 31 bewrayed (part.), betrayed, 39, 13 bie (vb.), buy, purchase, 34, 24:

35, 29: 133, II

blesse (n.), bliss, happiness, 148, 29 bluddy (adj.), bloody, 154, 15 borne (adj.), born, natural, 130, 13 botched (part.), mended, patched, 63, 19

boucherie (n.), butchery, 111, 25 bouchers (n.), butchers, 111, 21 bourdein (n.), burden, 5, 15 brabling (n.), contention, dispute, 163, 2

brauling (n.), wrangling, disputation, 163, 2

breadynge (n.), breeding, rearing of cattle, 34, 22

brethern (n.), brothers, 20, 7 brouches (n.), brooches, ornaments, trinkets, 99, 9: 100, 5 brunte (n.), struggle, exertion, 71,


bryed (vb.), breed, rear, 71, 29 but (adv.), except, 98, 10 by and by (adv.), presently, speedily, 77,7

bycause (conj.), because, 3,6: 129,33 bychaunce (n.), accidental oppor

tunity, unexpected chance, 8, 21 bye (vb.), buy, 34, 4: 110, 7 byinge (n.), buying, 135, 1

cannels (n.), channels, canals, 74, 5 carefull (adj.), anxious, sorrowful, 114, 18 carefullie (adv.), with sorrow,

sadly, reluctantly, 148, 32 carke (vb.), be anxious, solicitous, 107, 12

case (n.), condition, 24, 12 cast (part.), condemned, 44, 16 cautel (n.), precaution, safeguard, 115, 21

[blocks in formation]

chaungeable (adj.), variegated, diverse, 99, 33: 157, 28 chaunsinge, chaunseth (vb.), chancing, chanceth, 61, 1: 123, 19 cheife (adj.), chief, principal, 35, 2 chepe (adj.), cheap, 34, 25 cheringe (n.), refreshing, enjoyment, 92, 33

cheuse, chewse (vb.), choose, 4, 12: 57, 14

chevalry (n.), mounted troops, horse-soldiers, 164, 32 chevalrye, chivalrie (n.), martial sports, 25, 33: 159, 30 cheynes (n.), chains, 39, 32: 41, 4 chiefelye (adv.), chiefly, 119, 20 chiefyste (adj.), chiefest, most principal, 104, 30

choise (n.), choice, 51. 28 chourlish (adj.), churlish, ill-mannered, 15, 32

chuese, chueseth (vb.), choose, chooseth, 20, 29: 55, 8: 76, 12: 84, 8: 86, 28 et passim chuse (vb.), choose, 42, 27 circumstaunce (n.), circumstance, 127, 5

citisen (n.), citizen, 18, 17 cleane (adv.), utterly, entirely, 25, 2: 38, 16: 59, 5 cleime (vb.), claim, 50, 18 clenlynes (n.), cleanliness, 84, 30 clerkes (n.), scholars, 103, 17 cold (pret.), could, 3, 19 coliars (n.), colliers, 161, 30

comen, commen (part.), come, 34, 15: 64, 15

commen (vb.), commune, 11, 22 commen (adj.), common, 30, 31: 41, 10: 63, 31 et passim comminaltie (n.), commonalty, the commons, 162, 24

commodious (adj.), beneficial, advantageous, 64, 24.

commoditye, commoditie (n.), advantage, 24, 30: 67, 26: 77, 33: 81, 21 et passim

commodities (n.), advantages, privileges, 62, 14: 76, 6: 107, 16: 162, 17

commune (adj.), common, usual, 21, 5

companies (n.), guilds, fraternities of craftsmen, 94, 5

comparison, out of, beyond compare, without equal, 17, 9 comprehended (part.), included, 103, 32

conceave (vb.), fancy, imagine, 64,

[ocr errors]

concelour (n.), hider, concealer, 43, 22 conceytes

(n.), fanciful dishes, dishes decked out with patterns and devices, 92, 30

condempne (vb.), condemn, 15, 20: 146, I

conditions (n.), behaviour and circumstances, II, 28: 18, 21: 125,

33 conduction (n.), conducting, leading (of an army), 137, 32 conning (adj.), cunning, 8, 20 connyngly, conningly (adv.), know

ingly, cleverly, 8, 10, 23: 166,13 consecrate (part.), consecrated, 153,


consisteth (vb.), existeth, 38, 1 constreined (part.), compelled, forced, 39, 10

continewe, continew (vb.), continue, 161, 11, 31; 164, 16 contyneuaunce (n.). continuance, 83, 30

