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Them to him or to Shall I not address them to him or to her?

her. Se las.

No se las dirigiré ?

Him or it to them. I gave him or it to them.

Se le or lo he dado (á ellos or ellas).

Se le or lo.
Him or it to them. I did not give it to them.
Se le or lo.
Him or it to them. Did I give him to them?
Se le or lo.
Se le or lo he dado (á ellos)?

No se le or lo he dado (á ellos).

Him or it to them. Did I not give it to them?
Se le or lo.
No se le or lo he dado (á ellos)?

Her or it to them. I have sent her to them.
Se la he enviado (á ellos).

Se la.

Her or it to them. I have not sent her or it to them.
Se la.
No se la he enviado (á ellos).

Her or it to them. Have I sent her or it to them?

Se la.

Se la.

Se la he enviado (á ellos)?

Her or it to them. Have I not sent her or it to them?
No se la he enviado (á ellos)?
I have promised them to them.
Se los prometí (á ellos).

Them to them.
Se los.

Them to them.
Se los.

Them to them.
Se las.

Them to them.
Se las.

Not any.








Not any. Ninguno. Of it.

De ello.

At it.
De ello.

For it.

Por ello.

With it-him


I have not promised them to them.
No se los prometí (á ellos).
Have I promised them to them?
Se las prometí (á ellos)?

Have I not promised them to them?
No se las prometí (á ellos)?
I have got some.
Tengo alguno.
I have not got any.
No tengo ninguno.
Will you have some?
Quiere vmd. alguno?
Will you not have any?
No quiere vmd. alguno?
Give me some.
Deme vmd. alguno.
Do not give her any.
No le dé vmd. ninguno.
I am very glad of it.
Me alegro mucho de ello.
I wonder at it.

Estoy sorprehendido de ello.
I am very sorry for it.

Tengo el mayor sentimiento por ello.

Are you pleased with it-him-her-or them?

Con él-ella-ellos Está vmd. contento con él—ella—ellos/ellas ?


[blocks in formation]

From that place. Don't you come from that place?

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

No viene vmd. de allá ?

Have you thought of it, of him, or of them?

Se ha acordado vmd. de ello, de él, de ellos, or de ellas?

I shall never consent to it.

Nunca consentiré en ello.
He is not fit for it.

No es propio para ello.
You will get nothing by it.
Vmd. no sacará nada de ello.
Have you been there?

Ha estado vmd. allí ?

Take me to it; take us there.

Condúzcame vmd. allí;

condúzcanos vmd. allí.

Do not carry me there. Do not take us there.

No me lleve vmd. allí. No nos lleve vmd. allí.
Is he there at this time?

Está allí ahora?

I will not stay in it long.
No estaré allí mucho tiempo.
Let us send some there.
Enviemos alguno allí.
I shall send some there.
Enviaré algunos allí.

I shall carry some there to you.
Yo se le llevaré alguna allí.
Did you see any there?

Ha visto vmd. algunas allí ?

Have you not enough of it, or of them, there?

De él, de ellos, allí. No tiene vmd. bastante de él, de ellos, allí?
A man (or woman) has spoken to me.
f. Un hombre (or una muger) me ha hablado.

A or an.

Uno, muna.

Of a or an.

He speaks of a man, of a woman.

De un. m. de una. Habla de un hombre, de una muger.

From a or an.
De uno, de una.
To a or an.

A un, á una.




He received it from a man, from a woman.
Lo ha recibido de un hombre, de una muger.
I have given money to a man, to a woman.
He dado dinero á un hombre, á una muger.
The father and son are as much alike as two drops
of water.

El padre y el hijo se parecen como dos gotas de

Of, or of or from The taste of salt and pepper is too predominant in



To or to the.




that dish.

El gusto de sal y de pimienta domina demasiado en
ese guisado.

I prefer good green tea to chocolate or coffee.
Prefiero el buen te verde al chocolate y al café.
Poetry and painting are sisters, admired only by
people of taste.

La poesía y la pintura son dos hermanas que solo
la gente de gusto admiran.

Of, or of or from The principles of religion must never be divided


De la.

To or to the.

A la.



from those of morality.

Los principios de la religion no han de separarse nunca de los de la moral.

