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towards the great Blue Ridge of this country, tiful vale, sufficiently large for a moderately-sized whose magnificent summits cut their waving out-farm. Near the head of this lonely vale, I found line in the western sky. In Virginia this range a practicable way to the top of the mountain. of mountains is broken, to let the rivers pass The sides of this great eminence consisted in through from the Alleghany to the sea; here it part of almost perpendicular precipices, supportcasts off the rivers from both its sides, and coming broad terraces of ground, so gently sloping pels them to seek a passage from its impenetra- that arable fields might be formed upon them. ble flanks by winding and tearing through other The top was capped by a flat rock, elevated mountains of less stern and massive solidity. upon high natural walls, that gave it the appearance of a vast, half-ruined castle.

The view was immense. On the side of the

After I had looked awhile over the distant re

To this sublime wilderness I directed my course, with the intention of exploring its deepest recesses and its most eminent summits. My good Blue Ridge, nothing was visible but huge mounhorse soon carried me out of the realms of anx-tain masses, with deep rents between them: but ious gold-seekers to the forest wilds, where the on the east and south, I could overlook the cragherdsman and the hunter dwell in solitary huts,gy-sided mountains of the vicinity, and see the and breathe the free spirit of the mountains. pleasant hill country next beyond them; and About the sources of the Catawba, the Broad over the hills again, I could discern at a great and the Saluda rivers, I found the most gashed, distance the lower champaign, stealing out of craggy, and savage region that I had ever seen. sight under the blue veil of the atmosphere. It was the very sort of country that I would have chosen to visit; consisting of ancient, steep, forest-covered mountains, rent, rugged, and grim with deep ravines, or dissevered by rich valleys of less horrid aspect-all watered with perennial streams, clear as crystal-bere hidden beneath impenetrable thickets of evergreens; there leaping over precipices in splashing cascades, or gurgling through loose rocks in damp, mossy ravines, or purling over gravelly beds in the rich low grounds of wider vales, and eddying here and there under crumbling banks and bare tree roots, in deep bluish trout-pools.

ions, I cast down my eyes, and was smitten with admiration at the romantic beauties of a valley, that lay under the southern side of the mountain. It was enclosed on every side by mountains of great height and every diversity of form and aspect. The sides of these mountains were deeply cut with wild narrow glens, one of which lay directly under my feet, beneath a perpendicular precipice a hundred fathoms deep. These glens all converged towards the centre of the valley; from their dark, shady recesses, streamlets flowed out, and uniting their cool, pellucid waters, they formed a brook, which passed out of the valley by the deep contracted ravine that I had avoided as impassable.

With delight I threaded the valleys, crossed the ridges and mounted the tall peaks, catching every hour some new aspect of Nature's wild maguificence. Sometimes I lodged in dwellings of hewn logs in the wider valleys, where civili- The main valley was more than two miles zation had begun to make inroads upon the sav-long, and at the broadest part not less than a age wilderness. At other times I partook of the mile and a half in width: but the outline was so hunter's fare in his smoky hut of round logs, in irregular, that its shape is nameless and indescrithe deeper recesses of this rugged land. One bable. The surface was as irregular as the outwhile I wrought my solitary way along horse-line. Low-grounds nearly flat, dales of various paths in dusky glens, or up and down the moun- width and curvature, hills of every shape, roundtain sides; then again my journey was through topped, flat-topped and ridgy; smooth or rocky pathless wilds, and to desolate summits, where—all gave an infinite diversity to the surface. the deer ranges and the wolf makes his den. The valley looked like a terrestrial paradise. In the course of these laborious rambles, my Nature luxuriated in all possible wildness, richattention was attracted by a remarkably high ness and variety; requiring only the hand of mau summit, or knob, a few miles south of the main to prune and dress its profusion, to make it outBlue Ridge. The whole region about it was dis- vie all the pastoral beauties of Arcadia in the tinguished by the cragginess of its mountains, golden age. and the richness of its vales. I resolved to scale

When I descended, I entered the valley by the this conspicuous observatory. A pleasant valley uppermost and longest glen, which led its murled up to its base, where the valley contracted muring streamlet from the main Blue Ridge. I itself, and was parted into two deep, narrow had no sooner plunged into its dusky solitude, ravines; the one on the left seemed to be im- than I lost sight of all the sunshiny world; the passable to my horse; so I took the one on the lofty tree tops formed so dense a screen, that the right, which led me up by the north-eastern side few straggling sunbeams which penetrated to the of the great knob, where it expanded into a beau-moist ground, were not recognised as daylight,

but looked like glow-worms or fallen stars amidst his grim majesty for giving me the first sight of the surrounding gloom.

this lovely Seclusaval, which, if Divine Providence grant the wish of my heart, I will purchase and improve, and make the retirement and the resting place of my future days. Oh! had it pleased God that she, the lost one of my heart, should enjoy with me the rural beauty and quietude of an abode so perfectly agreeable to her taste. The world might be searched in vain for a place where we could have spent our lives together so happily, as in this beautiful and romantic valley.".

