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SOUTHEY (Thomas)



Lond. 1842.

Zealand; South-Africa, British-India, Peru, Chile, La Plata, and the United States of America: with some account of the Goat's-wool of Angora and India. Lond. 1848. TATE (William) The Modern Cambist; forming a Manual of Foreign Exchanges-with various formulæ of Foreign Weights and Measures, compared with the Imperial Standards. The Fourth edition, with extensive alterations and additions. TOOKE (Thomas, F.R.S.) An Inquiry into the Currency-principle; the connection of Currency with Prices, and the expediency of a separation of Issue from Banking. The Second edition. Lond. 1844. A History of Prices, and of the state of the Circulation, from 1839 to 1847, inclusive: with a general review of the Currency-question, and remarks on the operation of the Act 7 and 8 Vict. c. 32:-being a Continuation of the "History of Prices," from 1793 to 1839. Svo. Lond. 1848. WAKEFIELD (Edward Gibbon) A View of the Art of Colonisation, with present reference to the British Empire: in Letters between a States. man and a Colonist. Edited by one of the Writers. 8vo.


Lond. 1849. WALKER (John and Charles) A Mercantile Chart exhibiting the Fluctuations of the Prices of Consols, Exchequer-bills, Foreign-Exchanges, and the principal articles of Commerce in London during the last seven years, 1834 to 1839. A whole sheet Engraving with text. Lond. WOOL. The propriety of allowing a qualified Exportation of Wool, discussed historically. 8vo. [Agricultural Tracts, Art. 4.] Lond. 1782. ZULUETA (Pedro De, Jun.) The Trial of Pedro De Zulueta, Jun. on a Charge of Slave-trading, on the 27th, 28th, and 30th of October, 1843, at the Central-Criminal Court, Old Bailey: with an Address to the Merchants of Great Britain, and documents illustrative of the same. 8vo. Lond. 1844. COMMERCIAL DIRECTORIES. The Post-Office London Directory. For the years 1842, 1844, 1846, 1848, 1850. Svo.


A Supplement to The Post-Office London Directory for 1850: containing a Peerage and Parliamentary Directory, with a complete Postal Directory, corrected to the date of publication. 8vo.




WETENHALL'S COURSE OF THE EXCHANGE. Prices of Shares in Canals, Railways, Dock-stocks, Assurance-Companies, etc. the series published by James, and James B. Wetenhall, 1811 to 1850. Fol. Lond. CUSTOMS-LIST. Customs, London: Imports, Exports, and Shipping; including Liverpool, Bristol, and Hull. Published by George Plank. 1848 to 1850. Small Folio.


DOCK AND CANAL LIST. The Original Dock and Canal List, with the Course of Exchange; conducted by Moses Montefiore: from Jan. 18th, 1806, to Dec. 31st, 1816. Small Folio. 11 Vols.



FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL RECORD. The Financial and Commercial Record: Course of the Exchange, and Prices of Government-Funds, etc. etc. By Jonah Smith Wells & Son: for 1820 and 1821. Small Folio. 2 Vols.

INDIAN MAIL. Commenced May 9th, 1843.


Allen's Indian Mail: a Register of Intelligence for British and Foreign India, China, and all parts of the East: published on the arrival of each Overland-mail. From the commencement to 1850. 4to. 8 Vols. Lond.

INDIAN NEWs. Commenced June 11th, 1840.

The Indian News and Chronicle of Eastern affairs. Published on the arrival of each Overland-mail. From the commencement to 1850. Small Folio. 10 Vols.

Lond. LONDON IMPORT AND EXPORT LIST: from No. 11. Jan. 13th, 1808, to Dec. 31st, 1817. Small Folio. 10 Vols. Lond. LONDON PRICE-CURRENT. The New London Price-Current: from Jan. 3rd, 1806, to Volume 40 of "The London Price-Current, originally The New London Price-Current," published July 27th, 1821. Folio and Quarto. 15 Vols. Lond.

PRINCE'S PRICE-CURRENT, united with The London Price-Current: from Volume 45, Aug. 3rd, 1821, to Volume 68, 1850. Quarto and Folio. 23 Vols. Lond. THE LONDON MERCANTILE JOURNAL : containing_Prices-current in the United Kingdom, Foreign-markets, British and Foreign Funds, Cornmarkets, etc. From No. 25, June 19th, 1832, to Dec. 31st, 1833. Folio. Two Volumes in one.



