Nature of Order or Entry and Substance of Appointment.
Treasury warrant. Benjamin Hall, assistant warehouse keeper of stamped parchment and paper and entering clerk of cards and dice, loco Major Carpenter, resigned. Treasury letters patent. Wm. Vaughan, inspector of the moneyer's presses in the Mint and to clean and polish the dies, &c.
Same. Lawrence Noakes, landwaiter at Newhaven, loco Wm. Noakes, deceased; John Marsden, landwaiter, Liverpool, loco Henry Parr, dismissed (cancelled); Hubert Tassell, collector and surveyor, Rhode Island, New England, loco Robert Kay, deceased; Roger Ormond, collector at Bath Town, North Carolina, loco Wm. Owen, deceased.
Warrants not relating to money XXV. p. 174. Ibid, pp. 174-5.
Customs Book XIV. pp. 19-20.
Edward Walpole to the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland. Irish Book IX. p. 41. Recommending Robert Manning as solicitor or correspondent to them, loco Fra. Sorel, promoted to be secretary to the Commissioners for Taxes.
J. Scrope to Customs Commissioners. Edward Jackson to be instructed at the waterside, Bristol port; Warren Lisle, commander of the "Walker" sloop, Weymouth port, loco James Stear, deceased.
Treasury warrant. James Glen, inspector of seizures of pro- hibited and uncustomed goods, Scotland, loco James Dundas, superseded, at 12d. per £ allowance.
Same. Robert Henley, supervisor of the riding officers, Wey- mouth, loco Warren Lisle, preferred to the command of the Walker" sloop.
Letters patent by writ of Privy Seal. Peregrine, Duke of Ancaster and Kesteven, to be Warden and Chief Justice in Eyre, Trent North, loco John Viscount Lymington.
Treasury warrant. Lawrence Etough, tidesman in the inferior list, Liverpool, to be land waiter there.
Same. Andrew Rose, surveyor, Shetland, loco Robert Dowglas, deceased; James Dowglas, landwaiter and searcher there, loco Rose preferred.
Same. James Cooke, additional messenger and surveyor of the Hackney Coach Office at 40l. per annum. Same. John King, additional assistant to the surveyor of the warehouse, London port, loco Charles Carkesse, junior, preferred to be searcher at Gravesend, loco Wm. Parker, superannuated; Jonas Tettlay, riding officer at Robin Hood's Town, Whitby port, loco Thomas Medd, deceased. Same. Wm. Lowen, weighing porter, London, loco Thos. Ewbank, resigned; Hubert Tassell, collector and surveyor, Rhode Island, loco Robert Kay, deceased, at the established salary of 100l. per annum.
Same. James Harrison, established waiter and searcher at Reighton, Scarborough port. Prefixing:-Customs Commis- sioners' report.
Treasury Commission. Ralph Rance, surveyor of houses, Middlesex, loco Richard Griffith, dismissed.
Treasury warrant. Thos. Betts, boatman at Cockbush, Chichester port, loco Richard Outen, deceased; Isaac Bradford, same, Ramsgate, Sandwich port, loco John Jell, deceased; John Kaynes, tidesman, Lynn Regis port, loco John P'inney, deceased.
Note of warrants for Privy Seals. George Earl of Cromarty, Chamberlain of the Earldom of Ross, Lordship of Ardmeanach, and Barony of Delny and Meddate, loco John late Earl of Sutherland, deceased, for the crops and years 1733, and all preceding rents yet unpaid.
Same for Alexander Earl of Leven to be Chamberlain of Fife and Strathern. N.B.-" In the last warrant he was called Melvil Earl of Leven, instead of Alexander."
Treasury warrant. Thos. Wells, an additional riding officer for hawkers and pedlars, to inquire after such as trade without a licence.
Same. Thos. Baughs, collector at Aberdovey, loco Rees Jones, dismissed; Nicholas Teage, collector at Penzance, loco Henry Badcock, dismissed.
Warrants not relating to money XXV. p. 185.
Same. John Marsden, landwaiter, Liverpool, loco Henry Parr, Ibid, p. 29. dismissed; Etough's deputation to same to be superseded, and he to be restored to his office of tidesman, inferior list, Liverpool.
Treasury commission. John Robins, surveyor of houses, Cornwall, loco John Baron, deceased.
Royal sign manual for a bill to pass the Great Seal. John Eckersall, Receiver General and Cashier of Customs Revenues, the several subsidies of turnage and poundage, and all other impositions and duties whatsoever, loco Henry Selwyn, deceased.
Treasury warrants. Joseph Macham, surveyor of the ware- houses, London port, loco Samuel Grice, deceased; Francis Manning to succeed Macham as landwaiter in the superior list, ibid; John Warner to succeed Manning in the inferior list of same, ibid; Francis Jackson, surveyor of the East India warehouses, London, loco Samuel Grice, deceased; Robert Harrison to succeed Jackson as landwaiter in the superior list, ibid; Thos. Hester to succeed Harrison in the inferior list of same, ibid; John Smith, established collector, Aldeburgh, at 401. per annum from the Crown, and to act for the customer for his fees or 201. per annum, loco Robert Crabbe, deceased; Charles Turner, one of the examiners of outport books, loco Robert Parker, superseded; Mainwaring, Arthur, comptroller of the warehouses for prohibited East India goods, loco Thos. Hester, preferred; John Atkinson, landwaiter, Newcastle port, loco Jeremiah Robinson, resigned; John Massingham, riding surveyor between Sherringham and Happisburgh, Yarmouth, loco James Wells, deceased.
