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Let us make an application of what we have written.

with Isaac." Pride and selfishness may have him become the participant of God's glorious supported this haughty resolve. But that resolve promise extending to the latest period of the hiswas right, and God confirmed it, though certainly tory of the earth. Could Abraham, forgetful of all that was unholy about it, in motive or in exe- the past and reckless of the future, have been cution, he condemned. For this putting away induced by any regard, of whatsoever nature, for of the bondwoman and her child accorded with Hagar and her son, to cast out his own wife and the serene purposes of the Ruler of the world, the child of promise, how enormous would seem seeing all things from the beginning to the end. his wickedness! He looked on Isaac not merely as the child of his servant, so honored as to be called his friend -but he looked on him as the future patriarch of What would be an instance parallel to the case his chosen nation, with whom his covenant was last supposed-equalling it, if not exceeding it, to be established, and by whom his truth was to in folly, want of natural feeling, in wicked disbe kept for the world-the nation that should regard of God's word, and in manifest opposition take possession of Canaan, and build Jerusalem to his providential plans? The dissolution of our and the glorious temple, and above all, he looked Union, for the sake of a handful of bondmen. Is on him as the progenitor, according to the flesh, not our country the Isaac-the child of laughter of him who was to come as the seed of the wo-of the world-the child of promise given to it man for the blessing of all nations. Therefore in its old age? When the old world seemed inGod said to Abraham, in all that Sarah hath capable of producing any thing noble, God resaid unto thee, hearken unto her voice, for in vealed our country, concealed for thousands of Isaac shall thy seed be called"-adding for the years under his hand, and gave it as the seed of consolation of his bleeding heart," and also of promise. Rapidly and richly, this promise is acthe son of the bondwoman, will I make a nation, tually fulfilling now before our eyes. Each quarbecause he is thy seed." And Abraham obeyed ter of the globe is interested in us, for each has and God fulfilled his promises to him, and blessed already received from us blessings which are but him and Isaac, and the world in both-nor did the earnest of others far greater certainly to come. he forget Ishmael. How merciful are the ways Europe has long been receiving substantial benof God! How wise too! Compared with his, efits from America, and Asia has just now conhow is man's wisdom very foolishness! Sup- nected herself with the circuit of electric influpose Abraham had refused not only to hearken ence; but Africa is more privileged still, for even to his wife, but to obey God, and had favored the now we are holding her by the hand, and leading son of the bondwoman at the expense of the her up the steps of the temple of liberty, to worpromised seed-how mournfully different might ship there with us. Our nation is to enter Canaan have been the history of that family. Perhaps as certainly as the Hebrews once did-and our the tragedy of Cain and Abel re-enacted, the life mission there, will be, not to destroy but to bless of both mothers embittered, and not less that of its inhabitants. And when the spiritual Jerusalem the sire. The purposes of Almighty God could shall be built,-of which Solomon's temple in all not indeed have been thwarted, nor his promises its glory was but a faint type-necessarily faint, made of noue effect, but Abraham, as far in him must be all physical types of spiritual thingslay, would have done both, and he would have who are to be the builders, if not the dwellers in gone down in sorrow to a dishonored grave. Had this God-blessed land? And shall any inferior he so acted, we would have pitied him, and might nation stop us in our heaven-marked course? have been inclined to regard, rather as a weak- Can any nation do it? Did the red men arrest ness than as a crime, his being led by his com- us? And who removed them from before our passionate feelings to misinterpret the command fathers, but the God who planted our fathers of God. But let us make another supposition: here ?-the same God that has made us increase Suppose the father of Isaac and Ishmael had by the same manifest destiny by which he has driven out, not Hagar aud Ishmael, but Sarah made them waue and fade away. And shall the and Isaac-not the boudwoman and her son, but black man stop us? If one must yield, are we the promised seed, and the mother that bore him, not right in saying-the son of the bondwoman the wife of his youth--who for him had left shall not be heir with the son of the free? Does her native Ur of the Chaldees, had with him in not God by his providence say so too? And Egypt faced famine and endured great trial for may we not believe that we hear reverberated bis sake, in the house of Pharaoh, as afterwards from the shore of Liberia, as an echo of that also she did in the south country, from Abime-word-and I will make of him too a great nalech, king of Gerar-who faithfully had remain- tion because of thee. And who will set themed at his side in all his wanderings, and who now selves against the dictates of natural reason and in their old age, by the birth of Isaac, had with natural feeling, and at the same time against

