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addition to our own, and there are sixty-nine items of unique interest. glance through the catalogue itself will do more to explain it than pages of description." The portrait here given is that of Herr Rosenthal at the present time.

New York, U.S.A. The Anderson Auction Company, 12 East 46th Street.

Catalogue of the Library of Wilhelmus Mynderse, of Brooklyn, Oct. 28-29, containing such items as Thackeray's Flore et Zephyr, The Snob and the Gownsman, and The Second Funeral of Napoleon; Dickens's Pickwick, in parts; Sketches by Boz, first issue ; &c., &c. Also, Catalogue of the Library of Louis J. Haber, Parts 1, 2, 3, sold Dec. 1-2-7-8-9-10, being a remarkable collection made during the past twenty-five years, covering the whole period of English Literature, from the Authors of the Sixteenth Century to the Present Day, including Rare Editions of the Works of Edmund Spenser, John Heywood, Robert Greene, Abraham Cowley, Chapman, Burton, Herbert, Killigrew, Gower, the Fourth Folio Shakespeare; many Rare First Editions of American Authors, Extra-Illustrated Books, Private BockClub Publications, Works on Bibliography, and Fine Bindings; Manuscripts of John Keats, Thackeray, Stevenson, Swinburne, Kipling, Oscar Wilde, Irving and Whitman; Letters of Dr. Johnson, Lamb, Dickens, Tennyson, Hawthorne, Lowell, Longfellow, Whittier, and many others; with, numerous reproductions from the rarer items. Also on Dec. 14-15, Catalogue of Excessively Rare Books, Letters, and Manuscripts, being EarlyPrinted Books, Illuminated Manuscripts, Rare Americana, Masterpieces of English Literature, Illustrated Books with Coloured Plates, Handsome Bindings, Association Books, First Editions; also having numerous reproductions in facsimile. The sale was one of the finest of recent years, and the catalogues are as perfect in style, execution, and production as any that are issued in the present day.

The Lexington Book Shop, 120 East 59th Street. Catalogues Nos. 13-14 of Choice, Standard and Desirable Books in Various Classes of Literature, First Editions of Books illustrated by Cruikshank, Leech, and Phiz; Melanchthon's Chronicon, 1560; many Fine Modern Editions, &c. Henry Malkan, 42 Broadway.-Catalogue No. 38 of Rare and Valuable Books in all departments of Literature, comprising Recent Purchases from various Private Collections and especially from the Library of George T. Werts, Esq. Ex-Governor of New Jersey, including the First Edition of Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare, Pine's Edition of Horace, 1733-37; Rowlandson's Cries of London, coloured, 1820; a Volume of Manuscript Satires of the time of Charles II.; some very fine, Extra-Illustrated Books, &c., &c. Paris, France. Librairie Dorbon-Aine, 53 (ter) Quai des Grands Augustins. Le Bouquineur, revue Bibliographique des Livres anciens and modernes, Nos. 73, 74, including such editions as the Opera of Cornelius Agrippa, 1531; the Secrets of Alexis of Piemont, 1614; Bacon's Instauratio Magna, 1620 ; the Genealogiae of Boccace, Venice, 1494; &c., &c.

Vienna, Austria-Hungary. Gilhofer & Ranschburg, Bognergasse 2.-Anzeiger Nr. 89 des Antiquarischen Bücherlagers; Alt, Oesterr. Ansichten, Amerika, Austriaca (Allgem.), Berlin, Böhmen, Dänemark, Dickens, Erstausgaben, Donauansichten, Dreissigjähriger Krieg, Elsass, Französ. Literatur, Holbein, Orig.-Drawings engraved by Bartolozzi, Holzschnittwerke und andere Drucke des 16. Jahrh., darunter zwei kostbare französ. Livres d'heures, Inkunabeln mit und ohne Holzschn., Judaica, Karikaturen,. Kauffmann (Angel.) Ladies Library, Krain, Kunst, Kunstgewerbe und Graphik, Livre d'heures de la Reine Anne, Livres á figures du XVIIIe siècle, Milton, Pro Populo Anglicano Defensio, Geschenkexemplar; Musik, Niederösterreich, Oberösterreich, Pferde, Preussische Militärkostüme, Sachsische Militärkostüme, Salzburg, Speculum humanae salvationis (Miniaturen d. 14. Jahrhunderts auf Pergam), Steiermark, Tirol, Ungarn, Wien, Wiener Revolution; with facsimiles from some of the rarer items. Also, Katalog einer Sammlung von Kupferstichen und Aquarellen aus fürstlichem Besitz. Albums mit Aquarellen und Kostüm abbildungen