conveiaunce (n.), expression of
meaning, manner of expression,
4, 23; 10, 9

convicte (part.), convicted, 39, 7
coorse (n.), corpse, 149, 11
cormaraunte (n.), cormorant, ap-
plied to a greedy person, a
devourer, 33, 6

corragiously (adv.), courageously,
150, 5

cotes (n.), coats, 30, 10
countervayle (vb.), equal, to be of

equal value, 37, 20; 157, 33
courages (n.), hearts, spirits, 55, I
course, by, in turns, 90, 19
covetesenes (n.), covetousness, 137,

coveyne, covyne (n.), knavery, cun-
ning, chicanery, 33, 10; 132,
19; 134, 33
cowardnes, cowardenes (n.), cow-
ardice, 138, 13: 138, 21
cowardleste (adj.), cowardliest, 30,

[blocks in formation]

in danger under obligation,
102, 14; 116, 5
daungerous (adj.), obstinate, un-
willing, 170, 19

dayle, daylye (adv.), daily, 62, 5;
62, 8

decaied (part.), decayed, 34, 21
dedicate (part.), dedicated, 153, 22
deinties (n.), dainties, 92, 8
delectable (adj.), delightful, enjoy-
able, 18, 32

delectatyon (n.), delight, pleasure,
27, 27

delite (n.), delight, gratification,
27, 23; 157, 16

delite (vb.), to be gratified, to
gratify, 4, 21: 24, 8
denounced (part.), declared (used
of war), 134, 3

denye (vb.), to decline, refuse, 129,

derived (part.), conducted in chan-
nels, 74, 5

derogation (n.), detraction, diminu-
tion, slight, 155, 32

despute (vb.), dispute, argue, 53,

[blocks in formation]

dewe (adj.), due, proper, 158, 2, 7
dewtye (n.), duty, 122, II
died (part.), dyed, 95, 22
digniti (n.), dignity, worthiness,
154, I

disbourdened (part.), relieved, freed
from, 10, 6

discripant (adj.), different, not
agreeing with, 98, 9
discrive (vb.), describe, 167, 3
discrived (part.), discried, detected,
39, 16: 43, 9

discumfeted (part.), defeated, 140,

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors]

diserdes (n.), dolts, stupid fellows,
26, 22
dispacheth (vb.), finisheth, brings
to an end, 72, II

dispatched (part.), released, re-
lieved from, 46, 5
displeasaunte (adj.), unpleasant,
disagreeable, 146, 24
displeasauntly (adv.), disagreeably,
unpleasantly, 109, 19
disprove (vb.), disapprove, dislike,
48, I

dissident (adj.), discordant, out of
agreement with, 60, 10: 129,

dissimulation (n.), in contradistinc-
tion to simulation, a conceal-
ment of the truth, 18, 28
divised (part.), devised, contrived,
103, 31

doe cost, to incur expense, to spend
money, 56, 16
domisticall (adj.), domestic, be-
longing to home, 164, 21
domme (adj.), dumb, 58, 17
dorres (n.), drones, or beetles, 29,


douting (part.), being doubtful, un-
certain, 146, 33

dowrey (n.), dowry, 160, 24
drawen (part.), drawn, 37, 28
dryvell (n.), a drudge, low servant,
102, 9

dubled (part.), doubled, 134, 12
ducates (n.), coins, so named be-
cause first issued by some of the
dukes of Italy, 143, I

(part.), disproved,
proved to be wrong, 105, 15

earst (adv.), formerly, 170, 15
easely (adv.), easily, 28, 9
effeminated (part.), made effemi-
nate, or enfeebled, 32, 2
eftsones (adv.), hereafter, again,

[blocks in formation]

els (adv.), else, otherwise, 6, 7:
6, 19: 10, 10, 25: 11, 7: 13,
12 et passim

embraidinge (part.), upbraiding,
reproaching, 151, 6

embraudered (part.), embroidered,

157, 30

emong, emonge, emonges (prep.).
amongst, II, 20: 12, 2, 6: 137,

encombred (part.), encumbered,
beset, 163, 25: 167, 27
endaunger (vb.), to gain influence
over, 53, 27

endevoire (n.), endeavour, under-
taking, 3, 22

enhable (vb.), to enable, to give

power, 57, 9

enstruct (vb.), to instruct, to teach,
48, 26

entercourse (n.), intercourse, 22, 8
entermingled (part.), intermingled,
mixed up, 112, 22

