HUMBOLDT (Alexander Von) Aspects of Nature in different lands and different climates; with scientific elucidations. Translated by Mrs. Sabine. 8vo. 2 Vols. Lond. 1849. JENYNS (Rev. Leonard, F.L.S.) Observations in Natural-history: with an introduction on habits of observing as connected with the study of that science also a Calendar of Periodic-phenomena in Naturalhistory. 12mo. Lond. 1846. LEFÉBURE (L.F.H.) Essai sur l'Organisation du Monde physique et moral: par L. L***, Auteur de "L'Étude analytique de l'Eloquence." 8vo. A Commercy, 1806. LINNEAN SOCIETY. Translations of The Linnean Society of London. Volumes XIX. XX. 4to. Lond. 1842-1847. MEISSNER (P. T.) Anfangsgründe des Chemischen theiles der Naturwissenschaft. 8vo. Five Volumes in Nine. Wien, 1819-1833. OKEN (Lorenz, M.D.) Elements of Physiophilosphy. Translated from the German by Alfred Tulk. 8vo. [Ray Society Publications, No. x.] Lond. 1847. ORBIGNY (Charles D') Dictionnaire Universel d'Histoire-Naturelle, ré- RAY SOCIETY. Instituted February 2nd, 1844. 1845. I. Reports on the Progress of Zoology and Botany: 1841-1842. 8vo. 1845. II. A Monograph of the British Nudibranchiate Mollusca, with Figures of all the Species. By JOSHUA ALDER and ALBANY HANCOCK. 4to. III. Memorials of John Ray: consisting of his Life by Dr. Derham; Biographical and critical notices by Sir J. E. Smith, Cuvier, and Dupetit Thouars; with his Itineraries, etc. Edited by Edwin Lankester, M.D., F.R.S. 8vo. 1845. IV. On the Alternation of Generations; or the propagation and development of Animals through alternate generations. By JOHAN IAPETUS S. STEENSTRUP. Translated from the German version of C. H. Lorenzen by George Busk. 8vo. 1845. V. A Monograph of the British Nudibranchiate Mollusca. Part II. 4to. 1846. VI. Reports and Papers on Botany. 8vo. 1846. VII. Outlines of the Geography of Plants. By J. F. MEYEN, M.D. Translated by Margaret Johnson. 8vo. 1846. VIII. The Organisation of Trilobites deduced from their living affinities; with a systematic review of the species hitherto described. By HERMANN BURMEISTER, M.D. Edited from the German by Professor Bell, F.R.S., and Professor E. Forbes, F.R.S. 4to. 1846. IX. A Monograph of the British Nudibranchiate Mollusca. Part III. 4to. 1847. X. Elements of Phisiophilosophy. By LORENZ OKEN, M.D. Translated from the German by Alfred Tulk. 8vo. 1847. XI. Reports on Zoology for 1843, 1844. Translated from the German by George Busk, Alfred Tulk, and Alexander H. Halliday. 8vo. 1847. RAY SOCIETY. XII. A Monograph of the British Naked-eye Medusa, with Figures of all the species. By EDWARD FORBES, F.R.S., F.L.S., F.G.S. 4to. 1848. XIII. Bibliographia Zoologiæ et Geologiæ: a general Catalogue of all Books, Tracts, and Volumes, on Zoology and Geology. By LOUIS AGASSIZ. Corrected, enlarged, and Edited by H. E. Strickland, F.G.S. Volume I. 1848. XIV. The Correspondence of John Ray: consisting of Selections from the Philosophical Letters published by Dr. Derham, and of Original Letters in the collection of The British Museum. Edited by Edwin Lankester, M.D., F.R.S. 8vo. 1848. XV. A Monograph of the British Nudibranchiate Mollusca. Part IV. 4to. 1848. XVI. Reports and Papers on Botany. Edited by Arthur Henfrey, F.L.S. 8vo. 1850. XVII. The Natural-history of the British Entomostraca. By W. BAIRD, M.D., F.L.S. 8vo. 1850. SCHWAN (Dr. T.) Microscopical Researches into the accordance, structure, [Sydenham Society Publications, No. xv.] STILLINGFLEET (Benjamin) Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Naturalhistory, Husbandry, and Physick. The Fourth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1791. STRZELECKI (P. E. De) A Physical-description of New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land: accompanied by a Geological Map, sections, and diagrams; and figures of the Organic-remains. 8vo. Lond. 1845. TOWNSON (Robert, LL.D.) Tracts and Observations in Natural-history and Physiology. 