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SUNT ergo quedam infule prejacentes Gulacie que ab incolis Solunde nominantur, unde Solundicum Mare dictum quod inter Norwegiam et Iberniam fluit, in quo funt Orchades infule numero plufquam xxx a quodam comite Orchano nomine vocate; que quidem diverfis incolis acculte nunc in duo regna funt divise. Sunt enim merediane infule regulis fullimate; brumales vero comitum prefidio decorate; qui utrique regibus Norwegie non modica perfolvunt tributa

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ISTAS infulas primitus Peti et Pape inhabitabant. Horum alteri fcilicet Peti parvo fuperantes pigmeos statura in structuris urbium vefpere et mane mira operantes, meredie vero cunctis viribus prorfus destituti in fubterraneis domunculis pre timore latuerunt: Sed eo tempore non Orchades ymmo terra Petorum dicebantur, unde adhuc Petlandicum Mare ab incolis appellatur quod fejungit infulas a Scocia: ubi omnium maxima vorago, que fortiffimas naves quas per ledonem attrahendo diglutit, earundem fragmenta per malenam eructando evomit. Qui populus unde illuc adventaffet penitus ignoramus Pape vero propter albas vestes quibus ut clerici induebantur vocati funt, unde in Theutonica lingua omnes clerici Pape dicuntur. Adhuc quedam infula Papey ab illis denominatur. Sed nec per habitum et apices librorum eorum ibidem derelictorum notatur. Affricani fuerunt, Judaifmo adherentes. Iftas itaque naciones in diebus Haraldi comati Regis videlicet Norwegie quidam pirate profapia robuftiffimi principis Rognwaldi progreffi cum magna claffe Solundicum Mare tranffretantes de diuturnis fedibus

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exutas ex toto deleverunt, ac infulas fibi fubdiderunt, ubi fecurius hiemalibus fedibus muniti, estivo tempore cum in Anglos tum in Scotos quandoque in Hibernios fuam excercentes tyrannidem, verum ut de Anglia Northimbriam, de Scocia Kathanafiam, de Hybernia Difflinniam, ceterafque maritimas urbes fuo imperio fubjugarent. De quorum collegio quidam Rodulfus a fociis Gonguralfr cognominatus, quia ob enormem corporis quantitatem equitare nequiens femper inceffit, Rodam civitatem Normandie cum paucis mirabili ingenio devicit. Namque in quodam flumine cum xv navibus latitantes, finguli quique naute fingulas precavantes foffas, tenuis glebis campi spissitudinis identitatem fimulantibus, ordinata acie ultra loci concava parati ad pugnam progreffi funt; quo comperto cives directis ordinibus hoftes infecuntur. At illi ficta fuga quafi ad naves feftinantes equites cunctis velocius fe fubfequentes ac catervatim in latencia precipitia cum loricatis fonipedibus proruentes, illi inquam Norwagenfes tyranni funesta manu eos trucidabant Itaque fugatis civibus urbem libere intrabant fimulque cum ea omnem illam regionem optinebant, a quibus Normandie nomen adepta est. Aft idem Rodulfus regni primatu potitus defuncti comitis uxorem duxit, ex qua genuit Willelmum cognomento Longofped, patrem Ricardi; qui item filium genuit fibi equivocum . Junior vero Ricardus pater erat Wilelmi bastardi, qui Anglos devicit. Iste genuit Willelmum Rufum et Henricum fratrem ejus, qui in prophecia Merlini regis, Leo jufticie prenominatus eft. Rodulfus vero comes Normandie effectus, hoftili manu Frefones invafit, victoriam impertivit, fed parvo intervallo a privigno fuo in Hollandia dolo interemptus eft. Interim focii ejus in Orchadibus fuum regnum firmiter stabilierunt Revera enim ufque hodie illorum pofteritates dominio [nullo] fubjacent, excepto quod jure tributario Regibus Norwegie deferviunt

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In primis nota That the nacion of Scottis begouth in the tyme of Moyfes . For in his tyme, like as is contenyt in the Bibil, Gennefis, that thai dais the Ethiopes infeckit all Egypt with cruell were; for the quhilk the Egipcianis callit in thair help thair allye the Grekis, quhilkis than war allyit to tham than as now is allyit France to us. And the king of Athenes, in Grece, callit Neolus, fend his fone Gayelglas, efter quham oure langage Scottis is callit Gayelgaggit, with a grete power of men in Egypt, and difcomfit the Ethiopis, dauntit and abandownit the Ethiopis ay to the tyme that Moyfes raife. For the quhilk victory the king of Egypt gave his anerly douchter and aire to the faid Gayel, callit Scota, in mariage. Off the quhilk Scota, we efterwart war all callit Scottis, as the custume was that tyme to call nacions efter women, and nocht efter men, as Afya Affrica and Europa, the thre principale partis of the warlde. Juxta illud,

A muliere Scota vocatur Scocia tota.
Nomen habet vetito Gathelos ducis aucto.1

Sa that the opynion of thame may nocht stand that trowis that we come of
Brutus, quhilk come of the traytouris of Troye as is wele kend. lyke as

1 In the MS., "audamto." In the Chronicon Rythmicum, added to some of the MSS. of Fordun, these lines read

Scoti a Scota, de Scotis Scocia nota,

A muliere Scota vocatur Scocia tota.

