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residew (n.), the residue, what remains, the conclusion, 29, 33 resolute (adj.), firm, decisive, 39, I; 77, 23

resort (v.), to have access, be admitted, 75, 14.

resort (n.), the throng of visitors, the attendance of courtiers, 43, 32

rested (pret.), remained, 93, 5; 108, 33

reve (v.), to rive, to plunder, 29,


reverente (adj.), used where we now say reverend, 24, 31 riall (adj.), royal, 46, 20 rid, ridde (v.), to rid, to destroy, 45, 19; 81, 22 ridde, ryd (p. p.), destroyed, removed, 56, 16; 110, 10 rishes (n.), rushes, 20, 4 rivers (n.), plunderers, 12, II ronne (p. p.), run, fled, 125, 25 rore (n.), uproar, 15, 8

roume (n.), place, position, 71, 28 roun, rown (v.), to whisper, 73,

3, 19; 77, 12 rought (pret.), recked, cared, 83,


rowmes (n.), places, positions, 17,

15; 23, 15

rowning (n. and part.), whispering, 73, 3

rud (n.), redness, 53, 33 rumble (n.), noise, disturbance, 19, 29

runne (v.), (of a rumour) = to be current, 24, 17; 110, 16 runne (pret.), ran, 85, 30 ryvilde (adj.), wrinkled, shrivelled,

54, 18

sacre (adj.), sacred, 60, 13 sadde (adj.), set, steady, sober, 72, I; 73, 10

saie (v.), to say, 17, 32 saintuary (n.), sanctuary, 34, 17; et sæpe

salued (pret.), saluted, 17, 16 saufe (adj.), safe, 37, 22

saumple (n.), example, 31, 25 sauegarde (n.), safeguard, 15, 2;

21, 15

savely (adv.), safely, 98, 3 saving (n.), keeping, observing, 48, II

saving (adv.), only, 17, 30; 45, 7;

70, 25

scacely (adv.), scarcely, 106, 14 scant (adv.), scarcely, hardly, 14, 3; 53, 4; 123, 12 scoutwatche (n.), spies, watchmen, outlookers, outposts, 120, 33 scrupilouse (adj.), scrupulous, troubled with scruples, 57, 3 se (v.), to see, 39, 31; 47, 7; 49, 12 seased (pret.), ceased, 123, 33 secret (adj.), intimate, confidential,

in places of confidence, 64, 28; 82, 2; 85, 20; 87, 26; 114, 28 self (pron.), itself, 43, 28; 55, 4 self, selfe (adj.), same, 7, 14; 10, 24; 48, 19; 50, 6; 55, 26 sely (adj.), innocent, 83, 31 semblaunce (n.), appearance, pretence, shew, 22, 3; 45, 4; 74, 23 sembstauncial (adj.), substantial trustworthy, 51, 18

semyng (part.), thinking, 121, 31 sequestred (p. p.), separated, 12, 33

sette by (v.), to esteem, 73, 26; 119, 10 severall (adj.), separate, 44, 12 shet, shitte (p. p.), shut, 83, 17 shortelye (adv.), shortly,


quickly, 22, 1; 48, 2 shote (v.), to shoot, 7, 12 shrewde (adj.), evil, bad, 27, 13; 56, 4

shrift (n.), a confession of sins, 48,


shronke (pret.), did shrink, drew

back, 47, 33

shryve (v.), to make a confession, 48, 6

shulder (n.), shoulder, 127, 3 shyfte (v.), to take new steps, try new means, 39, 3

signe (n.), signal to begin (the battle), 123, 17 signify (v.), to make a sign about, to hint at, 70, 32 sike (adj.), sick, 34, 29. sinister (adj.), wrongful, evil, 52, 16

sins (conj.), since, 38, 10; 74, 14 sircumspectly (adv.), circumspectly, with caution, 39, 3!

sithe, sith, syth (adv.), since, 16, 26; 34, 18; 37, 14; 57, 21; et sæpe

sithen (conj.), since, 11, 9 sitten (p. p), sat, 46, 17 sleight (adj.), slight, unimportant, 55, 8

slender (adj.), weak, small, inconsiderable, 120, 20; 123, 5


slight (n.?) a little matter, 33, 16 slipper (adj.), insecure, unstable, 9, 24; 63, 16

smored (p. p.), smothered, 84, 3 sober (adj.), moderate, limited (of numbers), 15, 23

sodain (adj.), sudden, 46, 16 sodainly (adv.), suddenly, 83, 32 so farreforthe, so ferforth (adv.), to such a degree, 3, 23; 44, 9; 67, 16 et sæpe

so that (conj.), provided that, 92, 18

solempnite (n.), solemnization, 45,

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spede (v. tr.), to promote, set forward, 55, 16

spede (v. intr.), to make haste, 48, 6

spede (n.), success, 7, 30

spiall (n.), spying, watch, 95, 28 spialles (n.), espials, spies, 42, 15 spiritual (adj.), spiritual men, the clergy, as distinguished from the laity, 57, I

spiritualitye (n.), the clergy, 25,

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stomacke (n.), heart, courage, 5i 6;

