Characters of Eminent Men in the Reigns of Charles I and II: Including the Rebellion |
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Characters of Eminent Men in the Reigns of Charles I and II , Including the ... Earl Of Edward Hyde Clarendon No preview available - 2012 |
Common terms and phrases
affection afterwards ambition ARCHBISHOP ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY army attended battle believed BEVIL GRENVILLE bishop bred chancellor church civil Clarendon command contemn conversation council countenance courage court Cromwell crown death delight DIED discerned discourse DUKE earl of Strafford eminent enemies England esteemed exceedingly excellent extraordinary father fortune friends friendship gave gentleman gravity greatest honour house of commons house of peers humour inclinations industry judge judgment justice keeper king James king's bounties king's service kingdom knew known learning less lived LORD LORD CHAMBERLAIN Lord Falkland loved majesty marquis MDCLI MDCXLIII MDCXLIV ment mind morosity nation nature never obliged Oxford parliament party passion person pleasant prince profession rebellion religion reproach reputation reverence secretary sharp ship-money SIR DUDLEY CARLETON SIR JOHN soever Spain spent spirit temned temper thing thought tion took truth understanding virtue VISCOUNT whilst WILLIAM WILLIAM LAUD WILLIAM NOY younger brother
Popular passages
Page 59 - He was of an industry and vigilance not to be tired out or wearied by the most laborious ; and of parts not to be imposed upon by the most subtle or sharp ; and of a personal courage equal to his best parts...
Page 177 - There needs no more be said to extol the excellence and power of his wit, and pleasantness of his conversation, than that it was of magnitude enough to cover a world of very great faults ; that is, so to cover them, that they were not taken notice of to his reproach, viz.
Page 173 - There was never so great a mind and spirit contained in so little room ; so large an understanding and so unrestrained a fancy in so very small a body...
Page 75 - In the morning before the battle, as always upon action, he was very cheerful, and put himself into the first rank of the lord Byron's regiment, -then " advancing upon the enemy, who had lined the hedges on both sides with musketeers ; from whence he was shot with a musket in the lower part of the belly, and in the instant falling from his horse, his body was not found till the next morning ; till when, there was some hope...
Page 73 - Falkland ; a person of such prodigious parts of learning and knowledge, of that inimitable sweetness and delight in conversation, of so flowing and obliging a humanity and goodness to mankind, and of that primitive simplicity and integrity of life, that if there were no other brand upon this odious and accursed civil war, than that single loss, it must be most infamous and execrable to all posterity.
Page 146 - HE WAS one of those men, quos vituperare ne inimici quidem possunt, nisi ut simul laudent (whom his very enemies could not condemn without commending him at the same time) ; for he could never have done half that mischief without great parts of courage, industry, and judgment.
Page 48 - Abbot brought none of this antidote with him, and considered Christian religion no otherwise, than as it abhorred and reviled popery, and valued those men most, who did that most furiously. For the strict observation of the discipline of the church, or the conformity to the articles or canons established, he made little inquiry, and took less care...
Page 21 - His kindness and affection to his friends was so vehement, that it was as so many marriages for better and worse, and so many leagues offensive and defensive; as if he thought himself obliged to love all his friends, and to make war upon all they were angry with, let the cause be what it would.
Page 171 - He was a person of a pleasant and facetious wit, and made many poems (especially in the amorous way) which, for the sharpness of the fancy, and the elegance of the language in which that fancy was spread, were at least equal, if not superior to any of that time.
Page 54 - He had no ambition of title or office or preferment, but only to be kindly looked upon and kindly spoken to, and quietly to enjoy his own fortune : and, without doubt, no man in his nature more abhorred rebellion than he did, nor could he have been led into it by any open or transparent temptation, but by a thousand disguises and cozenages.