God, and say-Let Ishmael be favored though| Eloquence, express or imply argument as its end discord reign-though the blood of Abel should and excellency. The logician convicts-the be shed again-in spite of God's appointed orator awes; argument suggests-eloquence conorder, let the son of the bondwoman divide the centrates; reason directs-passion urges; exciteinheritance with the son of the free-nay, with ment clings to one thought, one idea. It dies impiety yet more heaven-daring-Let Isaac be when the attention is diverted by relations, when sent forth into the wilderness to perish, and let an the mind reasons and argues-Worth, the mere expectant world be deprived of God's covenant scientia bene dicendi is not eloquence-is not the blessings-let the bow of promise be torn from power, which awes, thrills, impels. the clouds, and let a black deluge overwhelm the world in final destruction-who by their action say all this? Those who dishonor the graves of their noble fathers by refusing to abide by the solemn compact they made for themselves and their children-who insult their chosen representatives in the face of all men, by nullifying the laws enacted with their sanction-who prove themselves unworthy of noble brotherhood, by the associations they select-who would pull down with unhallowed hands the fair fabric of

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Whence then is the might of the orator-that might, which makes the "warrior's laurel" yield to the "palm of Eloquence”—that might, which moves stones to "mutiny and rage?" It is not in the force of logic: but in the feeling of sympathy-in the contemplation of the lofty beauty of power-and in the thrill of passion's potency. In short, the power and perfection of Eloquence

is in excitement.


Truth is always exciting-therefore Eloquence the language of truth. We hear it in the shout of Eureka-we feel it in the triumphs of the Martyr. The false has no Eloquence, for where there is no truth, no sincerity, there is no power, no sympathy, no excitement.

Eloquence is the language of virtue. This truth is as old as Quinctilian; yet is it "strong and lusty." The power and the glory of the orator consists in perfectly inducing the minds of his hearers into his own feelings and his own circumstances—in making the audience his alter go. Virtue is beauty and enthusiasm, and thus assimilates by its loveliness and power. Vice is cursed with deformity and torpor.

Wise, just, and beautiful, is the law and trust

Excitement makes us sincere, and sincerity is always eloquent. All admire the sincere-all of nature, which lodges power in truth and virtue. sympathise with the sincere-all are moved by the sincere.

Moreover, it is a fact of experience and a principle of philosophy that excitement developes the high excellencies, the strong powers, the warm energies of the character. It gives activity to the slow, and strength to the weak, and wisdom to the fool. Power is beautiful, and therefore pleases and animates, and therefore is eloquent. Power is mighty, and therefore moves and persuades, and therefore is eloquent.

Every one is eloquent at some time of his life, for in the pathway of every destiny, there is some great occasion. Excitement is the exponent, and the law, and the condition of human


Genuine, effective eloquence never reasons. The forced and vague, and vapid definitions, which most authors have rendered of the term,



Sir, it is a favorite phrase of those who boast of what is called the "march of intellect," that things are thus changed because the "schoolmaster is abroad." But I tell you that something far more effective than the schoolmaster, a mightier than Solomon, is abroad. It is the STEAM-ENGINE-in its two-fold capacity of a means of production and a means of transport-the most powerful instrument by far of pacification and commerce, and therefore of improvement and happiness, that the world has ever seen; which, while it increases capital, and multiplies beyond all imagination the products of industry, brings the most distant people in contact with one another-breaks down the barriers which exclusive legislation would oppose to the freedom of mercantile exchanges-effaces all peculiarities of national character, and promises, at no distant period, to make the whole Christian world, at least, one great family.-H. S. Legarè.






