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February 9.

February 10.


February 11.

February 11.

presented in February 1730-1, the sea has, for want of walling, gained so considerably on one side as must, within some years, render the town an island, and before winter, threaten the entire washing away the Custom House with other houses situated on the said quay.

Endorsed :-"They may proceed to repair to the amount of the money in their hands if it does not exceed 3001." 2 pages. [Treasury Board Papers CCLXXV. No. 15.]

47. Present:-Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Dodington, Sir G. Oxenden, Mr. Clayton.

The memorial of the Treasurer of the Navy of the 8th instant for 1,000l. for bills of exchange on the sick and hurt seamen's office, and for 1,993l. 6s. 5d. for bills of exchange on the victualling account, read and ordered out of the funds in the Exchequer for the year 1730.

Mr. Walker, usher of the Court of Exchequer, is to paid out of the late King's arrears so much of the debts owing to him as will clear his bills of liberate to the time to which the liberates to the Usher of the Receipt have been cleared out of the like. [Treasury Minute Book XXVI. p. 395.]


48. Present:-Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Dodington, Mr. Clayton, Sir Wm. Yonge.

Order for the preparation of a sign manual for 4,930l. to Mr. Scrope for secret service.

The like for 200l. to Sir Wm. Keith, for service in promoting matters before the Commissioners for Trade for the interest of the Plantations, and for all charges and expenses for attendances in respect thereof.

Consul Parker is to be reimbursed the 521. 118. for expresses despatched from Coruña to the King's envoy at Lisbon, for His Majesty's service in the late rupture with Spain, according to the King's pleasure signified by the Duke of Newcastle's letter of 1730, August 1. The fees thereof to be paid by Mr. Lowther.

Order for the preparation of a sign manual for the issue of 4177. to Wm. Richards, to reimburse expenses for His Majesty's service with so much more as will defray the fees thereof.

Mr. Lowther is to pay to John Peele out of the King's money in his hand, 377. 10s. as His Majesty's bounty. [Ibid, p. 396.]

49. Letters patent under the Privy Seal in Latin appointing Wm. Sharpe, junior, a clerk of the Privy Council, loco Edward Southwell, deceased, at a salary of 250l. per annum to date from 1730, December 4. [King's Warrant Book XXX. p. 149.]

50. Report by Charles Wither to the Lords of the Treasury on the memorial of the Duke of Grafton, Lord Warden of Whittlewood Forest, concerning the ruinous condition of some few


February 13.

February 13.

of the lodges in that forest, and of the roads and ring mounds there. Hasleborough Lodge had better be rebuilt." 1 page.

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Appending :-(a.) The Duke of Grafton's memorial as above to the Lords of the Treasury, with order of reference, dated 1730, July 17, from the latter to Charles Wither. 1 page.

(b.) An estimate of repairs wanting in the forest of Whittlewood (total, 7491. 18. 91d.). 4 pages.

(c.) A rough half-sheet of

[Treasury Board Papers CCLXXV. No. 17.]

51. Report by Robert Jocelyn and John Bowes, Attorney and Solicitor General of Ireland, to the Lords Justices General and General Governors of Ireland, concerning a new lease of the lighthouse on the Tower of Hook, at a certain rent, in His Majesty's name. 1 page. [Ibid, No. 19.]

52. Royal sign manual, countersigned by the Lords of the Treasury, directed to the Attorney or Solicitor General for the preparation of a bill to pass the Great Seal, containing the grant to Queen Caroline of the manor of East Greenwich and the Palace commonly called the Queen's House, in the said manor, heretofore in the occupancy of Henry Earl of Romney, together with Greenwich Park, the Old Tilt Yard and the Queen's Garden next adjoining to the said Palace, and the land heretofore used as the King's highway lying between the said park, the Queen's Garden and the Old Tilt Yard, and extending from the entrance of Fryer's Road to the entrance of Back Lane: all at yearly reserved rents of 16s. 8d. and 13s. 4d. to hold during the lives of William Duke of Cumberland and the Princesses Royal and Amelia, for and during the life of the longer liver of them.

