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"The attention of the Council having been drawn to the fact that portions of the Lambeth Appeal are printed in the Journal of the Ninth Session of the General Synod in italics which are not in italics in the original document the following resolution was adopted:—

"Resolved, That the Minutes of the General Synod be amended at the next session of the Synod in reference to the italics which have been inadvertently inserted in the Lambeth Resoluions."

Moved by Chancellor Worrell, seconded by Archdeacon McElheran, and

Resolved, That Section 14 be received.

"At each meeting of the Council a report was presented by the Hon. General Treasurer in accordance with the provisions of Canon XXI, Subsection 14."

Moved by Chancellor Worrell, seconded by Archdeacon McElheran, and

Resolved, That Section 15 be received.

"That as it is necessary for the Honorary-Secretary and the Honorary-Treasurer to be present at the meetings of the Executive Council, the Honorary-Treasurer be authorized to pay the expenses of these gentlemen on the same basis as the expenses of the Executive Council." Moved by Chancellor Worrell, seconded by Archdeacon McElheran, and

Resolved, That Section 16 be received.

"That the travelling expenses of the 'Board of Finance' for their attendance at the meetings of the said Committee be paid out of the funds of the Executive Council."

Moved by Chancellor Worrell, seconded by Archdeacon McElheran, and

Resolved, That Clause 1 of Section 17, as follows, be referred back to the Executive Council.

"Resolved, That the words "and served for 40 years in the ministry of the Church" in Sub-Clause (b) of Clause 8 of Canon XX be referred to the Pensions Committee to draft such amendment thereto as may eliminate ambiguity in its interpretation, and that the same Committee be asked to prepare any other amendments to the Canon which experience in administration has shown to be necessary."

On the consideration of Clause 2, Section 17.

That the Revenue from the Sir E. Osler Fund be paid into the Pension Fund until further directed.

Moved by Principal Judd, seconded by Mr. J. M. McWhinney, and

Resolved, That Consideration of Section 12 be re opened.

Moved by Mr. L. A. Hamilton, seconded by Mr. J. M. McWhinney, and

Resolved, That Section 12 and the Second Clause of Section 17 of the report of the Executive Council regarding the Sir Edmund Osler Trust be referred back to the Executive Council for further consideration and action.

Moved by Chancellor Worrell, seconded by Archdeacon McElheran, and

Resolved, That Section 18 be received.

"That the Diocesan Registrars be requested to prepare a list of Documentary Historic Records of their respective dioceses and forward same to the Chairman of the Sub-Committee on Records of the Executive Council of the General Synod."

Sections 19-22 having already been dealt with no action was


(19) Report of the Hon. General Treasurer. (Appendix).
(20) Financial Report of the Commission on Faith and
Order. (Appendix)

(21) Report of the General Synod Pension Fund Committee

(22) Report of the Year Book. (Appendix).

Moved by Chancellor Worrell, seconded by Archdeacon McElheran, and

Resolved, That the report of the Committee on Records (23) as follows be received.

(Journal 1921, Page 85.)

Your Sub-Committee on Records, desires to report as follows:

1. After consultation with the Registrar of the General Synod on the Subject of the preservation of the Records of the General Synod, your Committee finds that copies of the Journal and Convening Circulars of the Synod have been placed in the Dominion Archives for safe keeping, where they are properly cared for and indexed, and where those interested naturally go for information.

2. Your Committee finds that the Provincial and Diocesan Synods preserve their own Records, and would recommend to the proper authorities of the Synods that they also be placed in the Dominion Archives for safe keeping.

3. To preserve Church Historical matter other than the items mentioned in Clauses 1 and 2, would involve expense and labour neither of which does your Committee know at the present time to be available for the purpose. Some one capable of such work would have to travel about our large country under heavy expense for travelling and hotels, to collect information and documents, and then there would be the further expense of storing and printing the list of the same, to say nothing of stationery, cost of copying, etc.

Moreover, whoever would be given this work to do would have to be a man of experience; to place it in the hands of an inexperienced person would be a waste of money. Under all the circumstances, therefore, your SubCommittee cannot recommend that further action be taken.

Note. The Registrar of the General Synod keeps his Records in the vault of the Royal Trust Company, Ottawa.

All of which is respectfully submitted.



Moved by Chancellor Worrell, seconded by Archdeacon McElheran, and

Resolved, That Section 24 be received.

Report on "The Canadian Churchman,"

Toronto, Sept. 10th, 1923.

Interim Report of Committee on "The Canadian Churchman.'

