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thorizing to what value comissioners are to trye, be and remaine in full force and vertue, any thing contained to the contrary notwithstanding.


WHEREAS many fines are laid on offenders and noe emolument accrues to the publique: Therefore be it enacted by this Grand Assembly, That all ffines made in the county courts de futuro be delivered to the militia of the county to be disposed of in amunition for the good of the county excepting such ffines as are allready disposed of by former acts.


This act not to affect jurisdiction of a single magis


Fines imposed in county priated to purchase of for the militia.

courts appro


For improving the staple of

tob. Seconds or slips not to be tended.

WHEREAS it hath bin taken into serious consideration and debate for the bettering our, (indeed) only comodity tobacco for the benefit both of planter & merchant both equally complaining of its low and contemptible rate, and no expedient found butt lessening the quantity and mending the quality, Wee this present Grand Assembly finding all other stints inconsistent with the good of his collony, Maryland remaining a distinct government: Doe therefore hereby enact Penalty that what person or persons soever shall after publication of this act tend, suffer or cause to be tended any tobacco commonly called seconds and slips shall for so doing pay 2000 lb. of tobacco, one halfe to the informer and the other halfe to the militia to be disposed for amunition for that county where the offence shall be committed, and likewise, That all sherriffs and collectors have a speciall care in receiveing the leavie tobacco without more then its proportion of ground leaves to receiving ground and in case of difference, the next comissioner to ap- leaves. point two sufficient men to view the tobacco, and vpon their report to the said comissioners either to take it or proceed to distresse as in case of non-payment.


How appro


Sheriffs and

collectors to

be careful as

WHEREAS there are many places destitute of Preamble ministers, and like still to continue soe, the people content not payinge their accustomed dues, which makes

All the coun

ded into pa


Parish levy 15 lb. tobacco

them negligent to procure those which should teach and instruct them, soe by this improvident saveing they loose the greatest benefitt and comfort a Christian can have, by hearing the word and vse of the ties to be divi- blessed sacraments, Therefore be it enacted by this present Grand Assembly, That all countys not yet laid out into parishes shall be divided into parishes the next county court after publication hereof, and that all tithable persons in every parish within this collony ́respectively, in the vacancy of their minister, pay 15 lb. of tobacco per poll yearly, and that tobacco to be de; posited in the hands of the comissioners of the severall counties, to be by them disposed of in the first place for the building of a parish church, and afterwards the surplusage thereof (if any be) to go towards the purchaseing of a gleab and stock for the next minister that shall be settled there: Provided that the vestrys of the severall parishes be responsible for the said tobacco so leavied.

per poll for building

churches and purchasing a glebe and stock for the minister.

Vestries responsible for the tobacco levied.



WHEREAS l'rs. of administration are suddenly obtained and the estate as suddenly disposed of vnder pretence of greatest creditor or neerest kin, whereby often times those that are really so, the one is defrauded of his just debt, and the other barred of his right and interest, the estate being imbezilld before either can have notice, Therefore be it enacted by this present Grand Assembly, That no administrations be contrations to be firmed vntill the third quarter, court be past, except the widow, and then it speedily to be granted vpon her request, or vpon the request of the next kin; and for takeing care of the deceased estate vntil the time above limitted, be referred to the comissioners of the county where the deceased dyed.

No admnis

confirmed till after the 3d qr. court except to the widow and next of kin.

Order of

That all debts that are brought in and proved may paying debts. be paid according to priority in law, and debts to be paid proportionably if equall.

Estate, when

to be sold at auction.

That the estate may be sold at an outcry where there is not sufficient assetts, if the creditor shall require it

That none have their quietus est vnder a year and a Quietus, when day after the confirmation of the administration.

If any administrator be of no kin and have assets, that all the estate left after debts be paid, be imployed in the county where he lived for setting vp of manufactures or for other publique vses, the administrator being paid his reasonable charges and for his paines.

This act shall be of noe force or effect vntil the 24th of June next, which will be in the yeare of our Lord 1656.

Surplus estate
after payment
employed in
&c. if the
kin to the in-

of debts to be

adm'r be of no


Commencement of act.