THE RAILWAY CHRONICLE: Joint-Stock Companies' Journal: Register of Traffic, Shares, Engineering-improvements, and all matters connected with Railways; Assurance and Steam-navigation Companies, Banks, Canals, Docks, Mines, etc. From the commencement, Jan. 4th, 1845 to 1850. 4to. 7 Vols. Lond. THE MONEY-MARKET EXAMINER AND RAILWAY REVIEW. From the commencement, Dec. 2nd, 1848, to 1850. Small Folio. 2 Vols. Lond. RAILWAY INTELLIGENCE: published half-yearly; under the sanction of the Committee of the Stock-Exchange. Compiled from official-returns by Mihill Slaughter. Numbers I. II. April 1849 to March 1850. 4to.



LLOYD'S LISTS of Shipping: from Jan. 17th, 1806, to Dec. 1850. 4to. 44 Vols. Lond.

GENERAL POST-OFFICE PACKET-BOAT LIST: from Jan. 18th, 1806, to Dec. 29th, 1817: also 1848, 1849. Small Folio. 12 Vols. Lond. GENERAL SHIPPING AND COMMERCIAL LIST: from Jan. 18th, 1806, to Dec. 31st, 1817. Small Folio. 12 Vols. Lond.

STOCK-LIST. The London Stock and Share List: by F. A. Helps. 1847 to 1850. Small Folio.


TRADE-LIST, and Weekly Register of the Customs and Parliamentaryaccounts, from Volume VII. 1829 to Volume XV. 1837. 9 Vols.



Trade-List and Mincing-lane Price-Current. This name was substituted for the preceding, July 31st, 1838, No. 812 of the original publication, 1838-1850. Fol. 13 Vols. Lond.

THE POOR-LAWS AND CONDITION OF THE POOR-PRISON DISCIPLINE. A Report to Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the HomeDepartment from the Poor-Law Commissioners, on an Inquiry into the Sanitary-condition of the Labouring-population of Great Britain: with appendices. Presented to both Houses of Parliament, July, 1842. Svo.


Lond. 1842.

Local Reports on the Sanitary-condition of the Labouring-population of
England. 8vo.
Local Reports on the Sanitary-condition of the Labouring-population of
Scotland. 8vo.
Lond. 1842.

A Supplementary Report on the results of a special Inquiry into the practice of Interment in Towns: made at the request of Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Home-Department, by EDWIN CHADWICK. Presented to both Houses of Parliament. 8vo. Lond. 1843. Reports of the Special-Assistant Poor-Law Commissioners on the Employment of Women and Children in Agriculture. 8vo. Lond. 1843.

DIXON (Hepworth) The London Prisons:-to which is added a description
of the chief Provincial Prisons. 8vo.
Lond. 1850.
OSCAR, Crown Prince of Sweden and Norway. On Punishments and
Prisons. Translated from the Second Swedish edition, by Alfred
May. 8vo.
Stockholm, 1842.



PAGES 49-64. VOLUME III. PAGES 35-42.)


ABERCROMBIE (John, M.D.) Inquiries concerning the Intellectual-powers and the Investigation of Truth. The Tenth edition. 12mo.

Lond. 1840. BARLOW (Rev. John) On Man's power over himself to prevent or control Insanity. 8vo. ["Small Books on great subjects," No. 111.] Lond. 1843. BISHOP (Daniel) An Introduction to the Study of the Mind: designed especially for the senior classes in schools. 8vo. Lond. 1849. BJÖRNSTJERNA (Count M.) The Theogony of the Hindoos; with their systems of Philosophy and Cosmogony. 8vo. Lond. 1844. BOOLE (George) The Mathematical Analysis of Logic: being an Essay towards a Calculus of Deductive-Reasoning. 8vo. Cambr. 1847. BOUCHER DE PERTHES (J.) De la Création: Essai sur l'Origine et la progression des Etres. 12mo. 5 Vols. Paris, 1841. BRAY (Charles) The Philosophy of Necessity: or the law of consequences as applicable to mental, moral, and social science. Svo. 2 Vols. Lond. (Coventry) 1841. COMBE (George) The Constitution of Man considered in relation to external objects. The Seventh edition, revised, corrected, and enlarged. 12mo. Edinb. 1836. COMTE (M. Auguste) Cours de Philosophie-Positive:-comprenant la Philosophie-Mathématiques-la Philosophie-Astronomique-la Philosophie de la Physique-la Philosophie-Chimique-la Philosophie-Biologique-la Philosophie-Sociale. 8vo. 6 Vols. Paris, 1830-1842.

