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berlain's accounts from the feast of Michaelmas, in the year 1543, to the same festival, in 1544:


Itm, paid the xvijth day of January to Mr. henings

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It will be observed that the name is spelt with an n, instead of an m, but which I do not consider of the slightest consequence. It may be an additional variation of the mode of spelling it to those noticed by Mr. Collier; or, what I conceive most probable, it is the result of an oversight of the scribe in omitting the third portion of the m. Many slips of the pen occur in the accounts; a few lines after the preceding entry Demys" is written for Denys.


Bristol, 11th January, 1847.


ART. IV.-An unknown tract by Philip Stubbes, the enemy of theatrical performances in 1583.

It was my good fortune, previous to the publication of the last volume of "The Shakespeare Society's Papers," to discover, and send for insertion, a tract in verse by Robert Greene, the dramatist, printed in 1591, not mentioned by the Rev. Mr. Dyce in his edition of Greene's Works, nor by any other person who has written upon our early poets and poetry.

The small prose pamphlet 1 now transmit is quite as great, though I do not mean to say that it as valuable, a curiosity; and it is by an author quite as notorious, if not as distinguished -Philip Stubbes. All the members of the Shakespeare Society must be aware that he was one of the early puritanical opponents of theatrical performances, having published his "Anatomy of Abuses," in which he made a furious and immeasured attack upon them and many other popular amusements, in 1583. Anything, therefore, illustrating his character and history will, I imagine, come peculiarly within the objects of an association formed for the purpose of throwing light upon our ancient drama, its friends and foes, and upon any matter connected with them.


Until of late years, little has been known of Stubbes but that he was the writer of "The Anatomy of Abuses;" and some persons have therefore wondered in what way he deserved the character, given of him by Gabriel Harvey in 1593, of being one of the common pamphleters of London," coupling him with Armin, the actor, and Deloney, the ballad-writer. Here, however, we have Stubbes appearing to the world in that capacity: his " Anatomy of Abuses" was a volume; but the tract, a faithful transcript of which is herewith 'sent, is merely a pamphlet, and a very small one, consisting of no more than four or five leaves in large type, and published to take advantage of temporary excitement.

It relates to the treason of Dr. William Parry in attempting the life of Queen Elizabeth in 1585-6, (the very year when Shakespeare is supposed to have come to London) and we may come to the conclusion that it was penned at the instance of some persons in authority, who furnished the writer with a copy of the letter of the Cardinal de Como, in order that the most authentic air might be given to his production on the occasion. Philip Stubbes was perhaps employed in consequence of his popularity as a writer, and of his known and undisguised enmity to popery. This enmity is pretty evident where he declares that "all papists are traitors in their hearts," and argues that it is therefore lawful at once to put them to death.

I shall now merely add the tract, with a facsimile of the title-page, presuming that all are acquainted with the facts connected with Parry's case: those who wish to refresh their memories regarding the more minute particulars may find them in "Camden's Annals," under the year 1586.


19th January, 1847.

PS. Since the above was written, singularly enough, another extraordinarily rare tract by Stubbes has fallen in my way, which has more pretensions than what follows, as there are two poems of considerable length included in it. Ritson seems to have had some knowledge of it, but he could never have seen it, as he altogether mistakes the nature of its contents. I shall reserve it for the next volume of "The Shakespeare Society's Papers."



son, of Doctor Parrie,


gainst the Queenes moste

Excellent Maiestie.

With a Letter sent from the Pope
to the same effect.

Imprinted at London for Henry Car, and are to be
solde in Paules Church-yard at the Signe
of the Blazing Starre.


Doctor Parrie againste the
Queenes Maiestie.

The state and condition of these our daies (Christian Reader) is moste to be lamented, or rather to be bewailed with bitter teares. Wherin are found such hollow harted, not Christians but, Tartarians and moste cruel vipers, whose properties as they are to thirst after blood, so they leaue no way vnattempted, no pollicy vnassaied, nor any exploit vnatchiued to bring their bloodthirsty purposes about. The experiment wherof, although many times heartofore to our great greef we



haue tasted, yet now of late to our greater jeopardie and perrill, yea, to our and the whole realmes distruction, and ouerthrowe for euer, we should more truly haue felt indeed, if this bloody purpose of the traiterous papists had not been discouered, for the preuention hearof, and al other the like, the Eternall God be praised. Now, me think I heare it asked, by whome this bloody deed, or rather most cruell massaker of God's annointed, should haue been committed? Truly, by no stranger nor forriner, but euen by one of her maiesties owne natiue (but disloyall and moste unnaturall subiect) the trueth wherof was as followeth. One Doctor Parrie, Doctor of the Ciuil Law, being (though beyond his deserts) very deer vnto her maiestie and wel liked of, was by her grace sent ouer Seas in very waighty affaires, which he wel atchiuing, returned home, and no doubt was bountefully rewarded by her grace for his seruice and paines sustained: within a while after this, Doctor Parrie, vnwoorthy the name of a doctor or of a Christian, conspired the death of her maiestie, hauing receiued his fees of the Pope (as it should seem) for the same. For the accomplishing of which most hainous fact, he, with an other, determined to kill her maiestie, sometimes with a dag, sometimes with a poynado or dagger, sometime with one thing, and sometimes with an other. Wel, this platforme being laid, and he hauing promised the Pope to performe the thing, one of his conspirators, through the goodnes of God, disclosed the same; which doon, both he and the said archtraitor Parrie were both apprehended and committed, and vpon the 25 of Februarie the said Parrie was conuaied from the Tower of London to Westminster Hall, where he was arraigned according to the lawe in that case prouided.

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The Pope, that great Antechriste and rose coullored whore of Roome, as he suborned many heertofore to kill her maiestie, so he hired this traiterous villain Parrie, and therfore sent him a letter dated the 30 of January, 1584, annimating, exhorting and perswading him, as he tendered his holynes

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