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Here all the perfections of Deity shine. Love, wisdom, and power, and goodness divine;

His justice and grace receive honour thereby, And all for the lifting of Jesus on high.

When first the great project to angels was known,

They hailed Him, in songs, as the Lamb on His throne;

The concave of Heaven resounds with their


God-man Mediator, they lift Him on hgh.

All things for His sake did Jehovah prepare, For of Him and to Him and through Him they are,

All systems and worlds that revolve in the sky,

Were made for the lifting of Jesus on high.

Set up the Head of His mystical frame, He honoured the records of fate with His name;

And nothing was wanting which God could supply,

To aid the uplifting of Jesus on high.

When man was created, what wisdom we see,
The whole he possess'd was the image of Thee;
But, as to his fall, we are led to descry
"Twas all for the lifting of Jesus on high.

When Adam to eat of the fruit was inclin'd,
It answer'd the end which Jehovah design'd;
No purpose or wisdom was alter'd thereby,
"Twas all for the lifting of Jesus on high.

From hence it appears, He made nothing in vain,

For Adam, thus form'd, was a link in the chain;

In him 'twas decreed, that Christ's members should die,

And all for the lifting of Jesus on high.

Here Satan was vanquish'd in what he had done,

The fall wrought the channel where mercy should run,

In streams of salvation which never run dry, And all for the lifting of Jesus on high

The law that was giv'n on Sinai of old,
Was still the great mercy and love to unfold.

Which did in the womb of eternity lie,
And all for the lifting of Jesus on high.

In fulness of time he came under the law,
Its jots and its tittles he answered we know;
And, stretching his arms, did on Calvary die,
To accomplish his lifting to glory on high.

He slept in the tomb till the morning arose That signed his release, and confounded his. foes;

Then, bursting its bars, He ascended the sky, To reign in his glory eternal on high.

"Twas not from the creature salvation took place,

The whole was of God, to the praise of his grace;

And all to his g'ory shall tend by and by, And accomplish the lifting of Jesus on high.

His wisdom contrived the adorable plan, Grace, mercy, and peace, and good will towards man;

The great Three-in-One did the same ratify, And all for the lifting of Jesus on high.


Rev. 1, 5, 6.

O LAMB of God! thou by thy pangs,
Didst take on Thee all our transgression,
And Thou hast made us Priests and Kings,
Unto our Father and our God.
Together then we render Thee,
Honour, glory, and salvation,
Blessing and might, and majesty,
And in our hearts we Thee adore.

Amen, Amen,

Saviour, Amen,

Psalm cxlvii. 1.

OH 'Tis pleasant to sing

The sweet praise of our King,
As here in the valley we move:
"Twill be pleasanter still,

When we stand on the hill,

And give thanks to our Saviour above.

Long Metre.

PRAISE God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below!
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

Four Lines. 7's.

SING we to our God above
Praise eternal as his love;
Praise Him all ye heavenly host,
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

As the old 104th.

O FATHER of heaven,
We worship thy Name;
All honour be given
To Jesus the Lamb;
The Spirit of glory
We evermore praise;
One God, we adore Thee,
O Ancient of days!

Common Metre.

To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
One God, whom we adore,
Pe glory, as through ages past,
Now, and for evermore.


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