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ROBINSON (Rev. Edward, D.D.) Bibliotheca Sacra: Tracts and Essays connected with Biblical Literature and Theology. 8vo. New York and London, 1843.

TAYLOR (Charles) Calmet's Dictionary of the Holy Bible, with the "Fragments" incorporated: the whole condensed and arranged in an alphabetical order, with numerous additions. The Ninth edition. Svo. Lond. 1845.

TYNDALE (William) Original Treatises and Introductions to different portions of the Holy Scriptures. 8vo. Cambr. 1848.

[Parker Society Publications, No. xxx.]


AKERMAN (John Yonge, F.S.A.) Historical Notes and Engravings of ancient Coins, illustrative of the Narrative portions of the New Testament. No. 1. 8vo.

Lond. 1844.

Numismatic Illustrations of the Narrative portions of the New Testament. 8vo.

Lond. 1845. CATCOTT (Rev. Alexander) A Supplement to "A Treatise on the Deluge." 8vo. [Bound with Catcott's " Treatise."] Bristol, 1768. CRELLIUS (Johannes) Opera omnia Exegetica: sive in plerosque Novi Testamenti libros Commentarii. Fol. Eleutheropoli, post Annum [Crellii Opera, Tom. 1.] Domini 1656.

Domini nostri Jesu Christi Novum Testamentum dilucida et succincta explicatione illustratum: partim per Johannem Crellium, partim per Jonam Sclichtingium, partim per Ludovicum Wolzogenium. [Crellii Opera, Tom. III.]

Fol. Eleutheropoli, 1656.

FLEMING (Rev. Robert) The Rise and Fall of Rome Papal. Reprinted from the First edition in 1701; with notes, preface, and a Memoir of the Author. 12mo. Lond. 1849. Commentaire Géographique sur l'Exode et les Paris et Leipzig, 1841.


Nombres. Fol. MANASSEH BEN ISRAEL (Rabbi) The Conciliator: or a Reconcilement of the apparent Contradictions in Holy Scripture. Translated from the Spanish, with Notes, by E. H. LINDO. 8vo. 2 Vols. Lond. 5602 (1842.)

Lond. 1846.

OSBURN (William, Jun.) Ancient Egypt: her Testimony to the Truth of the Bible. 8vo. ROBINSON (Rev. Edward, D.D.) Biblical Researches in Palestine, Mount Sinai, and Arabia-Petræa:- Travels undertaken in reference to Biblical Geography, by E. Robinson and E. Smith. 8vo. 3 Vols.



Lond. 1841. RUTH: Liber Ruth, cum Commentario Rabbinorum Aben Melech, Abendanae, Jarchi, Aben Ezrae, et observationibus Masorethicis, Hebraicè et Latinè secundum editionem J. CARPZOV. 12mo. [Bound with Borhaneddin—“ Enchiridion Studiosi."] Batavorum.1710. SCLICHTINGIUS (Jonas-De Bukowiec) See also CRELLIUS. Commentaria posthuma in plerosque Novi Testimenti libros. Fol. Two Volumes in one. Irenopoli, post Annum Domini 1656.

SMITH (James, F.R.S.) The Voyage and Shipwreck of St. Paul: with Dissertations on the sources of the Writings of St. Luke.

Svo. Lond. 1848.

TYNDALE (William) Expositions and Notes of sundry portions of the
Holy Scriptures. Svo.
Cambr. 1849.

[Parker Society Publications, No. XXXVII.]

WILLIAMS (Rev. George) The Holy City. Historical, topographical, and antiquarian notices of Jerusalem. The Second edition, with additions, including an Architectural History of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, by the Rev. ROBERT WILLIS. 8vo. 2 Vols. Lond. 1849. WOLZOGENIUS (Johannes Ludovicus) See also CRELLIUS. Commentaria in plerosque Novi Testamenti libros. Fol. 2 Vols. Irenopoli, post

Annum Domini 1656.



ADLER (Rev. Nathan Marcus, Phil. Dr.) Form of Service at the Great Synagogue, London, on Wednesday, July 9th, 5605 (1845), at the Installation of the Rev. N. M. Adler as Chief Rabbi of the United

Congregations of the Jews of Great Britain. 8vo. Lond. (1845.) [Folio Tracts relating to the Jews, Art. 25.]

A Sermon delivered by the Rev. N. M. Adler, at the Great Synagogue, on the occasion of his Installation into office as Chief Rabbi of Great Britain. Translated from the German by BERNARD VAN OVEN, M.D. 8vo. Lond. 1845. [Folio Tracts relating to the Jews. Art. 26. Tracts by Dr. Loewe, etc. Art. 5.]

The Jewish Faith: A Sermon delivered in the Great Synagogue, Duke'splace, Sabbath, 24th Shevat, 5608 (January 29th, 1848). 8vo. Lond. 1848. [Folio Tracts relating to the Jews, Art. 31. Tracts by Dr. Loewe, etc. Art. 6.]

