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I command alfo, that a Ramazan be obferved, that our holy Prophet, in his vaft and incomparable Houfe of Mecca, may grant his protection to thofe who fhall.


take up arms against the Christians out


Signed in the year of the Hegyra 1170, the 3d day of the Moon Ramadan, &c,

eptember 4.

HE difpatches, containing a minute account of Bangalore, with a lif of the killed and wound.d, which were fent officially immediately after that victory by Lord Cornwallis to Madras, fell into the enemies' hands. The accounts,

therefore, brought to the India House are made up from letters fent fome days after to Madras.

Yesterday afternoon the Purfer of the Henry Dundas, from China, brought intelligence of the fafe arrival of that thip off the If of Wight. As this hip comes from China, the brings nothing retative to the war in India.

A general decrease of hands is taking place in the different dock-vards; more than 50 have been difmiffed at Deptford within this fortnight, and orders have been fent down to Portfmouth, Plymouth, &c. for no more to be retained than can actually be employed.

Laft week the following Letter was fent from the Secretary of State's Office to the Mayor of Liverpool:


Whitehall, Aug 30..

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"I have the fatisfaction to acquaint you, in confequence of the reprefentations made by Mr. Walpole, his Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary at the Court of Lisbon, that the molt fatisfactory affurances have been given, on the part of her Moft Faithful Majefty, relative to the Navigation and Commerce of his Britannic Majefty's veffels in the River Ambrize; and that orders have been given to a Portuguese frigate, now failing to the coaft of africa, that the temporary fort fhould be demolished, and that The fhould offer to every British fhip fhe might meet with, in the port of Ambrize, all poffible convenience and affiitance. Sir, I am,

families for almoft nothing. Our mines have lately turned out more productive alla then common, in yielding fine rich lead, tin, copper, and filver ore."

Extrait of a Letter from Strafburgh, Aug. 18.

"On the 15th inft. at night, a terrible alarm was heard on the Banks of the Rhine. About eleven o'clock at night the General beat to arms, and the alarm bell (to fin) announced that the enemy had paff a the Rhine; feveral couriers were dilpaiched inftantly to Strafburgh to demand affiance, M. Gelb deferred fending the troops requed for at least two hour after the demand was made. Mean while the brave confti

tutional Curate of Bifchem (M. Gehn) put on his armour, took his musket and labre, and put in his girdle a pair of pillols. In this garb he put himself at the head of the National guars of his parish, and delivered a brief harangue worthy of the ancient RoMy friends, the enemy have at length attack d us; we fly to defend our country; he who has the bafenefs to run away, merits death, for greatest enemies are cowards and Arifiocrats.'



"This intrepid Curate at the head of his troop, compofed of Lutherans, baptifts, and Jews, after a march of three leagues, arrived at Gauqfheim, where the alarm had been given. It had been caused by the infurrection of fome fanatics, who had almoft ftoned to death the co..fitutional Curate of the parish. The author of this mifchief was a certain poft-matter, wha was immediately seized, and fent, ifoner to Strafburgh. The communities of Beche and Schilik have rendered public honours to M. Gelin, who delerves to be their Gentral, if he were not their Curate."

made, it is faid in Stafford gaol a few A difcovery of a fingular nature was days ago: -a prifoner who was convicted and condemned for horfe-tealing, but Your most obedient and humble fervant, fince reprieved (under the name of James


Extract of a Letter from Falmouth, Sept. 1. "We have the greatest fhew of pilchards here that ever was known; fometimes 6 or 700 hogheads are caught in one night; whh revives the fpirits of the people in this neighbourhood. The poor now have employment, and plenty of fish for heir

Burrough, proves to be a woman; the had lain in the dungeon with near 50 male prifoners without any kind of fufpicion arifing among them of her fex. She now fays her name is Mary Etticks.

