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interval. Over the bronchi the sounds are louder than over the general surface. It would appear that these sounds are produced by the motion of the air along the air-passages.

27. In consequence of the elasticity of the lungs, a certain force must be expended in distending them, and this force is found experimentally to become greater and greater the more the lung is distended; just as, in stretching a piece of india-rubber, more force is required to stretch it a good deal than is needed to stretch it only a little. Hence, when inspiration takes place, and the lungs are distended with air, the heart and the great vessels in the chest are subjected to a less pressure than are the blood-vessels of the rest of the body.

For the pressure of the air contained in the lungs is exactly the same as that exerted by the atmosphere upon the surface of the body; that is to say, fifteen pounds on the square inch. But a certain amount of this pressure exerted by the air in the lungs is counterbalanced by the elasticity of the distended lungs. Say that in a given condition of inspiration a pound pressure on the square inch is needed to overcome this elasticity, then there will be only fourteen pounds pressure on every square inch of the heart and great vessels. And hence the pressure on the blood in these vessels will be one pound per square inch less than that on the veins and arteries on the rest of the body. If there were no aortic, or pulmonary, valves, and if the composition of the vessels, and the pressure upon the blood in them, were everywhere the same, the result of this excess of pressure on the surface would be, to drive all the blood from the arteries and veins of the rest of the body into the heart and great vessels contained in the thorax. And thus the diminution of the pressure upon the thoracic blood cavities produced by inspiration, would, practically, suck the blood from all parts of the body towards the thorax. But the suction thus exerted, while it hastened the flow of blood to the heart in the veins, would equally oppose the flow from the heart to the arteries, and the two effects would balance one another. As a matter of fact, however, we know—

(1.) That the blood in the great arteries is constantly under a very considerable pressure, exerted by their

elastic walls; while that of the veins is under little pressure.

(2.) That the walls of the arteries are strong and resisting, while those of the veins are weak and flabby.

(3.) That the veins have valves opening towards the heart; and that, during the diastole, there is no resistance of any moment to the free passage of blood into the heart; while, on the other hand, the cavity of the arteries is shut off from that of the ventricle during the diastole, by the closure of the semilunar valves.

Hence it follows that equal pressures applied to the surface of the veins and to that of the arteries must produce very different effects. In the veins the pressure is something which did not exist before; and, partly from the presence of valves, partly from the absence of resistance in the heart, partly from the presence of resistance in the capillaries, it all tends to accelerate the flow of blood towards the heart. In the arteries, on the other hand, the pressure is only a fractional addition to that which existed before; so that, during the systole, it only makes a comparatively small addition to the resistance which has to be overcome by the ventricle; and during the diastole, it superadds itself to the elasticity of the arterial walls in driving the blood onwards towards the capillaries, inasmuch as all progress in the opposite direction is stopped by the semilunar valves.

It is, therefore, clear that the inspiratory movement, on the whole, helps the heart, inasmuch as its general result is to drive the blood the way that the heart propels it.

28. In expiration, the difference between the pressure of the atmosphere on the surface, and that which it exerts on the contents of the thorax through the lungs, becomes less and less in proportion to the completeness of the expiration. Whenever, by the ascent of the diaphragm and the descent of the ribs, the cavity of the thorax is so far diminished that pressure is exerted on the great vessels, the veins, owing to the thinness of their walls, are especially affected, and a check is given to the flow of blood in them, which may become visible as a venous pulse in the great vessels of the neck. In its effect on the arterial trunks, expiration, like inspiration, is, on the whole, favourable to the circulation; the increased resistance to the

opening of the valves during the ventricular systole being more than balanced by the advantage gained in the addition of the expiratory pressure to the elastic reaction of the arterial walls during the diastole.

When the skull of a living animal is laid open and the brain exposed, the cerebral substance is seen to rise and fall synchronously with the respiratory movements; the rise corresponding with expiration, and being caused by the obstruction thereby offered to the flow of the blood in the veins of the head and neck.

29. Hitherto, I have supposed the air-passages to be freely open during the inspiratory and expiratory movements. But if, the lungs being distended, the mouth and nose are closed, and a strong expiratory effort is then made, the heart's action may be stopped altogether.1 And the same result occurs if, the lungs being partially emptied, and the nose and mouth closed, a strong inspiratory effort is made. In the latter case the excessive distension of the right side of the heart, in consequence of the flow of blood into it, may be the cause of the arrest of the heart's action; but in the former, the reason of the stoppage is not very clear.