Not a sound was heard for some time, but the soft purling of the brook among the mossy stones, or the occasional chirp of birds in the lofty boughs over head. After I had proceeded some distance towards the main valley, I heard the splashing of a waterfall. The sound appeared to rise from a deep cavern. I soon discovered that the brook fell into a chasm, a hundred and fifty feet in depth, and then flowed out between precipices of limestone into the main valley. There was a romantic wildness about this cascade, in some These last reflections saddened me; and thus respects exceeding any thing that I had ever seen. I experienced that delight may be the immeThe water fell into a deep shady pool, where I diate cause of sadness by suggesting some paincould discern scores of trout enjoying themselves. ful reminiscence. I looked again silently over When I got into the main valley, I followed a the thousand beauties of Seclusaval; I drew from blind cow-path, which led me a winding way, by my bosom the portrait of my lost Judith; those hill and dale; one while in the dusky shades of eyes of love seemed again to beam into my soul; the forest, another while through native lawns and then I sat down to weep, under an overpowand shrubbery, until I found myself at the base ering sense of loneliness and desolation, amidst of a flat-topped hill that projected from the foot the thousand beauties of Seclusaval. At length of the great knob, on the upper side of the deep I closed the locket case and returned it into my glen, which I had seen under my feet from the bosom. The shadows of evening had covered mountain-top. This hill was about midway be- the valley, and were following the sunlight up tween the upper and lower extremities of the the pine-covered precipices of the mountain. I valley; and I knew from its position, that it would led my horse down the hill and directed my course afford me the best general view of the landscape, to a solitary hut near the lower end of the valthat could be had from any point within the valley. Here a hunter had pitched his habitation, ley itself. I ascended its gently sloping side, and and cleared a field in the rich low-grounds of from its brow, had a near and delightful view of the valley, and seemed practically at least to be the dales and hills and gleus and mountain sides. "monarch of all he surveyed;" for it must have I gazed in a sort of ecstasy over the charming been a rare thing for any stranger to visit this landscape. Never had a place so captivated my secluded valley. I went nevertheless with confancy. The scenery was so various and so rich-fidence to seek a lodging in the "poor man's so wild, so sweet, so majestic; the place was so uest." On approaching I was met by three fierce shut up from the bustling and contentious world, mastiffs, that forbade my entrance without leave that it seemed to have been made for a hiding of the family first had and obtained." The place from the storms of life; yet was it not so man came out, and, after calling off his dogs, incompletely cut off from the haunts of men, as to vited me to enter. I stepped in, saluted the wife, wear the aspect of a prison; for on looking through and took my seat on a three-legged stool. After the ravine that let out the waters, I caught a some introductory account of myself, I asked glimpse of the open country of hills and valleys the favor of a night's lodging. It was granted, at a distance. of course-but with more appearance of coldness and suspicion than is usual among mountaineers. It behooved me to make myself more decidedly welcome.

I had no sooner been seated in the character of a guest, than the dogs came in and smelt at me as if to try my quality. Finding the scent of the woods upon me, they wagged their tails; and when I patted their heads they gave me the

"Here, (I exclaimed in a transport of admiration,) here is the place where in all the world a lover of nature, of retirement and of books, might find the most delightful retreat: and yonder is the loop-hole through which he might still look forth upon the outer world of insatiate passions and self-tormenting hearts. So sweet a nook shall not be nameless: I call it The Vale of Seclusa, or in one word, Seclusaval. This friendly salutation of tongue and paw-licking flat-topped hill which opens at once all the beau- my hand and leaping upon my breast; all of ties of the landscape, but especially the romantic which I took very kindly, and thus secured the glens on every side, is the hill of Glenview; and good will of their master. When I first entered yon lofty mountain-head, which frowns so haugh- the house, I saw four or five children run and hide tily over this nearest glen, through which I look themselves under the bed, and then slily peep at up at his sublime crags, is Craggyhead. I thank me.