The patriotic M. Dempiter, with a view of preventing the emigrations which fo frequently happen from the Highlands of Scotland,

Scotland, has given very advantageous propofals to perions fetiling on his eftate of Skibo, in Sutheria.d Every fettler is to have given him a fone of iron, for making inftruments; feed, either potatoes of corn, for what ground fhall be cultivated the firft two years. They are to be free from all fervices, thirlage, &c. and are to have a right to take peat from the nearefi moffes on the estate. They are only to pay a fhilling a year rent during the life of the first fettler. Their heirs will have a preferable right to their poffeffions, if cltivated or inclosed, at fuch a rent as shall be fixed by arbiters inutually chofen; no addition to be made to this rent during the life of the faid heir. The fame rule of preference will be obferved in favor of all future heirs ; fo that the poff ffion may belong for ever to the family of the man who made the first fettle


The news from India has at laft verified the flattering hopes which were entertain ed, and a very fhort time may be expected to bring an account of the conclufion of the war in a manner equally honourable to Lord Cornwallis, and advantageous to the British intereft in that country

It may be though: furprising that Tippoo, who is not only a brave but an able and expert General, fhould have taken no effectual measures to counteract the measures of Lord Cornwallis. Te following will in fome measure account for this circumflance. His Lordship difcovered in his army fome fpies who were employed by Tippon to furnifh him with an account of its motions. He had the prudence to turn this difcovery to the beft account, by causing them to fend to the enemy fallacious intelligence, and fuch as was beft fuited to his own purposes. Tippoo, effectually deceived, was the dupe of his own art, and by the measures which he took in confequence of this intelligence, inftead of counteracting, favoured the defings of the English tro ps. This no doubt was a masterly ftroke of generalfhip on the part of Lord Cornwallis, and its fuccefs has been equal to the most fanguine expec


The total lofs of our grand army in India, from the date of its march into Tippoo's country, until the 30th of April, did not exceed 80 killed, and 200 wounded.

The paffengers on board the Duke of Leinfter packet-boat, from Dublin to Liverpool, were on Thurfday laft greatly alarmed by the following accident, which had nearly been attended with the most fatal confequences :-The night being fine, the captain gave charge of the veffer to the Mate, and went to reft-The mate fhortly followed his example, and refigned the helm to one of the men, who actually fell asleep. He was, however, foon awakened

by the veffel ftriking violently against fore thing, which after proved to be a brig bound to Dublin. In the first moments of his fright, he ran into the cabin, and declaring the velfel was finking, advifed cach perfon to haften upon deck, to provide for their fafety. The confternation this eccafind can fearcely be conceived, and had nearly proved fatal to a woman big with child, who, in attempting to reach the deck fell a confiderable height. In the hold there were about thirty perfons, each of whom, on the firft alarin, endeavoured to afcend by means of a ladder that was placed for that purpofc; but too many crowding on it at once, it broke, and many were fe verely hurt by the fall they experienced.After fome time, the veffel righted, and the only damage they fuftained, was the cutwater of the packet, and the bowlprit of the brig having been carried away.

On Thurday orders were received by the Commanding Officer at the marine barracks at Plymouth, for the reduction of the marines. Twenty-five Second-Lieutenants, 300 ferjeants, corporals, and privates, are to be reduced. Seventy companies, of 49 rank and file each, befides officers and ferjeants, are to be kept up as a peace establish


A few weeks ago, a man mowing in a field in the vicinae of Bernard's Castle, in Yorkshire, found an adder's neit containing about 500 eggs-they had much the refemblance of fuzz balls, and were about the fize of a walnut. One of them which was of a darkish colour, was broke open by the man, which, to his great aftonishment, contained a young adder. As if actuated by a fpirit of revenge, the little animal raifed on its tail, and literally feemed determined to defend itfelf against any further moleftation. The poor clown was fo frightened that he ran home, and could not be prevailed on to finih his work for fome days. On his return to the field, he found that the eggs had been hatched, and that the field fwarmed with young; he then procured three or four dogs, which in a fhort time killed the greater part of them, and effectually difperfed the remainder. One of the old ones was caught, and meafured four fett two inch in length, and about fix inches in circumference.

On the 9th int. Mr. Robert Fry employ ed eight men to get in five acres of barley in a field, in the parifh of speldhurst, in Kent, One mile and an half from Tunbridgewells, which they did. Three of the eight were eighty years old each, and the ages of the eight together made 600.

The King of France now begins to appear a road, and every thing feems to be fully fettled on a plan that promifes quiet.

Portsmouth, Sept. 12. This day was paid off, his Majefty's fhip Ardent, Captain Vafhon.

An invention is fuccefsfully used in the Dock-yard for tarring the ropes by the labour of horfes inftead of men, and another is fhortly to be introduced for laying the cables by the fame means. This will be a great injury to the people employed in the ropehoufe, but a very confiderable faving to Government.

