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be lawfully convicted, shall for every such offence forfeite and loose five shillings of lawfull money of England, to be payd to the hands of the church wardens of that parish where the offence shall be committed, And yf the sayd person soe convicted shall neglect or refuse to pay the sayd forfeiture as aforesaid, then the same shall be levyed of the goods of every such person or persons soe neglectinge or refusinge by warrant from the cort before whome the said conviction shall be made.

Swearing, how punished.

Forestalling defined.

Penalty for 1st offence.

For the 24 offence


IT is thought fitt, That whosoever shall sweare any oath, shall pay for every oath one shillinge as is ordeyned by the statute.


WHATSOEVER person or persons shall buy or cause to be bought any marchandize, victualls, or any other thinge, comminge by land or water to the markett to be sold, or make any bargaine, contract or promise for the haveinge or buyinge of the same or any part thereof soe comminge as is aforesaid, before the said marchandize, victualls, or other thinge shall bee at the markett readie to be sold; or make any motion by word, letter or message or otherwise to any person or persons for the enhaunsinge of the price, or dearer sellinge of any thinge or thinges above mentioned, or else disswade, move, or stirr any person or persons cominge to the marquett, to abstaine or forbeare to bringe or convey any of the things above rehearsed to any markett as aforesayd shall be deemed and adjudged a forestaller. And yf any person or persons shall offend in the thinges before recited and beinge thereof dulie convicted or attaynted shall for his or theire first offence suffer imprisonment by the space of two mounthes without baile or maineprize, and shall also loose and forfeite the value of the goods soe by him or them bought or had as aforesayd; and for a second offence, after his or theire first conviction, shall suffer imprisonment by the space of one halfe yeare without baile or maineprize, and shall loose the double value of


all the goods and marchandize soe bought or had as aforesayd; and for the third offence beinge lawfully For the 3d twice convicted or attaynted shall be sett on the pillorie in the place where he then dwelleth and loose and forfeite all the goods and chattels that he or they then have to theire own use, and also be committed to prison there to remayne duringe the Governor's pleasure, provided that the complaynt be made within two Limitation of yeares after the offence done or committed.



barrel of corn.


IT is ordered, That a barrell of corne shall be ac- Contents of a counted five bushells of Winchester measure, that is to say 40 gallons to the barrell, and that the commissioners for the mounthlie corts throughout this colony doe take order and see that sealed barrells be made and sealed with this seale as in the margent [VG] which Sealed measeal they are to keepe, and uppon reasonable request to seale such barrells and bushells as shall be brought unto them, beinge of a iust size. And it is ordeyned Penalty for and established that whosoever shall use or cause to using unsealbe used any unsealed barrells or bushells, after the pub. ed barrels, lication hereof, shall forfeite 13s 4d, and for the second offence 26s 8d, and for the third offence shall be sett in the pillorie, and the measures and barrells defective shall be broken or burnt. And for defective weights, k is ordeyned, That the offender shall be punished accordinge to the statute in that case provided.


And a dona

THE Assembly doth order and graunt, That there Compensation be payd out of the generall levy unto capt. Michaell to capt Marsharrt, Marshartt's attorney, in full for the carriadges for the ordinance, 1375 lb. of tobacco, and likewise in consideration of the good service done by the sayd capt. tion to bis Marshartt to this colony, and to relieve the necessitie family. of his wife and children, the Assembly doth give as a gratuitie to be sent unto her, 4500 lb of tobacco to be payd this cropp.

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IT is ordered, That the Governor and Counsell shail not lay any taxes or impositions uppon this colony, theire lands or commodities otherwise than by the authoritie of the Grand Assembly, to be levyed and imployed as by the Assembly shall be appoynted.


THE Assembly alloweth of the publique chardges followinge, vizt:

Imprimis to Capt. Michael Marshartt

lb. of tobacco.

to Capt. Mathewes for the ffort
to Capt. Pierce

to Capt. Give uppon account

to Doct. Pott uppon account

to Capt. Osborne for lead








to Wm. Kempe for shott


to Capt. Mathewes for wachinge, &c. 0500

to Mr. Corker


to Richard Smyth



for Butle coates


It is therefore thought fittinge that there shall be levyed uppon every tithable person sixty-fowre pounds of tobacco per pol throughout this colony. And for How collect such persons as have departed out of this country since the contract for the ffort, and for such as are since deceased leavinge sufficient estates it is ordered that they shall be lyable to pay this taxe. And that it be required out of the estates remayninge and the overplus to remayne in Mr. Corker's hands.

ed from decedents' estates.

Governor not to withdraw

the inhabi

fauts from

their private labours. on

his own business.


THE Governor shall not withdrawe the inhabitants from theire privat laboures to any service of his owne uppon any color whatsoever, and in case the publique service require imployments of many hands before the holdinge of a Grand Assembly to give order for the same, in that case the levyinge of men shall be

done by the Governor and whole bodie of the Counsell, And that in such sort as to be least burthensome to the people, and most free from partialitie; suddaine incursions of the Indians, and such like cases excepted.


ALL the old planters that were here before or came Privilege of in at the last cominge of Sir Thomas Gates shall be old planters exempted from theire personall service to the warrs and any publique chardges (church duties excepted) that belonge particularlie to theire persons not exemptinge theire families except such as shall be imployed in cheife.


EVERY private planter's devident shall be survey- Each man's ed and layd out in severall, and the bounds recorded land to be by the surveyers, if theire be any petty differences be- surveyed, twixt neighbours about theire devidents, to be decyded by the surveyors, yf of mayne importance, to be referred to the Governor and Counsell.

and bounds




FFOR encouragement of men to plant store of corne, the price shall not be stinted, but it shall be free for every man to sell it as deere as he can, the reason and ground hereof beinge contrary to the president of other countryes and kingdoms, in regard all men may plant what store of corne they please.

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[blocks in formation]

These two acts are obliterated, but it appears from the marginal abstract which is preserved, that act XL prohibited any trade with the Indians for corn, and act XLI directed that planters should go in sufficient parties to guard against the attacks of the Indians.




NOE man shall goe to worke in the grounds without theire armes, and a centinell uppon them

places where the commander shall require it.


THERE shall be due watch kept by night where neede requires.

Not to spend powder.

To go armed to church.

Obedience to superiors.

Adjoining plantations

to assist the frontiers in case of alarm.


of certain


NOE commander of any plantation, shall either himselfe or suffer others to spend powder unnecessarilie, that is to say, in drinkinge or enterteyn



ALL men that are fittinge to beare armes, shall bringe their peices to the church uppon payne for every effence, if the default be in the master, to pay 2lb. of tobacco, to be disposed by the church-wardens, who shall levy it by distresse, and the servants shall be punished commander.


NOE person within this colony uppon the rumour of supposed change and alteration shall presume to be disobedient to the present government, nor servants to theire private officers, masters and overseers, at their uttermost perill.


THE adioyninge plantations, shall assist the frontiers or theire neighbours, uppon alarums, the default to be severelie censured, and false alarums punished.


IT is ordered, That no cow hides, oxe hides, bull hides, goats skins, deare skins, or other hides, or skins

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