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communion, in different sections of the country, are disposed to make for the promotion of theological learning, we must be permitted to express our regret at the measures which the diocese of Maryland has adopted, with a view to this object.

"Our limits necessarily prevent our making

several observations which have occurred to us, and we therefore dismiss the subject by expressing our most earnest wishes, that this measure may not tend to interrupt the harmony, on the subject of theological education, which was so decidedly manifested at our last general convention.

"The convention ordered the treasurer of the convention to pay to each of the dele

gates to the general convention, the sum of 40 dollars

"Contributions were made, agreeably to a canon of this diocese, for the bishop's fund, for the deputies' fund, and for the incidental expenses of the convention.

"The committee on the state of the church * laid before the convention an abstract from the several parochial reports, from which it appears, that there has been a gradual increase of the conmunicants, and from 1800 to 2000 baptisms. As is often the fact, the reports are not generally made, and many of them are very imperfect. It is much to be lamented that a return, which requires so little labour, and which, if correctly made,

* Abstract of the Report of the Committee on the State of the Church, referred to above. Rectors and Ministers. Bap-Mar- Fune- Commu- Add. Sunday tisms. riages rals Licants. Com. Scholars.

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Communicants in twenty-seven do. 1804

Marriages in thirty-one do.


Sunday Scholars in ten

do. 1198

Funerals in thirty-three do.



would afford so much information as to the actual state of our churches, should be neglected in any instance. The language of the committee, on this subject, is so just, that we cannot forbear transcribing it. committee concur in lamenting the manner in which the parochial reports are at present made: such is their conciseness, that they are confined to a mere numerical statement of the baptisms, marriages, and funerals; thus rendering it impracticable for your committee to furnish a report, which embraces any interesting matter, or which would enable the readers of our journals to form any estimate of the state of piety in the diocese.""

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In aid of the abovementioned objects, auxiliary societies are now forming in many of our parishes. In New Haven, the young churchman's missionary society, and the young ladies' church missionary society, which have been recently formed, already consist of more than sixty members cach.

In Hartford, there is an association of more than sixty gentlemen; and another of about forty ladies, in aid of the same object.

In Middletown, similar associations exist; but we are not informed of the number of the members. May every parish in the state "go and do likewise," in proportion to their means.

Number of Clergymer. At the beginning of the present year, the whole number of Episcopal clergymen, în the United States, was distributed in the following manner:

In Maine, 2; in New Hampshire, 4; Vermont, 7; Massachusetts, 16; Rhode Island, 6; Connecticut, 44; New York, 32; New Jersey, 13; Pennsylvania, 27; Delaware, 3; Maryland, 53; Virginia, 27; North Carolina, 9; South Carolina, 25; Ohio, 6; Georgia, 3; Kentucky, 4; Louisiana, 1; Missouri, 1. Total-333.

The right reverend Philander Chase, bishop of the diocese of Ohio, has accepted the presidential chair in the Cincinnati college, and will enter upon the duties of his office at the commencement of the winter session in October next.


On Wednesday evening, Sept. 18, the right reverend bishop Griswold administered the holy rite of confirmation, in St. Matthew's chapel, South Boston, to nine persons. Sermon by the bishop.


On Thursday, Sept. 19, at Christ church, Quincy, the right reverend bishop Griswold admitted to the holy order of deacons, Mr. Benjamin Clarke Cutler, of Boston, a graduate of Brown university. Morning prayers by the reverend Dr. Gardiner, of Boston, and the sermon by the bishop, from the text, "We have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us." 2 Cor. iv. 7. The holy communion was then administered by the right reverend bishop, assisted by the reverend Dr. Gardiner.

The services on this occasion were very interesting and impressive. Many of the clergy, and a great number of the laity were present.

This ordination is an event of peculiar interest to the church at large, and particularly to the society at Quincy. For many years, that parish, having been destitute of a rector, has been in a low and depressed state, though they have sometimes been supplied with lay readers, and have occasionally had the services of clergymen. We trust, however, they are no longer to be dependent upon occasional assistance; but that the gentleman now admitted to orders will long continue with them, and prove to them, and to those who may hereafter become connected with them, a faithful watchman upon the walls of their Zion. May the great Head of the church vouchsafe his blessing upon them.

It may not be amiss to state that the venerable John Adams, late president of the United States, has given to this society the privilege of taking from his quarry a sufficient quantity of stone to erect a church, whenever they are disposed to avail themof the gift. We were gratified to see him at the church on the day of the ordination.


Slave Trade.