When I had done with the dogs, I called a

Seven years before, Major Mudge had brought from England an intelligent and judicious gardener, whose name was Baylor. This man had conducted the improvements on Mudge's estate, with a union of taste and economy that pleased

little fellow coaxingly, who had ventured to put barrassed to pay the expenses of their prodigality. his head out of the hiding place. But at first The demands of their creditors, and of his own, they all drew back, and seemed frightened at my were just now so pressing, that he offered at once invitation. Finally, however, I got the boldest to sell me his thirty thousand acres of mountain one to venture near me. I patted his frizzly pate, lands for the small sum of five thousand dollars. and took the dirty urchin upon my knee after The price was very low; for notwithstanding the which I soon had the whole swarm upon me. ruggedness of the country, the tract contained Thus I won the mother's heart. I assumed an several thousand acres of rich valleys and arable easy familiar manner with the whole family, and mountain sides. Seclusaval alone was in my took every thing as if I had been accustomed estimation worth the whole price. I therefore to such accommodations. Consequently I was accepted his offer without hesitation, and prosoon treated, not as a guest merely, but as a ceeding home immediately, I raised a sufficient friend. The good woman did her best to show sum from the profits of my gold mine, to make me kindness. She prepared me an excellent the first payment, and to commence a system of treat of jonny-cake, venison, and onions. She improvements on my new acquisition. I was could have treated me also with new milk; but peculiarly fortunate in obtaining an agent to manshe was not disposed to put me off with such age my intended improvements. homely fare. She burnt some coffee berries to cinder, tied them in a linen rag, pounded them on the hearth-stone with the axe, put the pulverized charcoal into water, and boiled the mixture in a skillet. She then poured the black, bitter liquid into her queensware bowl with blue flowers pic-me exceedingly. He operated on the plan of tured on it, and putting in a little milk and maple following and assisting Nature, instead of atsugar, handed me the finished product of her tempting, by dint of labor and expense, to force kindness. The water was irretrievably spoiled upon the place a set of features and embellishby the process but what of that? Should I not ments inconsistent with the design of Nature herdrink the well-meant gift? Certainly I should, self. Hence the garden, the park, and the other and did, with the firmness of resolution and fixed-grounds of Major Mudge's estate, were all beauness of muscle, which the occasion required. tiful, because every operation of art was conAnd let me say unto thee, gentle reader, that formable to the genius of the place. shouldst thou ever be placed in like circumstan- Major Mudge, for an obvious reason, was glad ces, then drink thou also,—yea drink heartily, for to transfer Baylor to my service; and Baylor, the giver's sake. Think not that thou canst ever knowing the old gentleman's pecuniary embarshow good breeding by turning up thy nose at rassments, readily accepted my offer of employthe poor woman's fare:-nay, on the contrary, ment. When he saw my valley, he was delightthou wouldst but show thyself impolite, ungene-ed with its appearance, and rejoiced in the task rous, and every way ill-bred, to scorn the kind of assisting its natural beauties with the touches hospitalities of the poor. Therefore should the of art. He not only understood at a glance my draught be never so bitter, drink it even to the theory of improvement, but suggested several dregs, rather than mortify thy kind entertainer. things that I had not thought of, but which, on Away with silly pride and contemptible affecta- hearing his observations, I heartily approved. tion. Remember, that in a few years thou wilt The primary operations were to be directed to be as poor as thy neighbors. Death will soon the following objects, namely: first to open a bring down thy pomp aud thy circumstance, and put an end to thy affected airs of superiority. But I will not tire thee with my homily.

farm and build mills in the valley three miles below Seclusaval; secondly, to convert the rich low-grounds from the ravine of Seclusa up to Glenview into a meadow-retaining, however, many of the fine trees, either singly or in clumps: thirdly, to convert the beautifully sloping sides of Glenview into a garden, retaining here also a number of the fine trees, shrubs and vines; and lastly, to beautify the remaining hills and dales of Seclusaval, by removing unsightly trees, and cleaning the surface, so that grass could flourish in these native parks. My faithful agent went promptly to work, whilst I returned home and resumed my professional avocations.