When I wrote the former part of my story, I expected never again to hear of Judith Bensaddi. Her residence was in England-mine in the Apalachian mountains-among which, or at least within sight of their blue summits, I expected to spend my days. Whatever fortune might betide either of us, it seemed improbable that any intelligence of the one should ever reach the other. Heaven seemed to have ordained that our future experience should have nothing in common, except the sad remembrance of our disappointed love, which we might each in our far distant homes continue to cherish in secret, and I at least would cherish in loneliness and sorrow, to the last hour of life. But the way of man is not in himself. The power that rules our des tiny had ordained that I should visit London, and there receive most affecting intelligence of Judith. What I heard-what followed to agitate and perplex me still more-and what the issue was-I shall now proceed to relate, after premising a brief recapitulation of my former story, in order to refresh the reader's memory.

fact, she would accept my offer of marriage, only upon the condition that after my return home, I should deliberately and freely ratify the engage


From her cousin, Von Caleb, and a miserly Jew named Levi, I first learned that her father was a wealthy bauker, and that an uncle had devised her an independent fortune of three thousand pounds a year.


Judith and I parted with deep sorrow. my return, a fit of despondency came on me aud presented my intended marriage with a Jewess in gloomy colors. After a severe and protracted struggle of opposite principles, I was able to decide in favor of the marriage through the influence of Judith's miniature, which she had given me. I wrote two letters; the one to go by the miser Levi from New York, as had been arranged in Philadelphia; the other to go by the usual means of conveyance. The former was probably suppressed by the designing miser, who desired Judith to marry his son; the latter must have been accidentally lost by the way. I waited in vain for an answer till the next spring, when I prepared for a voyage to London that I might solve the mystery; but was deterred from going by the loss of Judith's portrait. This unfortunate accident threw me into another fit of mental gloom, and unfortunately put an end to all hope, and all exertion to secure the lovely prize of my heart. I rashly concluded that my innocent Judith was false.

The ensuing August I was surprised by the I was studying law, when symptoms of con- receipt of a letter from her, giving me the history sumption drove me from my native Rockbridge of her disappointment and despair at my long to spend a winter in South Carolina. In the sileuce-her struggle with hopeless love for spring I set out with renovated health, to return me-her conversion to christianity through the home by way of Charleston and the sea to persuasive eloquence of an amiable young genNorfolk. In the stage I found Eli Bensaddi of tleman, whom she had met with among the London and his lovely sister Judith, going by the same route towards Boston. We travelled in company, mutually pleased to have met, and I somewhat more than pleased with the beautiful black-eyed sister.

On the first day of our voyage, poor Eli fell overboard and was lost. Judith, in her first paroxysm of grief, also fell into the sea, and was saved by my leaping into the water as she sank. I took charge of the lovely mourner, and was conducting her to a friend of hers in Boston, when my ankle was so sprained in Philadelphia, that we were detained ten days, until her cousin Von Caleb came from Boston to take her home. Meantime my love for this pure and amiable young lady grew so intense, that I declared myself and offered her marriage. She frankly confessed that our love was mutual; but, to my great surprise, informed me that she was a Jewess; and because I had not known and considered this


lakes in the north of England,-and her final consent to marry that gentleman, to whom she was indebted for her christian hope and consolation.

This letter filled me with grief, with self-reproach, and with unutterable despair. Such was the unhappy conclusion for the time, and as I then thought forever, of my love-adventure with the beautiful, the accomplished, and the purehearted Judith Bensaddi.

All that I could now do, was to love without hope, and to mourn without consolation for my lost bride, until time and some other engaging pursuit, should distil their mitigating balm into my deeply-wounded heart.

Now I would fain hear no more of my lost one; that I might ever think of her as my own lovely bride, snatched by some evil fate from my arms, between the betrothal and the nuptials. I abhorred the conception that she lived on this

earth, as the happy or the unhappy wife of Again I hung the precious jewel in my bosom another man. Whenever I found the train of my and ceased not to wear it for years afterwards thoughts leading towards this painful conception, A thousand times did I open the case, and fee I shuddered and broke off the train, saying with anew the fascinating beauty of that countenance king Lear in the tragedy, Ah, that way mad-as often did those dark eyes of love seem to giv me an inspiring look of encouragement. Bu

ness lies."