A meeting was held at the vestry of the Rev. Dr. Channing's church, in this town, on Wednesday evening, Aug. 28, George Blake, Esq. chairman, Rev. Mr. Frothingham, secretary, to consider the expediency of forming a society, auxiliary to the American colonization society. After considerable discussion, it was voted to refer the subject to a committee, to report at an adjourned. meeting. It was referred to the same committee to consider the expediency of adopt

ing any other measures for aiding in the suppression of the slave trade. After the appointment of the committee, consisting of Dr. Hale, Hon. D. Webster, G. Blake, Esq. J. Tappan, Esq. and Rev. Mr. Burgess, the meeting adjourned for a week.

The adjourned meeting on the subject of an auxiliary colonization society, and of a society to aid in the suppression of the slave trade, was held on the 4th of September, George Blake, Esq. in the chair, Mr. Lewis Tappan, secretary, in the absence of Rev. Mr. Frothingham, who acted as secretary at the previous meeting. The following report was presented by the committee and read, and after an interesting discussion of the whole subject, was unanimously accepted.

The committee appointed to consider the expediency of forming a society for the purpose of aiding the funds of the American colonization society, or of assisting in the suppression of the slave trade, have paid such attention to the subject referred to them as the time and their opportunities would permit, and respectfully submit the following report.

The importance of providing some remedy for the evils arising from the rapid relative increase of the black population in some portions of our country is becoming every year more serious. It is now well known that where a slave population abounds their ratio of increase is much greater than that of the people among whom they live. Hence the time cannot be far distant, when their numbers in some of the states and their power, will predominate over that of those who hold them in servitude, unless some mode is devised of diminishing their numbers or some provision made for removing the surplus portion of them.

It was in the expectation of furnishing in some measure a remedy for these evils, or at least of diminishing their danger, that the American society for colonizing the free people of colour of the United States was established. This society has been in operation nearly six years, and its affairs appear to have been conducted with much enterprise and zeal, and, as your committee believe, in a spirit of enlightened Christian benevolence. Were the objects of the society extended no farther than to the colonization of such people of colour in our country as are already free, or who will become free in the ordinary course of events, they would not in the view of the committee be such as to excite that deep interest among us which is necessary to secure a very active co-operation. It might indeed afford some advantages to that unhappy people to remove them from their

present degraded state, to a condition more free from temptations to vice and more favourable to moral and intellectual improvement; and it would doubtless confer a benefit upon the community from which they are taken. And if, through the medium of a colony thus established, the arts of civilized life and the blessings of Christianity can be introduced among a people who are ignorant of both, the good that may be done, may be greatly increased. But the accomplishment of these objects, valuable as they are, appears too remote and of too difficult attainment to admit of their enlisting our feelings very ardently in the cause. Other objects object of benevolence press upon us with more urgent solicitations and more immediate prospects of usefulness.

But if, while these purposes are accomplished, the colonization of the free people of colour will aid effectually in the suppression of the slave trade, so as to lead to the entire abolition of that detestible traffick; and at the same time afford such encouragement to the emancipation of slaves as to prepare the way for the gradual extermination of slavery, it would become an object worthy of the attention and assistance of the whole Christian world.

That such are the designs and expectations of those who are most active in managing the concerns of the American colonization society, the committee have the fullest confidence. The committee are not prepared to give an opinion how far these expectations are likely to be realized. If a colony decidedly and actively hostile to the slave trade can be maintained on the coast of Africa, and especially if several could be supported on different parts of that coast, much might doubtless be done to aid cruisers in the pursuit of slave ships, by furnishing supplies, and by giving information of their places places of rendezvous. We are also assured that there are proprietors ors of slaves who are desirous of emancipating them, and that many will be thus emancipated as soon as an asylum shall be suitably prepared for them, and the means provided of transporting them to it

We have no means of ascertaining how extensively such a disposition prevails among the holders of slaves. But there is reason to apprehend that it is at present limited to a very small proportion of them. The events of the last two or three years have furnished melancholy proof that the great body of the people in the slave holding states are very little disposed to relinquish any of the advantages which their slaves afford them. That there are exceptions to this feeling we are fully persuaded, and we hope there are many. It is only from the belief which the com mittee very cordially entertain, that the active members of the American colonization society are perfectly disposed to frame their measures with reference to the entire suppression of the slave trade, and to a gradual and prudent, but complete emancipation of those now held in slavery, that we can regard the society as having any claim upon the sympathy or assistance of the people of New England.

At the same time there are other modes by which assistance can be given towards suppressing the slave trade, without losing sight of the objects which have been mentioned.

A society is particularly needed to aid in prosecuting those who are concerned in carrying on this trade. By combining the influence and exertions of its members, this purpose may be accomplished much more effectually than it can be by individuals alone.

