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§ 47. Notes on some Cases of the Third Declension.

(a) Nouns having -im in Accusative, and -i in Ablative.

1. Vis, ravis, pelvis, sitis, tussis,
2. Sinapis, cucumis, ămussis,
3. Praesēpis, cannabis, secūris,
4. Charybdis, tigris, atque būris,
5. Et Propria Nomina in -IS,
6. Ut Syrtis, Tibris, Taměsis'.

(b) Nouns having -em or -im in Acc., and -e or -i in Abl.
1. Restis, puppis, turris, navis, 3. Messis, febris, et aqualis,
2. Strigilis, sementis, clavis,

4. -em vel -im dant, utrum malis?.

(c) Nouns having Acc. in -em but Abl. in -e or -i.

I. Amnis, anguis, avis, bilis, 2. Civis, ignis, imber, finis,

3. Neptis, orbis, patruelis,

4. Postis, unguis, -i si velis 3.

(d) Neuters in -e, -al, -ar, make -i in Abl. Sing., -ia in N. V. A. PI.

(e) Rules for the Genitive Plural.

(A) Nouns not increasing make -ium, except apis, a bee, and

1. Vates, and proles, juvenis, senex, canis,

2. Accipiter, pater, mater, frater, panis *.

(B) Nouns increasing make -um, except,

1. Monosyllabic Nouns of which the stem ends in two Consonants, as, dens, tooth, dent-, Gen. Pl. dent-ium.


(1) Glis, mas, mus, lis,

(2) Compes, palus* and penātes,

(3) Nix, strix, faux, vis,

(4) Servitus*, and optimates3.

3. Neuters in -al and -ar, as, animal, animal, calcar, spur.

4. Nouns in -as, Gen. -atis, as civitas, state, and many Nouns and Participles in -ns, as parens, a parent, sapiens, wise, have both -ium and -um in Gen. Pl.


1 Line 1.

(1) Sans Plural Genitives we class

(2) Cor, cos, and rus, sal, sol, and vas 6.

force, hoarseness, basin, thirst, cough; 2. mustard, cucumber, carpenter's rule; 3. enclosure, hemp, axe; 4. Charybdis, tiger, plough-tail; 5. and Proper Names in -is; 6. as Syrtis, Tiber, Thames.

2 Line 1. rope, stern, tower, ship; 2. flesh-scraper, seed-sowing, key; 3. harvest,

fever, washing-basin; 4. give -em or -im, whichever you prefer.

3 Line 1. river, snake, bird, bile; 2. citizen, fire, shower, end; 3. granddaughter, circle, cousin; 4. door-post, nail, -i if you like.

+ Line 1. prophet, offspring, young man, old man, dog; 2. hawk, father, mother, brother, bread.

5 Line 1. dormouse, male, mouse, lawsuit; 2. fetter, marsh, household gods; 3. snow, screech-owl, throat, force; 4. slavery, aristocrats. Those marked * have both -ium and -um.

6 Line 2. heart, whetstone, country, salt, sun, surety. Sans means without.



First Declension.

The Genders of Nouns are not indicated unless they are exceptions

to the General Rules given in §§ 6, 7, 9, 10, 11.

Cottă, Cotta [a man's name].

filiă, a daughter (see Note).

hastă, a spear.

insaniă, madness.

insulă, an island.

naută, a sailor.

poētă, a poet.

puellă, a girl.

Romă, Rome.

rosă, a rose.

sapientiă, wisdom.

terră, land, earth.

turbă, a crowd.

viă, a way, road, path.

Note.-Filia makes filiabus in the Dative and Ablative Plural.

[blocks in formation]


First Declension.

Translate into English:

(a) Viae2. Insaniae. Filiă. Filiā. Rosis. Rosarum. Sapientiă poetae. Poetarum sapientia.

(b) Filiae. Hastarum. Rosam. Viă. Turbis. Filiabus. Turbae Sapientia. Insaniă poetae.

(c) Hastae turbarum. Poetarum filiabus.

arum. Romă. Romā. Insularum. Insulis.

Hastis. Fili

(d) Insularum viae. Insania puellae. Hastā Cottae. Cottă. Puellis. Nautarum. Terrae.

(e) Viarum terrae.

Filiă nautae. Nautarum filiabus.

Nautae filia. Cottae filiarum. Insaniam Cottae. Turbae puellarum.

Translate into Latin:

(f) of a spear.

