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gained a subsistence by shoemaking. It was not long ere they were discovered privately inculcating the Christian faith, and endeavouring to make proselytes of the inhabiThe governor of the town therefore immediately ordered them to be beheaded; which seance they courageously underwent in the year 308.


CHARLES. Poor fellows! then I suppose it is to com memorate their piety and independence that the shoemakers of the present day make merry on their anniversary.

WILLIAM. Yes; to commemorate their piety and independence, all good cobblers take leave of their senses on that day. But the 'shoemakers of former times used to keep it as a religious festival. Indeed, at Soissons many churches and sacred houses were dedicated to them; and there is, at this time, I believe, in Flanders, a chapel adorned with a boot and imperial crown upon it.

MR. CONSTANCE. The crown and the boot, no doubt have reference to an anecdote related of Charles the Fifth, a prince who was curious to know the sentiments of his meanest subjects concerning himself and his administration; he therefore often went incog., and mixed himself in such companies and conversations as he thought proper. One night, his boot requiring immediate mending, he was directed to a cobbler. Unluckily, it happened to be St. Crispin's Day, and, instead of finding the cobbler inclined for work, he was in the height of his jollity among his acquaintance. The emperor acquainted him with what he wanted, and offered him a handsome gratuity. “What, friend!" says the fellow, "do you know no better than to ask one of our craft to work on St. Crispin's Day? Was it Charles himself, I'd not do a stitch for him now; but if you'll come in and drink St. Crispin, do and welcome: we are as merry as the emperor can be." The sovereign accepted the offer; but while he was contemplating on their rude pleasure, instead of joining in it, the jovial host thus accosts

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him: "What, I suppose you are some courtier politician or other, by that contemplative phi; but be you who or what you will, you are heartily welcome: drink about— here's Charles the Faith's health." "Then you love Charles the Fif, replied the emperor. "Love him!" says the sun of Crispin; "ay, ay, I love his long noseshir well enough; but I should love him much better would he but tax us a little less: but what have we to do with politics? Round with the glasses, and merry be our hearts." After a short stay, the emperor took his leave, and thanked the cobbler for his hospitable reception. "That," cried he, " you are welcome to; but I would not have dishonoured St. Crispin to-day to have worked for the emperor." Charles, pleased with the goodnature and humour of the fellow, sent for him next morning to court. You must imagine his surprise to see and hear his late guest was his sovereign: he feared his joke upon his long nose must be punished with death. The emperor thanked him for his hospitality, and as a reward for it, bade him ask for what he most desired, and take the whole night to settle his surprise and his ambition. Next day he appeared, and requested that, for the future, the cobblers of Flanders might bear for their arms a boot with the emperor's crown upon it. That request was granted; and, as his ambition was so moderate, the embade him make another. peror If," says he, "I am to have my utmost wishes, command that, for the future, the company of cobblers shall take place of the company of shoemakers." It was accordingly so ordained.


ANGELINA. Well, I think him a very moderate man; and as his demands were solely for the credit of his craft, the day ought to be kept in honour of the independent cobblers of Flanders, as well as devoted to the memory of the two martyrs to Christianity.

WILLIAM. But we will now, if you please consider the

character of the two apostles, St. Simon and St. Jude, whose joint festival is held on the 28th of this month.

MARIA. But why have they not separate days allotted to them?

WILLIAM. Two or three reasons have been given: one is, that they both suffered in the same cause about the same time; another, and the most probable is, I think, from the supposition of their having been the children of one parent. If you remember, when we noticed the day set apart in honour of St. Philip and St. James, you were told that St. James was the supposed brother or cousingerman of Christ: the apostles of whom I am now about to speak, have also that honourable distinction from their fellow-labourers.

MR. CONSTANCE. Only St. Jude, I believe, William; of whose life you will please first to acquaint us.

WILLIAM. I fear I shall not satisfy you by the account I can give of the apostle. Indeed, Bishop Tomline observes, "that there is not a single circumstance recorded of him, in any ancient author, upon which we can depend." It is not certain when he was called to be an apostle, nor is any thing known of him until admitted among those holy men. In addition to the name of Jude, he was known by the titles of Thaddeus (zeal in praising God), and Lebbæus (prudence and understanding).

MR. CONSTANCE. But where did he travel to after his election to the apostleship?

WILLIAM. It is very probable that he preached in Judea and Galilee, and afterwards in the towns of Arabia, Syria, and Mesopotamia. He is believed to have ended his days in Persia, where, after labouring assiduously in the holy cause, particularly in combating the superstitious rites of the Magi, he suffered martyrdom, as some writers say, by crucifixion.

MR. CONSTANCE. While others have reckoned him

among those apostles who died a natural death. But something is related of his family, I believe.

WILLIAM. He was a married man; and two of his grand-children are stated to have been summoned before Domitian, who, jealous of their descent from David, would have slew them, had not their poverty proved their protection. The emperor despised their low estate, as beneath his jealous fears, and therefore dismissed them to their humble occupation of husbandry.

MR. CONSTANCE. little to be depended on?

Are the accounts of St. Simon as

WILLIAM. There are some disputes about the place of his birth, though it is generally believed that he was born or lived at Cana, a town of Galilee, from which he was called the Canaanite. And from his being also styled Simon Zelotes, some difference of opinion has existed, whether the term was applied as complimentary to his subsequent zeal in the cause of Christ, or from his being a sectarian with the "Zealots," a body of persons who esteemed Phineas as their patron, and in a mighty zeal for the honour of God, assumed the right of executing immediate punishment upon offenders, without even the form of a trial.

MR. CONSTANCE. Jerusalem, I believe, was the scene of Simon's early labours.

WILLIAM. Yes; until the out-pouring of the Holy Ghost upon the apostles, at the feast of Pentecost; when, being divinely gifted, he passed into Egypt and Africa, but ultimately suffered martyrdom in Persia.

MARIA, I have surely understood that St. Simon was martyred in this island, whither he came to preach the gospel.

WILLIAM. There is a tradition to that effect, but it is supposed to be unfounded. The first miracle wrought by our Saviour, that of turning the water into wine, is

stated to have been effected at the nuptial feast of St. Simon.-We have now noticed all the remarkable days of this month.

During the service of refreshment, the subject which had engaged the attention of our young friends in the early part of the evening, was again reverted to. Some of the party wished to be instructed by Mr. Constance in the best manner of disposing of the many hours of leisure which the season forced upon them, as also what studies he would recommend them to pursue; others were desirous of entering on a course of reading, and solicited assistance in the selection of suitable books: to which inquiries their kind friend replied with his usual urbanity, reminding them that he had before directed their attention to a monitor who was ever present to them-whose voice was heard in every wind, and whose "handy works" were too evident to escape the notice of the most indifferent. "There is (he said) an analogy subsisting between the Seasons of the year and our duties in this life, and I feel as though I could not permit you to separate without reminding you, that the Autumn, equally with the Spring and the Summer which have passed, suggest a lesson fraught with importance to our present and eternal welfare. It displays to us, that

all things that exist have waited upon the God which made them, and he hath given them food in due season.' It is therefore the time of meditation and of praise-the time of serious thought and of thankfulness. Let us not

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then shun, but rather court it as a season wisely afforded, for reminding us at once of the beneficent goodness of God, and the mutability of all human affairs. Let then, the young go out, in these hours, under the descending sun of the year, into the fields of nature. Their hearts are now ardent with hope,-with the hopes of fame, of

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