For a man of his rank, he is too much addicted to music and dancing.

Para un sugeto de su clase, es demasiado adicto á la
música y á la danza.

America is nearly as large as Europe, Asia and
Africa together.

La América es casi tan grande como la Europa, el
Asia, y Africa.

Of, or of or from The power of astrology is founded upon the weak


Del, de la.

To or to the.

Al, á la.


Los, las

ness of the human mind.

El poder de la astrología se funda sobre la debilidad del espíritu humano.

The praises given to heroes are a homage paid to
honour and humanity.

Los elogios que dan á los héroes son el homenage
que se paga al honor y á la humanidad.
Should we not consider old men, women, and chil
dren as sacred in war?

Los viejos, las mugeres, y los niños no deberian
considerarse en la guerra como objetos sagra-


Of or of or from Who ever could conciliate the love of pleasure with the. the study of the sciences?

De, de los or de las. Quien ha podido hasta ahora conciliar el amor de los placeres con el estudio de las ciencias?

To or for.

Para or á.













This, that.

Este, aquel.

This, that.

Este, aquel.

These, those.

He is a man calculated either for war or business.

Es un hombre propio para las armas y para los ne-

This young man studies too much.
m. Este jóven estudia demasiado.
That horse is well shaped.

m. Ese caballo es bien hecho.
This child is well educated.
m. Este niño está bien criado.
That man sings well.
m. Aquel hombre canta bien.

This young lady is pretty.

f. Esta señorita es bonita.

That academy is much resorted to.
f. Aquella academia es muy freqüentada.
These scholars learn well.

m p. Estos colegiales hacen progresos.

Estas, aquellos.

This, that.

Esta, aquella.

These, those.

Estas, aquellas.
He who.

El que.
He who.

El que. He who.

El que.

They who.

Los que.
Those who.
Los que.

She who.

La que.
She who.

La que.
They who.

Las que.

Those ladies have a great deal of wit.

f p. Aquellas señoritas tienen mucho entendimiento.
This is finer than that.

Este es mas hermoso que aquel.
However, I prefer this to that.

Sin embargo, yo prefiero este à aquel.
Take this; as for me, I keep those.

Tome vmd. estos; que yo guardo aquellos.
I believe this is better than that.

Yo creo esta mejor que aquella.
If you give me these, send him those.
Si vmd. me da estas, énviele aquellas.
He who speaks.

El que habla.

He who says so.
El que lo dice.
He who comes.
El que viene.

They who make a noise.
Los que hacen ruido.
Those who write now.
que escriben ahora.
She who dances so well.
La que bayla tan bien.
She who would not sing.
La que no quiso cantar.
They who are to come.
Las que deben venir.

They who.

Las que.
This (thing).

This (thing).


That (thing).

That (thing).


What, that which.

Lo que.

[blocks in formation]

What, that which. I am ignorant of what has happened to him.

Lo que.


Lo que. What.

Lo que. Who. Que. That. Que. Who. Quien. Who.


A quien.

Of or from whom.
De quien.


Of which or of

To whom.

A quien.

De quien.



Ignoro lo que le ha sucedidò.
What he says is true.

Lo que dice es verdad.

It is not what I am looking for.
No es lo que busco.

It is the man who has just come in.
Es el hombre que acaba de entrar.

I have bought to-day things that suit me.
Hoy he comprado cosas que me convienen.
Who has done that?

Quien ha hecho eso?

Who is come this afternoon?

Quien ha venido despues de comer?
Whom do you want here?

A quien busca vmd. aquí?

From whom have you that news?
De quien tiene vmd. esta noticia?
God, whose works we admire.
Dios, cuyas obras admiramos.

Nature, the secrets of which we are ignorant.

La naturaleza, cuyos secretos ignoramos.
Whom do you give the preference to?
A quien da vmd. la preferencia?
Whose hat is this?

De quien es este sombrero?

The person whom you see yonder.
El sugeto que vmd. vé allá baxo.

The fruits that I have in my garden are very good.
Las frutas que tengo en mi jardin son excelentes.
The greens which you bought in the market.
Las verduras que ha comprado vind. en la plaza.
What do you wish for?

Qué desca vmd.?

What does she mean?
Qué quiere decir?

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