From Larkin Stroue, the hunter, I learned that Seclusaval was in the midst of an extensive tract of mountain lands, owned by Major Mudge, an old gentleman who resided at the distance of thirty miles in the country below. The next morning, after a farther exploration of the valley, I made my way out with some difficulty by the ravine, and went straightway to Major Mudge, confirmed in my resolution to attempt the purchase. I found him eager to sell: for being an indulgent father, and having several sous brought up to no useful occupation, he was greatly em- I did not revisit my wild barony until December,

when I was on my way to Georgia. Seclu-justify incipient measures for the erection of a saval was already assuming the appearance of a permanent dwelling on Glenview. I resolved to park. Whatever was unpleasant to the eye, was build a stone cottage on the brow of the hill where disappearing from the noble woods; sweet lawns, winding and brauching in various ways, not only gave variety to the landscape, but opened to the eye, as one passed through them, the most delightful views of trees, hills and mountains on every side. The plough and the spade were preparing the soil for the grass of the meadow and the vines and shrubbery of the garden.

some fine trees of majestic stature overtopped a dense thicket of undergrowth, embowered and festooned with a profusion of wild vines. Baylor had already commenced pruning this tangled wilderness, which needed only his skilful hand, to couvert it into a labyrinth of umbrageous walks and rustic arbors, romantically sweet, for whispering lovers made." My fancy was pleased at the thought; but a twinge of sadness came over

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lovely place would be in a great measure wasted on the lone heart of a bachelor, who had lost his bride, and could never love again. Nevertheless I ordered stone cutters to be employed, and materials of all sorts to be prepared for a neat rural mansion. What better could I do? If I was lonely, I needed the more to seek pleasure and consolation, from all the sources yet open to my desolate heart.

Baylor now suggested a sort of improvement that I had never thought of: this was to cover me, when I reflected, that all the charms of this the lowest grounds of Seclusaval with the waters of an artificial lake. I was pleased with the idea of a lake, but hesitated to incur the expense, until he informed me that he had taken all the levels and measurements, and had carefully estimated the cost, which was surprisingly small. He showed me first a narrow cleft in the ravine where a dam could be easily built of the loose rocks near the spot. Supposing the dam to be twenty-eight feet high, the water would be thrown I did not again visit Seclusaval until the next back a mile and a half to the foot of Glenview. spring, when I was returning from Georgia, after He then traced for me the exact boundaries of the discovery of my second gold mine. I found the lake. On the meadow side, the outline the improvements going on to my heart's conwould wind beautifully with divers sinuosities. tent. Tenants had been settled in several rich On the opposite side, the water would lave the bases of the hills, some with sloping, some with precipitous sides. At one place, half a mile below Glenview, a little bay would run a furlong up a dale between gently swelling hills; at another place, near the lower end of the lake, a narrow glen with steep rocky sides, would conduct the lake water to a spring-head, deeply hidden in the flank of the mountain, where the atmosphere was ever cool and dusky, between tall erags and densely interwoven tree tops. At the broadest part of the lake, the water would spread out to the breadth of a hundred rods; but generally the shores would be from fifteen to thirty rods asunder. The fountains that would supply the lake, being cool, clear and perennial, the lake would consequently never become stagnant; and would not only be at once beautiful and salubrious, but would moreover yield both pleasure and profit as a fish pond: thousands of trout and other fish, could live and fatten in its pellucid

vales, besides Seclusa. The mills and the farm near them, were in a state of great forwardness. A passable carriage road was made from the older settlements below, to the mills, and thence through the ravine into Seclusaval. The dam and area of the lake were prepared for the waters, which began to fill their destined bed, as soon as the massive wall of the dam was closed by casting earth upon its upper side to stop the crevices. I marked with interest the hourly growth of the lake. In three days it was full, and began to shed its superabundant waters in a pretty cascade over the dam, while the glassy expanse above reflected the budding woods on the margin, and the hoary steeps of Craggy head. I launched a rude boat on the calm waters, and circumnavigated the sweetly indented borders of the lake. I was delighted with the scenery on every side, but most interested with the romantic wildness of the dusky glen, now filled with water between its craggy sides. When I entered its narrow channel, it looked like some infernal river, By the time that Baylor had shown me all with its dark still waters pent up between frownthese things, I became enthusiastic: "Mr. Bay-ing precipices and the sombre foliage of the pine lor, (said 1,) I thank you for this delightful scheme and the hemlock, that stretched their branches of improvement. Go to work, and by the next summer, let me see the lake of Seclusaval reflect every object around it, from the green meadow banks up to the cliffs of old Craggyhead." "It shall be done, sir," was the prompt reply.


