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AGASSIZ (Louis) Bibliographia Zoologiæ et Geologia: a general Cata-
logue of all Books, Tracts, and Volumes on Zoology and Geology.
Corrected, enlarged, and Edited by H. E. Strickland, F.G.S. Volumes
I. II. 8vo.
Lond. 1848, 1850.

[Ray Society Publications, Nos. XIII. XVIII.] BARBIER (Antoine Alexandre) Dictionnaire des Ouvrages Anonymes et Pseudonymes, composés, traduits, ou publiés en Français et en Latin ; avec les Noms des Auteurs, Traducteurs et Éditeurs: accompagné de notes historique et critique. Séconde édition, revue, corrigée, et considérablement augmentée. 8vo. 4 Vols. A Paris, 1822-1825. BOOTH (Thomas) A Catalogue of Angling-Books. (Piscatorial Reminiscences and Gleanings by an Old Angler and Bibliopolist.) 8vo.

Lond. 1835. BOTFIELD (Beriah) Notes on the Cathedral-Libraries of England. 8vo. Lond. (Chiswick) 1849.

BRUNET (Jacques Charles) Manuel du Libraire et de l'Amateur de Livres. Quatrième édition originale: entièrement revue par l'Auteur, qui y à refondu les nouvelles recherches deja publiées par lui en 1834, et un grand nombre d'autres recherches qu'il à faites depuis. 8vo. Five Volumes in Ten. A Paris, 1842-1844. CLARKE (John) Bibliotheca Legum: or a complete Catalogue of the Common and Statute Law-Books of the United-Kingdom, with an account of their dates and prices, arranged in a new manner. 8vo. Lond. 1819. DE MORGAN (Augustus) Arithmetical Books, from the Invention of Printing to the present time: being brief notices of a large number of works drawn up from actual inspection. Lond. 1847. DOUGLAS (James, M.D.) Bibliographiæ Anatomicæ Specimen: sive Catalogus omnium penè Auctorum, qui ab Hippocrate ad Harveum rem Anatomicam ex professo, vel obiter, scriptis illustrarunt; opera singulorum, et inventa juxta temporum seriem complectens. 8vo. Londini, 1715.


DUCLOS (Abbé Charles Pinot) Dictionnaire Bibliographique, historique, et critique des Livres rares, singuliers, curieux, estimés et recherches, qui n'ont aucun prix fixe, soit imprimés, et qui ont paru successivement de nos jours avec leur valeur. 8vo. 4 Vols.

A Paris, 1791, 1802.

EBERT (Frederick Adolphus)

A general Bibliographical Dictionary. Translated from the German. 8vo. 4 Vols. Oxford, 1837. GAMBA (Bartolommeo) Serie dei Testi di Lingua Italiana, e di altri esemplari del bene scrivere: opera nuovamente rifatta, e divisa in due parti. Parte 1. sono descritte le migliori edizioni di tutte le opere citati nel Vocabolario degli Accademici Della Crusca. Parte 2. sono registrate le migliori edizioni di altre opere, opportune allo studio della lingua. 4to. Venezia, 1828.

HAJI KHALFA. Lexicon Bibliographicum et Encyclopædicum à Mustafa Ben Abdallah, Katib-Jelebi dicto, et nomine Haji Khalfa celebrato compositum. Latinè vertit, et commentario indicibusque instruxit Gustavus Fleugel. Volumes I.-V. 4to. Leipzig and Lond. 1835-1850. [Oriental Translation Fund Publications, Nos. XLIV. LXVI. LXX. LXXVI. LXXVII.]

HALLIWELL (James Orchard, F.R.S., F.S.A.) popular English Histories. 8vo.

Descriptive notices of
Lond. 1848.

[Percy Society Publications, No. LXXIX. Vol. 23.]

Notices of Fugitive Tracts and Chap-books, printed at Aldermary Churchyard, Bow Church-yard, etc. 8vo.

[Percy Society Publications, No. LXXXIII.]

Lond. 1849.

HARTSHORNE (Rev. Charles Henry) The Book-rarities of the University of Cambridge: illustrated by original letters, and notes biographical, literary, and antiquarian. 8vo. Lond. 1829. MAC CULLOCH (J. R.) The Literature of Political-Economy: a classified Catalogue of select publications in the several departments of that science; with historical, critical and biographical notices. 8vo.

Lond. 1845. MICHEL (Francisque) Bibliothèque Anglo-Saxonne. 8vo. Paris, 1837. OETTINGER (Edouard Marie) Bibliographie Biographique: ou Dictionnaire de 26,000 Ouvrages, tant anciens que modernes, relatifs à l'histoire de la Vie publique et privée des Hommes célèbres de tous les temps et de toutes les nations. 8vo. Leipzic, 1850.