My only hope of relief from paralyzing mel- when I would close the case, and look around a ancholy, was to engage promptly and assiduous- the realities of my situation, all my sweet vision: ly in the practice of my profession. My prepa- fled and left me to utter solitude of heart. ration was thorough and complete. Experience I reached the gold country in time to attend had now taught me the evil effects of indecision the fall terms of the courts. I was so fortunate and melancholy. Dearly had I paid for the in- as to obtain immediate employment, first in a dulgence of these native tendencies of my mind. criminal case and then in a civil one; and each I was reduced to such a state that I must rally time I happened to make such a creditable effort or perish. I summoned all my remaining euer- that I sprang at once into reputation and a lucragies to the rescue. I resolved to make the weak tive practice. Whatever portion of my first sucpoints of my character the objects of constant cess might be attributed to good fortune, I strove watchfulness, and of strenuous efforts at moral with all my energies to sustain and to elevate the improvement. With the Divine blessing I suc- reputation so happily acquired. I labored night ceeded in overcoming them, not wholly nor at and day to extend my knowledge of the law, and once (for vices of character are not cast off by to prepare myself thoroughly upon every case a single effort;) but to such a degree from time put into my hands. I knew full well that with to time, as to encourage persevering exertions, ordinary talents, such diligence would ensure and to furnish a salutary example for the imita- success, and that no degree of natural talents tion of other young men. could give me ultimate success without laborious application.

My circumstances required a field of action more wide and promising than my native Rockbridge. I determined to try my fortune among the gathering population and stirring pursuits of the Carolinian gold country.

So lucrative was my practice, that within six months I found myself in possession of more than a thousand dollars of clear gain; and what was of more value, my heart was relieved from melancholy; my soul was prompt to resolve and vigorous to pursue the course resolved upon. Such were the happy effects of diligence in an honorable vocation.

Speculation in gold mines began to rage; but I felt no inclination to deviate from the safe road of my profession into the hazardous experiment of gold mining. I was too full of law to think of gold in any shape but that of fees. Avarice was not my passion-chicanery I disdained-but the fair rewards of professional ability I sought, and felt justified in seeking. Yet was I incidentally involved in the gross earthy process of dig

The day before I left the home of my youth, I took a farewell ramble over the loved scenes of the vicinage. Among other spots of peculiar interest, I visited the one by the river side, where I had so unfortunately dropped my Judith's miniature. I searched once more, if peradventure I might find the golden locket-case; for the portrait I presumed to have been blotted out forever by the envious water. To my joyful surprise, I found the elegant case lodged in a crevice of the rock above the level of the river, now shrunken by the drought of summer. Eagerly I pressed the spring-the lid flew up-and so did my heart, when I beheld the unsullied likeness of my Ju-ging for gold. dith, whose lovely self appeared once more to A poor man had employed my agency to relook upon me. The picture had been preserved cover a meagre tract of land, out of which he by a glass cover sealed hermetically to the raised had been defrauded by a speculator. But sucedge of the case. I conceived I know not what cess in his suit was likely to make him poorer vague hope from this unexpected discovery. than before-for the soil would not repay the Heretofore this picture had operated with talis- labor of cultivation, and the failure of the specumanic power to revive my love, and to brighten lator in some mining experiments upon it, made my matrimonial prospects. But now, when Ju- the tract unsaleable as gold land. At last my dith was spell-bound by solemn vows to another, poor client came and besought me to give him what potency could there be in this or any other eight hundred dollars for his eight hundred acres charm to disenchant my lost bride, and bring her of barren hills and vales. More out of pity than again within the reach of my arms? I could not the hope of gain, I paid the man his price, and tell; but nevertheless, the recovery of the minia-sent him rejoicing with his family to the rich lands ture diffused a new warmth, and an obscure glim- of the west. For this charitable purchase I was mer of something like hope through my soul. ridiculed by the knowing ones, and had to hear

sundry unfavorable auguries respecting my pros- the base of a mountain. After a diligent examipects of future wealth. nation, although I discovered no mine, I was

Thus by a lucky accident in the first instance, and by a fortunate exercise of scientific skill in the second, I found myself become a wealthy man, within twenty mouths after I had left my native land, a poor young lawyer, to seek my fortune in the gold country.

