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eighty two, there fhall be omitted in the faid Declaration, or Acknowledgment, fo to be fubscribed and read, thefe words following, Scilicet.

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ND I do declare that I do hold there

lies no Obligation on me, or any other perfon from the Oath, commonly called the Solemn League and Covenant, to endeavour any change, or alteration of Government either in Church or State; And that the fame was in itfelf an unlawful Oath, and impofed upon the Subjects of this Realm against the known Laws and Liberties of this Kingdom;"

So as none of the perfons aforefaid fhall from thenceforth be at all obliged to fubfcribe or read that part of the laid Declaration or Acknowledgment.

Provided always, and be it enacted, That from and after the Feast of Saint Bartholomew, which fhall be in the year of our Lord, One thoufand fix hundred fixty and two, no person who now is incumbent, and in poffeffion of any Parfonage, Vicarage, or Benefice, and who is not already in holy Orders by Epilcopal Ordination, shall have, hold, or enjoy the faid Parfonage, Vicarage, Benefice with Cure, or other Ecclefiaftical Promotion, within this, Kingdom of England, or the Dominion of Wales, or Town of Berwick upon Tweed; But thall be utterly difabled, and ipfo facto deprived of the lame; And all his Ecclefiaftical Promotions thall be void, as if he were naturally dead.


And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no perfon whatsoever shall thenceforth be capable to be admitted to any Parfonage, Vicarage, Benefice, or other Ecclefiaftical Promotion or Dignity whatfoever, nor thall prefume to confecrate and adminifter the holy Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, before fuch time as he fhall be ordained Prieft, according to the form, and manner in, and by the faid Book prefcribed, unless he have formerly been made Prieft by Epifcopal Ordination, upon pain to forfeit for eyery offence the fum of one hundred pounds; (one moiety thereof to the King's Majefty, the other moiety thereof to be equally divided be tween the poor of the Parifh where the offence hall be committed, and fuch perfon or perfons as fhall fue for the fame by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information in any of His Majefty's Courts of Record, wherein no Effoign, Protection, or Wager of Law thall be allowed) And to be difabled from taking, or being admitted into the Order of Prieft, by the space of one whole year next following.

Provided that the Penalties in this Act Thall not extend to the Foreigners or Aliens of the Foreign Reformed Churches allowed, or to be allowed by the King's Majefty, His Heirs and Succeffors, in England."

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Provided always, That no title to confer, or prefent by lapfe fhall accrue by any avoidance, or deprivation ipfo facto by virtue of this Statute, but after fix months after notice of fuch voidance

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or deprivation given by the Ordinary to the Patron, or fuch fentence of deprivation openly and publickly read in the Parish Church of the Benefice, Parfonage, or Vicarage becoming void, or whereof the Incumbent fhall be deprived by vir tue of this Act;

And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, 'That no Form, or Order of Commonprayers, Adminiftration of Sacraments, Rites of Ceremonies fhall be openly ufed in any Church, Chapel, or other public place of or in any Col lege, or Hall in either of the Universities, the Colleges of Westminster, Winchefter, or Eaton, or any of them, other than what is preferibed and appointed to be used in and by the faid Book; and That the prefent Governors, or Head of every College and Hall in the faid Univerfities, and of the faid Colleges of Westminster, Winchester, and Eaton, within one month after the Feast of Saint Bartholomew, which fhall be in the year of our Lord, One thoufand fix hundred fixty and two: And every Governor or Head of any of the faid Colleges, or Halls, hereafter to be elected, or appointed, within one month next after his Election, or Collation, and Admiffion into the fame Government, or Headship, shall openly and publickly in the Church, Chapel, or other public. place of the fame College or Hall, and in the prefence of the Fellows and Scholars of the fame, or the, greater part of them then refident, fubfcribe unto the Nine and Thirty Articles of Religion, mentioned in the Statute made in the

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thirteenth year of the Reign of the late Queen Elizabeth, and unto the faid Book, and declare. his unfeigned affent and confent unto, and approbation of the faid Articles, and of the fame Book, and to the ufe of all the Prayers, Rites, and Ceremories, Forms and Orders in the faia Book prescribed and contained, according to the Form aforefaid; and that all fuch Governors, or Heads of the faid Colleges and Halls, or any of them as are, or shall be in holy Orders, shall once at least in every Quarter of the year (not having a lawful Impediment) openly and publicly read the Morning prayer and Service, in and by the faid Book appointed to be read in the Church, Chapel, or other publick place of the fame College or Hall, upon pain to lofe, and be fufpended of, and from all the benefits and profits belonging to the fame Government or Headfhip, by the space of fix months, by the Vifitor or Vifitors of the fame College or Hall; And if any Governor or Head of of any College or Hall, fufpended for not lubfcribing unto the faid Articles and Book, or for not reading of the Morning-prayer and Service as aforefaid, fhall not, at or before the end of fix months next after fuch fulpenfion, fubfcribe unto the faid Articles and Book, and declare his confent thereunto as aforefaid, or read the Morning prayer and Service as aforefaid, then fuch Government or Headfhip fhall be ipfo facto void.

Provided always, That it hall and may be lawful to ufe the Morning and Evening prayer, and all other Prayers and Service prescribed in


and by the faid Book, in the Chapels or other publick places of the refpective Colleges and Halls in both the Universities, in the Colleges of Weltminster, Winchester and Eaton, and in the Convocations of the Clergys of either Province, in Latin; Any thing in this Act contained to the contrary notwithstanding..

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And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no perfon fhall be, or be received as a Lecturer, or permitted, fuffered, or allowed to preach as a Lecturer, or to preach, or read any Sermon or Lecture in any Church, Chapel, or other place of publick Worfhip, within this Realm of England, or the Dominion of Wales, and Town of Berwick upon Tweed, unless he be first approved and thereunto licensed by the Archbishop of the Province, or Bishop of the Diocefe, or (in cafe the See be void) by the Guardian of the Spiritualities, under his Seal, and fhall in the prefence of the fame Archbishop, or Bishop, or Guardian, read the Nine and thirty Articles of Religion, mentioned in the Statute of the thirteenth year of the late Queen Elizabeth, with Declaration of his unfeigned affent to the fame; and That every person and perfons, who now is, or hereafter fhall be licenfed, affigned, Appointed, or Received as a Lecturer, to preach upon any Day of the week in any Church, Chapel, or place of publick worship within this Realm of England, or places aforefaid, the firft time he preacheth (before his Sermon) fhall openly, publickly, and folemnly read the Com


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