PEIGNOT (Gabriel) Essai de Curiosités Bibliographiques. 8vo. A Paris, An XIII. 1804. PERCHERON (A.) Bibliographie Entomologique. Square 8vo. 2 Vols. A Paris, 1837. QUÉRARD (J. M.) La Littérature Française Contemporaine: 1827— 1844 le tout accompagné de Biographies, et de notes historiques et littéraires, par MM. Charles Louandre et Félix Bourquelot. Tomes I. II. 8vo. Paris, 1840-1846. Les Supercheries Littéraires Dévoilées: Galerie des Auteurs Apocryphes, supposés, déguisés, plagiaires, et des Éditeurs infidèles de la Littérature Française pendant les quatres derniers siècles: ensemble les industriels littéraires et les lettres qui se sont anoblis à notre époque.

2 Vols.


Paris, 1847.

RICH (0.) Bibliotheca Americana Nova: a Catalogue of Books relating to America in various languages; including Voyages to the Pacific and Round the World, and Collections of Voyages and Travels printed since the year 1700. Volume II. 1701-1844. 8vo.

Lond. 1846.

RIEFFENBERG (- Baron De) Annuaire de la Bibliothèque Belgique. Première, deuxième, et troisième Année. Square 12mo. 3 Vols. Bruxelles et Leipzig, 1840-1842. RIMBAULT (Edward F., LL.D.) Bibliotheca Madrigaliana: a Bibliographical account of the Musical and Poetical Works published in England during the 16th and 17th centuries, under the titles of Madrigals, etc. 8vo. Lond. 1847. SPAIN. Boletin Bibliografico Español y Estrangero: comprende las obras folletos, y periodicos, que salen a luz en España, y las principales publicaciones del estrangero; los Grabados, litografías y cartas-geográficas; los libros antiguos y raros; libros de lance; anuncios diversos de imprenta y libreria. Por D. Dionysio Hidalgo. 8vo. 6 Vols. Madrid, 1840-1845. STATIONERS' COMPANY. Extracts from the Registers of The Stationers' Company of Works entered for Publication, between the years 1557 and 1570, and 1570 and 1587; with notes and illustrations by J. Payne Collier, F.S.A. 8vo. 2 Vols. Lond. 1849.

[Shakespeare Society Publications, Nos. XXXVIII. XL.] WHITING (John) A Catalogue of Friends' Books: written by many of the people called Quakers, from the beginning or first appearance of that people. Collected for a general service. Svo. Lond. 1708. WOODWARD (Samuel) The Norfolk Topographer's Manual: being a Catalogue of the Books and Engravings hitherto published in relation to the County. The whole revised and augmented by W. C. Ewing. Lond. (Great Yarmouth) 1842.






VOLUME III. PAGES 343, 344.)

BRITISH MUSEUM. A Catalogue of the Manuscript Music in The British
Museum. (By SIR FREDERICK MADDEN.) Printed by order of the
Trustees. 8vo.
Lond. 1842.

Select Papyri in the Hieratic-character from the collections of The
British Museum: Part II. Plates XXXV-XCVIII. containing Anastasi
Papyri, Numbers 1-4. Papyri in Hieroglyphic and Hieratic cha-
racters, from the collection of the Earl of Belmore.

Lond. 1842, 1843.

DEE (Dr. John) Catalogus Librorum (Manuscriptorum)


externæ Mortlacensis Doctoris Johannis Dee, anno 1583, 6to Septem-
bris. From the original Manuscripts in the Ashmolean Museum at
Oxford, and Trinity College Library, Cambridge. Edited by J. O.
Halliwell, F.R.S. Small 4to.
Lond. 1842.

[Camden Society Publications, No. xIx.]

Oxf. 1840.

DOUCE (Francis, F.R.S., F.S.A.) A Catalogue of the Printed-books and
Manuscripts bequeathed by F. Douce, Esq. to The Bodleian Library.
GOODWIN (Rev. James) Evangelia Augustini Gregoriana: an historical
and illustrative description of the Manuscripts Nos. CCLXXXVI. and
CXCVII. in the Parker Library of Corpus-Christi College, Cambridge.
Cambr. 1847.


[Cambridge Antiquarian Society Publications, No. XIII.] HALLIWELL (James Orchard, F.R.S., F.S.A.) A Catalogue of the "Codex Holbrookianus." Not published. 8vo.

[Halliwell's Tracts, Art. 2.]

Lond. 1840.


Observations on the contents of the " Speculum Christiani," and on its real Author. From the "Archæologia," Volume xxix. [Antiquarian Tracts, Art. 5.]

Lond. 1842.