Mr. Pring, a brush maker of this place, has alfo difcovered a method of preventing the fatal accidents that happen through guns burfting, by being honeycombed, &c. This invention has been fubmitted to and approved of by the Mafter General of the Ordnance, and a Board of Field-officers of the Artillery, and by them ordered in future to be used. It is a brush with fprings, conftructed on extremely ingenious mechanical principles, and cannot puflibly fail anfwering the end propofed.

Chatham, Sept. 12. This day the Bellona, of 74 guns, commanded by Capt. Hartwell, was paid off at this port.

The Arrogant, of 74 guns, commanded by Capt. John Harvey; Robuft, of 74, commanded by Capt. Cotton; and the Monarch, of 74, commanded by Capt. Raynier (now arrived at this port), are alfo to be paid off this week.

A reduction has taken place in the marine corps here, and their peace eftablishment at this port is to confift of between 1100 and 1200 mcn, exclufive of commiflioned and non-commiffioned officers.

Warrington, Sept. 17. A most melancholy circumftance happened about a mile from hence, at five o'clock in the morning, on Thursday laft, in the robbery of the mail, and the murder of James Hogworth, who was found in a brook with his hands and feet tied behind him, with feveral wounds on the head, and the body otherwife much bruifed; his throat alfo appeared to have been ftabbed in feveral places, and his face much beat about the eyes. Hogworth was about 24 years of age, and bore a most excellent character-he has unfortunately left an unhappy widow, far advanced in pregnancy, to lament his lofs.

The mail, with his horn and the four bags, all empty, except a fingle letter in the Liverpool bag for Leeds, lay in the brook, about two yards from the body; the faddle and mail pillion were found in a field adjoining the great road to Manchester, through which the brook runs. The horse was found with his bridle on.

The information of the taking of the important fortrefs of Darwar was first communicated to the Eaft India directors through the medium of a letter from Daniel Seton,

Efq. Merchant, of Bombay, to a respectable character in the City; ro or 12 letters only have been brought by the Messenger over land; and Mr. Seton's letter was difpatched after him to Bufforah, intimating, that intilligence had just then been received at Bombay of this valuable acquisition.

The Directors have not yet been favoured with any official difpatehes,

The capture of Darwar took place about the latter end of March. The Mahratta troops difplayed much gallantry, and were chiefly inftrumental in shortening the duration of the fiege.

The various military manoeuvres were vigorowfly fupported by Col. Frederick's artillery, to whofe dextrous management too much praife cannot be given.

Few of the Mahrattas or Company's troops were killed or wounded. As they advanced, the enemy, panic-ftruck with the refolution of their opponents, retired in the utmost precipitation. A profufion of stores and ammunition was found in the fort. This event will accomplish with greater facility the junction of Abercromby's detachment with the main army.

Dublin, Sept. 20. Yefterday the first flone of the new House of Industry, on an extenfive plan, and a more healthy and elevated fituation, was laid by the Right Hon. Thomas Conolly, at the request of the Gover nors, as the first and fuccefsful mover of a bill for the cftablishment of a regular fystem for the fupport of the poor in this kingdom; and the Prefident prefented him with a filvertrow el and the unanimous thanks of the Board.

Trale, Sept. 11. Yefterday the trial of Daniel Sullivan, for the murder of his bro ther, came on before a respectable Jury, who found him guilty of the cleareft evidence. The particulars of that horrid act were briefly thefe: It appeared that the prifoner, the day he committed the murder, called upon two boys to affiit him in carrying fome timber to the lands of Knuckna, where he was building a houfe; that they proceeded towards the place, and, upon coming near it, perceived the deceased ftretched on the ground at the oppofite fide of the river; that the deceafed got up, upon which the prifoner croffed the river towards him; on coming together a fcuffle enfued, and after fome blows, the prifoner retreated to a rifing ground, and immediately firing fhot the deceafed in the neck and breaft; in confequence he inftantly fell and 'expired; the two boys were at a small distance, and beheld the whole tranfaction. It appeared, that the prifoner on the road rammed his gun very hard. The unhappy man seemed very penitent, and reconciled to expiate the unnatural crime of fratricide with his blood. He is to die or Tuesday next,

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