Appending:-(a.) Particular and and constat made out by W. Lowndes, auditor, and dated 1730, July 22, with memorandum by same as follows: "His late Majesty King Wm. III. by his indenture under the Great Seal, dated 1697, August 31, did demise to Henry then Earl of Romney the Palace or Mansion House of East Greenwich, called the Queen's House, together with the park there, the Old Tilt Yard, Queen's Garden and a piece of ground formerly used for a highway within mentioned, for 31 years from the date, under the yearly rental of 13s. 4d. It doth not appear to me that the manor of East Greenwich hath ever been in grant before or since that time to any person whatsoever, and according to the best account I can find, the quit rents of the said manor, clear of all charges, amount but to 27. 10s. 1d. as appears by a rental thereof taken by a jury impanelled 25 October 1631. I think it advisable in any grant to be made of the premises that the usual covenants for repairs and a proviso for enrolment thereof with the auditor of the premises should be inserted. therein."

(b.) Same rated by Exton Sayer, Surveyor General, 1730, October, in answer to and by virtue of a warrant from the Treasury of date 1730, September 2.

[Crown Lease Book II. pp. 190-2.]


February 13.

February 15.

February 16.




February 18.

I 94052.

53. Memorial of Sir John Eyles, Bart. [to the Lords of the Treasury] Sets forth that the tenants of His Majesty's manor of Havering-atte-Bower, in Essex, for want of due regard to be had over them, daily enclose to their own estates divers parcels of the waste of the common and cut down the timber trees. Prays a lease of the manor for 31 years, in order to prevent those abuses. Referred to the Surveyor General to report a state and value of the premises. [Crown Lease Book II. p. 149.]

54. An account of the feu duties payable to the Crown out of the island of Lewis, part of the estate belonging to Wm. late Earl of Seaforth, and in arrear. (Total, 3,916/. 138. 4d. sterling) examined by John Philp, deputy auditor. 1 page.

[Treasury Board Papers CCLXXV. No. 20.]

55. Present:-Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Clayton, Sir Wm. Yonge.

"The poor of the parishes of St. Martin's in the Fields, Watford, and Berkhampstead St. Peter's and others, being proprietors of certain springs and waters in Hyde Park for the term of 31 years to come, and the vestry held in St. Martin's in the Fields vestry room having by an order of vestry of January 12 last, offered to His Majesty the purchase of the respective interests in the said springs and waters for the said term, for 2,500l. clear of all expenses, Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer acquaints my Lords that His Majesty is pleased to accept of the said offer," and agrees that the said sum shall be paid as soon as the title to the said springs and waters is examined and passed by the Attorney General, and proper assurances thereupon executed for conveying same to or in trust for the use of the Crown.

Order for Mr. Lowther to pay out of the King's money in his hands 317. 78. to Mr. Mann for the cost and charges of four dogs to be sent as a present from His Majesty to the Emperor of Morocco.

On reading the several memorials from the public offices for supplies, their Lordships order the following sums to be issued in Exchequer bills on the Malt Act, 1731.

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[Treasury Minute Book XXVI. p. 397.]

56. Royal sign manual directed to the Clerk of the Signet attending, for the preparation of a bill to pass the Privy Seal to acknowledge the receipt and full discharge of the sum of 6,360l. 5s. 5d. from Spencer Earl of Wilmington, the same appearing as due upon his balance of the last account as Treasurer and Receiver General of all His Majesty's revenues when Prince of Wales, to which office said Wilmington, then Spencer Compton, Esq. had been appointed



February 18.

February 18.

February 19.

by letters patent under the Great Seal on or about 1714-5, January 24th. Given at the Court at St. James's.

[King's Warrant Book XXX. pp. 145-6.J

57. Warrant under the royal sign manual, directed to the Attorney or Solicitor General for the preparation of a bill to pass the Great Seal to contain a lease or grant to Henry Grey of the free liberty, licence and authority of maintaining, continuing, altering, renewing, removing and changing of lighthouses and lights at Orford Ness and Winterton Ness, and of taking the duties or payments upon the tonnage of ships and other things in respect thereof; all for 36 years from 1755, April 13, at the yearly rental to the Crown of 201.

[Crown Lease Book II. pp. 193-4.]