A Catalogue of the Books bequeathed to Corpus-Christi College, Cambridge, in A.D. 1439, by Thomas Markaunt, with their Prices; transcribed from a contemporary register on vellum in the Library of that College, with explanatory and historical observations. [Cambridge Antiquarian Society Publications, No. xiv.] Cambr. 1847. HUNTER (Rev. Joseph, F.S.A.) English Monastic Libraries. 1. A Catalogue of the Library of the Priory of Bretton. 2. Notices of Libraries

belonging to other Religious-houses. A Tract. 4to. Lond. 1831. LAMBETH ARCHIEPISCOPAL LIBRARY. A Catalogue of the Archiepiscopal Manuscripts in the Library at Lambeth Palace; with an account of the Archiepiscopal Registers and other records preserved there. By the REV. HENRY JOHN TODD, Keeper. Privately printed. Folio.' Lond. 1812. An account of Greek Manuscripts, chiefly Biblical, which had been in the possession of the late Professor Carlyle; the greater part of which are now deposited in the Archiepiscopal Library at Lambeth Palace. By the REV. H. J. TODD. Privately printed. 8vo. Lond. 1823. LAURENTIAN LIBRARY, Florence. Bibliothecæ Leopoldina: sive Supplementi ad Catalogum codicum Græcorum, Latinorum, Italicorum, etc. Bibliothecæ Laurentianæ. ANGELUS MARIA BANDINIUS recensuit, illustravit, edidit. Folio. 3 Vols. LEE (John, LL.D., F.R.S.) A descriptive Catalogue of Oriental Manuscripts purchased in Turkey. A Tract. Privately printed. 4to. Lond. 1840. SAINT JOHN'S COLLEGE LIBRARY, CAMBRIDGE. A descriptive Catalogue of the Manuscripts and scarce Books, in the Library of St. John's College, Cambridge. By the REV. MORGAN COWIE. 4to. Cambr. 1842, 1843.


[Cambridge Antiquarian Society Publications, Nos. VI. VIII.]

SAINT MARK'S LIBRARY, VENICE. Græca D. Marci Bibliotheca codicum Manuscriptorum, per titulos digesta. Edidit ANTONIUS MARIA ZANETTI, Bibliothecæ Custos, et Antonius Bongiovanni. Folio.

Venetiis, 1740.

Latina et Italica D. Marci Bibliotheca codicum Manuscriptorum, per titulos digesta. Edidit A. M. Zanetti. Folio. Venetiis, 1741.






ASIATIC SOCIETY. A Catalogue of the Chinese Library of The Royal Asiatic Society. By the REV. SAMUEL KIDD. A Tract. 8vo.

Lond. 1838. ASTOR LIBRARY, New York. An Alphabetical Index to the Astor Library, or Catalogue with Short Titles, of the Books now collected, and of the proposed Accessions as submitted to the Trustees of the Library for their approval, January 1851. 8vo. New York, 1851. ATHENEUM CLUB. A Catalogue of the Library of The Athenæum. Printed for the Members. Svo. Lond. 1845.

A Supplement to the Catalogue of the Library of The Athenæum, printed in 1845; with a classified Index of Subjects. 8vo. Lond. 1851. BODLEIAN LIBRARY, Oxford. Catalogus Librorum Impressorum Bibliothecæ Bodleianæ in Academiâ Oxoniensi. Folio. 3 Vols. Oxonii, 1843. Catalogus Impressorum Librorum quibus aucta est Bibliotheca Bodleiana, annis MDCCCXXXV-MDCCCXLVII. Folio. Oxonii, 1851.

(Lond. 1850.)

A Catalogue of the Printed Books and Manuscripts bequeathed by Francis Douce, Esq. to The Bodleian Library. Folio. Oxf. 1840. BRITISH MUSEUM. See also GRENVILLE LIBRARY. A Catalogue of the Printed Books in The British Museum. Printed by order of the Trustees. Volume I. containing Rules for the Compilation of the Catalogue: A to AZZURINUS. Small Folio. Lond. 1841. CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Regulations of the Library of The Chemical Society, with a Catalogue of the Books. A Tract. 8vo. CITY OF LONDON LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTION. A Catalogue of the Library of The City of London Literary and Scientific Institution, Aldersgate-street: September 1841. A Tract. 8vo. Lond. CORK LIBRARY. A Classified Catalogue of the Books in The Cork Library; with an Index of Authors' Names and the Rules of the Society. Svo. A Tract. Cork, 1843. EAST INDIA COMPANY. A Catalogue of the Library of The East India Company. 8vo. Lond. 1845. GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. A Catalogue of the Books and Maps in the Library of The Geological Society of London. 8vo. Lond. 1846. GRENVILLE LIBRARY. Bibliotheca Grenvilliana: or bibliographical notices of rare and curious Books, forming part of the Library of the Right. Hon. Thomas Grenville. By JOHN THOMAS PAYNE and HENRY Foss. 8vo. 2 Vols. Lond. 1842.

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