THE HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF ROME. (CATALOGUE VOLUME I. PAGES 257–272. VOLUME III. PAGES 192, 193.) ARNOLD (Rev. Thomas, D.D.) The History of the later Roman Common- Geschichte der Römischen Literatur: Supplement-band. Die Christ 8vo. Carlsruhe, 1836, 1837. BECKER (W. A.) Gallus; or Roman scenes of the time of Augustus: with notes and excursus illustrative of the manners and customs of the Romans. Translated from the German by Frederick Metcalfe. 8vo. Lond. 1844. BORGHESE (Bartolomeo) Nuovi Frammenti dei Fasti Consolari Capitolini illustrati. 4to. Two parts in one volume. Milano, 1818-1820. CLINTON (Henry Fynes) Fasti Romani: the Civil and literary Chronology of Rome and Constantinople from the death of Augustus to the death of Justin II. Volume I. Tables. 4to. Oxford, 1845. DEMPSTER (Thomas) De Etruriâ Regali, libri septem. Opus posthuma, in duas partes divisum, nunc primum editi curante Thoma Coke. Fol. 2 Vols. Florentia, 1723. DENNIS (George) The Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria. 8vo. 2 Vols. Lond. 1848. DRUMANN (Wilhelm) Geschichte Roms, in seinem uebergange von der Republikanischen zur Monarchischen verfassung; oder Pompejus, Caesar, Cicero, und ihre zeitgenossen. Nach geschlectern und mit genealogischen tabellen. 8vo. 3 Vols. Königsberg, 1834. GRAY (Mrs. Hamilton) The History of Etruria: from the foundation of Tarquinia to the foundation of Rome; and thence to the general peace, Anno Tarquiniensis 839, B.C. 348. 12mo. 2 Vols. Lond. 1843, 1844. MICHELET (Jules) A History of the Roman Republic. Translated by Lond. 1847. William Hazlitt, Jun. 8vo. [Bogue's European Library, No. xvi.] MERIVALE (Rev. Charles) A History of the Romans under the Empire. Volumes I. II. 8vo. Lond. 1850. MILEY (Rev. John, D.D.) Rome as it was under Paganism, and as it became under the Popes. 8vo. 2 Vols. NIEBUHR (Berthold Georg) The History of Rome. Lond. 1843. Translated by William Smith, Phil. Dr., and Leonhard Schmitz, Phil. Dr. The Third Volume, containing the Index. 8vo. Lond. 1842. MODERN HISTORY. THE GENERAL HISTORY OF MODERN EUROPE. (CATALOGUE VOLUME I. PAGE 273. VOLUME III. PAGES 194–196.) THE ANNUAL REGISTER or a view of the History and Politics of the Years 1840-1849. Volumes LXXXII.-XCI. 8vo. Lond. 1841-1850. BERINGTON (Rev. Joseph) The Literary-History of the Middle-ages. 8vo. [Bogue's European Library, Vol. VII.] Lond. 1846. CRUSADES. Chronicles of the Crusades: being contemporary Narratives of the Crusade of Richard Coeur-de-Lion by RICHARD OF DEvizes and GEOFFREY DE VINSAUF; and of the Crusade of St. Louis (IX.) by the Lord JOHN DE JOINVILLE with illustrative notes and an index. Svo. [Bohn's Antiquarian Library, Vol. VI.] Lond. 1848. DUMAS (Alexandre) Celebrated Crimes. Containing the Borgias, the Countess of St. Geran, Jean of Naples, Nisida, the Marchioness of Brinvilliers, the Cenci, the Marchioness De Ganges, Karl Ludwig Sand, Vaninka, Urbain Grandier. 8vo. : [The Foreign Library, Parts v. vI.] Lond. 1843. ENCYCLOPEDIA METROPOLITANA. The Third Division: HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY. Volume V. 1842. Edited by the Rev. Henry John Rose, B.D. France -Germany-Spain-the Ottoman Empire-Ecclesiastical History -Britain-Helvetia-the Netherlands-Portugal-Italy-America. From the Seventeenth to the Nineteenth Century. GUIZOT (François André) The History of Civilisation, from the Fall of the Roman Empire to the French Revolution. Translated by W. Hazlitt, Jun. 8vo. 3 Vols. [Bogue's European Library, Nos. VIII. IX. X.] Lond. 1846. HALLAM (Henry) Supplemental Notes to the "View of the State of Europe during the Middle-ages." Svo. HEEREN (Arnold Hermann Ludwig) Historische Werke. Lond. 1848. Volumes VI. Göttingen, 1823, 1828, 1830. Andenken an Sechster Theil. Christian Gottlob Heyne, Biographisch dargestellt. Deutsche Historiker aus den letzten fünfzig jahren. Siebenter Theil. Handbuch der Geschichte der Staaten des Alterthums; mit besonderer rücksicht auf ihre verfassungen, ihren handel, und ihre colonien. Achter Theil-Neunter Theil. Handbuch der Geschichte des Europäischen Staaten, systems und seiner Colonieën, von seiner bildung seit der entdeckung beider Indien, HEEREN (Arnold Hermann Ludwig) bis zu seiner wiederherstellung nach dem fall des Französischen Kaiserthrons, und der Freiwerdung von Amerika. JOHNSTON (Alexander Keith, F.R.G.S.) An Atlas to "Alison's History of Europe," constructed and arranged under the direction of Mr. Alison: with a concise Vocabulary of Military and Marine terms. Oblong Octavo. Edinb. 1848. LANDON (Rev. Edward H.) A Manual of Councils of the holy Catholic Church. 12mo. Lond. 1846. A new general Ecclesiastical Dictionary. Volume I. 12mo. Lond. 1849. MACKINNON (William Alexander, F.R.S.) The History of Civilisation. 8vo. 2 Vols. Lond. 1846. MALLET DU PAN (Jacques) Mercure Britannique: ou notices historiques et critiques sur les affaires du tems. Aôut 1798-Mars 1800. 