FIVE LECTURES ON THE AND ANNALS OF ST PAUL. EDITED IN ENGLISH, WITH A FEW NOTES, BY J. R. CROWFOOT, B.D., Lecturer on Divinity in King's College, Cambridge. CAMBRIDGE: JA DEIGHTON. M.DCCC.LI. EDITOR'S PREFACE, THE works of Bishop Pearson are all so justly valued by Theologians, and have been so carefully edited, that good reason ought to be assigned for publishing a small fragment of them, and that in a form which has not received the Author's sanction. I have, however, been influenced by more than one motive while endeavouring faithfully to make the substance of these tracts more generally known. In the first place, they are of a nature to engage the attention and to qualify the views of exactly those theological students, who would probably, in these days, feel it irksome to read them as they have hitherto been published; their frequent use indeed among the Clergy seems to have been laid aside, chiefly because |