enterprice, enterpryse (n.), enter-
prise, undertaking, 5, 16: 5,

entertaynement (n.), entertainment,
hospitable treatment, 18, 32
enterteyne (vb.), to entertain, to
treat hospitably, 120, 9
entreate (vb.), to treat of, to dis-
cuss, 69, 21

entysinge (n.), enticement, 43, 15
eschue (vb.), to eschew, to avoid,
150, 27

espiall (n.), a spy, 142, 13
estimer (n.), an estimator, a judge,



evell (adv.), badly, mischievously,
130, 10

evell (adj.), wicked, bad, 137, 16:
148, 23

evermore (adv.), always, on all
occasions, 157, 9
exceading (adv.), exceedingly, 152,


excedinge (adv.), exceedingly, 69, 6
excluded (part.), thrust aside, done
away with, 4, 29.

exempte out of, taken away from,
38, 16
existimation (n.), character, repu-
tation, 26, 20: 78, 2
exploited (part.), accomplished,
brought about, 116, 28
expreslye (adv.), with outspoken
utterance, 158, 32

eyther (conj.), either, 126, 14

false (adj.), of an incorrect text,
misprinted, 117, 32
fantasy (n.), fancy, 20, 24
fantasy (vb.), to fancy, to like
best, 79, 17

fardel (n.), a bundle, 118, 8
farfurth (adv.), far forth; as far

furth as in as much as, 130, 18
farre (adv.), widely, very exten-
sively, 8, 15: 117,4
farre furth (adv.), as farre furth as
=as much as, 8, 17
fassion (n.), fashion, 67, 17: 86, 6:
87, 4: 101, 18 et passim
favoure (n.), countenance, expres-
sion of face, 19, 12
fayne (vb.), to pretend, 52, 32
faynethe (vb.), inventeth, ficti-
tiously describeth, 59, 23
fearce (adj.), fierce, savage, 71, 9
feare (vb.), to frighten, to make
afraid, 124, 26: 126, 3: 145,
26: 150, 8

feate (n.), existence, nature of,
method, 22, 23: 56, 11
feates (n.), achievements, great
deeds, 25, 33: 26, 1: 119, 17
feldes (n.), fields, 94, 12
felles (n.), skins, 95, 22
fellones (n.), felons, thieves, 28, 15
fellowes (n.), equals, compeers, 18,


fermes (n.), farms, 34, 21: 35, 26:

70, 2, 12

fethers (n.), feathers, 157, 32: 158,


fier (n.), fire, 123, I
finifest (n.), last feast, terminal
feast, 155, IL

flickeringe (part.), fluttering, ex-
citing, 108, 33.

flienge (part.), flying, 43, 6
floryshe (vb.), to flourish, 160, 10
floure (n.), flower, glory, pride,
169, 22

flowtinge (part.), jeering at, mock-
ing, 15, 22

foles (n.), fools, jesters, 125, II
folish, folisshe, folyshe (adj.), fool-
ish, 22, 31: 23, 18: 26, 9: 56,


fond (adj.), silly, foolish, 23, 17:

forbicause (adv.), because, 132, 22
forbie (prep.), past, along, 73, 26
foreby (prep.), in front of, passing
by, 73, 18

forefeiling (part.), previous feeling,
anticipation, 149, 2
forefrontes (n.), the front portions,
68, I

forein (adj.), foreign, 164, 25
forethought (vb.), suspected before-
hand, imagined, 8, 24
forfaytes (n.), forfeits, 53, 19:
forgevenes (n.), forgiveness, 42, 17
forgo (vb.), to do without, to give
up, 98, 27

forragynges (n.), foragings, forays,

plundering expeditions, 51, II
forrein, forreyn, forreyne (adj.),
foreign, 4, 4: 57, 7: 87, 25:
154, 8

forsene (part.), provided for, 157, 6
forsoeth (adv.), forsooth, truly, 47,

forstalle (vb.), to buy up before-
hand, 35, 30'

foule (n.), fowl, 88, 23: 157, 32
foynes (n.), passes, or pushes in
fencing, 141, 29

franckelye (adv.), liberally, freely,

95, 24
frankensence (n.), frankincense,
157, 18

fray (vb.), affright, frighten, 151, 3
freare, frears (n.), friar, friars, 45,
33: 46, 6, 22, 28: 47, 13

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