BE it enacted by this Grand Assembly that if any runnaway servant offend the second time against the act in March, 1642, concerning runnaway servants that then he shall onely be branded with the letter R and passe vnder the statute for an incorrigible rogue, but also double his time of service so neglected, and soe likewise double the time that any time afterwards he shall neglect, and in some cases more if the comissioners think fitt: Aud be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that he or she that shall lodge or harbour any such runaways shall not only pay 20 lb. of tobacco per night but also 40 lb. of tobacco per day as long as they shall be proved to entertaine them, contrary to an act of Assembly in March, 1642, relateing to hired servants.

[blocks in formation]


WHEREAS it is much to be doubted, That the Preamble. comon enemie the Indians, if opportunity serve, would suddenly invade this collony to a totall subversion of the same, and whereas the only means for the discovery of their plotts is by allarms, of which no certainty can be had in respect of the frequent shooting of gunns in drinking, whereby they proclaim, and as it were, justifie that beastly vice spending much powder in vaine, that might be reserved against the comon enemie, Be it therefore enacted that what person or No guns to persons soever shall, after publication hereof, shoot be shot ex

cept at mar

riages & fu

any gunns at drinkeing (marriages and ffuneralls onely nerals, under excepted,) that such person or persons so offending shall forfeit 100 lb. of tobacco to be levied by distresse in case of refusall and to be disposed of by the militia in amunition towards a magazine for the county where the offence shall be comitted.

penalty of 100 lb. of tobacco.

Comm'rs. or justices of

the peace to be recommended by the court and

appointed by the gov, and council.

Inhabitants of

the colony beers of vessels exempted from castle duties.

ing sole own

Western and inland Indians having seated themselves

near the falls

of James ri



BE it enacted by this present Grand Assembly that noe person or persons, for the future, be admitted to be a comissioner for any county court whatsoever, but such as shall be desired by the court and appointed by the Governour and Councill.


FFOR the encouragement of trade be it enacted that all persons inhabiting in this collony, being sole owners of any vessell, shipp or barque, tradeing to any lawfull port whatsoever, be exempted from all castle duties but if any matter shall arise in question the oathes of the owners shall be required to make it appeare that they are such owners.


WHEREAS information hath bin given that many western and inland Indians are drawne from the mountaynes, and lately sett downe neer the falls of James river, to the number of six or seaven hundred, whereby vpon many severall considerations being had, it is conceived greate danger might ensue to this collony, This Assembly therefore do think fitt to resolve that these new come Indians be in noe sort suffered to seate themselves there, or any place near vs it haveing cost so much blood to expell and extirpate those perfidious and treacherous Indians which were there for merly, It being so apt a place to invade vs and within those lymitts which in a just warr were formerly conquered by us, and by vs reserved at the last conclusion Coll. Edward of peace with the Indians, In pursuance whereof therefore and due respect to our own safety, Be it enacted

Hill, with a

party of men,

directed to remove them

without making war,if possible, and to

require the assistance of the neighboring

Indians bound

by this present Grand Assembly, That the two vpper countyes, vnder the command of Coll. Edward Hill, do presently send forth a party of 100 men at least and that they shall first endeavour to remoove the said new come Indians without makeing warr if it may be, only in a case of their own defence, alsoe strictly requireing the assistance of all the neighbouring Indians to aid them to that purpose, as being part of the articles of by treaty. peace concluded with vs, and faileing therein to look duely to the safety of all the English of those parts by fixing of their arms and provideing ammunition, and that they have recourse to the Governour and Councill for further direction therein, And the Governour and Councill are desired to send messages to Tottopottomoy and the Chickahomynies and other Indians and to treate with them as they in theire wisdoms and discretions shall think fitt.


Gov. to send messengers to

Tottopottomoy and Chi

chahominy In


All free men

entitled to vote for burgesses.

their votes.

WHEREAS we conceive it something hard and vnagreeable to reason that any persons shall pay equall taxes and yet have no votes in elections, Therefore it is enacted by this present Grand Assembly, That soe much of the act for chooseing Burgesses be repealed as excludes freemen from votes, Provided all- How to give waies that they fairly give their votes by subscription and not in a tumultuous way, and it is further provided by this act that the rest of the act of March, 1654, concerning choosing Burgesses (this clause only excepted) be and remain in full force, any act provided to the contrary notwithstanding.



BEE it enacted, that there be 30 16. of tobacco per poll raised in every county respectively, for law. discharging of such debts as here are presented to the Governour and Council, to dispose of the same to the countrey creditors as also of the overplus (if any be) in case there be no Assembly called before the last of October next ensueing.

March 27, 1656.


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