Same for letters patent to pass the Exchequer seal. Wm. Walmesley, Comptroller of Chester and Flint, and master mason and carpenter of Chester Castle. Same. Thos. Meares, tidesman and boatman, Southampton, loco John Price, deceased; George Lylles, noontender, Lon- don, loco Thos. Collrill, deceased; Catherine Daniel, esta- blished as housekeeper of the Custom House, Bristol port, at 401. per annum ; George Keene, boatman, Faversham, loco Henry Rogers, resigned; Francis Edwards, waiter and searcher, Poole, loco Michael Farewell, deceased.
King's Warrant Book XXXI. p. 369.
Warrants not relating to money XXV. pp. 190-1. Customs Book XIV. p. 42.
Sept. 26 J. Scrope to Customs Commissioners. John Freemantle to be Ibid, p. 29. instructed at the waterside, Lordon port,
Treasury warrant. Robert Henry Gale, assistant warehouse- keeper of unstamped parchment and paper, loco John Smith, preferred.
Same. Charles Malden, collector of Customs, Malden port, loco Walter Walker, resigned; Wm. Lantrow, collector, Barnstaple port, loco Nathaniel Moore, deceased; Wm. Coham, waiter and searcher, Bideford, loco Walter Solby, dismissed; Gregory Bowden, master of the "Calshot" sloop, Southampton port, loco Thos. Mears, preferred.
Treasury letters patent. John Wright, searcher, Milford port, loco Rosendall Lloyd, deceased.
Warrants not relating to money XXV. p. 192. Customs Book XIV. p. 45.
Nature of Order or Entry and Substance of Appointment.
Treasury warrant. John MacFun, officer of salt duty, Kirk- caldy, loco James Dowglas, preferred; Wm. Munro, watch- man of salt duty, Alloa, loco George Munro, declined; Robert Macgilligan, same, Prestonpans, loco John Duncan, dismissed; James Crawford, tidesman, Irvine, loco Robert Paterson, dismissed; Alexander Murray, boatmen, Dumfries, loco James Affleck, dismissed; Wm. McKie, tidesman, Stranraer, loco John Gordon, dismissed; Wm. McMaster, same, ibid, loco John Murray, declined; Archibald Wales, landcarriage waiter, Edinburgh, loco Wm. Hercus, deceased; James Younie, watchman of salt duties, Alloa, loco Adam Robertson, dismissed; James Doughty, same, ibid, loco Edward Ross, declined; George Douglas, officer of the salt duty, Kirkcaldy, loco Archibald Campbell, deceased; John Fowle, tidesman, Irvine, loco Gilbert Neilson, deceased; George Mearns, tidesman, Kirkcaldy, and Patrick Beatson, same, Aberdeen, to exchange stations; Wm. Robertson, landwaiter and searcher, and Robert Halyburton, officer of salt duty at Prestonpans, to exchange stations; John Neilson, riding officer under Wm. Hamilton, Surveyor General of riding officers for preventing importation of cattle from Ireland into North Britain, and for hindering the running of uncustomed goods in the west and south coast of Scotland and the islands thereto belonging.
Same. John Hall, tidesman and boatman, Sunderland, loco John Harding, deceased.
Same. Alexander Kinlock, comptroller, Port Glasgow, loco John Fuller, deceased.
Same. Samuel Butter, noontender, London port, loco Richard Turner, deceased; Thos. Streaton, surveyor at Colchester, loco Paul Angier, deceased.
Same. Thos. Southouse, tidesman, Borrowstounness, loco Alexander Houston, deceased.
North Britain Book XI. p. 180.
North Britain Book XI. p. 180.
J. Scrope to the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland. To appoint Irish Book IX. p. 46. Hugh Dickson collector of Cork, loco John Love.
Treasury warrants. James Bruce, supervisor of salt duty, Prestonpans, loco Archibald Campbell, deceased; Alexander Fleming, watchman of salt duty, ibid, loco Wm. Forbes, dis- missed; Patrick Mackellar, George Haliday, and Adam Dix, tidesmen, Dumfries, locis Thos. Simpson, David Johnston, and Archibald Steuart, dismissed.
Same. Robt. Stone, boatman, Torcross, Dartmouth port, loco Ralph Rachbill, deceased; Peter Elliot, waiter and searcher, Bantham, Bigbury Bay, Dartmouth port, loco Robert Griffith, deceased; Thos. Thunder, riding officer, Ramsgate, Sand- wich port, loco his fathre, Richard, superannuated; Hugh Ball, boatman, Kingswear, Dartmouth port, loco George Broughton, deceased.