8vo. Lond. 1799. WATERTON (Charles) Essays on Natural-history, chiefly Ornithology. First and Second series, with an Autobiography of the Author. 8vo. 2 Vols. Lond. 1844. GEOLOGY. THE NATURAL-HISTORY OF THE EARTH-SYSTEMS AND MANUALS OF GEOLOGY: INCLUDING VOLCANOES AND EARTHQUAKES, ROCKS AND MOUNTAINS, AND LOCAL-GEOLOGY. AGASSIZ (Louis) Études sur les Glaciers. 8vo. Neuchatel, 1840. Études sur les Glaciers: Atlas de Planches: Dessinés d'apres nature, et Lithographiés par Joseph Betannier. Folio. Neuchatel, 1840. Bibliographia Zoologiæ et Geologia: a general Catalogue of all Books, Tracts, and volumes, on Zoology and Geology, corrected, enlarged, and edited, by H. E. Strickland, F.G.S. Volume I. 8vo. Lond. 1848. [Ray Society Publications, No. XIII.] ANSTED (David Thomas, F.R.S., F.G.S.) Geology: scriptive, and practical. 8vo. 2 Vols. introductory, deLond. 1844. The Geologist's Text-book: chiefly intended as a book of reference for the Geological student. 8vo. The Ancient World: or picturesque sketches of Creation. ARAGO (D. F.) Liste des Volcans actuellement enflammés. du Bureau des Longitudes, 1824: Pages 167-189.] Lond. 1845. Lond. 1845. 12mo. BUCKLAND (Rev. William, D.D.) Vindicia Geologica: or the connexion of Geology with Religion explained, in an Inaugural Lecture delivered before the University of Oxford, May 15th, 1819, on the Endowment of a Readership in Geology by the Prince Regent. 4to. Oxford, 1820. CATCOTT (Rev. Alexander) A Supplement to a Book entitled "A Treatise on the Deluge." 8vo. [Bound with Catcott's " Treatise."] Bristol, 1768. CERASO (Francesco) L'opre stupende e maravigliosi eccessi dalla natura prodotti nel Monte Vesuvio della Città di Napoli. Small 4to. [Bound with Perotti " Discorso Astronomico."] In Napoli, 1632. CUVIER (Georges, Baron) Discours sur les Révolutions de la Surface du Globe; et sur les changemens quelles ont produits dans le règne animal. 4to. A Paris, 1826. DARWIN (Charles) The structure and distribution of Coral-reefs: being the First part of the Geology of the Voyage of "The Beagle" during the years 1832 to 1836. 8vo. Lond. 1842. Geological observations on the Volcanic-Islands visited during the Voyage of H.M. Ship "Beagle;" together with some brief notices of the Geology of Australia and the Cape of Good Hope: being the Second part of the Geology of the Voyage. 8vo. Geological observations on South-America: being the Third part of the Geology of the Voyage. 8vo. Lond. 1844. Lond. 1847. DAUBENY (Charles Giles Bridle, M.D., F.R.S.) A description of Active On the Site of the ancient City of the Arunci; and on the Volcanic phenomena which it exhibits: with some remarks on Craters of elevation; on the distinction between Plutonic and Volcanic rocks; and on the Theories of Volcanic-action which are at present most in repute. 8vo. [Papers of the Ashmolean Society.] Oxf. 1846. DOUGLAS (Rev. James) A Dissertation on the Antiquity of the Earth. Read at The Royal Society, May 12th, 1785. 4to. DUFF (Patrick) A Sketch of the Geology of Moray. 8vo. Lond. 1785. Elgin, 1842. DUNN (Matthias) An historical, geological, and descriptive, view of the Coal-trade of the North of England: to which are appended a concise notice of the peculiarities of certain Coal-fields in Great Britain, and a general description of the Coal-mines of Belgium. 8vo. Upsala, 1772. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1844. EARTH: (Werlds Beskrifning.) Almänn eller Mathematisk beskrifning om Jordklotet; med cosmographiska sällskapets bifall författad af FREDRIC MALLET. I. Delen. 8vo. Physisk beskrifning öfver Jord-klotet; pä cosmographiska sällskapets vägnor författad af TORBERN BERGMANN. II. Delen, förra bandet. (Andere uplagan.) 8vo. Upsala, 1773. Physisk beskrifning öfver Jord-klotet-författad af Torbern Bergmann. II. Delen, senare bandet. 8vo. (Andere uplagan.) Upsala, 1774. Verlds-beskrifningens Tredje Del; om Folkslagens seder och lynne. Pä cosmographiska sällskapets ästundan: författad af STEPHAN INSULIN. 