8vo. 5 Vols. Londres, 1799, 1800. MICHELS (Ovide Chrysanthe Des) A Manual of the History of the Middle-ages, from the invasion of the barbarians to the fall of Constantinople with genealogical tables of the imperial houses of Germany, of the three French dynasties, and of the Norman-Angevin Kings of England. Translated from the French by T. G. Jones. Small 8vo. Lond. 1841. MILLER (Rev. George, D.D.) History philosophically illustrated, from the Fall of the Roman Empire to the French Revolution. The Third edition, revised by the Author. 8vo. 4 Vols. Lond. 1848, 1849. PÜTZ (Wilhelm) A Hand-book of Modern Geography and History. Translated from the German by the Rev. R. B. Paul. 12mo. Lond. 1850. SCHLEGEL (Frederick Von) The Philosophy of History: in a Course of Lectures delivered at Vienna in 1828. Translated from the German, with a Memoir of the Author, by James Burton Robinson. Svo. [Bohn's Standard Library, No. IV.] Lond. 1847. [The A Course of Lectures on Modern History: to which are added Historical Essays on the beginning of our History and on Cæsar and Alexander. Translated by Lyndsey Purcell and R. H. Whitelock. 8vo. [Bohn's Standard Library, No. XLVI.] Lond. 1849. SCHLOSSER (F. C.) A History of the Eighteenth Century and of the Nineteenth, till the overthrow of the French empire: with particular reference to mental cultivation and progress. Translated, with a preface and notes, by David Davidson, M.A. 8vo. 6 Vols. Foreign Library, Parts VIII. X. XIII. XVI. XVIII. XXII. XXIV. XXVI. XXVIII. XXIX. XXXII. XXXIV.] Lond. 1843-1845. SISMONDI (J. C. L. SIMONDE DE) An Historical View of the Literature of Modern Europe. Translated from the original by Thomas Roscoe. The Second edition, including all the notes of the last Paris edition. 8vo. 2 Vols. [Bohn's Standard Library, Nos. v. vi.] Lond. 1846. SMYTH (William) Lectures on Modern History, from the irruption of the Northern nations to the close of the American Revolution. The Third edition. 8vo. 2 Vols. Lond. (Chiswick) 1841. Lectures on History. The Second and concluding series: on the French Revolution. The Second edition. 8vo. 3 Vols. Lond. (Chiswick) 1842. THE HISTORY OF BRITAIN. (CATALOGUE VOLUME I. PAGES 274-416. VOLUME III. PAGES 197–268.) GENERAL COLLECTIONS ILLUSTRATIVE OF BRITISH HISTORY. ANTIQUARIAN LIBRARY. The Antiquarian Library. Published by Henry G. Bohn. Volumes I.-XII. 8vo. Lond. I. VENERABLE BEDE'S ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY OF ENGLAND: also THE ANGLOSAXON CHRONICLE. Edited by J. A. Giles, D.C.L. 1847. II. Northern Antiquities. Translated from the French of PAUL Henri Mallet, by THOMAS PERCY, Bishop of Dromore. A new edition, revised throughout, and considerably enlarged. 1847. III. WILLIAM OF MALMESBURY'S CHRONICLE of the Kings of England, from the earliest period to the reign of King Stephen. Edited by J. A. Giles, D.C.L. 1847. IV. Six Old English Chronicles; of which two are now first Translated from the Monkish Latin originals. 1. The Chronicle of FABIUS ETHELWERD. II. Annals of the reign of KING ALFRED THE GREAT, by ASSER, Bishop of St. David's. III. GEOFFREY OF MONMOUTH's British History. IV. The Works of GILDAS, surnamed Sapiens, or the Wise. v. NENNIUS, his History of the Britons. VI. RICHARD OF CIRENCESTER, or the Ancient state of Britain. Edited by J. A. Giles, D.C.L. 1848. V. Specimens of Early English Metrical Romances. By GEORGE ELLIS. A new edition by J. O. Halliwell. 1848. VI. Chronicles of the Crusades: being contemporary Narratives of the Crusade of Richard Coeur-de-Lion by RICHARD OF DEVIZES and GEOFFREY DE VINSAUF; and of the Crusade of Saint Louis (IX.) by the Lord JOHN DE JOINVILLE: with illustrative notes and an index. 1848. VII. Early Travels in Palestine: comprising the Narratives of Bishop ARCULF, WILLIBALD, BERNARD the Wise, SEWULF, SIGURD the Crusader, Rabbi BENJAMIN of TUDELA, Sir JOHN MAUNDEVILLE, Bertrandon DE LA BROCQUIÈRE, and the Rev. HENRY MAUNDRELL. 1848. VIII. X. XII. Observations on the Popular Antiquities of Great Britain. By the Rev. JOHN BRAND, F.S.A. Arranged, revised, and greatly enlarged by Sir HENRY ELLIS, Sec. S.A. A new edition, with further additions. 3 Vols. 1849. IX. XI. ROGER OF WENDOVER's Flowers of History, comprising the History of England from the Descent of the Saxons to A.D. 1235, formerly ascribed to Matthew Paris. Translated from the Latin by J. A. Giles, D.C.L. 2 Vols. 1849. ENGLISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY: Established 1837. The Publications of The English Historical Society for Printing an accurate, uniform, and elegant Edition of the most valuable English Chronicles, from the earliest period to the reign of Henry VIII. lumes I.-XXVII. 8vo. Lond. A general Introduction, containing an account of the plan, formation, and proposed works of The English Historical Society. (Prefixed to the Publication of the Society, No. 1.) |