BENJAMIN OF TUDELA. The Itinerary of Benjamin of Tudela. Translated by A. ASHER. 12mo. 2 Vols. London and Berlin, 1840-41.

The Travels of Rabbi Benjamin of Tudela: A.D. 1160—1173. 8vo. [Bohn's Antiquarian Library, Vol. vii.] Lond. 1848. BENISCH (Dr. A.) Two Lectures on the Life and Writings of Mai

monides; delivered at the Jews' and General Literary and Scientific Institution. 8vo. [Tracts by Dr. Loewe, etc. Art. 7.] Lond. 1847. LEVINSOHN (J. B.) Efés Dammim: a series of Conversations at Jerusalem, concerning the malicious charge against the Jews of using christian blood. Translated by Dr. L. Loewe. 8vo. Lond. 1841. LINDO (E. H.) The History of the Jews in Spain and Portugal, from the earliest times to their final expulsion from those kingdoms, and their subsequent dispersion; with complete Translations of all the Laws made respecting them. 8vo. Lond. 1848.

LOEWE (Dr. L.) A Discourse delivered in the Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Synagogue, in Bevis-Marks, on the 2nd day of Passover in the year 5602 (March 27th, 1842.) 8vo.

[Tracts by Dr. Loewe, etc. Art. 1.]


A Discourse delivered in the Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Synagogue on the day of the Funeral of H.R.H. the Duke of Sussex, the 4th of Iyar, 5603 (May 4th, 1843.) 8vo. [Tracts by Dr. Loewe, etc. Art. 2.] Lond.

The York Medal; or the supposed Jewish Medal found at York, deciphered. 8vo. [Tracts by Dr. Loewe, etc. Art.3.] Lond. 1843.

MANASSEH BEN ISRAEL. The Conciliator: or a Reconcilement of the apparent Contradictions in Holy Scripture. Translated from the Spanish, with notes by E. H. LINDO. 8vo. 2 Vols. Lond. 5602 (1842.)

MISCHNA. Eighteen Treatises from the Mischna. Translated by the Rev. D. A. DE SOLA, and the Rev. J. M. RAPHALL. 8vo. Lond. 1843. NIETO (Rev. David) The Rod of Judgment; being a Supplement to the Book Kuzari, which demonstrates, by natural inferences, the truth of the Oral Law. Translated by Dr. L. LOEWE. Svo. Lond. 1845. [Tracts by Dr. Loewe, etc. Art. 4.]

PRAYERS. Occasional Forms of Prayer recited in the Synagogues of Great
Britain, on various days appointed to be observed as Thanksgivings or
Fasts. 8vo.
Lond. 5607-5601 (1841-1847).

[Folio Tracts relating to the Jews, Arts. 16-20, 24, 25, 27-30.]


THE APOSTOLICAL CONSTITUTIONS; or Canons of the Apostles in Coptic, with an English Translation by HENRY TATTAM, D.D. 8vo. Lond. [Oriental Translation Fund Publications, No. LXXv.]

THE TWO LITUurgies, a.d. 1549, and a.d. 1552, with other Documents set forth by authority in the reign of King Edward VI. 8vo. Cambr. 1844.

[Parker Society Publications, No. xiv.]

LITURGIES AND OCCASIONAL FORMS OF PRAYER, set forth in the reign of Queen Elizabeth.


[Parker Society Publications, No. xxvi.]

Cambr. 1847.

Liturgia Britannica; or the several Editions of the Book of Common Prayer of the Church of England, with the Liturgy set forth for the use of the Church of Scotland, arranged to show their respective variations. By the Rev. WILLIAM KEELING. 8vo. Lond. 1842.

THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER AND ADMINISTRATION OF THE SACRAMENTS, etc., with such of the Sunday Lessons as are taken from the Old Testament, with Notes by SIR JOHN BAYLEY. 8vo. Lond. 1824. OCCASIONAL FORMS OF PRAYER ordered to be read in the Churches of Great Britain, on various days appointed by authority to be observed as Thanksgivings or Fasts. Small 4to. and 8vo. Lond. 1840-1849.

WHEATLY (Rev. Charles) A rational Illustration of the Book of Common

Prayer. 8vo.

Another Edition.


[Bohn's Standard Library, No. xxxv.]

Oxf. 1846. Lond. 1848.

RELIQUIE LITURGICE. Documents connected with the Liturgy of the Church of England, exhibiting the substitutes that have been proposed for it at home, and the alterations made in the adaptation of it for other Churches. Edited by the Rev. Peter Hall. Square 16mo. Bath, 1847.

5 Vols.

Volume I. The Middleburgh Prayer-book, 1586. II. The Scottish Prayer-book, 1637. III. The Parliamentary-Directory, 1644. IV. The Savoy-Palace Liturgy, 1661. V. The American Prayer-book, 1786.

