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ments; for, though a proteftant, I had not the knack of coining new tenets to give peace, or relieve the mind; which untoward weak nefs, I fuppofe, or the like of that, do ye mungey, was the original fpring of the new philofophy of this our enlightened age and northern hemisphere. Ignatius, my coz, relieve me, your lord and fire, who am exhaufted and borne down by the exceeding great weight of glory that is come upon me, a happy hagges, as the faying is, do you mungey, or the like of that. But then, and suppose, you will answer me, or the like of that, do ye mungey. Moft mighty monarch feated on the fupreme throne of glory, and cloathed in the robes of majesty, wielding the fceptre of power, which bends all things to your nod, it is not becoming me, your vaffal, to affume even to live in your godlike prefence; the aspect of your grandeurs melt and chill my heart. My deareft, begotten in the bowels of charity, how is it that your great and heroic courage, and dauntless foul fhould recoil and fall back in my presence, and not in those regions of death: this is a fresh acquifition to my immenfity. I am curious to be informed of the manner and different ftages you have paffed through in life; first, no doubt you paffed in childish actions, then as has come before me in Jefuitifm at their diffolution; your body at leaft fome of you took umbrage at your then Pope, for difbanding your fociety, who, as you confidered yourfelves, his body guard, chief order, the more honorable and subject to no controu! but your own fuperiors; your general you considered as you now do me, or the like of that, Pope and fupreme of your fociety,


and crown on the head of the pope, as the faying is, or the like of that, do ye mungey. A great logician of your fociety, a few weeks before I came on my travels, in company with myself and four of our minifters ufed a variety of vague fubterfuges to screen the fociety, and condemn poor Clement; his argument went as he wished to prove that a fpirit is immortal, confequently cannot be or fuffer annihilation, even though criminal: this he ufed much fubtilty, art and cunning, to prove and confirm by the fiends, who, though continuing their faction, ftill remain in power; upon this ground he placed his battering ram, and when he had ftored himself with a fump:uous dinner, he began, and did fo ribroaft Ganganelli that he kept us the whole evening in one continued roar; he is the moft artful wag that, as we confeffed, ever wore a breeches. One while he endeavoured to fhew the exploits of Ignatius, when an officer in the army; his undaunted courage, which act finishes with the being vanquished by the enemy, after playing off a thousand feats of chivalry, and a broken leg: this first act continued from five to fix; in the courfe of which he found it convenient to take off fix bumpers. He then enters on the second act with his hero, taking up the lives of faints, whilft bed-ridden, from his wounds, and obferved a warfare which he thought both honourable and profitable, as it glorified his Creator; and, as a magnet, draws fouls to his banner, or fweet yoke of the gofpel. After fome time spent in rigorous pennance, he threw himself proftrate at the feet of the Pope, and obtained his blefiing, priesthood, and general of a new order, with this appellation,


"The fociety of Jefus." His conftitutions are copied from the life of Chrift, fo that whoever would know the life of a Jefuit will read and understand that of Jefus, from whom they are named. The fociety prelently became formidable, and our great general deputed miffioners to traverse the earth, and fow the maxims of the gospel both by word and example in all hearts, by whofe means chriftianity in a fhort time flourished in countries until then unknown, but to the wild and favage inhabitants, who being brought to the knowledge of their duty, became prudent, docile, dutiful and good chriftians. It was a common remark that the year the Auguftine Friar, Luther, quitted his -order, Ignatius of Loyola was called by God to raise an army to beat down that Herald, or Trumpet of the Reformation. The old Friar, to gain difciples, found it proper in part to copy Mahomet in tickling the flesh by this predilection held out; the invitation answered the defired effect, thousands of all denominations flocked to the standard of pleasure, and in a fhort time they became formidable to the old chriftianity. Let us for a moment view the two competitors, the old Friar drawing chriftians to his standard; the Jefuit, Infidels and favage nations, to the ftandard of Jefus Chrift, both equally great in their profeffion. After the two patriarchs finished their course, their fucceffors trod in their steps two hundred and fifty years, when, according to their now afpects, they arrived to the zenith of their predeftination. The fociety of Jefus difappears in the old priesthood, and proteftancy by fulness are become naufeous, obfcene, offenfive, ranka


rous, hateful, and keep no faith; neither will they traffic, but hate each other. They now are in the fhoes of the weak and feeble, a common make-game and laughing stock at each other, and in the mouths of all nations, fo that in a fhort time, fay likely, both proteftantifm with Jefuitifm, will be buried with the century; with this he clofed the fecond act.

Our good friend, on clofing his fecond act, finished a dozen bumpers, when he became outrageous against the court of Rome and catholic courts; he difplayed great ingenuity, and handled his ram's head with the dexterity, power, vigour, and energetic force of an Alexander or Cæfar; fo that, in a fmall hour, the court of Rome, with that of France, Spain, Germany, Portugal, and whatever power leagued in whatever manner, or way, or the like of that, do ye mungey, to the extinction or abolifhing the fociety, was cut up, carved, and, as Sodom and Gomorrah utterly deftroyed, fo as not a veftige of beauty was to be found, but a lake of filthy mire, or the like of that, do ye mungey. The cafe being thus: but then and fuppofe, or the like of that, do ye mungey, will you obferve, as the faying is, that according to your logic, you make use of the court of Rome to destroy the church of Rome. In such case, or the like of that, what is become of the plenitude of power and jurifdiction granted by Chrift to the chair of Peter. The chair of Peter, which is the centre of unity, is poffeffed of plenitude of power, otherwife, could not have granted the great privileges and

fpiritual immunities the fociety were in poffeffion of, neither without being head and prince of the church, could Paul the 3d, then Pope, grant, or Ignatius, our original, receive, authority and power to be formed and confirmed, with his difciples, a regular and ftrong fortrefs, which made the powers of the earth jealous and hell tremble, faith this Enterlacing Gemini. But, according to my first position, fpirits, no doubt, are created, but cannot be annihilated, as we observed, by the fiends, unlefs the Almighty, from whom we receive our original and priftine ftate, or being, to whom all things are poffible, who created the univerfe from nothing, and, at his word, the whole would return into its original ftate; the fociety therefore being once confirmed one compact body fpiritual, could not be deftroyed but by the divine fentence. We honour and revere the Pope, as vicar of our Lord, and placed by him head of the church. The fociety, on this ground, made a fourth vow of obedience to his Holinefs, and in all things expert in our filial duty, confidering ourselves entitled, therefore, to every exertion as a claim yoked on our holy Father, being pack-horfe for what elfe is he but the fervant of fervants? To arraign the culprit, princes, our accufers at his dread tr.bunal, reinftate us in our patrimony and privileges, and, by the thunder of his Bull, prevent future encroachments. Had Ganganelli acted, as aforefaid, we fhould have extolled, exalted, magnified and immortalized. the immaculate Pope Clement XIV. But alas, it is Ganganelli, in league with the court of Rome,

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