Same. Richard Kemp, tidesman, Kingswear, Dartmouth port, loco George Broughton, deceased; Wm. Merchant to succeed Kemp as boatman at Torcross, same port; John Ford, surveyor of Customs, Bideford, loco Thos. Burgoyne, dismissed; Thos. Davies, tidesman and boatman, Hull, loco Robert Keld, superannuated; Gregory Bowden, mate of the "Calshot" sloop, Southampton port, to be commander there, loco John Mears, deceased; Wm. Rice to succeed Bowden as
North Britain Book XI. p. 180.
Treasury commission. Herbert Lewis, surveyor of houses, Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 10. Radnor, loco Thos. Lewis, dismissed.
Nature of Order or Entry and Substance of Appointment.
Treasury warrant. John Nevill, tidesman and boatman, Stockton port, loco Wm. Bagwith, deceased. Same. Ambrose Corby, boatman, Colchester port, loco Wm. Rawlins, dismissed; Bernard Sampson, warehouse keeper, Topsham, loco Bartholomew Anthony; Win. Dewhurst, tidesman at Helbre and Hoylake, Liverpool port, loco John Sherlocke, superannuated; John Button, tidesman, Liverpool port, loco Wm. Stennett, dismissed.
Same. Abraham Walton, searcher and surveyor of cards and dice, loco George Tompson, deceased; Oliver Peard, dis tributor of stamps, co. Devon (city of Exeter and town of Plymouth excepted), loco Nathaniel Thorne, deceased. Treasury commission. Thos. Cross, surveyor of houses, Middlesex, loco Philip Pott, deceased.
Treasury warrant. James Chamness, tidesman, inferior list, London port, loco George Brinklow, superannuated.
Customs Book XIV. p. 55. Ibid, p. 59.
Warrants not relating to money XXV. p. 199.
Affairs of Taxes IV. p. 11.
Royal warrant to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. Wm. Tighe, | Irish Book IX. p. 51. Keeper of the Records in the Tower of Berningham, Ireland, on the surrender of Arthur Hill, who was appointed on the surrender of Joseph Addison.
Treasury order for royal letters patent. Peter Buck, comp- troller, Chichester port, loco John Miller, deceased. Treasury warrants. John Marshall, riding officer, Sheppey Ibid, p. 65. Island, Rochester port, to succeed John Bingham, deceased, as waiter and searcher, to act for the collector of Faversham; John Jelly to succeed Marshall as riding officer; Wm. Gribble, tidesman, Truro port, loco John Lifchild, deceased.
Letters patent by writ of Privy Seal. Sir Philip Medows and Alan Viscount Middleton, Comptrollers of the Accounts of the Army, at a salary of 1,500l. for themselves, 300l. to their secretary, and allowance of 900l. for the whole office charge; all in succession to Sir Philip Medows and James Bruce. Same in Latin by writ of Privy Seal. Grant to Wm. Benson of the reversion of the office of one of the Auditors of Imprests and Foreign Accounts, First Fruits, &c., Imposi- tions, Customs, Subsidies, &c., Exchange and Moneys, &c., loco Edward Harley, appointed same by letters patent of 6 March, 11 Queen Anne, or Thos. Foley, of Stoke Court, constituted same by letters patent of 13 August, 12 Queen Anne.
Office, Army, Barracks, Beer, Bengal silks, Bermudas, Bounties, Brandy, Calicoes, Chamber, Charleston, Civil List, Clearings, Cocoa, Cocoanuts, Coffee, Concordatums, Corn, Crown rents, Customs, Derwentwater estate, Drawbacks, East India Company, Elstob, Exchequer, Excise, Flax, For- feitured Estates, Four-and-a-half per cent., General Fund, Gibraltar, Hana- per, Hawkers and Pedlars, Hops, Horse, Income, Ireland, King's money, Land tax, Malt duty, Navy, New churches, New York quit rents, Par- liament, Pensions, Post Office, Prizes, Receivers, Robes Office, Royal stables, St. Christopher, Salt, Scotland, Sei- zures, Services, Sheriffs, Silk, Sinking Fund, South Sea Company, Spence, Thomas; Stamp duties, Surpluses, Supplies, Taxes, Tea, Tobacco, Trade, Board of; Transports, Treasury, Victuallers, Wales, Wardrobe, White- foord, Allan; Wine duties, Wither, Chas.; Works; 6, 8, 17, 49, 84, 97, 103, 111, 117, 273, 403.
fees for passing customers', 152.
Accra (Gold Coast), 568.
Acheson, Sir Arthur, 143.
Acock, Rigby, 70.
Acquittances, charges of, for rents in royal manors, 67.
Act of Assembly, 241.
concurrence of States General to Treaty of Vienna, 229, 253, 330.
Act of Parliament. See Parliament, Mutiny, Navigation, Quarantine.
Acting Commissioners of Land Tax. See Land tax.
Acton, Gustavus, 519.
Nathaniel, Sheriff of Norfolk, 167, 186, 339.
Adam, John, 358. Adams, Henry, 522.
James, 483.
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