My income from my gold mine, and from my law practice, was sufficient now, I thought, to

over the chasm. This stygian recess was the more impressive to the imagination, from the cir. cumstance, that while we let our boat lie still on the water, and held our peace, not a sound was heard; unless it were the low murmur of the foliage in the breeze, and the soft gurgling of the fountain, which at the head of the glen, poured

its little contribution into the lake, through loose agreeable society. Several families from the low rocks coated with moss. But no sooner did we country, had left their estates and settled in the speak, or strike the oar upon the boat, thau a neighborhood. The scenery was pleasant, and dozen echoes awoke and multiplied the sound, the climate salubrious: the nucleus of an intellias if we had roused a troop of angry spirits to gent and refined society was thus formed; and mock us from rock and tree. Hence I gave this around this attractive centre, new families from the name of the Echoing Glen. below were yearly gathering. Literary instituWhen we returned to the open lake, a light tious would naturally arise among such a people. breeze came up through the ravine. Hoisting An academy for boys had been founded and put sail, we were soon wafted to the foot of Glenview, into successful operation. But an attempt to where the garden had already begun to look beautiful, and gave promise of becoming in another year a paradise of delights.

raise funds for a female seminary had failed. The subscriptions were insufficient to erect the necessary buildings. The cause of the failure The recent discovery of my Georgia mine, de- was an obstinate dispute about the location of termined me to enlarge my plan of improvements. the seminary; some desiring to place it in the I ordered the foundation of my cottage to be laid village beside the academy, while others insisted immediately, on a larger scale than I had intend- that it should be located near a country church ed, and pretty cottages to be erected for my stew- lately erected at the distance of four miles from ard and other tenants. Among the rest a shep- the village. The contest became so warm, that herd's cot was to be set in a romantic place at the whole scheme was abandoned. Thus it often the foot of a precipice, on the opposite side of happens, that a dispute about some incidental and the valley, for I designed to give little of my subordinate matter, defeats the most important beautiful grounds to the plough; but to make enterprises. Seclusaval a pastoral scene, where flocks and herds might graze the lawns and mountain sides, and the sound of the shepherd's pipe mingle with the song of birds and the chime of waterfalls, to animate the beauties of the landscape. The natural loveliness of my valley, inspired me with ambition to make Seclusa the most charming of all the ten thousand vales embosomed in the Apalachian mountain.



On my settlement at the village, I found several persons regretting the failure of so useful an undertaking. Now the question occurred to me, whether I was not inorally bound to contribute, out of my abundance, to an object of such great and manifest utility. I was a bachelor indeed, and never expected to have a daughter to be educated: but that circumstance seemed to increase my obligation to aid literary institutions; inasmuch as my exemption from the burden of a family afforded me the more abundaut means to become a public benefactor. I was a member of the society of mankind, and no less than others dependant, for my welfare, upon the intelligence and the good morals of the people. The purchase of my lands, and the improve- Divine Providence had given me extraordinary ment of Seclusaval, involved me in so much ex- success. For what end? Not surely that I pense, that I was under the necessity of selling might consume this affluent store on personal one of my gold mines. For reasons formerly gratifications. And then I considered, what an explained, I resolved to sell them both, and to renounce all future connection with mining speculations. Immediately on my return from Georgia, after my fortunate discovery there, I sold my Carolina mine for thirty thousand dollars. I could have obtained a higher price, if it had been set to sale a few months sooner; for it was becoming less productive than it had been, although it still yielded a large profit.

amount of blessings would flow from a well-endowed seminary for females; what expansion of intellect, what refinement of sentiment, what elevation of character, what new sources of happiness, to the individuals educated, and through them to society and to posterity. The more I contemplated the object, the more did the feeling of obligation grow upon me. Finally I thought of Judith Bensaddi; how much more charming, My supply of cash was now sufficient to com- how much more useful, she was, by reason of her plete my scheme of improvements, and to leave excellent education. I drew forth her miniature me still a considerable surplus. I had before by the golden chain to which I had attached it, made arrangements to transfer my residence to and caught fresh inspiration from the sweet pica village about twenty-five miles from Seclusa- ture of my beloved. "I have lost her, (said I,) val. Here I took up my abode now, that I might but she shall be my good genius on this occasion. be near my beautiful valley. I preferred this I had thought of subscribing a moderate sum for new place of residence also on account of its the seminary; now for her sake, I will make

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