But, in Fordun's Scotichronicon, Lib. I. cap. xxvii., they are as follows :

Scoti de Scota; de Scotis Scotia tota

Nomen habent: vetito Gaithelos ducis adaucto.

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is contenyt in the story of Troye, Gwydo de Columpna. Bot we ar cummyn of the worthiest nacion that ever was in erde, that is the Grekis, of the mannis fyde Gathelos Off the Egipcianis of the wommannis fyde, Scota quhilkis war before the deftructione of Troye iij zeris and efter that was Brute borne nere a hunder zere, fa the nacion of Scottis begouth before the Britones were iiij zere. Sa mycht we never cum of thame sen we war fa lang before thame. And that the Grekis war the worthiest, it apperis, for thai have bene twife conquerouris of the warlde, be Ercules and Alexander and Troyanis never, bot at thair defense and vencust at the last in cafe that of thaim fenfyne ar cummyn diverse worthy men and zit come thai of thame that bare the foule furname, that is to say Antenor, Eneas, and Helenus, quhilkis all thre procurit the treson of Troy, with Polidamas In lofing of the Grekis, fais Varro, that famouse clerk. Grecia cum fuis provinciis eft regnorum domina, milicie matrix, prophecie mater, omnium scienciarum inventrix et magistra, cujus gens bellicofiffima dono sapiencie et sciencie predita, fermone difertiffima, legibus fubdita, pia circa extraneos, pacifica circa incolas et domesticos quieta, contra hoftium injurias nimium intollerabilis et infesta, cujus ydeoma omnium clarius et fonancius, etc This forefaid Gayell and Scota war maryit togeder in the tyme that the barnis of Ifrael paffit the Rede Sea and efter the deceffe of Pharo thai governyt the land of Egipt, and for thai faw fik cruell plagis cum of Egipt, thai decretit to pas with thair folkis that he brocht out of Grece, and mony of Egipt, to seke void landis and unenhabyte. For he wald nocht pas in his awin contree agayne, as the maner was that tyme. And in fiklyke maner left Ethiope Egipt, and come in Grece, for the plagis that fell on it And gif ony wald oppone to us that we ar cummyn of Egipt of the ta fyde quhilk oppreffit the barnis of Israel, that argewis nocht us the wers tharefore. For rycht sa war Criste the wer that come of Jowis, quhilk is nocht suth. Juxta illud,

Sicut spina rofam fic genuit Judea Mariam .

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And als full worthy men mony ar cummyn of the traytouris of Troye; and als suppose that thai perfewit the barnis of Israel, zit thai ressavit Crist in Egipt and nurist him nere vij zeris, quhen the generacion of the famyn barnis perfewit him to the dede, and at the last hangit him. This Gayell and Scota with thair folk past out of Egipt, with grete richeffe and mony schippis, and be the maist force thai war lordis and gentill men that past with thame. And first thai arrivit in Affirik, and remaynit thare xl. zere in grete were and vexacion, be cause that thai decretit to inhabyte void landis, lyke as thai war counfeilit be thair Pagane goddis; tharefore thai turnyt thyme and past the strat of Jupiter, and at the last come in Spanze, and arryvit in Portyngale, quhilk zit has the name of Gayell oure fore fader and is callit Portyng Gayell; and efter thai come in Navarn, and Wisbayn, and resydit on the ryver of Hyber, quhare Gayell gat on Scota Hyber Scot. quham Gayell, quhen he come to age, fend this Hiber his fone till it that now is callit Ireland; and he fand it vakand, favand a certane of gyandis quhilkis he destroyit, and inhabyte the land, and callit it efter his moder Scota, Scocia : quhilk zit in all croniclis and storyes is callit Scocia Major, unto the tyme that fum part of us come out of it, in oure Scotland, that now is and inhabyte it and was callit less Scotland; and than was it that was callit Scocia Major begouth to be callit Ybernia, efter this foresaid Yber Scot. Sa that oure nacion and our name was foundit, and oure land inhabyte lang tyme before that Troy was destroyit, and lang or Brute was borne thouch thai maid na nacion quhill lang efter that Brut come in oure Ile that he efter callit Britane, quhilk was never callit Britane bot to the Scottis fee, and nocht be north it. For be north it duelt never Bryton, na it was never fubject to na Britonis, na to Romanis, na zit to nane other nacion. Juxta illud

Scocia Romanis vi, metu, vernula vanis
Non fuit ex evo; nec fubit imperio .

Sen the first that come out of Mare Scotland in the Less that now is ouris, be the grace of God, was ane callit Rothay; efter quham is callit sensyne the ile

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