14, 4; IOI, 8

story (n.), storey, a stage, landing, floor of a building, 66, 3, stoutly (adv.), courageously, 42,


straunge (adj.), chary, niggardly, slow to give, 2, 16; backward, remiss, 83, 1

streight (adv.), immediately, 41, 21 streighte (adj.), strait, narrow, small, 17, 11

strength (v.), to strengthen, 112,


strenghtis (n.), strongholds, places of security, 56, 19


striken (p. p.), stricken, struck,

48, 14; 97, 32 strived (pret.), strove, 127, 8 stroke (pret.), struck, 124, 6; 124,


studientes (n.), students, 108, 15 stuffe (n.), baggage of an army or


traveller, 22, 10, II sturre (v.), to stir, to bestir themselves, 96, 24 sturre (n.), disturbance, tion, 117, 4; 119, 8 substaunce (n.), the great part, the chief portion, 2, 5

suerty, surety, sureti, suretie, suertie (n.), security, 11, 30; 13, 8; 16, 30; 35, 6; 38, 33; 50, 8; 51, 4 et sæpe

suid (p. p.), sued, petitioned, 55,


sur (n.), sir, (?) 35, 9 (see notes). sure (adj.), assured, betrothed, 61, 33

sure (adj.), secure, safe, 36, 13, 14 sure (adj.), steadfast, faithful, 21,


surfet (n.), burden (used of sick

ness), 34, 4

surmise (v.), to suggest, 58, 13 suspecte (adj.), suspected, 119, 32 suspection (n.), suspicion, the being suspected, 118, 28

sutes (n.), suits, petitions to the King, 51, I

suttelties (n.), i. e. subtleties-designs and figures to adorn a table, or to form part of some great banquet, 45, 29 suttle, suttell (adj.), cunning, 41, 22, 31

tacke (n.), a course, way, direction, 124, 21

take (v.), to hold, to regard, to accept, 28, 24; 78, 7; 83, 10; 102, 7

take (v.), to betake, 117, 5 taken (p. p.), received, wel taken = favourably accepted, 56, 26; cf. 60, 20, 21

taking (n.), the arresting, 47, 2 tallages (n.), tolls, taxes, 67, 11 tariaunce (n.), delay, 105, 10; 106,


taunting (part), teasing, 54, 25 tave (v.) to have, 22, 20 telled (pret.), told, 118, 30; 120, 17 tempestious (adj.), stormy, full of trouble, 2, 9

temporal men (n.), laymen, 32, 5 tendereth (v.), has a tender regard for, 24, 27

tenderid (pret.), was careful about, regarded, 33, 12 thadvoutry=th'advoutry (n.), the adultery, 63, 28

thafore by crasis for the afore, 59,


than (adv.), then, 8, 33; 80, 5 et sæpe

that (pron.), that which, 9, 27; 48, 18; 71, 2; 73, 14; 90, 5; 120, 13; 121, 2

the (pron.), thee, 47, 24 et sæpe themself, themselfe (pron.), them

selves, 4, 4; 8, 26 et passim then (adv.), than 8, 23 et passim thereby (adv.), in that direction, 105, 28

therefore (pron.+prep.), for that

(result or purpose), 8, 11; 45, 30; 67, 10; 70, 10; 81, 32 thereto (adv.), beside that, moreover, 70, 13

there with all (adv.), therewith, 39, 2

thick (adj.), in great numbers, 43,

[blocks in formation]

to (prep.) = with, pick a quarrel to,

17. 19 togged (p. p.), matted together, 85,


tone (adj.), the tone:

