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A monthly fast esta

BE it enacted by the Governour, Counsell and Burgesses of this present Grand Assembly for God's glory blished. and the publick benefitt of the collony, to the end that God might avert his heavie judgments that are now vpon vs, That the last Wednesday in every month be sett apart for a day of ffast and humiliation, And that it be wholy dedicated to prayers and preaching, And because of the scarcity of pastors, many ministers have

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ing charge of two cures, Be it enacted, That such a minister shall officiate in one cure vpon the last Wednesday of everie month; and in his other cure vpon the first Wednesday of the ensuing month. And in case of haveing three cures, that hee officiate in his third cure vppon the second Wednesday of the ensuing month, which shall there be their day of fast, That the last act made the 11 of January, 1641, concerning the ministers preaching in the fore-noon and catechiseing in the afternoon of every Sunday be revived and stand in force, And in case any minister do faile so to doe, That he forfeit 500 pound of tobaccoe to be disposed of by the vestrey for vse of the parish.


THAT everie minister shall reside and abide within his cure to perform such acts of his callinge (vizt.) baptize weak infants, to visit the sick and all other actions which pertain to his ministerial function, vpon penalty as aforesaid.


THAT where it soe falls out that any minister have induction into two or more cures farr distant one from another, what eby one cure must necessarily be neg lected, It shall be lawfull for the parishioners of such a cure, to make vse of any other minister as a lecturer to babtize or preach, Provided it be without prejudice or hinderance to the incumbent that first had his induction. And that the priviledge shall be allowed to all other parts inconvenient and dangerous for repaire to the parish church.


THAT the eighteenth day of April be yearly cele brated by thanksgivinge for our deliverance from the bands of the Salvages.


THAT the election of every vestry be in the power of the major part of the parishoners who being warned will appear to make choice of such men as by

pluralitie of voices shall be thought fitt, and such warninge to be given either by the minister, churchwardens or head comissioners.


THAT whereas the church-wardens have been very negligent in the execution of their duties and of fice, The county courts shall hereby have power to call them into question, And if just cause be, to punish or fine them as the offence shall deserve.

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Prohibition against deserting plantations that

The Governor, counsell and Burgesses of this present Grand Assembly haveing maturely weighed and considered the exreame prejudice which will necessarily ensue to the collony by deserting of plantations have been which are now seated, or since the 20th of November seated. last have been seated, have enacted, And by the authoritye of the same be it enacted, That it shall not be lawfull for any person holding land by patent or who soe hath held land since the 20th of November last, voluntarily to leave the same vpon penaltie of fforfeiture thereof, so as it may be lawfull for any person whatsoever to take vp the same by patent as land deserted, And if any lessee shall in like sorte voluntarily relinquish land leased to him, it shall be lawful for any person to enter vpon the same and have the benefitt thereof vnles the patentee will seate or cause the same to be seated, provided that he that hath the patent of the land so deserted by the proprietor, or enters vpon any leased lands, do forthwith seat the same with a competent number of men, arms and amunition.

And it is further enacted by the authoritie aforesaid, Persoas deThat it shall not be lawfull for any person so desert- serting their ing his plantation as aforesaid to burne any necessary plantations not to burn houseing that are scituated therevpon, but shall receive the houses, so many nailes as may be computed by 2 indifferent & to receive men were expended about the building thereof for full as many nails satisfaction, reservinge to the King all such rent as did pended in accrew by vertue of the former grants or planting of the same from the expiration of the first seaven years.

as were ex

building it.

Certain counties associated to carry on the war against the Indians.

Council of


Their power.

How punished for abuse of power.

Every 15 tithables to furnish a soldier for carrying on the war on the north side of the river.

Who are

deemed tithables.

Penalty for concealing tithables.

When the council of war may press men.


BE it enacted by the Governour, Counsell and Bur gesses of this Grand Assembly that the three countys of Isle of Wight, Vpper Norff: and Lower Norff: shall prosecute the enemie and defend those parts from Vpper Chipoaks downewards by constant marches vpon the Indians, And the inhabitants of Lawnes Creeke vpwards to the falls on the south side of the river shall do the like from the Vpper Chipoaks to the vtmost extent on that side. And that the Leifts. and deputy Leifts. or the major part of them be the counsell of warr of the aforesaid associating countys and limitts vnder the Governour and Counsell; And that the warr be managed equallie and proportionably, respect being had to the frontiers, And that the same counsell of warr shall have power to leavie such and soe manie men, arms, ammu nition and other necessaries as emergencie of occasions shall require, And in case of any of the said Leifts. or deputy Leifts. shall abuse their trust, And just complaint made thereof, that they shall be subject to punishment by the Governour and Council or general Assembly, And that the election of the comanders in cheife be from time, to time referred to the Governour and Council, And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that for the manageing the warr on the north side of the river, That evrie 15 tithable persons shall sett forth, compleatly furnish and maintain, one soldier, vntil such time as the Governour and Council shall find cause to increase or diminish the number; And because there shall be no scruplé or evasion who are and who are not tithable, It is resolved by this Grand Assembly, That all negro men and women, and all other men from the age of 16 to 60 shall be adjudg ed tithable: And in case any person or persons within their familys, that such delinquents shall forfeit double pay for everie tithable person soe concealed; And where ffifteen are joyned to set forth one and cannot agree amongst themselves, That in such case the council of warr shall press whom they shall think fitt, And whereas some difference may arise concerning the pay of the soldier so sett out, It shall be lawfull for the 14 to compound and agree with him as they and he shall think fitt, And in case of disagreement that then the counsell of warr shall allow the soldier such satisfacti

ou from the 14 as to them shall seem convenient, And the said counsell of warr shall have power to arme the soldier with all necessaries out of the said fifteen men, provided that the soldier be responsible for his arms (in case he shall negligently loose or spoyle them) out of his sallary, And to avoid all doubts and controversies that may arise in case of the death of any such soldier, whether he be servant or other, Be it enacted by the authoritie aforesaid that any soldier so slayne in the service his whole yeares sallary shall be due if he were hired for so long time as he did serve, and the remainder by a publique leavie, And in case he be only sick, maymed or hurt, that then the county of which he went to pay for his cure to the chirurgion that shall be imployed about him, And if it so fall out that a diminution of the armes shall be expedient, That then the least number maintaining a soldier shall be first releiv


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Three forts

to be built.

Fort Royal.
Fort Char's.

Fort James.

Pay of work. men.

Be it also enacted that there be three fforts erected, one at Pomunkey to be called Fort Royal; another to the Falls of James River to be called ffort Charles, and the third on the Ridge of Chiquohomine, and to be called Fort James, and that carpenters and other necessarie handicraft men for and about the said worke be pressed at the rate of 7 pound of tobacco per diem for conveniencie of retreate and other occasions, The comanders of the fforts to be appointed by the Governour and Council; And in case an expedition to Pomonkey or any other northerly part of the collony do require it, that the severall commanders with the companies shall joyn by a comand from the Governour and Council to prosecute the said warr, and leaving a sufficient strength at each ffort, and in case they shall not be thought a sufficient company so joyned as aforesaid, That the Governour and Council shall have power to raise either men, horses, armes, amunition or provison as they shall think fitt or expedient for the service, And because it is an vndisputable truth, that the service of some Indians either of Achomack or Rappahannock be treated with and entertained for the further discovery of the enemie, Be it also further enacted, That the comanders in cheife receive for their year's sallary as a cers.

Governor and council may

raise men.

Pay of offi

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