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Vessels arriv.
ing not to
break bulk
till they
come to J.


Duty of com. mander of


Oaths of supremacy and allegiance.


to be fixed at the main mast.


An act to repeal the 23d act made the 4th day of September, 1632, and for landinge of goods at James Citty and speedie repaire of shipps thither, and dutie belonginge to the present comander of the ffort.

IT is ordered, That the 23d act made the 4th day of September 1632 for the dischardginge and unladinge of all shipps at James Citty, be in the whole and every part thereof repealed; and that this act in place thereof, with such additions as are therein conteyned be established and concluded, Be it therefore enacted, That every shipp, barque, boate or vessell arivinge into this colony from England or any other parts whatsoever shall, the first wynd and weather, sayle upp to the port of James Citty, and shall not unlade

any goods

or breake any bulke before she shall cast anchor there,
upon paine that the captayne, master, owner or pilott, of
the said shipp, barque, boate, or vessell, havinge chardge
and command of the same, shall forfeite the said goods,
or the value thereof, and shall also suffer one mounthes
imprisonment, the one halfe of which forfeite shall be to
him or them who will or shall sue for the same, in any
cort within this colony, and the other halfe to public
uses.-And it is further enacted, That the present co-
mander of the ffort at Poynt Comfort or his deputie
appoynted to that purpose, upon the arivall of any shipp,
barque, boate or vessell
the sea without the
capes, shall immediatelie make his repaire aboard

comander of the ffort shall administer unto them and
every of them the oathes of supremacy and allegiance,
which yf any shall refuse to take that then he comit
him or them to imprisonment.

And it is further ordered, That the present comander of the ffort, shall there read and fixe at the maine mast of the said shipp, barque, boate, or vessell, a proclamation followinge:

"To the captaynes, masters, commanders, and pursers of any shipp, barque, boate or vessell arrivinge at the ffort at Poynt Comfort; I, Sir John Harvey, Knight, Governor and captayne generall of Virginia send greet

iage. These are in his majesties name, to will and require and straightlie to chardge and command you and every of you accordinge to the instructions directed unto me and the Counsell of State, from the right hon'ble the Lords of his Majesties most hon'ble privy counsell, that with the first wynd and weather, you sayle directlie to the port of James Citty; and that you unlade no goods nor breake any bulke until you shall come to an anchor there, uppon penaltie of the losse of the sayd goods, and one mounthes imprisonment. Given at James Citty the 21st day of August Anno Domini 1683."

be landed at James City.


And it is further enacted and ordered, That all such All goods to goods whatsoever cominge in any shipp, barque, boate or vessell unto the port at James Citty as aforesaid, shall be there dischardged and landed upon penaltie of the forfeiture of all such goods not soe dischardged and landed. Neverthelesse it shall and may be lawfull to dischardge and land any beddinge and wearinge apparell as belonge to passengers; also any strangers or planters after leave obteyned from the Governor, may after the arivall of the shipp at James Citty take such goods as belonge unto them for theire owne use, and convey them to such place as they shall have occasion to imploy them, provided that they doe not sell these goods, nor any part thereof for tobacco.


An act for Wayters to be put aboard all Shipps at theire arrivall at the fort at Poynt Comfort.

WHEREAS it appeareth plainelie that divers cap- Preamble taynes, masters, officers, saylors and owners of shipps, barques, boates or vessels have notwithstandinge strict lawes made to the contrary, made contracts, sales, and delivered many goods after theire arrivall at the fort at Poynt Comfort, before theire castinge anchor at James Citty, for the prevention of the like abuses hereafter, It is ordered by this Grand Assembly, That all and every shipp, barque, boate, or vessell arrivinge at Poynt Comfort, shall have a sufficient wayter put aboarde from the ffort, and not to depart out of the said shipp, barque, boate, or vessell, untill she arrive at the

Waiters to be put on at the fort.

board vessels

port of James Citty, which wayter shall see that there be no breach of any of the acts by them the captaynes, masters, officers, saylors, and owners, of any goods shipt or laden in any of the said shipps, barques, boates, or vessells.



An act for all Contracts, Bargaines, Pleas and Judgments to be made in money and not in tobacco.

