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3 Who sincerely loveth Jesus,

And upon his grace depends;
Who but willeth what him pleases,
Şimply foll'wing his commands;
4 Who to Jesus humbly cleaveth,
Pays obedience to his word,
Yea, in closest union liveth
With our Saviour, Head and Lord,
5 Who in Jesus Christ abideth,

And from self-dependence free
In nought else but him confideth:
Walks in true simplicity.
6 He who is by Christ directed,'
Trusting the good Shepherd's care,
He is graciously protected,
And no danger needs to fear.

512.* T. 184.

O BLEST condition, happy living,
Which true simplicity imparts,
When we to God are wholly given,
And Jesus' mind rules in our hearts!
This ev'ry vain imagination

Casts down, and us subjects to grace.
It shows the ground of our salvation
Tobe Christ's blood and righteousness.
2 That which is by the world esteemed,
A single mind counts vanity;
What's innocent by others deemed,
Is shunn'd by true simplicity:
Because the love to things terrestrial
We must deny thro' Jesus' grace,
And, to obtain the prize celestial,
Cast off whate'er impedes our race.
3 The simple heart no care perplexeth
That robs the world of all content;
Of envy, which so many vexeth,

Simplicity is ignorant;
And carefully preserves its treasure,
Unruffled by the worldling's spite;
If others ask to share this pleasure,
Simplicity tastes true delight.
4 O Jesus, God of my salvation,
Thy single mind to me impart ;
Root out the world's infatuation,

Tho' it be done with keenest smart:

Thrice happy they, who tread unweary'd
The path of true simplicity;
They as wise virgins are prepared
To meet the Bridegroom cheerfully.

513. T. 22.

MEEK, patient Lamb of God, impart
Thy meekness to my stubborn heart:
Grant me to keep thee full in view,
And thy example to pursue.

2 Thy blood preserve my garments clean
From ev'ry spot and stain of sin:
As a wise virgin, to prepare
For meeting thee, be all
my care.
3 Bestow on me a simple mind,
To ev'ry hurtful fancy blind;
Thy meekness, true sincerity,
And needful wisdom grant to me.
4 Thou holy, spotless Lamb of God,
My worthless heart make thy abode:
O may I in thy image grow,
And honor thee in all I do.

514. T. 106.

A SINGLE mind to me impart,
Lord, may I sordid lucre flee,
Nor set on earthly gain my heart,

Hate av'rice as idolatry;
Rich in possession of thy love.
Fix my desires on things above,
2 Let neither honors, pomp, nor pride,

Nor this world's gaudy vanity,
Which draw the soul from thee aside,
Beguile me from simplicity:
May this my highest honor be,
To be esteemed, Lord, by thee.
3 Screen me in each unguarded hour,

Preserve me from seduction's pow'r,
Lord, under thy protecting care;
Lest fleshly lusts my soul ensnare:
May I to av'rice, lust and pride
Say," Christ destroy'd you when he


T. 15.
LORD, grant to me a simple mind,
By thee may I be guided,
And as thy blessed will design'd,

Have my whole course decided.
2 With this desire 'fore thee I bow,

Asham'd of my demerit,
Ah, take without exception now,
My body, soul and spirit.

T. 208.

WOULD we, sinners needy,
Here on earth already
Heav'nly joys possess;
Jesus nought desireth,
Or of us requireth,

For our rest and peace,
But that we-like children be;
Since he all our wants redresses,
Soothes all our distresses.

517. T. 151.
AMIDST this world's profaneness,
May I thy truth confess;
In prim❜tive way and plainness,
Thy servant be thro' grace;
Nor fear, nor int'rest ever
Cause me to turn aside,
Or my connexion sever
With thy redeemed bride.

T. 22.

518.1 *
CHRIST is the Vine, we branches are;
Without him we no fruit can bear:
For of ourselves we cannot thrive,
'Tis he who gives us pow'r and life.
2 Lord, thou hast chosen us, that we
Should bear well-pleasing fruit to thee.
O make us fruitful to thy praise;
Preserve us from all barrenness.