No step having been taken by the Church to acquire "The Canadian Churchman" as a Dominion-wide Church Paper since the last meeting of the General Synod, and the matter being referred to the Executive Council; your Committee begs to report the following by way of a Memorandum rather than a Report.

Mr. G. B. Woods, President of the Board, took over the management of the Paper for a period of 5 years. He assumed liabilities estimated at $7,300.00, in reality about $8,000.00, for which he received stock covering $8,000.00. Under the agreement he agrees to hand back to the Shareholders the Paper free of all debt and liability excepting Capital Stock.

The 1st year resulted in a small profit, the 2nd (the current year) shows so far a deficit. The circulation of the 1st year was 13,500. It is now about 10,000, many subscribers failing to renew their subscriptions. No Canvasser is employed, since to do so would add considerably to the outlay. Arrangements, however, have been made for a Business Manager to take over the business charge of the paper for 5 years. The present Management is doing the very best to make the Paper a success and is striving to keep it in every sense from being a "Party Organ."

Rev. Dr. E. A. McIntyre is the "Editor-in-Chief," with Rev. W. F. Barfoot as Assistant Editor. The Assistant having resigned, arrangements are being made to secure more of Dr. McIntyre's time and attention. The Management has appreciated the help given to the paper by the M.S.C.C. and other Boards of the Church and bespeaks the continuance of the same, but whether continued or not, wishes it to be understood that the columns are always open to any interests which concern the Church.

The Proprietor is of the opinion that it would be wise to finish the present period of 5 years under the able Editorial and Business Management now existing, but if at the end of the period it is the opinion of the Church, as expressed by her General Synod, that the Paper would

be more useful if owned by the Church, then he would be prepared to do everything in his power to carry out the wishes of the Synod. In the meantime he is prepared to spend time, money and labour on making it a real Church paper-Helpful, Informing and Stimulating to both Clergy and Laity. Your Committee suggests, therefore, in view of this Memorandum that nothing further be done until the expiry of the 5 year period in 1926; but after that date, negotiations be again entered upon with a view to having one Dominion-wide Church Paper, representative of all Schools of Thought, the property of the General Synod.

The whole is respectfully submitted,



Moved by Chancellor Worrell, seconded by Archdeacon McElheran, and

Resolved, That the Upper House concurring the report of the Executive Council be received as amended and the various sections dealt with as agreed upon.

The House adjourned at 11.15 p.m.


Wednesday, October 1st, 1924

Holy Communion was celebrated in St. Paul's Cathedral, at 7.30 a.m. The House assembled at 9.30 and proceeded to St. Paul's Cathedral for Morning Prayer. The House re-assembled at 10 o'clock.

Prayers were said by the Prolocutor.

The Minutes of Tuesday, September 30th, were read and confirmed.

Message F, re Joint Session on Pension Fund, was received from the Upper House.

Message 18, re Finance and Expense, was received from the Upper House.

Notice of Motion was given by Mr. A. Mc. C. Creery, re Drug Traffic.

Notice of Motion was given by Chancellor Bury, re qualifications for naturalization.

The Report of the Committee on Statistics and the State of the Church was presented by the Prolocutor.

Moved by Principal Judd, seconded by Dr. Lansing Lewis
That the report be received.

Moved in amendment by Dr. Renison, seconded by Principal Vance,

That the Report be referred back to the Committee.

Moved by Archdeacon McElheran, seconded by Mr. Jas. Nicholson, as an amendment to the amendment,

That the Upper House concurring, the report be received and referred back to the Committee for correction in the Journal.

On the vote being taken the amendment to the amendment was decided in the affirmative.


Moved by Dr. Lansing Lewis, seconded by Canon Andrew,

Resolved, That the Upper House concurring, the report of the Executive Committee on Reunion be adopted.


The members of the Executive of the Committee on Reunion since last General Synod have had constantly at heart the ideals and principles of the great appeal for the reunion of Christendom as issued by the Lambeth Conference and adopted by the General Synod at its last session. The whole Committee has not been called together within the period. No official negotiations have been presented to us for consideration. Owing to the circumstances of the time, the Executive has not deemed it opportune to take any steps to initiate any negotiations following upon the issuing by the Primate of the Lambeth Appeal to all the other Churches in Canada.

The Executive has met twice to review the situation and desires to report progress and recommends the continuation of both committees. (Sgd.) C. CAMERON WALLER,


Moved by Chancellor Gisborne, seconded by Archdeacon McElheran, and

Resolved, That the Upper House concurring the Report of the Registrar be adopted; the Registrar to add a statement that he has received the sealed copy of the Book of Common Prayer.

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