| Great Britain - 1763 - 404 pages
...arore-* faid, as if the faid infeoffments had proceeded upon charters and precepts under the féal appointed by the treaty of union to be kept in Scotland, in place of the great féal, or upon precepts from Chancery; any thing in the law and practice of Scotland 'to the contrary... | |
| Great Britain - Law - 1763 - 408 pages
...heritages aforefaid, as if the faid infeoffments had proceeded upon charters . and precepts under the féal appointed by the treaty of union to be kept in Scotland, in place of the great féal, or upon precepts from Chancery; any thing in the law and practice of Sc otland to the contrary... | |
| Great Britain - Law - 1765 - 554 pages
...fucceffors, te™ patent«, by letters patents under the great leal appointed by the treaty f^jjj and dl-" ' of union to be kept in Scotland in place of the great féal thereof, reft 'ruies for to Jay down, fettle and eftablifh a particular plan or method, the funds... | |
| Great Britain - Law - 1767 - 674 pages
...»How the ofbenefit of a pardon under the great féal, or under the féal ар- fender the bepointed by the treaty of union to be kept in Scotland in place of Border 'a the great féal, and to order and direct the like transfer and con- like transfer veyance,... | |
| Great Britain - 1767 - 674 pages
...the allow the ofbenefit of a pardon under the great feal, or under the feal ap- fen^er the bepointed by the treaty of union to be kept in Scotland in place of ne*je thereof» the great feal, and to orcter and direct the like transfer and con- jjke tTansfe* veyance,... | |
| Great Britain - 1768 - 452 pages
...called Scotland, his Majeßy has already, by letters patent wider the great féal appointed by tht treaty of union to be kept in Scotland in place of the great fed thereof, appointed, named, and authorifed certain perfons to be truftees and commijjioners for... | |
| Lord John Maclaurin Dreghorn, Scotland. High Court of Justiciary - Criminal law - 1774 - 840 pages
...and alfo his Maje"• fty's moft gracious pardon to the faid James Baillie, expede under " the feal appointed by the treaty of Union to be kept in Scotland " in place of the great feal formerly ufed there, bearing date the yth " day of March 1772 ; whereby his Majefty is gracioufty... | |
| History - 1778 - 630 pages
...powers, authorities, liberties, and privileges. Alfo a charter to be made and pafled under the féal appointed by the treaty of Union to be kept in Scotland, in place of the Great Seal thereof, conftituting and appointing the Fraternity of Mailers and Seamen in Dundee, in NorthBritain, one corporation... | |
| English literature - 1780 - 740 pages
...by the promotion of Peter Dore, Efq; — 18. to order letters-patent to pafs under the great féal appointed by the treaty of union to be kept in Scotland, in place of the great féal thereof, ratifying and confirming the ancient rights and privileges by the judges in favour of... | |
| 1782 - 288 pages
...moft humbly pray, that your Majefty will be gracioufly pleafed to grant your Royal Letters patent, under the Seal appointed by the Treaty of Union to be kept in Scotland, -in place of the great feal formerly ufed, conftituting and erecting the prefent Members of the faid Society, and all thofe... | |
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