The Regents of the University of the State of New York are, by law, declared to be ex officio trustees of the State Library. The following are the members of the Board at the date of this report: JOHN V. L. PRUYN, LL.D., Chancellor. GULIAN C. VERPLANCK, LL.D., Vice Chancellor. ROBERT CAMPBELL, Lieutenant Governor. (Ex officio.) HORATIO BALLARD, Secretary of State. (Ex officio.) VICTOR M. RICE, Superintendent of Public Instruction. (Ex officio.) PROSPER M. WETMORE, JOHN LORIMER GRAHAM, REV. SAMUEL LUCKEY, D. D., REV. J. N. CAMPBELL, D. D., ERASTUS C. BENEDICT, GEORGE W. CLINTON, REV. ISAAC PARKS, D. D., ROBERT S. HALE, ELIAS W. LEAVENWORTH, J. CARSON BREVOORT, SAMUEL B. WOOLWORTH, Secretary. Standing Committee specially charged with the care of the State REV. DR. CAMPBELL, Library during 1862. MR. VERPLANCK, MR. CLINTON, MR. R. CAMPBELL, REPORT. To the Honorable the Legislature of the State of New York: The Trustees of the State Library respectfully submit their forty-fourth annual report. The condition of the Library at the close of the year 1860 was as follows: Number of volumes in the department of law, statutes and state There were added during the year 1861, to the law, The additions for the last five years have been as follows: The reduced appropriations of the last three years fully account for the diminished rate of increase of the library. The attention of the Legislature having been repeatedly called to this subject, the trustees may now only express their regret that with the limited means at their disposal they are unable to keep pace with the rapid developments of science, the advancing progress of the arts, and the extending triumphs of modern civilization. A supplement to the catalogue of the general library of 1855-6, to which reference was made in the last annual report of the trustees, has been completed and is now ready for distribution. A supplemental catalogue of the law and State papers department is in course of preparation. These supplements will make the catalogue of the entire library complete. Their publication, instead of the full catalogue authorized by statute, has been prompted by the same scrupulous economy which has heretofore governed the trustees in administering the affairs of the library. The usual catalogue of books received by donation and exchange during the year, and a statement of receipts and expenditures are hereto annexed. The trustees will continue their long cherished purpose of making the New York State Library an honor to the State and a rich repository of the garnered treasures of literature and science. For the means of doing this they must look to the wise liberality of the Legislature. Respectfully submitted, By order of the Trustees, JOHN V. L. PRUYN, Chancellor of the University. The Secretary of the Regents of the University, ex officio Treasurer of the Library fund, in account current for the year ending September 30, 1861. 1. CASH RECEIVED FOR THE PURCHASE OF BOOKS. 1860-61. Dr. To amount received from the Comptroller, being the annual appropriation for the purchase of books from October, 1860, to October, 1861 To amount of interest received on deposits $2,000 00 124 68 6 00 42 75 $2,173 43 1860. Cr. By balance from account of last year (see Senate document No. 64, 1861, page 7,) .. $55 91 Oct. 20. By cash paid Henry Stevens, London, Oct. 30. By cash paid D. Appleton & Co., New Feb. 25. By cash paid various persons, vouch. No. 14, $37 32 2. CASH RECEIVED FOR BINDING, MARking, and stAMPING BOOKS. 1860-61. Dr. To balance from last account (see Senate doc. 64, 1861, p. 9) $2 13 1,200 00 1 14 $1,203 27 Cr. 1860-61. By cash paid D. L. Van Antwerp, T. Seymour, T. S. Murphy, S. McKnight, Hallenbeck & McIntyre, Weed, Parsons & Co., H. Newman, E. H. Bender, and C. Van Benthuysen, vouchers No. 1 to 30 inclusive, $1,203 27 |