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Our imperfections are discernable by others, when we think they are concealed.

They think they shall be heared for there much speaking.

True criticizm is not a captious, but a liberal art.

Integrity is our best defense against the evils of life.

No circumstance can licence evil, or dispence with the rules of virtue.

We may be cyphers in the world's estimation, whilst we are advancing our own and others' value.

The path of vertue is the path of peace.

A diphthong is the coilition of two vowels to form one sound.


However forceable our temptations, they may be resisted. I acknowlege my transgression; and my sin is ever before

The colledge of cardinals are the electers of the pope,
He had no colorable excuse to palliate his conduct,

Thy humourous vein, thy pleasing folly,

Lie all neglected, all forgot.

If we are so conceited as obstinatly to reject all advice, we must expect a direliction of friends.

Cronology is the science of computeing and adjusting the periods of time.

In groves we live, and lay on mossy beds,

By chrystal streams, that murmer through the meads.

It is a secret cowardise which induces us to complement the vices of our superiors, to applaud the libertin, and laugh with the prophane.

The lark each morning wak'd me with her spritely lay. There are no fewer than thirty-two species of the lilly. We owe it to our visitors as well as to ourselves, to entertain them with useful and sensable conversation.

Sponsers are those who become sureties for the children's education in the christian faith.

The warrier's fame is often purchased by the blood of thousands.

Hope exhilerates the mind, and is the grand elixer, under all the evils of life.

The incence of gratitude, whilst it expresses our duty, and honors our benefacter, perfumes and regails ourselves.

[blocks in formation]






A verb must agree with its nominative case, in number and person: as "I learn;" "Thou art improved," "The birds sing."

See Vol. i. p. 143. and the Key, Part 3. Chap. 1. Rule 1.

DISAPPOINTMENTS sinks the heart of man; but the renewal of hope give consolation.

The smiles that encourage severity of judgment, hides malice and insincerity.

He dare not act contrary to his instructions.

Fifty pounds of wheat contains forty pounds of flour. The mechanism of clocks and watches, were totally unknown a few centuries ago.

The number of inhabitants in Great Britain and Ireland, do not exceed sixteen millions.

Nothing but vain and foolish pursuits delight some per


A variety of pleasing objects charm the eye.

So much both of ability and merit are seldom found.

In the conduct of Parmenio, a mixture of wisdom and folly were very conspicuous.

He is an author of more credit than Plutarch, or any other that write lives too hastily.

The inquisitive and curious is generally talkative.
Great pains has been taken to reconcile the parties.

I am sorry to say it, but there was more equivocators than


The sincere is always esteemed.

Has the goods been sold to advantage? and did thou embrace the proper season?

There is many occasions in life, in which silence and simplicity is true wisdom.

The generous never recounts minutely the actions they have done; nor the prudent, those they will do.

He need not proceed in such haste.

The business that related to ecclesiastical meetings, matters, and persons, were to be ordered according to the king's direction.

In him were happily blended true dignity with softness of


The support of so many of his relations, were a heavy tax upon his industry; but thou knows he paid it cheerfully. What avails the best sentiments, if persons do not live suitably to them?

Reconciliation was offered, on conditions as moderate as was consistent with a permanent union.

Not one of them whom thou sees clothed in purple, are completely happy.

And the fame of this person, and of his wonderful actions, were diffused throughout the country.

The variety of the productions of genius, like that of the operations of nature, are without limit.

In vain our flocks and fields increase our store,
When our abundance make us wish for more.

Thou should love thy neighbour as sincerely as thou loves thyself.

Has thou no better reason for censuring thy friend and companion?

Thou who art the Author and Bestower of life, can doubtless, restore it also: but whether thou will please to restore it, or not, that thou only knows.

O thou my voice inspire,

Who touch'd Isaiah's hallow'd lips with fire.

Accept these grateful tears: for thee they flow;
For thee that ever felt another's wo.

Just to thy word, in every thought sincere ;

Who knew no wish but what the world might hear.

The following examples are adapted to the notes and obser vations uuder RULE I.

1.* To do unto all men, as we would that they, in similar circumstances, should do unto us, constitute the great principle of virtue.

From a fear of the world's censure, to be ashamed of the practice of precepts, which the heart approves and embraces, mark a feeble and imperfect character.

The erroneous opinions which we form concerning happipiness and misery, gives rise to all the mistaken and dangerous passions that embroils our life.

To live soberly, righteously, and piously, are required of all men.

That it is our duty to promote the purity of our minds and bodies, to be just and kind to our fellow-creatures, and to be pious and faithful to Him that made us, admit not of any doubt in a rational and well-informed mind.

To be of a pure and humble mind, to exercise benevolence towards others, to cultivate piety towards God, is the sure means of becoming peaceful and happy.

It is an important truth, that religion, vital religion, the religion of the heart, are the most powerful auxiliaries of reason, in waging war with the passions, and promoting that sweet composure which constitute the peace of God.

The possession of our senses entire, of our limbs uninjured, of a sound understanding, of friends and companions, are often overlooked; though it would be the ultimate wish of many, who, as far as we can judge, deserves it as much as ourselves.

All that make a figure on the great theatre of the world, the employments of the busy, the enterprises of the ambitious, and the exploits of the warlike; the virtues which forms the happiness, and the crimes which occasions the misery of mankind; originates in that silent and secret recess of thought, which are hidden from every human eye.

2. If the privileges to which he has an undoubted right, and he has long enjoyed, should now be wrested from him, would be flagrant injustice.

These curiosities we have imported from China, and are similar to those which were some time ago brought from Africa.

Will martial flames for ever fire thy mind,
And never, never be to Heav'n resign'd?

The examples under each rule are regularly numbered, to make them correspond to the respective subordinate rules in the Grammar.

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