1731. June 16. June 17. past, let the warrant authorising the Exchequer officers to make the said deduction be laid before my Lords for their consideration." The Attorney General's report of 1730, October 9, read on Henry Hole's petition for a grant of the personal estate of Stede Bonnet in the Leeward Islands, who was convicted and executed for piracy, towards satisfying a debt by judgment of 1,707. owing: from Bonnet to Hole. A warrant to be prepared for granting same accordingly, grantee giving security to account in the Exchequer for any surplus over the said debt, interest and costs. [Treasury Minute Book XXVII. pp. 32-3.] 191. Present:-Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir George Oxenden, Mr. Dodington, Mr. Clayton, Sir Wm. Yonge. Their Lordships inspect the Act of Parliament and the late King's warrant grounded thereupon, by which the deduction of 6d. in the £ is authorised to be made out of payments at the Exchequer, and upon consideration thereof their Lordships are of opinion that the 10,000l. which hath been granted for two years together out of the public supplies to the African Company towards the maintenance of the British forts and settlements belonging to them on the coast of Africa, ought not to be charged with this deduction, and order a copy thereof to be transmitted to the Auditor of the Receipt for the officers there to govern themselves accordingly." The memorial of the Paymaster of the Forces of the 16th instant, for 163,222. 148. Sd. for subsistence and contingencies from June 25 to August 24 next, including 40,000l. for the Hessians on account, read and ordered out of the supplies, anno 1731. The memorial of the Treasurer of the Navy for 30,000l. on the head of wages, and 3,000l. for imprests and bills of exchange on the head of wear and tear, read and similarly ordered. Mr. Wilkins is to be paid by Mr. Lowther out of the King's money in his hands 2591. 3s. 4d. for the London journals delivered to the Post Office for six months, 1730, December 5, to May 29, including 100l. for writing, &c. James Raw, at the recommendation of Mr. Hedworth, to be boatman at Sunderland, loco Rigby Acock, in case he be dead. Mr. Lowther is to pay Mr. Preverau, out of the King's money in his hands, 1077. 18. for the fees and charges in passing Captain Clinton's command as Governor of Newfoundland. [Ibid, p. 34.] 192. Report from the Commissioners for Stamps to the Treasury on the petition of John Savage, clerk. In January last received information that petitioner had celebrated a marriage without licence or publication of banns. Ordered a prosecution to prevent a practice so prejudicial to the stamp revenue. Petitioner has ever since absconded. Are informed that he is in very mean circumstances, and under the sentence of the spiritual court. Minuted:-With minute of approval by the 1731. June 22. Treasury, requiring stay of action against Savage, without insisting on his paying the costs of suit. 2 pages. Appending:-Savage's petition to the Treasury. Has been suspended ab officio et beneficio by the spiritual court for three years, and thereby lost two small livings in Nottinghamshire. Prays stay of the Stamp Office prosecution for 100l. having upon all occasions shown the utmost zeal for His Majesty's Government. Minuted:-With order of reference, dated 1731, May 27. 1 page. [Treasury Board Papers CCLXXVI. No. 22.] 193. Present:-Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir George Oxenden, Mr. Dodington, Mr. Clayton, Sir Wm. Yonge. Warren Lisle's salary as supervisor of the riding officers at Weymouth is to be augmented from 60l. to 1007. Richard Kelsall, at the recommendation of Mr. Brereton, is to be land surveyor at Liverpool, loco John Digby, deceased. Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer acquaints their Lordships that the King is pleased to give 1,000l. towards the relief of the sufferers by the fire at Tiverton, and 1,000l. for the sufferers by the fire at Blandford. Sir Wm. Yonge to distribute the former, and Mr. Dodington the latter, as they shall think fit. The Commissioners of Taxes attend, and their representation of the 22nd instant read, of the sums paid by such of the receivers of land tax as were respited since the time of their being so respited. Their Lordships take off the respites on eight receivers named. The Commissioners acquaint their Lordships that Langley Banks, Receiver of part of Lincoln, is in ill circumstances, but that his security is substantial, and that they have no reason to fear that the public will suffer any loss by such failing. Their Lordships advise them, nevertheless, to take out an extent against him, "though it may not be absolutely necessary