COUSIN (Victor) Elements of Psychology: included in a critical Examina-
tion of Locke's "Essay on the Human Understanding :" with additional
pieces. Translated with an introduction and notes by C. S. Henry,
D.D. The Third edition. 12mo.
New York, 1842.
DE MORGAN (Augustus) Formal Logic: or the Calculus of Inference neces-
sary and probable. 8vo.
Lond. (Chiswick) 1847.
HERVEY (John, First Baron) Remarks on "The Minute Philosopher" (by
Dr. George Berkeley, Bishop of Cloyne): in a Letter from a Country-
Clergyman to his Friend in London. Svo.
Lond. 1732.

KNIGHT (Richard Payne) An Analytical Inquiry into the Principles of
Taste. The Second edition. Svo.

Lond. 1805.

LISLE (DE SALES) Jean-Baptiste Isoard De) De la Philosophie de la Nature; ou Traité de Morale pour l'espèce Humaine: tiré de la Philosophie, et fondé sur la Nature. Troisième édition, et la seule conformé au manuscrit original. A Londres (Paris) 1777. LEUBUSCHER (Dr. Rudolph) Ueber die Wehrwölfe und Thierwandlungen im Mittelalter: ein beitrag zur geschichte de Psychologie. 8vo.


Berlin, 1850. MAURICE (Rev. Frederick Denison) Moral and Metaphysical Philosophy. [Encyclopædia Metropolitana, Pure Sciences, Volume 11.]



Thoughts on the Mental-Functions: being an attempt to treat Metaphysics as a branch of the Physiology of the Nervous-system. Part I. 8vo. Edinb. 1843. MILL (John Stuart) A System of Logic; ratiocinative and inductive: being a connected view of the principles of Evidence and the methods of scientific investigation. 8vo. 2 Vols. Principles of Political-Economy; with some of their applications to Social-Philosophy. 8vo. 2 Vols.

Lond. 1843.

Lond. 1848. MILLER (Rev. George, D.D.) History Philosophically illustrated. 8vo. 4 Vols. Lond. 1848, 1849. MOORE (George, M.D.) The Power of the Soul over the Body, considered in relation to health and morals. The Second edition.

The Use of the Body in relation to the Mind. The Second edition. 12mo.


Lond. 1845.

Lond. 1847.

Man and his Motives. The Second edition. OKEN (Lorenz, M.D.) Elements of Physiophilosophy. the German by Alfred Tulk. 8vo.


Lond. 1849.

Translated from
Lond. 1847.

[Publications of The Ray Society, No. x.]

POWELL (Rev. Baden, F.R.S.) The Connexion between Natural and Divine
Truth; or the study of the Inductive Philosophy considered as sub-
servient to Theology. 8vo.
Lond. 1838.

On necessary and contingent Truth: considered in regard to some primary principles of mathematical and mechanical science. Read before The Ashmolean Society of Oxford, June 4th, 1849. 8vo. Oxford. [Papers of The Ashmolean Society.]

REID (Rev. Thomas, D.D.) The Works of Thomas Reid, D.D. now fully collected with selections from his unpublished Letters; a Preface, Notes, and supplementary Dissertations by Sir William Hamilton, Bart. and Stewart's account of the Life and writings of Reid, with notes by the Editor, prefixed. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1846. RITTER (Dr. Heinrich) The History of the Ancient Philosophy. Trans. lated from the German by Alexander J. W. Morrison. 8vo. 4 Vols. Oxford and London, 1839-1846. SCHLEGEL (Frederick Von) The Philosophy of History: in a course of Lectures delivered at Vienna in 1828. Translated from the German, with a Memoir of the Author, by James Burton Robinson. The Fifth edition, revised. Lond. 1847.


[Bohn's Standard Library, Vol. iv.]

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