30. The activity of the respiratory process is greatly modified by the circumstances in which the body is placed. Thus, cold greatly increases the quantity of air which is breathed, the quantity of oxygen absorbed, and of carbonic acid expelled: exercise and the taking of food have a corresponding effect.

In proportion to the weight of the body, the activity of the respiratory process is far greatest in children, and diminishes gradually with age.

The excretion of carbonic acid is greatest during the day, and gradually sinks at night, attaining its minimum about midnight, or a little after.

Recent observations appear to show that the rule that the quantity of oxygen taken in by respiration is, approximately, equal to that given out by expiration, only holds good for the total result of twenty-four hours' respiration. Much more oxygen appears to be given out during the day-time (in combination with carbon as carbonic acid) than is absorbed; while, at night, much more oxygen is I There is danger in attempting this experiment.


absorbed than is excreted as carbonic acid during the same period. And it is very probable that the deficiency of oxygen towards the end of the waking hours, which is thus produced, is one cause of the sense of fatigue which comes on at that time. This difference between day and night is, however, not constant, and appears to depend a good deal on the time when food is taken.

The quantity of oxygen which disappears in proportion to the carbonic acid given out, is greatest in carnivorous, least in herbivorous animals-greater in a man living on a flesh diet, than when the same man is feeding on vegetable matters.

31. When a man is strangled, drowned, or choked, or is, in any other way, prevented from inspiring or expiring sufficiently pure atmospheric air, what is called asphyxia comes on. He grows "black in the face;" the veins become turgid; insensibility, not unfrequently accompanied by convulsive movements, sets in, and he is dead in a few minutes.

But, in this asphyxiating process, two deadly influences of a distinct nature are co-operating; one is the deprivation of oxygen, the other is the excessive accumulation of carbonic acid in the blood. Oxygen starvation and carbonic acid poisoning, each of which may be fatal in itself, are at work together.

The effects of oxygen starvation may be studied separately, by placing a small animal under the receiver of an air-pump and exhausting the air; or by replacing the air by a stream of hydrogen or nitrogen gas. In these cases no accumulation of carbonic acid is permitted, but, on the other hand, the supply of oxygen soon becomes insufficient, and the animal quickly dies. And if the experiment be made in another way, by placing a small mammal, or bird, in air from which the carbonic acid is removed as soon as it is formed, the animal will nevertheless die as soon as the amount of oxygen is reduced to 10 per cent. or thereabouts.

The directly poisonous effect of carbonic acid, on the other hand, has been very much exaggerated. A very large quantity of pure carbonic acid (10 to 15 or 20 per cent.) may be contained in air, without producing any very serious immediate effect, if the quantity of

oxygen be simultaneously increased. And it is possible that what appear to be the directly poisonous effects of carbonic acid may really arise from its taking up the room that ought to be occupied by oxygen. If this be the case, carbonic acid is a negative rather than a positive poison.

Whichever may be the more potent agency, the effect of the two, as combined in asphyxia, is to produce an obstruction, firstly, in the pulmonary circulation, and, secondly, in the veins of the body generally. The lungs and the right side of the heart, consequently, become gorged with blood, while the arteries and left side of the heart gradually empty themselves of the small supply of dark and unaërated blood which they receive. The heart becomes paralysed, partly by reason of the distension of its right side, but chiefly from being supplied with venous blood; and all the organs of the body gradually cease

to act.

32. Sulphuretted hydrogen, so well known by its offensive smell, has long had the repute of being a positive poison. But its evil effects appear to arise chiefly, if not wholly, from the circumstance that its hydrogen combines with the oxygen carried by the blood-corpuscles, and thus gives rise, indirectly, to a form of oxygen starvation.

Carbonic oxide gas has a much more serious effect, as it turns out the oxygen from the blood-corpuscles, and forms a combination of its own with the hæmoglobin. The compound thus formed is only very gradually decomposed by fresh oxygen, so that if any large proportion of the blood-corpuscles be thus rendered useless, the animal dies before restoration can be effected.

Badly made common gas sometimes contains 20 to 30 per cent. of carbonic oxide; and, under these circumstances, a leakage of the pipes in a house may be extremely perilous to life.

33. It is not necessary, however, absolutely to strangle, or drown, a man, in order to asphyxiate him. As, other things being alike, the rapidity of diffusion between two gaseous mixtures depends on the difference of the proportions in which their constituents are mixed, it follows that the more nearly the composition of the tidal air approaches that of the stationary air, the slower will be the diffusion of carbonic acid outwards and of oxygen

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