werke mit Kupferstichen, Musikdrucke und Musikmanuskripte, Dedikationsexemplare aus königlichem Besitze in prachtvollen Einbänden. Album mit 71 Originalzeichnungen (Aquarell,Krayon- u. Kohle-zeichnungen) der Prinzessin Amalia von Sachsen-Koburg-Gotha. Chodowiecki-Sammlung von 1565 Blättern, darunter grosse Seltenheiten. Pastell-Porträts von Marie Antoinette u. Ludwig XVI. (ca. 1773) von Johann Heinrich Schmidt, von meisterhafter Ausführung. Französische und englische Kupferstiche des 18. Jahrhunderts, punktiert, zum Teile in Farben. Seltene Pörträts, Historische Blätter, Städteansichten, Militar- 11. Nationaltracthen, Aeronautik, Astron. u. astrol. Blätter, Napoleonica. Karikaturen (von Rowlandson, Cruikshank, Gillray und anderen), Kostüme, Löschenkohl, Polonica, Russica, Sport, Viennensia, Zwei Albums mit 116 und 105 herrlichen Kostüm-Aquarellen u. Volksszenen des 16. Jahrh. (ca. 1570), Ein prachtvolles Pferdebissbuch, zum Teile farbig (ca. 1620), Deutsche Handschrift. Seltene Kupferstichwerke und andere Prachtwerke des 16. u. 17. Jahrh. Versteigerung in Wien, I. Bognergasse 2, Mezzanin vom 2. bis 4. Dezember 1909, 14 Uhr nachmittags durch das Kunstantiquariat Gilhofer & Ranschburg. The Catalogue of this fine sale contains numerous reproductions of the rarer items.

Catalogues received since going to press will be noticed in the next Part.

TO BOOKSELLERS. SPECIAL:-When sending catalogues for review any items particularly wished to be noticed should be marked. When this is done the items in question will be certain to be mentioned.



Karslake & Co., 35 Pond St., Hamp stead, N.W.

Prints of the Thames, or of any place on or near it, from its Source to the Nore; or portraits, autographs, &c. of persons connected with places on its banks.

Portraits of Napoleon, his Family,

Generals, Statesmen, &c., or any person, monarch, &c., in any way connected with his career; also plates illustrating his Life and History. Imperfect sets and water-stained impressions are bought, but not when stained with oil or grease.

Cruikshank plates, autographs, &c., anything relating to him; imperfect and stained sets bought; runs of magazines illustrated by him; &c., &c.

Portraits generally suitable for extraillustrating, autographs, &c. Leech (John) Portraits connected with him and steel plates by him (not woodcuts, except when in books).

B A.R., vol. 2, part 1.

vol. 3, parts 1 2, 4.

Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft, 1830

Gazette des Beaux Arts, complete
set; also for the years 1860, 1864,
1895, 1896.

Ireland's Picturesque Views of the
Thames, the Medway, the Wye,
the Avon, the Inns of Court, and
Tour through Holland; roy. 8vo.

Boys. Views of Oxford.

Views of London.


Leeds. Conlon (J.) 4 Vernon St.
Wanted always, Job Lots of Fiction,
Juveniles, and Various. Send
your list direct to me.

Norwich. Humphris (H. E.) St. Giles.
Blomefield & Parkin's History of
Norfolk. Odd vols. Perfect or
imperfect. All editions. Also
any odd volumes.


[ocr errors]

Editor of "Book-Auction Records "
writes as follows:

'Many thanks for advance copy of B.A.R. I am more than pleased with it as now produced, and it does you very great credit in every way."

We are proud to receive such a letter, more so
especially from the fact that there are few, if
any, greater critics of typography than Mr.
Frank Karslake.

Now, rightly or wrongly, we feel convinced that,
whilst keeping up the quality in every respect, we
can save you money in the real economic sense;
that is to say plainly: we can produce your cata-
logues for less than you are at present paying.

We may be wrong, but we should like to be
proved so. It need cost you nothing (we will
refund the stamp for postage). Will you, there-
fore, kindly send us a copy of your last catalogue,
telling us the quantity you send out, when a
quotation will be sent you immediately.

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