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AT a Meeting of the Committee of Management of the BANNATYNE CLUB, held at Edinburgh, in the House of the PRESIDENT, on the 4th day of July 1823,

RESOLVED, That a Work, to be entitled THE BANNATYNE MISCELLANY, containing a COLLECTION OF TRACTS AND ORIGINAL PAPERS, RELATIVE TO THE HISTORY, LITERATURE, AND ANTIQUITIES OF SCOTLAND, be printed in successive parts or numbers, under the joint fuperintendence of the PRESIDENT and SECRETARY; and that Members be invited to communicate fuch Original papers and documents in their poffeffion, as may appear to be peculiarly fuited to this Work.

AT a Meeting of the Committee of Management of the BANNATYNE CLUB, held in the Antiquarian Society's Hall, on Monday the 25th of June 1855,

THE SECRETARY stated to the Meeting that Volume Third of THE BANNATYNE MISCELLANY, completing the Work, and of which the printing had been commenced several years ago, was now fufficiently advanced to be brought to a termination; and he proposed to referve for a feparate Volume of ADVERSARIA, the Lists of Members, and the Catalogue of Books printed fince the Institution of the Club.


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