FRAGMENTA LITURGICA. Documents illustrative of the Liturgy of the Church of England; exhibiting the several emendations of it, and substitutions for it, that have been proposed and partially adopted. Edited by the Rev. Peter Hall. Square 16mo. 7 Vols. Bath, 1848. Volume I. The Puritan Prayer-book. The New Prayer-book of Scotland, 1644. The Communion Office of Edward VI. Bishop Rattray's Liturgy of Jerusalem, 1744. II. Stephens' Liturgy of the Ancients, and of the Ancient Christians, 1696. Scougall's Aberdeen Cathedral Service. Deacon's Litany and Prayers, 1797. III. Whiston's Primitive Liturgy, 1713. IV. Henley's Liturgy of the Oratory, 1727. V. The Non-jurors' Offices, 1718. The Scottish Communion Offices, 1724, 1818. Bishop Skinner's Aberdeen Prayers, and Forms of Prayer and Thanksgiving, 1795, 1812. VI. Deacon's Devotions, 1734. VII. The Dunkirk Prayer-book, 1791.

ARNOLD (Rev. Thomas, D.D.)

A Fragment on the Church. 8vo. Lond. 1844. CARDWELL (Rev. Edward, D.D.) Synodalia; a collection of Articles of Religion, Canons, and Proceedings of Convocations in the Province of Canterbury, from 1547 to 1717, with notes. 8vo. 2 Vols. Oxf. 1842. DANISH CHURCH. The Order that the Churche and congregation of Chryste in Denmark, and in many places of Germany, doth use; not only at the Holy Supper of the Lorde, but also at the ministracion of the blessed Sacrament of Baptisme and Holy Wedlocke. Set forth by Myles Coverdale. 8vo. Cambr. 1844.

[Parker Society Publications, No. xv.] DURHAM PRIORY, A Description or briefe Declaration of all the ancient Monuments, Rites, and Customes, belonginge or beinge within the Monastical Church of Durham before the suppression. Written in 1593. Svo. [Surtees Society Publications, No. xv.] Lond. 1842. GOODWIN (Rev. James) An Account of the Rites and Ceremonies which took place at the Consecration of Archbishop Parker, with an introductory preface and notes. 4to. Cambr. 1841.

[Cambridge Antiquarian Society, No. III.]

HALL (Rev. Peter) The Harmony of Protestant Confessions. Translated
from the Latin. 8vo.
Lond. 1842.
LOBERA (Antonio) El Porque de todas Ceremonias de la Iglesia y sus
Mysterios. En forma de Dialogo. 4to.
Barcelona, 1760.


PALMER (Rev. William) A Supplement to the first three editions of the "Origines Liturgica," comprising the additions made in the fourth. 8ro. Lond. 1845. PASSION-WEEK. Solemnities for Passion-Week: from original Manuscripts. (Supplement to "The Anglo-Saxon Church History," by the Rev. H. Soames.) Lond. 1844. A Glossary of Ecclesiastical Costume and Ornament, compiled and illustrated from ancient authorities and examples. 4to.

PUGIN (Augustus Welby)


Lond. 1844.

ROBINSON (David) Remarks on the Ecclesiastical Condition of the United Kingdom. 8vo. London (Bury St. Edmund's) 1837. SCOTTISH CHURCH INTRUSION QUESTION. Cases and Pleadings, Debates and Speeches; Memorials, Letters, and Miscellaneous Pamphlets; published concerning the Questions of Patronage, Intrusion, and the Veto-Act, in the Church of Scotland. 8vo. 12mo. etc. 19 Vols. Edinburgh, London, etc., 1835-1843. TRACTS FOR THE TIMES. By Members of the University of Oxford. 8vo. 6 Vols. Lond. 1834-1841. An Index to " Tracts for the Times," with a Dissertation. By the Rev. DAVID CROLY. 8vo. Oxf. 1842. Episcopal Charges, Sermons, and Miscellaneous Pamphlets, published concerning the Ceremonies and Doctrines contained in the Tracts for the Times." 8vo. 12mo. etc. 10 Vols. London, Oxford, etc. 1841-1844. TRENT COUNCIL. Acta Concilii Tridentini, anno 1562 usque ad finem Concilii; et alia multa circa dictum Concilium fragmenta; à Gabriele, Cardinale PALEOTTO descripta. Nunc primum in lucem vindicata è codice Ms. Edente Josepho Mendham. 8vo. Lond. 1842. WEBB (Rev. Benjamin) An Argument for the Greek Origin of the Monogram I.H.S. 8vo. [Cambridge Camden Society.] Cambr. 1841.


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A LIBRARY OF THE FATHERS of the holy Catholic Church, anterior to the division of the East and West. Translated by Members of the English Church: with notes and indices. 8vo. Oxford.

Part I. S. AUGUSTINE: Confessions, revised from a former Translation by the Rev. E. B. Pusey, D.D., with Illustrations from S. Augustine himself. 1838.

II. S. CYRIL: Catechetical Lectures.




IV. V. S. JOHN CHRYSOSTOM: Homilies on the First Epistle to the Corinthians.
VI. A Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians; Homilies on the Epistle to

the Ephesians.


VII. Homilies on the Epistle to the Romans.


VIII. S. ATHANASIUS: Select Treatises in Controversy with the Arians. Vol. I.


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