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Men may live fools, but fools they cannot die.

Night iv.

By night an atheist half believes a God.

Line 843.

Night v.

Line 177.

Less base the fear of death than fear of life;
O, Britain! infamous for suicide !

An island, in thy manners, far disjoin'd

From the whole world of rationals beside!

Talents angel-bright,

Lines 441-444.

If wanting worth, are shining instruments
In false ambition's hand, to finish faults

Illustrious, and give infamy renown.

Night vi. Lines 273-276.

Virtue alone outbuilds the Pyramids;

Her monuments shall last, when Egypt's fall.

Lines 314, 315.

If a man loses all when life is lost,
He lives a coward, or a fool expires.
A daring infidel (and such there are,
From pride, example, lucre, rage, revenge,
Or pure heroical defect of thought),

Of all earth's madmen, most deserves a chain.

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An undevout astronomer is mad.

Night 1x

Line 772.

Retire; the world shut out; thy thoughts call home; Imagination's airy wing repress. Lines 1440, 1441.

The love of praise, howe'er conceal'd by art,
Reigns more or less, and glows in ev'ry heart.

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The man who builds, and wants wherewith to pay,
Provides a home from which to run away.

Ibid. Lines 171, 172.

Be wise with speed;

A fool at forty is a fool indeed.


Satire II. Lines 282, 283.

One to destroy, is murder by the law;
And gibbets keep the lifted hand in awe;
To murder thousands, takes a specious name,
War's glorious art, and gives immortal fame.*


Satire VII.

*"One murder made a villain,

Millions a hero."

See Quotations from Bishop Porteus.

Lines 55-58.

How commentators each dark

passage shun,

Lines 97, 98.

And hold their farthing candle to the sun.

The Love of Fame.
Satire VII.

Though man sits still and takes his ease;

God is at work on man;

No means, no moment unemploy'd,

To bless him, if he can.

Resignation. Part 1.

Stanza 119.

Their feet, through faithless leather, meet the dirt,
And oftener chang'd their principles than shirt.

Epistle 1. to Pope. Lines 277, 278.

Souls made of fire, and children of the sun,

With whom revenge is virtue,

Tragedy of the Revenge. Act v.

A lion preys not upon carcasses.

Scene 2.


* Oh rather give me commentators plain,
Who, with no deep researches vex the brain;
Who, from the dark and doubtful love to run,
And hold their glimmering tapers to the sun.
Crabbe. Introduction to

the Parish Register. Lines 89-92.


This restless world

Is full of chances, which by habit's power
To learn to bear is easier than to shun.

Act of Preserving Health.

Book 2. Lines 474-476.

'Tis not for mortals always to be blest.

Ibid. Book 4. Line 260.

Thus, in his graver vein, the friendly sage,

Sometimes declaimed. Of right and wrong he taught

Truths as refin'd as ever Athens heard;

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Through the sequester'd vale of rural life,
The venerable patriarch guileless held

The tenor of his way.*

Lines 108-III.

One murder made a villain,

Millions a hero.t

Princes were privileg'd

To kill, and numbers sanctified the crime.

Ah! why will kings forget that they are men,
And men that they are brethren ?

Lines 154-158.

* "Along the cool sequester'd vale of life
They kept the noiseless tenor of their way."
Gray's Elegy.

See Quotations from Gray.

† A similar idea is conveyed in Young, "The Love of Fame," satire vii. lines 55-58.-See Quotations from Young.

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