8vo. Strengnäs, 1772. FERBER (John James) An abstract of Mr. J. J. Ferber's "Mineralogical History of Bohemia," published in German at Berlin in 1774. By By R. E. Raspe. 8vo. Lond. 1777. [In Raspe's Translation of Baron Born's Travels, Pages 229-320.] FORBES (James D., F.R.S., F.G.S.) Travels through the Alps of Savoy, and other parts of the Pennine-chain; with observations on the phenomena of the Glaciers. 8vo. Edinb. 1843. GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Transactions of The Geological Society of London. The Second series. Volumes VI. VII. 1841-1846. 4to. Lond. Proceedings of The Geological Society of London. Volumes III. IV. 1841-1845. 8vo. Lond. The Quarterly Journal of The Geological Society: Edited by the ViceSecretary. From the commencement, February 1st, 1845, to 1850. 8vo. 6 Vols. Lond. GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF MANCHESTER. Transactions of The Geological Volumes I.-IV. 1844-1850. 8vo. Paris. Paris. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF GREAT BRITAIN. Memoirs of the Geological- 8vo. Division de la Terre en Régions Géographiques, d'après les "Éléments de Géologie" de M. D'Omalius D'Halloy: Atlas. 8vo. Paris, 1839. HAMILTON (Sir William, F.R.S.) Euvres complettes (sur les Volcans de l'Italie, etc.) Commentées par M. l'Abbé Girard-Soulavie. 8vo. A Paris, 1781. HITCHCOCK (Edward, LL.D.) Elementary Geology. The Second edition. With an introductory notice by John Pye Smith, D.D., F.R.S., F.G.S. New York, 1841. HOPKINS (Evan, F.G.S.) On the connection of Geology with TerrestrialMagnetism. 8vo. Lond. 1844. JOBERT (A. C. G.) The Philosophy of Geology. The Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1847. 12mo. JOHNSON (Walter S.) A Report to the Navy-department of the United- JOHNSTON (James F. W., F.R.S.) Lectures on Agricultural Chemistry and Geology. 8vo. Edinb. (Durham) 1841-1844. LONDON GEOLOGICAL JOURNAL. The London Geological Journal and Record of Discoveries in British and Foreign Palæontology: from the commencement, September 1846. Nos. I.-III. 8vo. Lond. Luc (Jean Antoine De) Lettres physique et morale sur l'Histoire de la Lond. 1845. Principles of Geology. The Seventh edition, entirely revised. 8vo. Lond. 1847. 12mo. 2 Vols. Lond. 1849. A Second Visit to the United-States. MAC CULLOCH (John, M.D., F.R.S.) A description of the Western Islands of Scotland, including the Isle of Man; comprising an account of their Geological structure, etc. 8vo. 2 Vols. Lond. 1819. Volume Third containing Plates and Maps, with explanations. 4to. Lond. 1819. MANTELL (Gideon Algernon, LL.D., F.R.S., F.G.S.) Geological Excursions in the Isle of Wight, and along the adjacent coast of Dorsetshire : illustrative of the most interesting Geological phenomena and Organicremains. 8vo. Lond. 1847. The Wonders of Geology. The Sixth edition. 8vo. 2 Vols. Lond. 1848. MURCHISON (Sir Roderick Impey, F.R.S., F.G.S.) An outline of the Geology of the neighbourhood of Cheltenham. A new edition, augmented and revised by James Buckman, F.G.S., and H. E. Strickland, F.G.S. 8vo. Lond. (Cheltenham) 1845. The Geology of Russia in Europe and of the Ural Mountains. By R. I. Murchison, Edward De Verneuil, and Count Alexander Von Keyserling. 4to. 2 Vols. London and Paris, 1845. MUSEUM OF PRACTICAL AND ECONOMIC GEOLOGY. See GEOLOGICALSURVEY OF GREAT BRITAIN-SOPWITH. PHILLIPS (John, F.R.S., F.G.S.) Memoirs of William Smith, LL.D., Author of the "Map of the Strata of England and Wales." 8vo. Lond. 1844. PORTLOCK (Capt. Joseph Ellison, F.R.S., F.G.S.) A Report on the Lond. 1825. SOCIÉTÉ GÉOLOGIQUE. See GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF FRANCE. SOLDANI (Abate Ambrogio) Saggio Orittografico, ovvero osservazioni sopra le Terre Nautilitiche ed Ammonitiche della Toscana. Con appendice, o indice Latino ragionato de' piccoli Testaceì, e d'altri Fossili d'origin marina per schiarimento dell'opera. 4to. In Siena, 1780. |