PAGE 198-200 464-495 MANILA, MASSACRE OF FOREIGNERS IN 1820, Letter from Peter Dobell. Accessions, List of principal. 32-35, 80-83, 117-119, 152-155, 187-191, 235-239, 268-271, 303-307, 394-399, 447-455, 496-503 Consolidation of New York Free Circulating Library for the Blind and of Aguilar Free Library. Donors, List of. 36, 84, 120, 156, 192, 240, 272, 308, 356, 400, 456, 504 Report (Annual). PERIODICALS, ANTI-SEMITIC AND JEWISH-CHRISTIAN, LIST of ARTHUR CAMPBELL TO ARTHUR LEE, 1779-1782 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OF 1844, HENRY CLAY TO THEODORE WAINE, BENJAMIN. REPORT TO CAPTAIN JOSEPH BAINBRIDGE ON THE CAPTURE OF U. S. SHIP FROLIC BY THE BRITISH FRIGATE ORPHEUS, 47-50 ERRATA. p. 362, line 8 of text, for 1903 read 1902. p. 363, line 3, for MDMCII read MDCCCCII SAMUEL P. AVERY. JOHN BIGELOW. JOHN L. CADWALADER HENRY C. POTTER. GEORGE L. RIVES. H. VAN RENSSELAER KENNEDY JOHN S. KENNEDY. LEWIS CASS LEDYARD. ALEXANDER MAITLAND. STEPHEN H. OLIN. ALEXANDER E. ORR. PHILIP SCHUYLER. GEORGE W. SMITH. FREDERICK STURGES. CHARLES HOWLAND RUSSELL. J. PIERPONT MORGAN. MORGAN J. O'BRIEN. SETH LOW, Mayor of the City of New York, ex officio. OFFICERS President, Hon. JOHN BIGELOW. First Vice-President, Rt. Rev. HENRY C. POTTER, D. D. Second Vice-President, JOHN S. KENNEDY, Esq. Secretary, CHARLES HOWLAND RUSSELL, Esq., 40 Lafayette Place. COMMITTEES Art, GEORGE W. SMITH, FREDERICK STURGES, ANDREW CARNEGIE. Circulation, F. W. STEVENS, E. S. WHITMAN, CHARLES SCRIBNER, F. C. HUNT- Finance, FREDERICK STURGES, ALEXANDER MAITLAND, H. VAN RENSSELAER Law, CHARLES HOWLAND RUSSELL, JOHN L. CADWALADER, SAMUEL GREENBAUM. The following table shows the operations of the Reference Department of the During the calendar year ending December 31, 1902, the number of volumes actually received (including exchanges) was 46,946, and of pamphlets 87,868. The number of volumes catalogued was 52,631, and of pamphlets 32,835. The total number of cards written was 102,832. The total number of readers during the calendar year was 165,434, and the number of volumes consulted was 410,671, not including those used at the free reference shelves. There are now on the shelves of the Astor and Lenox Branches of the Library, available for readers, 586,433 volumes and 217,697 pamphlets. CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT. The most popular books of the month were (in non-fiction): Shakespeare's "Julius Cæsar," Riis's "Battle with the Slum," and Roosevelt's "The Strenuous Life;" (in adult fiction): Caine's "The Eternal City," Adams's "Confessions of a Wife," and Wister's "The Virginian;" (in juvenile fiction): Barbour's "Behind the Lines," Wiggin's "Birds' Christmas Carol," and Alcott's "Little Women." During the calendar year ending December 31, 1902, the number of volumes circulated for home use was 2,019,573; the number of readers consulting books from the shelves was 219,514; the number of new registrations was 28,220; the number of readers (minors) was 198,267; the number of readers (total) was 405,393; the number of volumes accessioned was 18,435. There are now on the shelves of all circulation branches, available for readers, 227,269 volumes. |