PROPOSALS By Walter Gibson, Merchant in Glasgow, to such persons as are desirous to Transport themselves to America, in a Ship belonging to him, bound for the Bermudas, Carolina, New-Providence, and the Caribby-Islands, and ready to set Sail out of the River of Clyd, against the 20. of February in this instant year, 1684.' I. 10 fuch as are willing to Transport themselves, with design to fettle in Carolina, if they be able to pay for their Passage and Entertainment at Sea, and making the Voyage; The faid Walter Gibson is content to Transport them at the rate of five Pound Sterling for each Man or Woman, and fifty Shillings Sterling for every Child, from two to fourteen years of age; and those under two years of age for nothing. And the Persons that are thus Transported, when they come to Carolina, are to have from the Government there, fettled upon them and their heirs for ever; if they be Masters, seventy Aikers of Ground for themselves, and as much for every Child and Servant they take over with them, paying one Penny Sterling per annum for every Aiker: The payment of which Rent is not to begin till September 1689, till which time they are to pay nothing. And the Servants fuch Masters take over, after they have Served four years, are to have from the Government, to them, and their Heirs; for the like Quitrent per annum fifty Aikers to each of them. II. To fuch as are defireous to Transport themselves to the said Colony of Carolina, and are not able to pay their Passage; If they be Tradf-men, 1 A copy of the above Proposals in the form of a broadside, is preserved in a Volume of Tracts collected by Lord Fountainhall, in the Advocates Library, marked A A A 1. 1. (No. 54). It has no place of printing, printer's name, or date. who have past their Apprentisship in any Handy-craft: The faid Walter Gibson is content to Transport them on his own Charges, they obliging themfelves to Serve him three years, during which time he will furnish them fufficiently with Meat, Cloaths, and other neceffaries. At the issue of the time of their Service, they are to have fettled upon them and their Heirs from the Government, each of them fifty Aikers of Ground, they paying one Penny Sterling per Aiker yearly, as above. And all others, Men or Women, from eighteen to fourty-five years of age, they obliging themselves to Serve him four years; and those under eighteen years of age, they Serving him five years: at issue of which, they are to have each of them fifty Aikers of Ground ut supra, and their Meat, Cloathes, and other Neceffaries, during the time of their Service. III. The faid Walter Gibson will give his best advice to all fuch as will Transport themselves, anent these things, which will be neceffary for them, to carry alongst with them; and hath at Glasgow Patterns of fome Tools which are ufed there, which shall be showed to them. And these who go in this veffel will have the occafion of good company of feveral fober, difcreet Perfons, who intend to fettle in Carolina, will dwell with them, and be ready to give good advice and affistance to them in their choice of their Plantations, whose Society will be very helpful and comfortable, especially at their first fettling there.1 1 Whether the above scheme was attended with any success, is uncertain. In the "New Voyage to Carolina," London 1709, 4to, republished in 1714, under the title of "The History of Carolina, by John Lawson, Gent., Surveyor-General of North-Carolina," an incident worthy of notice is mentioned connected with the calamitous termination of the Darien Colony, as it refers to the fate of probably either Gibson himself or a near relation. In December 1700, Lawson set out from Charleston, on his travels among the Indians, and on the second day reached a large desolate Island, called Dix's Island; when he says: "There lived an honest Scot, who gave us the best reception his dwelling afforded, being "well provided of oat-meal, and several other effects he had found on that coast; which "goods belong'd to that unfortunate vessel, the Rising-Sun, a Scotch Man-of-War, lately "arriv'd from the Isthmus of Darien, and cast away near the Bar of Ashley River the 5th of "September before, CAPTAIN GIBSON OF GLASGO then commanding her, who, with above an "hundred men then on board her, were every soul drown'd in that terrible gust which then "happen'd: most of the Corps being taken up, were carefully interr'd by Mr Graham, their ADVERTISEMENT, To all Trades-men, Husbandmen, Servants and others who are willing to Transport themselves unto the Province of New-East-Jersy in America, a great part of which belongs to Scots-men, Proprietors thereof.1 W Hereas several Noblemen, Gentlemen, and others, who (by undoubted Rights derived from His Majesty, and His Royal Highness) are Interested and concerned in the Province of New-East-Jersie, lying in the midst of the English Plantations in America, do intend (God-willing) to send several Ships thither, in May, June, and July enfuing, 1684, from Leith, Montross, Aberdeen and Glasgow. These are to give notice to all Tradef-men, Hufbandmen and others, who are willing and defirous to go there, and are able to Transport themselves and Families thither, upon their own Cost and Charges, to a pleasant and profitable Countrey, where they may live in great Plenty and Pleasure, upon far less Stock, and with much less labour and trouble then in Scotland, that as foon as they arrive there, they shall have confiderable quantities of Land, fet out Heretably to themselves and their Heirs for ever, for which they shall pay nothing for the first four or five years, and afterwards pay only a small Rent yearly to the Owners and Proprietors thereof, according as they can agree. And all Tradef-men, Servants, and others, fuch as, Wrights, Coupers, Smiths, Masons, Millers, Shoe-makers, &c. who are willing to go there, and are not able to Tranfport themselves, that they shall be carried over free, and well maintained in Meat and Clothes the first four years, only for their Service, and thereafter they shall have confiderable quantities of Land, set out to themselves and their Heirs for ever, upon which they may live at the rate of Gentlemen all their lives, and their Children after them: Their ordinary Service will be cutting down of Wood with Axes, and other eafie Husband-Work, there VOL. III. 1 From a printed broadside in the Editor's possession. CCC being plenty of Oxen and Horses for Plowing and Harrowing, &c. Let therefore all Tradef-men, Husband-men, Servants, and others who incline to go thither, and defire further Information herein, repair themselves to any of the Persons underwritten, who will fully inform them anent the Countrey, and every other thing neceffary, and will answer and satisfie their Scruples and Objections, and give them all other Incouragements according to their several abilities and capacities, viz. At Edinburgh let them apply themselves to the Lord Thefaurer-Deput, the Lord Register, Sir John Gordon, Mr. Patrick Lyon, Mr. George Alexander, Advocates, George Drummond of Blair, John Swintoun, John Drummond, Thomas Gordon, David Falconer, Andrew Hamilton, Merchants; at Brunt-Island, to William Robison, Doctor of Medecine; at Montross, to John Gordon, Doctor of Medecine, John Fullerton of Kinaber, and Robert and Thomas Fullertons his Brothers; in the Shire of the Mearns, to Robert Barclay of Vrie, and John Barclay his Brother; at Aberdeen, to Gilbert Moleson, Andrew Galloway, John and Robert Sandilands, William Gerard, Merchants; in the Shire of Aberdeen, to Robert Gordon of Clunie, and Robert Burnet of Lethanty; in the Shire of Pearth, to David Toshach of Monyvard and Captain Patrick Macgreiger; In Merss Shire, to James Johnston of Spoteswood; At Kelso, to Charles Ormiston, Merchant; In the Lewes, to Kenith Mackenzie younger of Kildin: And if any Gentleman or others be defireous to buy or purchase any fmall shares or portions of Land in the faid Province, they may repair to any of the forefaid Persons, who will direct them how they shall be ferved, providing they do it timously, because many more Perfons are dayly offering to buy, then can be gotten well accommodated. There is nothing more strange then to fee our Commons fo besotted with the love of their own mifery, that rather then quite their Native Countrey, they will live in much toyl and penury so long as they have strength, being hardly able all their life to acquire so much Riches as can fave themselves from begging or starving when they grow old; mean time their Children (fo foon as they are able to walk) are exposed to the Cruelties of Fortune, and the Charity of others, naked and hungry, begging Food and Rayment |