WHEREAS it hath beene the usuall custome of marchants and others dealinge intermutually in this colony to make all bargaines, contracts, and to keepe all accounts in tobacco and not in money, contrary to the former custome of this plantation and manner of England, and other places within the king's dominions, which thinge hath bread many inconveniencyes in the trade, and occasioned many troubles as well to the marchants as to the planters, and inhabitants amongst themselves. It is thought fill by the Governor and Counsell and the Burgisses of this Grand Assembly, That all accounts and contracts, be usually made and kept in money and not in tobacco, and to that purpose, It is also thought fitt, That all pleas and actions of debt or trespass be commensed and sett downe in lawAlso all pleas full money of England onlie, and in no other comoditie. And further that all orders, Judgments, decrees, and acts, made and ordered in any of the corts within this colony concerninge the premises shall be sett downe and entered in English money accordinge to the custome of all pleas and judgments in the kingdome of England.

Accounts & contracts to be kept and

made in money.

and actions

of debt and trespass, orders, judg ments and

decrees to be entered in money.



An act that no Tobacco be laden in Shipps that come
emptie, but to be fraighted accordinge to theire ladinge
unlesse at £ 3
per tunn.

THE whole bodie of this Assembly takinge into theire consideration the best means to animate & encourage such marchants as adventure hither for the supply of this colony and that they may have such convenient fraights as may induce them to continew theire

trade with us and

divers other shipps cominge.

almost emptie into this colony havinge either altogeadischardged theire ladinge in other parts

ther or

have yet obteyned full fraight of tobacco

occasion of enhanseinge the rates of tunnage and fraight to the great prejudice of this colony; It is therefore ordered that no shipps or vessels be permitted to have any more fraight here then quantitie of theire Quanity and goods imported in the said shipps, or otherwise except freight. those said shipps cominge wholly unladen or in part will accept of fraight of tobacco at 3 £ per tunn.

rates of



rates that they bought the same, to the great prejudice Ingrossers) of the inhabitants here, It is ordered and enacted, That defined. what person or persons soever shall buy any shoos, Irish stockings, course wollen stuffs, servants shirts or course lynnen to make shirts, or sheets for servants, or course wollen clothes for fittinge for servants apparell, and afterwards doe sell the same at dearer rates than he bought the same, shall be judged, reputed and taken an unlawful ingrosser and ingrossors, and shall receive such punishment as is appoynted by the statutes and the lawes of England. Neverthelesse, this act any thinge Act not to therein conteyned shall not preiudice any marchant or other that shall buy any of the goods aforesaid for any planter in any remote plantation, haveing under the hands of the planters there to buy any of the goods aforesaid for theire uses, and to take such allowance as they can agree, provided that he buy no more than he hath order to buy, and that such goods soe bought be onlie and meerelie necessarie for the use of that plantation.

extend to

certain per


Former act repealed.

Duty on every ship, payable in pow der and shot.


An act made to repeale the 24th act made the 4th day of September 1632 and for the shipps to pay powder and shott to the fort.

FOR divers considerations it is thought fill and soe ordered, That the 24th act made the 4th of September, 1632, be repealed and stand voyd, and this ensuinge act be instead thereof in full force and power.

Be it therefore enacted by the authoritie of this present Grand Assembly, That every shipp cominge out of the ocean unto the habour at Poynt Comfort, in dischardge of all payments and duties there for the said shipp, shall pay one quarter of a pound of powder and shott proportionably for every tunn of burthen that the said shipp is And the commander of the ffort at Poynt Comfort shall hereby have power to require and take the same.

By whom col- of lected.

[blocks in formation]


An act to repeale the 25th act made the 4th of September 1632, and that Hempe and Flaxe be planted.

IT is ordered, That the 25th act made the 4th day of September 1632 be repealed and voyd. And that every planter as soone as he may, provide seede of flaxe and hempe and sowe the same.


An act against Transportation of Cowes and Female

WHEREAS it doth appeare that the late preservation of female neate catle within this colony hath much encreased the nomber of them and inritcht this colony, and the continewance thereof yet for a tyme will much encrease the nomber of them further; It is ordered, That no cowes, heifers, or female catle be transported to any other parts of the government of this colony now established, upon the forfeiture of the catle soe transported, or the true value of them, the one halfe of which forfeiture shall be to the informer, and the o

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