519. T. 11.
JESUS, who for me hast dy'd,
Grant I may in thee abide:
Set me, Lord, unto thy praise;
Water me with show'rs of grace.
2 Make my heart a garden fair,
Which such pleasant fruit may bear
As affords true joy to thee
And thy Father constantly.
3 In thy garden here below
Water me that I may grow;
When all grace to me is giv❜n,
Then transplant me into heav'n.

520.* T. 167.

AS the branches are connected
With the vine, ev'n so thro' grace,
A close union is effected

"Twixt the Lord our Righteousness

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May we more and more abound:
Thy complete atonement shall for ever,
Óf our doctrine be the ground.
Grant that all may, in thy word believing,
And totheetheVine as branchescleaving
Thro' thy Father's nursing care,
Fruit unto thy honor bear.

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XXVIII. Of Resignation, Confidence, and Patience in

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2 Of this I am persuaded,
And boast now openly,
That he, whose love ne'er faded,
Is always kind to me;
He aid to me dispenses,

He stands at my right hand;
Yea, when a storm advances,

'Tis calm at his command.

3 The ground of my profession
Is Jesus and his blood;
He gives me the possession
Of everlasting Good;
Myself, and whatsoever

Is mine, I cannot trust;
The gifts of Christ my Saviour
Remain my only boast.

4 My Jesus and his merit

Are all my aim and care;
Were he not with my spirit,
Ah! I should soon despair;
T'appear 'fore my Creator
I never could desire,
He'd to my sinful nature

Prove a consuming fire.

5 'Tis Jesus Christ who taketh Away sin, death and woe, And by his blood he maketh

Each spot as white as snow; Free from that condemnation Which sinners else must find, I joy in his salvation

With an embolden'd mind.

6 His Spirit is the sov❜reign
Possessor of my heart;
There he alone shall govern,
And slavish fear depart;
He gives his benediction,
Yea, helpeth me to cry
Abba, when in affliction,
With child-like fervency.

7 His Spirit cheers my spirit
With many a precious word,
That I shall joy inherit,

By trusting in the Lord; Since after tribulation,

All those who Jesus love Have that blest expectation To live with him above.

8 Should earth lose its foundation, He stands my lasting Rock; No temp'ral desolation

Shall give my love a shock; I'll cleave to Christ my Saviour, No object, small or great, Nor height, nor depth, shall ever Me from him separate.

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GOD is my Saviour and my Light,
Why should I be dismay'd?
'Tis he defends my life; of whom
Then need I be afraid?

2 Hear my requests, O Lord, and give
An answer full of grace:
Thy face thou bidst me seek, and I
Reply, "I'll seek thy face."

3 Lord, do not in displeasure hide
Thyself, nor me reject;

The aid which I have had before,
From thee I still expect.

4 Wait still on God, my soul! from


All needful strength derive: Tho' he delay, he will at length The fainting heart revive.

527.* T. 208.

JESUS, source of gladness,
Comfort in all sadness,
Thou canst end my grief;
I for thee am waiting,
Ardently intreating

Thee for thy relief:
Slaughter'd Lamb,-thy saving name
Yields to me far greater pleasure
Than all worldly treasure.

2 God is my salvation,
Joy and consolation;

With the world I've done; To pride's vain pretension

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pay no attention,

Av'rice I disown;

Perils, loss, shame, death and cross,
Suff'rings e'er so keen, shall never
Me from Jesus sever.

3 If the Lord protect me,
Sin cannot infect me,

Nought can do me harm;

Altho' Šatan rageth,

Christ the storm assuageth

By his mighty arm :

Would the foe-his malice show,

3 O no, in all things I shall prove
Conqu'ror through him, who me did

My Lord obtain❜d the victory,
Sufficient is his grace for me.

4 O love unbounded! refuge sure!
My helpless soul now lives secure;
Long as in thee, O Lord, I trust,
I know I never shall be lost.

529.* T. 22.

JESUS, my All, my highest Good!
Who hast redeem'd me with thy

When confidence in thee I place,
My soul is fill'd with joy and peace.

2 Where should I turn, or how thee

Jesus, to thee my mind doth cleave; With thee my heart hath always found

True counsel, comfort, help abound.

3 All who possess true faith and love,

Since Christ is my strength and tower, This daily by experience prove,

I dread not his power.