The committee would therefore respectfully recommend that a society be formed for the general purpose of assisting in the suppression of the slave trade, that a subscription be opened to provide funds for the proposed society; and that the government of the society be fully authorized to make such a disposal of the funds as they shall judge most conducive to the object of its institution. If, on further attention to the subject, the managers of the society shall be satisfied that the operations of the American colonization society are favourable to the suppression of the slave trade, they will be disposed to aid them as far as their funds will permit, while they will not neglect any other means, that may present themselves, of accomplishing that object. As, however, there may be some, who are prepared to contribute at once to the funds of the Ame. rican colonization society, the committee would propose that the subscription should be so arranged as to leave it to the option of each subscriber, either to appropriate the amount of his subscription directly or indirectly to that object, or commit it to the disposal of the government of the society. E. HALE, JR. per order.

The committee also presented a draft of

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Art. III. The officers of the society shall be a president, vice president, corresponding and recording secretary, and a treasurer, who shall also be managers, and five additional managers. The board of managers shall have power to elect honorary vice presidents.

Art. IV. Every subscriber shall be permitted to appropriate the amount of his subscription, either to be paid over to the American colonization society, or to be left at the disposal of this society, as he shall direct in his subscription.

Art. V. All the funds of the society not specifically appropriated, as described in the preceding article, shall be subject to the order of the board of managers, to be diposed of as they shall judge most conducive to the objects of the society.

The society was then organized by the election of the following officers. Hon. Daniel Webster, President. George Blake. Esq. Vice President. Rev. S. F. Jarvis, D.D. Corresp'g. Sec'y. Bradford Sumner, Esq. Recording Sec'y. Samuel H. Walley, Treasurer. Richard Sullivan, Esq. Mr. William Sturgis. Bradford Sumner, Esq. & Managers. E. Hale, Jr. M. D. John Tappan, Esq.

It was then voted that the report and constitution be published in the publick papers, and the meeting adjourned.


The history of St. Peter's church, Salem, is unavoidably postponed to the next number. Several other communications are on file, for insertion, as our limits will permit.



"Knowing that I am set for the defence of the Gospel." Phil. i. 17.

No. 23.]

NOVEMBER, 1822. [No. 11. Vol. II.


To the Editor of the Gospel Advocate. REMARKS UPON LUKE xvi. 9. AND HEBREWS xii. 17.

My attention has lately been direct ed to two passages in the new testament, which, as I have been led to believe, are not, generally, well un. derstood. Perhaps my own opinion in regard to their meaning, is incorrect; and, if so, I shall be gratified in seeing, from the pen of some of your correspondents, a more satisfac. tory interpretation. The first passage occurs in the 16th chapter of St. Luke's gospel, the 9th verse, and is translated as follows : "Make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness; that, when ye fail, they may receive you into everlasting habitations." It has been commonly supposed that this is an exhortation to make that wise and profitable use of worldly goods which may aid in the furtherance of our eternal interests.* But the subject does not, in my view, justify such an opinion, nor can there be any connexion between the declaration, in this sense, as an inference, and the design of the Saviour, in the parable which he had just related. It is more reasonable to consider the phrase, Ποιήσατε εαυτοῖς φίλους, as equivalent to receive to yourselves instruction or improvement. That which furnishes lessons for a due government of our conduct may be esteemed in the light of a friend; and with this view, it appears to me evident, that * Vide Burkitt, Henry, and other com mentators. 42


it was the intention of Christ, from the character of the unjust steward, to direct his disciples to make friends of the mammon of unrighteousness by drawing from the prudence and zeal of its votaries, a powerful motive to lead them to increased diligence and activity in those pursuits which were connected with their future and eternal welfare. The preposition ex favours this explanation, as it might better have been rendered from, or by the consideration of than simply of. Some have fallen into errour from the use of the pronoun they, in the translation, referring it to the mammon of unrighteousness as its proper antecedent, and by which they are to be received into everlasting habitations. This word is not, however, in the original. The verb δέξωνται is, indeed, plural, and in the third person, but we are under no necessity of supposing that it refers to φίλους or μαμωνᾶ. It may be considered impersonal, or, with more propriety, applied to God, Christ, and the holy angels, who will receive into their society, the spirits of the just made perfect. My paraphrase of the verse is, therefore, "Receive instruction from the consideration of their prudence, foresight, and zeal, who pursue with eagerness the mammon of unrightecusness, that when your mortal lives are ended, ye may find an abundant recompense in being admitted into the 'habitations of the blessed."


The second passage to which I alluded, is in the 12th chapter of St

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