However, I was not discouraged, but immedi-strongly persuaded that gold might be found about ately employed an honest man, acquainted with that locality. I went to the owner of the land the business, to search my barren freehold for the in the open country below, and found him disprecious metal. In a few days I turned the laugh posed to sell, but so disgusted with mining specuagainst the knowing ones, by the discovery of a lations, by reason of his ill success in digging on rich deposit of gold, in a little valley which had this very land, that he refused an offer of partnot been scrutinized by the speculator. It was nership. I bought the tract, and immediately the most productive mine yet discovered in the hired men to dig for gold. In a few days a rich country. Besides the fine grains usually met and extensive vein of gold was discovered on with, lumps of gold weighing often an ounce and the mountain side, where I had observed the fasometimes a pound, were picked out of the gravel. vorable indications. A professed mineralogist My clear profits from this source amounted to examined it, and certified to its great value. The about a thousand dollars a month. agent of an English company immediately offerNow my attention was drawn to the mineralo-ed me fifty thousand dollars for my discovery. gy of gold mines. I began to study the subject I refused to sell, until further exploration should at intervals, by way of relaxation from the ardu- more completely test the value of the property. ous labors of my profession. I examined the localities of the mines, noticed the character of the minerals among which the gold was found, observed the conformation of the hills and valleys, and marked how the layers of rock were disposed. In this new pursuit I derived an unforseen advantage from my college studies. In Had I been less fortunate in my speculations, the course of my education I had gone through I might have continued to pursue the hazardous the mathematical and physical sciences, more game of mining. But my extraordinary success with the view of gaining the honors of scholar- itself alarmed me-after two such brilliant prizes, ship, than with any hope of practical benefit in I could not hope for another-I might rather exfuture life. How often do young men mistake pect to find myself, the next time, on the detheir true interest, when they neglect, as unprof-scending side of Fortune's wheel. I resolved to itable, any part of those studies which the wis- quit the pursuit at once, before the spirit of advendom of ages has prescribed as necessary to a ture should grow into a habit, and lead me, as it good education! My knowledge of chemistry, leads most of its slaves, to misfortune, debt, and mineralogy, and geology-imperfect as it was-imprisonment. For the better security against enabled me to pursue the study of gold mines temptation, I resolved also to sell the mines with facility and success. In less than a year I which I had discovered, as soon as I could get a had acquired considerable skill as a gold-finder. fair price for them. My prudent resolutions on A gentleman of my acquaintance was involved this subject were aided by the influence of anothin a law-suit about a valuable gold mine in Geor-er scheme, more congenial with my natural temgia. I accepted his offer of a liberal fee to mau- per than delving in gravel and quartz rocks after age the case for him, and consequently had to the miser's god. What this new attraction was, make a visit to the newly discovered gold region I shall proceed to unfold in the next chapter. of Georgia. This was about six mouths after I had commenced the study of mines. I embraced the opportunity of improving my knowledge of the subject by examining the Georgia mines. The suit was not tried until the succeeding spring, when I went a second time to the same country, and succeeded in obtaining a verdict in favor of my client, and thereby an additional fee of one thousand dollars for myself. But this was only a small part of my good fortune in Georgia.



During the first nine months of my residence in Carolina, I toiled incessantly at my profession, until my health was seriously injured. After the discovery of my Carolina gold mine, I diverted myself occasionally with mineralogical studies, but they were not sufficient to reinvigorate my When the summer heats

On my return homewards, wishing to see the hill country, I was skirting the Cherokee border by an unfrequented route, when my attention overwrought system. was arrested by indications of gold. A torrent became oppressive, I laid aside all my studies, filled by extraordinary rains, had lately torn up that I might take a few weeks vacation in the Often had I looked with desire the ground in a ravine, and exposed the rocks at mountains.

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