= that one, 8, 8; 14, 10; 29, 10; 33, 2; 34, 28; 44, 13; 57, 10 et sæpe too (prep.), to, 8, 28; 100, 31; 106, 24; 108, 20 et sæpe tormentors, the bodyguard of a despotic prince, executioners, 79, 8; 84, 5; 85, 3

tother (adj.), the tother that other, 8, 9; 14, II; 29, 10; 33, 3; 34, 29; 44, 14; 50, 4; 57, II et sæpe toward (prep. and adj.), friendly with, friendly disposed, well inclined, 7, 22; 58, 26 towarde (prep.), unto, 21, 23 towarde (adj.), near at hand, approaching, imminent, threatening, 3, 5; 49, 22; 110, 33 towardenesse (n.), tractableness, docility, 4, 6

traines (n.), devices, schemes, contrivances, 42, 16 treasor (n.), treasure, 17, 28 trouth, trouthe (n.), truth, fidelity, 39, 6, 8; 40, 3; 88, 30; by my trouthe=upon my faith, 7, 18 troweth (v.), thinketh, believeth, 36, 23

trueth (n.), truth, 21, 21; 76, 25 trusses (n.), baggage bound (or trussed) up, 19, 31

tuicyon, tuicion (n.), protection, 24, 3; 30, 21

tyme (n.), a theme, a subject of discourse, 64, 1

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unthriftes (n.), thriftless persons,

29, 19; 67, 16

unto hym warde (pret. and pron.), towards him, 76, I vntothed (adj.), without teeth, 6, 3 upon (prep.), over, 77, 17 upperwarde (adv.), upward (used of the journey from the provinces toward London), 18, 28 ure (n.), use, experience, 18, 19 use (v.), to be wont, 55, 20 utterly (adv.), entirely, 48, 22

very (adj.), true, real, 70, 23 viage (n.), a journey, 59, 27 vitaile (n.), victuals, especially here, animal food, 45, 30 voice (n.), language, spoken purpose, 22, 2

voide (v.), to depart from, 62, 24 voyded, voided (pret.), avoided, 2, 24; 42, 26; (p. p.) 48, 18 voide (v.), to avoid, 48, 19 vyande (n.), provision, means of life, 24, 5

waies (n.), ways, 88, 19 waite (v.), to watch, 100, 5 warde (n.), prison, confinement, 17,6

ware (adj.), aware, conscious, 47,

5; 50, 31

warely (adv.), warily, carefully, 39, 30

warlye (adj.), weirdlike, 5. 31 waste (pret.), wist, knew, 39, 23 waxen (p. p.), grown, waxed, 12, II way, waye (v.), to weigh, 29, 11; 73, 29

weaked (p. p.), weakened, 34, 3 weale (n.), welfare, 72, 7; 73, 28 wealth (n.), prosperity, happiness, 84, 31; 88, 20

wealthful (adj.), conducive to welfare, profitable, II, 14 weaponed (p. p.), furnished with weapons, 19, 27

wedde (v.), to attach, bind, 25, 20 weder (n.), weather, 100, 1 weene (v.), to think 24, 21

wel, well, (adv.), entirely, quite,

2, 12; 3, 2

wel (adv.), very, 15, 7 wel (n.), weal, welfare, prosperity, 85, 6

wel named (p. p.), of a good name and character, 69, 19 welth (n.), welfare, 6, 33

vene (v.), to suppose, 12, 19; 51, 21; 90, 14

went (p. p.), weened, thought, 82, 4 wente aboute (pret.), exerted himself, set himself, 79, 26

wer (pret. subj.), were, should be, 86, 20

weried (p. p.), wearied, 85, 27 werish (adj.), deformed, 47, II what (interj.), used as an exclamation and introducing a question. Almost Tell me...... 68, I what about (prep.), in regard of, in respect of, 68, 32


what for (prep.), in respect of, 63,

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whole (adj.), all of them, 32, 6 whyther, whither (conj.), whether, 6, 4; 7, 7; 7, 21 et sæpe will (adv.), well (but perhaps a misprint in the first edition), 39, 23

wise (n.), manner, fashion, 18, 31 wist, wyst (prep. of wot), knew, 50, 31; 53, 22; 56, 19; 60, 18; 61, 23

wit (v.), to know, 91, 11 without (prep.), outside, 47, 28

[blocks in formation]

20, 9 wot, wote (3 s. pres.), knows, 19, 1; 49, 21; 85, 2

wot, wote (I s. pres.), know, 40, 22; 90, 31

wote (I pl. pres.), know, 44, 13; 66,32

woteth (3 sing. pres.), knoweth, 49, 16; 70, 13; 78, 32 wraste (v.), to wrest, 24, 23 wried (pret.), twisted, turned aside, 88, 6

wyght (n.), blame, 15, 11 wyttyng (n.), knowledge, 13, 27

ye (interj.), yea, 18, 2 yeke (adv.), eke, also, 44, 8 yeld (pret.), yielded, 125, 11 yies (n.), the eyes, 123, 21 ymagine (v.), to imagine, to plan, 46, 19

yourself (pron.), yourselves, 40, 24

yrked (pret.), annoyed, grieved, was irksome, 8, 16

prritinge (pr. part.), irritating, provoking, 21, 22

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