A Practical treatise on the diseases of the lungsBlanchard, 1851 - 488 pages |
From inside the book
Results 1-5 of 89
Page 119
... pulse of the heart . I have only heard this in the left lung , but Dr. Stokes has observed it in both , and even in the poste- rior portion of the right lung , producing a " tick loud enough to reckon the pulse by . " Under all ...
... pulse of the heart . I have only heard this in the left lung , but Dr. Stokes has observed it in both , and even in the poste- rior portion of the right lung , producing a " tick loud enough to reckon the pulse by . " Under all ...
Page 126
... pulse , agrees with the heart's movements ; hence a difficulty ( which is considered in Chapter II . ) in determining on the peri- cardial or really pleural origin of such friction . B. Pleural Pseudo - rhonchi . — In the winter of 1842 ...
... pulse , agrees with the heart's movements ; hence a difficulty ( which is considered in Chapter II . ) in determining on the peri- cardial or really pleural origin of such friction . B. Pleural Pseudo - rhonchi . — In the winter of 1842 ...
Page 153
... pulse is then much more decided at the epigastrium ( especially between the ensiform cartilage and left false ribs ) than in the cardiac region . The common pulmonary cause of this displace- * I have twice , at the Consumption and ...
... pulse is then much more decided at the epigastrium ( especially between the ensiform cartilage and left false ribs ) than in the cardiac region . The common pulmonary cause of this displace- * I have twice , at the Consumption and ...
Page 169
... pulse is above the average of health ; abundant deposition of fat under the cardiac pericardium generally enfeebles the impulse . Increased impulse may be especially perceptible either behind the lower part of the sternum from the ...
... pulse is above the average of health ; abundant deposition of fat under the cardiac pericardium generally enfeebles the impulse . Increased impulse may be especially perceptible either behind the lower part of the sternum from the ...
Page 170
... pulse , were in reality sys- tolic , but too weak to reach the radial arteries . In the normal state , any successive number of impulses are equidistant , and of precisely identical , or very nearly identical , force ; in diseased ...
... pulse , were in reality sys- tolic , but too weak to reach the radial arteries . In the normal state , any successive number of impulses are equidistant , and of precisely identical , or very nearly identical , force ; in diseased ...
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Common terms and phrases
acute ægophony affected amount amphoric aneurism aorta aortic apex appears arterial audible auscultation blood bronchi bronchial bronchitis bronchophony cardiac cartilage cause cavity character chest chronic clavicle clinical co-exist commonly cough crepitant diagnosis diastolic dilatation disease dulness duration dyspnoea emphysema empyema enlarged especially exist expectoration expiration fluid fremitus frequently friction friction-sound Grisolle hæmoptysis heart hepatization hypertrophy impulse increased inflammation inspiration intensity intercostal intercostal spaces interspace Laennec latter left ventricle less lung marked membrane mitral mitral regurgitation morbid murmur natural nipple observed obstruction occasionally occur organ orifice patient percussion percussion-sound pericardial pericardium phthisis physical signs pitch pleura pleurisy pleuritic effusion pneumonia pneumothorax position præcordial pressure produced pulmonary pulsation pulse rare region regurgitation respiration respiratory rhonchus rhythm ribs second sound side slight sometimes sternum stethoscope surface symptoms systolic thorax tion tissue trachea tricuspid tuberculous tubes tubular tumour valves valvular variety vessel vocal resonance walls
Popular passages
Page 507 - The Science and Art of Surgery ; being a Treatise on Surgical Injuries, Diseases, and Operations. By JOHN ERIC ERICHSEN, Senior Surgeon to University College Hospital, and Holme Professor of Clinical Surgery in University College, London.
Page 507 - THE MEDICAL FORMULARY : being a Collection of Prescriptions, derived from the writings and practice of many of the most eminent physicians of America and Europe. Together with the usual Dietetic Preparations and Antidotes for Poisons.
Page 511 - PARKER. THE MODERN TREATMENT OF SYPHILITIC DISEASES, both Primary and Secondary ; comprising the Treatment of Constitutional and Confirmed Syphilis, by a safe and successful Method.
Page 2 - HEALTHY SKIN : A Treatise on the Management of the Skin and Hair in relation to Health. Seventh Edition. Foolscap 8vo. 2s. 6d. PORTRAITS OF DISEASES OF THE SKIN.
Page 508 - GLUGE (GOTTLIEB). ATLAS OF PATHOLOGICAL HISTOLOGY. Translated by Joseph Leidy, MD, Professor of Anatomy in the University of Pennsylvania, Ac.
Page 503 - MR. LIONEL J. BEALE, MRCS THE LAWS OF HEALTH IN THEIR RELATIONS TO MIND AND BODY. A Series of Letters from an Old Practitioner to a Patient.
Page 1 - OF NATURE. An elementary introduction to the Sciences of Physics, Astronomy, Chemistry, Mineralogy, Geology, Botany, Zoology, and Physiology.
Page 508 - EDITION, thoroughly revised, with numerous additions, by ROBERT P. THOMAS, MD, Professor of Materia Medica in the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy.
Page 511 - CARSON (JOSEPH), MD, Professor of Materia Medica and Pharmacy in the University of Pennsylvania. SYNOPSIS OF THE COURSE OF LECTURES ON MATERIA MEDICA AND PHARMACY, delivered in the University of Pennsylvania.