4 Gloomy thoughts must vanish, Jesus doth replenish

Me with heav'nly peace;

Who the Saviour loveth,

By experience proveth

Grief is chang'd to bliss;

Tho' I here reproach must bear,

Yet he turneth all my sadness

Into joy and gladness.

528. T. 22.

That they who simply put their trust
In Jesus Christ, can ne'er be lost.

4 None can be so o'erwhelm'd with

But he in Christ may find relief;
All misery, however great,
His comforts can alleviate,

5 Jesus, my only God and Lord,
What comfort doth thy name afford!
No friend on earth can ever be
Compar'd for faithfulness with thee.

WHO can condemn, since Christ hath 6 Were health, and strength, and

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friends withdrawn,
Were ev'ry earthly comfort gone,
If I have thee, I have howe'er
What me eternally can cheer.

7 O Lord, preserve me sound in faith,
Thine let me be in life and death;
May nothing pluck me from thy hand,
Lead me in safety to the end.

530. T. 590.

No more with trembling heart I try
A multitude of things,
Still wishing to find out that point
From whence salvation springs;
My anchor's cast, cast on a ground,
Where I shall ever rest
From all the labor of my thoughts,
And workings of my breast.
2 What is my anchor, if you ask ?
A hungry, helpless mind,
Diving, with mis'ry for its weight,
Till firmest grace it find:
What is my ground? 'Tis Jesus Christ,
Whom faithless eyes pass o'er;
A Refuge here each troubled soul
May find, tho' tempests roar.

531. T. 580.

THAT I am thine, my Lord and God,
Ransom'd and sprinkled with thy blood,
Repeat that word once more,
With such an energy and light,
That this world's flattery or spite

To shake me never may have pow'r. 2 From various cares my heart retires; Tho' deep and boundless its desires,

I'm now to please but One,
Him, before whom the elders bow;
With him I am engaged now,

And with the souls that are his own. 3 This is my joy, which ne'er can fail, To see my Saviour's arm prevail,

To mark the steps of grace;
How new-born souls, convinc'd of sin,
Yet by his precious blood made clean,
Extol his name in ev'ry place.
4 With these my happy lot is cast,
Thro'the world's deserts rude and waste,
Or thro' its gardens fair:
Whether the storm of malice sweeps,
Or all in dead supineness sleeps,

Still to go on, be all my care.
5 See the dear sheep, by Jesus drawn,
In blest simplicity move on,

They trust his Shepherd-crook; Beholders many faults will find, But they can guess at Jesus' mind, Content, if written in his book.

6 O all ye just, ye rich, ye wise,
Who deem th' atoning sacrifice,

A doctrine weak and slight!
Grant but I may (the rest's your own)
In shame and poverty sit down

At this one well-spring of delight.
7 Indeed had Jesus ne'er been slain,
Or could ought make his ransom vain,
That it avail'd no more;
Were his unbounded mercy fled,
Were he no more the church's Head,
Nor Lord of all, as heretofore;

8 Then, so refers my state to him,
Unwarranted I must esteem,

And wretched all I do ;
Ah! my heart throbs, and seizeth fast
That cov'nant, which will ever last,
It knows, it knows these things are true.
9 Yes, my dear Lord, in foll'wing thee,
Not in the dark uncertainly

This foot obedient moves;
'Tis with a Brother and a King,
Who many to this yoke will bring,

Whoever lives and ever loves.
10Nowthen my Way,my Truth,my Life,
Henceforth let sorrow, doubt and strife,
Drop off like autumn leaves;
Henceforth, as privileg'd by thee,
Simple and undistracted be

My soul, which to thy mercy cleaves.
On that eternal love of thine,
11 Let me my weary mind recline

And human thoughts forget;
Go forth and do it, while 'tis day,
Childlike attend what thou wilt say,

Yet never leave my safe retreat.
12 At all times to my spirit bear
An inward witness, strong and clear,

Of thy redeeming pow'r;
This will impart the needful light,
This will instruct thy child aright,
For exigence of ev'ry hour.

13 Now then the sequel is well weigh'd,
I cast myself upon thy aid,

A sea where none can sink;
Yea, thereon I depend, poor worm,
Believing that thou wilt perform
Beyond whate'er I ask or think.

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