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THE Second Edition of the "Elements of Conchology" is offered to the public with a grateful acknowledgement of the favorable manner in which the first has been received. The Author cannot but express his satisfaction at finding that the interesting branch of Natural History to which he has endeavoured to draw attention is daily making progress in the estimation of those to whom, principally, his pages were addressed, to whom the size and polish of a shell formerly constituted its greatest value.

He will feel hirnself amply repaid, if, by having rendered more accessible this one source of pure, rational, and instructive pleasure, he should induce his readers to pursue the study of other Classes among the works of the Creator; all of which, no less than this, they will find to be demonstrative of Infinite Benignity and Wisdom.

No important alteration, and but little addition, has been made in the following sheets, as the Author did not consider himself at liberty to do much more than correct his errors; although it were easy to insert new matter and thus depreciate, according to too general custom, the work which is in the hands of the first purchasers. He has been urged to print in an Appendix the French System of Conchology, or rather

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