to carry it immediately into execution." Mr. Cracherode's report of 1729-30, January 21, for 40l. to be paid to Wm. Crew, one of the keepers of Enfield Chase, for the arrest of Aaron Maddox, a notorious deer stealer, read and agreed to. Mr. Paxton's report of the 15th instant, on petitions of Wm. Sampson, Godman Jenkin, and Thos. Best, claiming the proclamation reward of 300l. for apprehending incendiaries, agreed to. The memorial of the Commissioners of Salt Duties of the 18th instant read and agreed to, proposing the dismissal of other of their officers from the 24th instant with salaries amounting to 530l. per annum, and the continuing of others of the said officers, as in an annexed list, with salaries amounting to 3,9231. 10s. per annum, as also of others to be continued and paid by the Commissioners of Customs, with salaries amounting to 105l. per annum. At Christmas next the Commissioners are to represent to their Lordships the officers to be then dismissed or continued for bringing the affairs under their management to a conclusion. 1731. June 23. Chambers. Mr. George Holmes, Chief Clerk to the Keeper of the Records in the Tower, in consideration of the length of time he has served in the said office, and his care and fidelity therein, is to be allowed the vacant salary of the keeper for the intermediate time between Mr. Topham's death and Mr. Polhill's admission to the said office of keeper. Mr. Attorney General's report of 1731, April 30, on Martin Bedwell's petition for a lease of an escheated estate in Essex, belonging to John Blandford, convicted of felony, read and agreed to. Petition of Wm. Noakes, late Sheriff of Berks, to be repaid two 40l. paid for reward of conviction of a highwayman, tried on two indictments, read,. "My Lords being of opinion that one 401. ought only by law to be paid, the making a precedent of paying more may be of ill consequence to His Majesty's service." Thomas Holden's petition relating to a debt and demand upon the Fleet prison, read and referred to Mr. Paxton. Postmaster General's report of the 16th instant on John Arden's petition to be paid 50l. for a banknote stolen out of a letter by Thos. Hassle, one of their officers, who was tried for same, read and agreed to. Mr. Lowther, out of the King's money in his hand, is to pay John Walthe, junior, 243l. 15s. for 750 double "Courants" sent to the Post Office every post day from 1730-1, February 22, to 1731 May 22, [Treasury Minute Book XXVII. pp. 35-7.] 194. Present:-Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir George Oxenden, Mr. Doddington, Mr. Clayton, Sir Wm. Yonge. Edward Berkley to be tide surveyor at Portsmouth, loco James Pitt, preferred to be viewer and examiner of tobacco, inwards and outwards, London port. Mr. Burchett's letter of the 22nd instant with the accompanying extract of Captain Colliers' letter relating to the damage done to the Fubbs" yacht, under his command, by the Custom House officers, referred to the Commissioners of Customs for report. The memorial of the Treasurer of the Navy of to-day's date for 116,6231. 10. for sundry services read and ordered. On a report from the Commissioners of Taxes, Mr. Manning, their secretary, is ordered to be paid 2001. for extraordinary attendances and trouble in executing that office. Same to be inserted in next quarter's incidents bill. Mr. Chetwynd, who is going Governor to Barbados, is to have 1,500l. out of 4 per cent. in like manner as was paid to the last Governor. The Commissioners of Taxes present a particular account of payments and arrears of the respited receivers, anno 1731. Their Lordships approve the taking off the respite on all the receivers named in the minute of 1731, June 22, supra, except Mr. Meredith, Receiver of North Wales, whose respite is to continue till payment of the 6,000l. due from him. 1731. June 25. June 29. Whitehall, Treasury Chambers. The petition of William Fazakerly and Samuel Skinner transmitted to the Commissioners of Customs. The trial of same, for running gold bullion out of an East India ship before entry, to be deferred till Michaelmas term. [Treasury Minute Book XXVII. p. 38.] 195. Order for payment to David Polhill, as supervisor of 371. 10s., and George Holmes, as chief clerk, of 251. for digesting and putting into order the Records in the Tower, 1731, Midsummer quarter. [Order Book XV. p. 29.] 196. Same for same to George Holmes of 230l. 198. 8d. for services as chief clerk to the Keeper of the Records in the Tower, from 1730, September 7, the death of Richard Topham, late Keeper of the Records, to 1730-1, February 17, the day of David Polhill's admission to the said office; on 500l. per annum. [Ibid, p. 34.] 