To or for a sailor. O daughters. By,
Of paths. To or for a girl. To or

with, or from madness.
for the daughters. O sailor.

(g) From Rome. To the lands.
of Cotta. Of the paths of the island.
To or for the daughters of the sailors.

Of the girls. O roses
O daughter of Cotta.
By, with, or from a

(h) Cotta's daughter. The poet's rose. The poet's roses. By the madness of the girls. For the roses of the daughter. For the sailor's daughter. For the sailor's daughters. O

sailor's daughter.

(i) Of the poet's wisdom. By the roads of the islands. O daughters of the poet. O poet's daughter. The crowd's wisdom. By the crowd's madness. Of sailors. For an island. (k) By, with, or from the paths of the earth. O earth. O lands. Of the spear of Cotta. Of Cotta's spears. To or for Rome. By the roses of Cotta. For the wisdom of the girls.

1 Do not assign a Plural to Nouns which from their meaning have no Plural, such as names of qualities, as insania, madness.

2 In translating be careful to give all the possible meanings of the Latin word. Thus, viae may be (1) Genitive Singular, (2) Dative Singular, (3) Nominative Plural, (4) Vocative Plural, and its meanings vary accordingly: insaniae could only be Genitive Singular or Dative Singular, as the word has no Plural.


Second Declension.

Translate into English:

(a) Agri. Venena. Filii. Fili1. Servii. Quinti. Servi. Socero.

(b) Genero Servii. Tela soceri. Scuta generorum. Agro Quinti. Gladio ministri. Ministrorum gladiis.

(c) Muris et fluviis. Murorum fluviorumque. Oculo pueri. Bellorum et gladiorum et scutorum. Generis socerisque et ministris. Telorum pueri. Quinti Serviique oculis. Quinti gladius et scutum.

(d) Scuta gladiique ministrorum. Scuto gladioque soceri. Fluvii et campi. Tela et venena Quinti. Quinti Serviique generi. Generi socerique oculis. Scuta Servii. Oculorum pueri.

Translate into Latin:

(e) Of an eye. Of poisons. Of rivers and plains. O Quintus and Servius. To or for the sons of Quintus and Servius. The weapons of the father-in-law. For the sons of the attendant. By, with, or from rivers and plains.


(f) O son. O Servius. By, with, or from wars. wars and weapons. O son-in-law of Servius. O father-inlaw of the attendant. To or for plains and wars and poisons. By the poisons of the boys.

(g) O sons and sons-in-law of Quintus. The boy's sword and shield. The boys' eyes. Of the boy's weapon. To or for the boys' weapons. The attendant's son. Of the attendants' sons. O son of the attendant.

(h) By, with, or from the walls and fields and rivers and plains. By the father-in-law's weapons. For the son-inlaw's field. O swords of Quintus. O wall and plain. Of weapons and poisons. For Quintus' son. For the sons' attendants.

1 See note on the Vocative of the 2nd Declension, p. 4.


Third Declension. Nouns in -um

Note.—Translate et . . . et, -que ... et, by both ... and. Thus, et pastores et milites, or pastoresque et milites, is translated 'both shepherds and soldiers.'

Translate into English:

(a) Arbori. Capitis. Corpora. Cruribus. Ducum. Hectori. Hirundines. Hominum.

(6) Honore.

liĕres. Onĕra.

Leones. Militibus. Militi. Mulier. Mu-

(c) Capite Hectoris. Sacerdotis pedum. Caput pectusque hominis. Leonis crura. Et sacerdotes et duces.

Onĕra milītis. Onĕri pastōris.

(d) Pastoris os pectusque. Oneribusque et honoribus militum. Hirundinum pectoribus. Arborumque et corporum. Corpora et ora pastōrum. Mulieribus et sacerdotibus. Muliĕrum sacerdotumque pedes. Hominis honōri.

Translate into Latin :

(e) To or for a mouth.

Of soldiers. By Hector. From

women. To or for a burden. Of shepherds.

By feet.

(f) Leaders of men. bodies. Hector's trees. priest. The feet of the


O mouths.

[blocks in formation]

(g) From the priest's burden. The honours both of Hector and the general. O feet and legs of the lions. From the breasts of men and women. The mouths both of soldiers and priests. For the burdens of the women and soldiers. Both for swallows and trees. For the man and woman. By leaders of men. To a leader For the priest's honour. For the O honours and burdens of men.

(h) For men's bodies. both of men and women. priests' heads and legs.

O bodies of Hector and the soldier. The mouths and feet of the lions.

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