58. M. Frecker to the Commissioners of Excise requesting them to hasten the payment into the Exchequer of the arrears, if any, standing out on the malt duties, 1729, with a view to lessen the incumbrances on the supplies for the present year as much as possible, it being provided by the Act for the malt duty, 1731, that the money wanting at Lady Day, 1731, to clear the 750,000l. borrowed on the malt duties for 1729 with interest, shall be satisfied out of moneys to be borrowed on malt duties, 1731.

[Letter Book XIX. p. 28.]

59. J. Scrope to the Auditor of the Receipt for the preparation of a state of the national debt provided or unprovided for by Parliament as it stood 1729, December 31, and 1730, December 31, together with an account of the produce of the Sinking Fund of that year, and to the payment of what debts contracted before 1716, December 25, the said fund has been applied. [Ibid, p. 29.]

60. Report of the Commissioners of Customs, London, to the Lords of the Treasury on the petition, as below, of the merchants and others, importers of tobacco from the British Plantations, concerning the warehousing of same. 3 pages.

Appending :-(a.) The petition to the Lords of the Treasury from the merchants and others concerned in the importation of tobacco from the British Plantations. By the Act of 12 Queen Anne it was enacted that on any importer of tobacco paying down 1d. per lb. duty and giving bond for the rest, the tobacco might be warehoused under the joint locks of the Crown and the merchant. This Act was continued by an Act of 5 Geo. I. The Act of 9 Geo. I. directed the duties to be paid down or bond given therefor, and no notice is taken of the previous privilege of warehousing. It is therefore doubtful whether the Act of 12 Queen Anne is in force. If not, pray its re-establishment.

Minuted with order of reference, dated 1730, December 15, to the Commissioners of Customs. 2 pages.


February 22.

February 22.

February 24.

(b.) Petition of same to the House of Commons as above, and praying for the insertion of a clause to the above effect in a bill now depending before the House. 1 pages.

(c.) Draft of the clause as proposed. 3 pages.

[Treasury Board Papers CCLXXV. No. 21.]

61. Petition [to the Treasury] from His Majesty's tenants in the manors of Barton-upon-Humber, Barrow and Goxhill, in Lincolnshire. When they attended the audit appointed to receive their rents due Michaelmas last, Mr. Berry, deputy to Mr. Brooks, the Receiver General, demanded of them to take acquittance for each rent and to pay him 8d. and 12d. for such acquittances. This they refused, tendering their rents as usual, which said deputy receiver refused. Pray that the receiver may be ordered to receive their last year's rent without any such extraordinary charge. Referred to Mr. Auditor Godolphin.

February 25.

Whitehall, Treasury


[Reference Book IX. p. 426.]

62. Warrant from the Lords of the Treasury to George Earl of Halifax, Auditor of the Receipt, Robert Lord Walpole, Clerk of the Pells, and all other the officers of the Receipt, to cause the sum of 750,000l. in Exchequer bills, chargeable on the Act lately passed in Parliament for continuing the duties upon malt, &c. each bill containing 100l. principal money, to be placed as so much cash in the office of the Tellers of the Receipt, to be thence issued for the public service according to notifications from time to time by order from the said Lords.

[Money Book XXXV. p. 445.]

63. The Earl of Scarborough to the Lords of the Treasury representing the ruinous condition of His Majesty's stables and buildings on the east side of St. James's Mews and of most of the stabling in His Majesty's Great Mews near Charing Cross. Desires the necessary directions therein for the prevention of accidents to the royal horses or servants. 1 page.

[Treasury Board Papers CCLXXIII. No. 22.]

64. Same to same requesting the issue to himself of the further sum of 5,000l. in full of his unsatisfied order for 10,000l. 1 page. [Ibid, No. 23.]

65. Present:-Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Dodington, Mr. Clayton, Sir Wm. Yonge.

Mr. Paxton to be made acquainted that the keepers of Windsor Great Park have been disturbed by deer stealers in the last doe season, and that Wm. Bristow and Wm. Merlow are now in Reading goal for that offence. Their Lordships order that he take care to prosecute them with vigour at the next assizes.

Order for the preparation of warrants for passing the Duke of Somerset's accounts of the extraordinaries of the stables as Master

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