197. Same for same of 1051. to John Lawton, senior Deputy Chamberlain of the Exchequer, for sorting and digesting the writings and records in the Court of the Receipt of the Exchequer, 1731, Midsummer quarter. Appending:-Lawton's certificate. "Since Lady Day last, Mr. Stewart has endorsed and put labels upon a great many old assize rolls of several reigns. Mr. Smart has been sorting miscellaneous records which formerly lay in the rooms over the Gateway, and Mr. Whiston has been comparing the abstracts (bought lately of the executors of Mr. Le Neve) with the records and putting endorsements upon them." [Ibid, p. 30; Money Book XXXVI. pp. 30–1.] 198. Present:-Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir George Oxenden, Mr. Dodington, Mr. Clayton, Sir Wm. Yonge. Mr. Lowther, out of the King's money in his hands, is to pay the fees of the royal bounties to the towns of Tiverton and Blandford, towards repairing their losses by fire. Mr. Carr Brackenbury, Receiver of the Land Tax for part of Lincoln, is to be receiver of the whole county now Mr. Banks, the late Receiver of part of Lincoln, has failed. Thos. Eyre, the Receiver for Cheshire, is to be Receiver for North Wales also. Some fit person to be recommended as Receiver for Hertford, loco Runnington, who declines same. John Hope is to be riding officer in the Isle of Sheppey, loco Thos. Goble, deceased. The memorial of the Paymaster of the Forces of to-day's date for 43,320. 198. 2d. for half-pay to reduced officers and for defraying the charge of Chelsea Hospital, read and ordered. On reading Mr. Auditor Harley's statement, dated 19th instant, on Mr. Cracherode's final accounts, terminating 1730, December 22, their Lordships agree to allow 2637. 138. 114d. craved therein for arrears of salary payable at the Exchequer, to 1727, June 11. Care to be taken that proper memorandums are made thereof at the Exchequer to prevent double payments, and that 997. 16s. 24d. 1731. June 29. the balance of said account be paid over and charged upon the succeeding solicitor. The reports of the Deputy King's Remembrancer and Mr. Auditor Harley read on Mr. Blackerby's petition to have Richard Farwell, of Westminster, accepted a security for him as Receiver for the Churches, loco Leonard Street, deceased. Their Lordships agree thereto. Order for preparation of a warrant for the quarter's pension due to the Earl of Warwick at Midsummer last. The representation from the Commissioners of the Customs in Scotland, of the 17th instant, for continuing some officers of the Salt Duty there for six months from the 24th instant, read and agreed to. In the warrant to be drawn thereupon the Commissioners are to be apprised of the order relating to John Haldane, collector of Prestonpans. The memorial from same of 1730-1, March 3, relating to the salt given over to the officers at Anstruther in 1719, and for which the debentures were not to be made out or delivered in regard to the frauds practised by the merchants over said salt, read and the several propositions therein agreed to. Mr. Missing's letter of the 24th instant, complaining of the want of storehouses at Gibraltar, and of the opposition made by the garrison there to accept beef in lieu of pork, in a due proportion till both species in store there are brought to an equality, ordered to be transmitted to the Secretary at War. The memorial of Mr. Hart, late Governor of the Leeward Islands, for remission of interest on his purchase money of lands in St. Christopher, read. Their Lordships are to be informed what orders were formerly given upon the like application of Mr. Hart. Richard Gildart's petition for time to pay in the remaining debt as surety for Sir Thomas Johnson, merchant at Liverpool, read. Their Lords agree to the terms proposed. David Bindon's memorial, representing his services relating to the hindering the clandestine exportation of wool from Ireland, and praying recompense for same, read, "but my Lords being wholly unacquainted with petitioner's pretensions give no order therein." Thos. Lake's petition to be admitted to a composition for running goods, read and referred to the Commissioners of Customs. Isaac Migault, one of the tidesmen of London port, is to be a coast-waiter. [Treasury Minute Book XXVII. pp. 39-40.] 199. Treasury warrant to the Postmaster General for repayment of 50l. to John Arderne, of Manchester, for loss of a bank note in the post. Prefixing-Report of the Postmasters General, Edward Carteret and E. Harrison, to the Treasury, recommending the payment of the money least merchants, finding themselves liable to the loss of money in the post, should adopt other means of conveyance. The caution we have taken to secure the revenue |